Ladies I tried to give the good news to someone today. I felt that I had to say something to this person. But I don't know if the message even got through please pray for this person (God knows who they are) that they're heart will be opened and they will receive Jesus as their Lord and savior Amen.

Dearest @Lucia

The 'seeds' of God's love shall not be uprooted which were planted in this dear ones heart.

They will indeed yield unto the love of God, heart, body and full soul. For this we thank God our Father in Heaven. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen
Hey ladies, I've been going through something heavy for quite some time. I feel like our family is under a curse, with 90% of the females in our family getting/have been molested. There's so much hurt, pain, jealousy, and secrets. I'm just under so much pressure in every area of my life: finances(been out of work for 5 years, have no idea what to do) family(my son has been having trouble with toileting because he has an over active bladder, and learning issues) relationship (so much heartbreak. I'm single now). I've been holding on by the skin of my teeth and the grace of God. Please pray for me, that God blesses me, and blesses me indeed so I may be a blessing to others.
Hey ladies, I've been going through something heavy for quite some time. I feel like our family is under a curse, with 90% of the females in our family getting/have been molested. There's so much hurt, pain, jealousy, and secrets.

I'm just under so much pressure in every area of my life: finances(been out of work for 5 years, have no idea what to do) family(my son has been having trouble with toileting because he has an over active bladder, and learning issues) relationship (so much heartbreak. I'm single now). I've been holding on by the skin of my teeth and the grace of God. Please pray for me, that God blesses me, and blesses me indeed so I may be a blessing to others.

:bighug: :grouphug2: :bighug:

Precious @whosthatcurl ... from the heart of God our Dear Father in Heaven:

My Dearest Most Precious Daughter... :love3:

There shall be showers of blessings softly raining upon you; to wipe away all tears and fears ending the doubts and troubles within.

My Darling Daughter, you are blessed, indeed.

Just receive it for you already believe it.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Hey ladies, I've been going through something heavy for quite some time. I feel like our family is under a curse, with 90% of the females in our family getting/have been molested. There's so much hurt, pain, jealousy, and secrets. I'm just under so much pressure in every area of my life: finances(been out of work for 5 years, have no idea what to do) family(my son has been having trouble with toileting because he has an over active bladder, and learning issues) relationship (so much heartbreak. I'm single now). I've been holding on by the skin of my teeth and the grace of God. Please pray for me, that God blesses me, and blesses me indeed so I may be a blessing to others.


You may want to print this out or copy paste into a doc cause its long!

Actually this is a side effect from someone in the family way back doing something or dipping into
occult practices. Even though you and others in your family may not even know what happened or why or don't even do that anymore It's not your fault it's a demonic stronghold.
demons latch onto people and families or bloodlines to be specific so the chain of oppression, depression, and lack molestationetc. Has to be broken it's not enough that the family has just stopped said practices it can still be passed down.

So it now is affecting everyone down the family line. Now you've recognized that something is wrong and now you must break that stronghold so the buck stops with you and goes no further.

I recommend a 3 day fast from 12 midnight to 12 pm the next day then you break the fast at after 12 pm with a light lunch then later a good dinner then rinse and repeat. Only wear light colored clothing beige or white no red, no grey, no black at all.

DO NOT under any circumstances eat any meat during these 3 days no beef no chicken and absolutely NO PORK!
If you want to know why pork is a No-no when fasting (we don't take pork or meat during lent) read

Matthew 8:28-34

And every day keep your home quiet no secular music no news no nothing only read the bible, prayer, quiet contemplation, and rest/sleep
The only music you should listen to when your praising at the end of each fast day is worship music whether it's gospel, gregorien chant new style Christian music. Although I must say that the older the music form the better it is at chasing away demonic influences the newer stuff alone is not so effective.
Turn your phones off no accidental gossiping or listening to other people's problems don't go to school work looking for work or shopping or paying bills take care of what you'll need beforehand your at not leave your home during this your on a mission.

**you will also do this for your son at the same time so everywhere it says me say us and full names the both of you at the start of the round of prayers.
He should fast to if he's old enough if not you take on the burden for him as his mother.

Before you begin renounce Satan and all his works and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Your son should repeat these words as well.

**This will work more effectively with holy water start with the OUR FATHER everyday then with your RIGHT HAND you make a cross on your fore-head and your sons head and get to praying. Everywhere you want a stronghold broken hold your RIGHT hand over it.
So in this case place your hand on your head first then your sons then both your hearts and then ahem over the private areas. Always you first then your son then when in praise phase at the end of the day's fasting bless those areas the same way.

When you are done with the deliverance prayer pray the 7 psalms of penitence
Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143

And then pick 7 psalms of praise
But make sure you include psalms 23, 150.

Now when your teaching your son about interacting with girls and women be extra cautious he must act and conduct himself above and beyond the norm because he will be tempted more than any other man who does not have this in his families history or Spiritual DNA.

Teach him from now that he should never advance on any girl especially not to touch anything that's not his. When he's older and pretty much a man and can handle a wife he should court not casually date or start hook ups and why it's wrong.
You Must start that training NOW on the level that he can handle then give more info details as he gets older. By the time he's a young man 16-17 he should now all of this.

If he's interested become her friend talk to her parents about formally pursuing her for marriage and when they are married and she has given him consent.
He can only court when he is ready for marriage period. You must hold him to this.
He is never entitled to anything ever and it doesn't matter how much money he's spent, if she's throwing herself at him or calling him ghey or a punk $&& or what his friends say or do.

Here's some links that you will watch so you know how to proceed and then he will watch with you as he gets a little older and can understand. It's like we tell little kids about strangers and be careful and no one has the right to touch them in certain areas and there are bad evil people who are sick and hurt children but not in a detailed or graphic way.
When your in praise mode each day bless your house or apt with holy water 4 corners, front and back doorways. Just sprinkle some in those areas with your right hand while telling the evil to go in Jesus name and Gods blessings and protections to come.

Here's the deliverance prayer read
It over before you actually do
The prayers.

I know this is LOOOOONG!
But each step is crucial.

Praying for you and your sons deliverance my sister in Christ and a change in your family tree Amen!
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Omgness, thanks @Lucia! I don't have any beige clothing and I only have one white dress (that I'm wearing today lol since I only wear skirts and dresses) so I'll get on that tomorrow when I get paid. I don't eat any meat besides fish, is that okay? And where do you get holy water from? My son is only 6 so he's not old enough to accept responsibility like that yet. And I think my aunt used to do tarot cards but I'm not quite sure since I blocked large parts of my childhood out.
Omgness, thanks @Lucia! I don't have any beige clothing and I only have one white dress (that I'm wearing today lol since I only wear skirts and dresses) so I'll get on that tomorrow when I get paid. I don't eat any meat besides fish, is that okay? And where do you get holy water from? My son is only 6 so he's not old enough to accept responsibility like that yet. And I think my aunt used to do tarot cards but I'm not quite sure since I blocked large parts of my childhood out.


For this kind of fasting
White is the best choice it doesn't have to be fancy just modest loose fitting and covered for you and your son. It could be white tee shirt and lounge pants for him skirt or dress for you.
Fish is OK.
So you as the adult and parent will take responsibility for this on your sons behalf but you will follow everything I listed. Parents have authority over their children physically and spiritually as well

Wherever this stems from you may never know. You didn't ask for it or any payments due on it/repercussions from it you have no contracts with any dark forces. You are breaking free from it.
You can get Holy Water from a Catholic Church it's free just bring a small water bottle to collect it sometimes they have small bottles available just ask.

Before you do this let us know you're starting so we can do a prayer circle for you those 3 days any and all times of the day. Then go off the grid.
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Also see the post I wrote for @prettykinks I will repost it that will help your little one as well.

Prayer request thread.

Ps whenever you move to a new place and clean say a prayer chase away any evil residing in the place and ask God for his protection and blessings th same way as I listed above.

Thank you for your uplifting prayers you have a gift for that.
To all we will need a prayer circle this weekend for @whosthatcurl and her little one while she fasts and prays for 3 days anytime of day or night that you offer any prayer is appreciated read her post above thread.

The power of prayer is real

Mathew 18:20

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
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Please speak to a pastor or reverend and he can guide you. Don't omit prayer for your family's needs.

I'm not trying to take over the discussion so please bear with me, but we catholics don't have prohibitions against dating, nor are there any directions on colors of clothing to war etc. I don't want to get into the real of sacramentals that might not be comprehended by those not of the Church. I'm going to look at those links but I feel a little that this is the realm of the pastor for spiritual guidance and direction - not that we cannot say prayers of protection but we should be mindful of not falling into legalism nor promoting it because it can fall under superstition. My fear here is that we might be misrepresenting the ordained practices of our Church and some of this is by personal practice and not commanded. However, take heart, you can pray powerful prayers to bind evil spirits as it is not our power, but it is by the power of Christ!! Be of courage.

Here is a short homily by a priest that is recorded (sorry, I don't know by whom):

Two of the prayers he mentions:

"In the name of Jesus, I bind you, any spirit that is not of the Holy Spirit and send you to the foot of the cross to be judged by our Lord."

"Precious Blood, wash over me and protect me from the wickedness and snares of the devil."

Any believing catholic can privately bind evil spirits...this has been a practice from the time of the early church...and it is evidenced in the writings of a number of the fathers of the is an entirely different matter when someone is praying in public in the name of the Church...then a bishop or a priest he appoints is necessary." In other words, we cannot perform an exorcism but we can certainly pray and as Fr. says, the devil doesn't want us to pray and will try and prevent us, making us think we can't do this.

Do not fear, He has already overcome death.

Disclaimer: I offer this as to clarify some teachings in our Church and cannot lead you in your own denomination. It is not an attempt to convert anyone.

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I have a friend going through a horrible ordeal with his beloved grandfather. Please pray for his mother for her anxiety and sadness and for him. Please pray that G-d free this gentle grandfather and place him into the hands of his loving family. Please pray for justice for all the victims of medical kidnapping and that those knowingly promoting and actively carrying out waht they know to be wrong are punished and removed from their duties so they harm no other souls.

I have a friend going through a horrible ordeal with his beloved grandfather. Please pray for his mother for her anxiety and sadness and for him. Please pray that G-d free this gentle grandfather and place him into the hands of his loving family. Please pray for justice for all the victims of medical kidnapping and that those knowingly promoting and actively carrying out waht they know to be wrong are punished and removed from their duties so they harm no other souls.
I pray with all of my heart, Dear Sister for all of the above is rendered into the mighty hands of God and the peace of God shall prevail in the hearts and minds of all in Jesus' Name I pray, Amen and Amen.
Pray without ceasing!

I still ask that you pray still for the grandfather held in hospital and that they do not harm him in this procedure and that the hospital will abide by the wishes of the fmaily to have him transferred. They now have access to visit him. But this hnospital needs to release him into the care of another institution and they will not initiate the call. Please protect him, L-rd, and let no deadly harm befall him nor his daughter and granddaughter.
Pray without ceasing!

I still ask that you pray still for the grandfather held in hospital and that they do not harm him in this procedure and that the hospital will abide by the wishes of the fmaily to have him transferred. They now have access to visit him. But this hnospital needs to release him into the care of another institution and they will not initiate the call. Please protect him, L-rd, and let no deadly harm befall him nor his daughter and granddaughter.

We've just had Bible Study tonight and with the same strength of every prayer that was prayed tonight by those of us in Christ Jesus, I come before God on behalf of this Dear Grandfather that no evil shall befall him, neither shall any plague come nigh him, no harm, no danger, no evil plan, no unclean spirits of any form shall invade / nor intrude upon this dear man's well being or his safety.

Every evil thought, plan, or action shall not prevail nor take place, it shall not be executed upon this dear soul of God's loved one. satan must leave, in Jesus' Name, and we plead and thank God for the Blood of Jesus which shall cover this dear one from head to toe and inside through and out. We pray for the healing presence of God to secure and protect all there is about him. Nothing shall by any means hurt him, for he shall be surrounded by the protecting angels of God who neither slumbers nor sleeps, for God is forever keeping safe and secure 'watch' over this dear one.

And unto you, my Dear Sister @kanozas , so shall these blessings be upon you and yours...for always. :love2:

In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen and Amen
I haven't posted in here in awhile. I have been learning to be content and pray for the things I need, not just the things I want. Well it's finally to the point where I really need some intercessors because I am feeling defeated and helpless.

I spend time with God daily. I am in my word consistently. I have a relationship with God to the point where if he tells me to move I do it. However with how things are going, I am struggling to trust God. I am struggling to find a reason to wake up each day. Please keep me in your prayers.
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