I haven't posted in here in awhile. I have been learning to be content and pray for the things I need, not just the things I want. Well it's finally to the point where I really need some intercessors because I am feeling defeated and helpless.

I spend time with God daily. I am in my word consistently. I have a relationship with God to the point where if he tells me to move I do it. However with how things are going, I am struggling to trust God. I am struggling to find a reason to wake up each day. Please keep me in your prayers.

I'm praying for you :bighug:
Dearest @Lucia ...

Here, dear one...here and praying for you. The love of God is healing the whole being of your heart, mind and soul. In Jesus' Name, Amen

Thanks again
I just got back from church went to the chapel and asked our lady to intervene for me as I layed my burdens and sorrows at The feet of Jesus.
And a weight has lifted. I'm still hurt but it's not a flood of tears anymore.
Thanks again
I just got back from church went to the chapel and asked our lady to intervene for me as I layed my burdens and sorrows at The feet of Jesus.
And a weight has lifted. I'm still hurt but it's not a flood of tears anymore.

God loves you so much @Lucia and He has covered you inside and out with His peace.

As for the 'situation', God did you a great favor. He removed 'disloyalty' from becoming a burden in your life. You will never have to live with someone who cannot be trusted. God has removed 'this' to make room for the true gift of love in your life.

God has been showing you this all along...it's been in each of your previous posts. God's visions never lie nor do they expire. Watch how God blesses you. You are a prize and gift to God in this earth, your Ministry is healing and so are your prayers. Although a bandage has been ripped off, it was only to bring fresh air and healing to your heart and Ministry.

I haven't posted in here in awhile. I have been learning to be content and pray for the things I need, not just the things I want. Well it's finally to the point where I really need some intercessors because I am feeling defeated and helpless.

I spend time with God daily. I am in my word consistently. I have a relationship with God to the point where if he tells me to move I do it. However with how things are going, I am struggling to trust God. I am struggling to find a reason to wake up each day. Please keep me in your prayers.
The 'struggle' is a good indication that God has answered your prayers and there is an enemy who envies the love and trust that you have enjoyed with God. So of course, this enemy is trying to distract you and your trust and faith in God your Heavenly Father.

However...fear not, doubt not. For you are as God's prophets who also were challenged in their faith and yet, God............always proved the doubts and fears wrong and powerless and God proved His love and faithfulness to be true.

Precious @Divine. :giveheart: you can surely believe God is doing the very same for you. You will not be forsaken, you will not be betrayed. God is with you, even now when it only 'seems' another way. However, God's love is always with you to stay.

TRUST... Him...He loves you. He will not fail you.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen
Thank you @Shimmie! I wish Satan would get a life and stop harassing me :lol: He keeps trying to break me down. My weakness is that I always give up when it gets hard. Since trusting God, I have made strides to break that bad habit. I see the enemy has caught on and is trying to wear me down. Not today Satan!

God's word says He is my strength and shield. I will overcome this season.
Please say a prayer for DH's aunt. Her appendix burst and she is having surgery today after being convinced by the doctors, family, friends and clergy that surgery was the best option. She is afraid to have surgery at her advanced age.
God is holding your husband's aunt in his arms.

She will come through the surgery just fine. God isn't through blessing her, here on earth. He has more for her to do.

In Jesus' Name, we give God all the honor and the glory. Amen and Amen
@Shimmie Thank you so much. We really need her to make it through this. Too many funerals this year already.
Please keep us posted. Please give her a huge hug from us. Let her know that she is not alone in this. God will never leave her nor forsake her and He will also bathe her heart and soul in His loving peace.

Jehovah Shalom, the God of Peace is forever with her.

In Jesus' Name, Amen. :love3:
Please say a prayer for my friend Linda. She is in transitional care, still battling ovarian cancer.
I saw her last week at her home and she was very weak but in okay spirits. She has her first grand baby due in 2 weeks and I'm really hoping she gets to meet the baby. She has not had solid foods since February. She was admitted to the hospital yesterday and it's not looking great. she will be there until at least next Tuesday when they plan to do another treatment.
The surgery went well. Thank you.
Yayyyyyy Praise Jesus!

I'm very happy to hear this about your hubby's aunt.

I'm typing from my phone, so please forgive any typos.

I'm also praying for Precious Linda. She shall see and hold her new grand baby and enjoy spoiling this little one for many, many precious moments and beyond.

For this and more, we thank Jesus, our dear Lord. Amen
Auntie is doing okay, although they did have to drain some fluid today.

I am worried about Linda. She seems to be defeated, not the same tenacious fighter she was prior to February.
I am hoping this treatment works next week and that she meets her first grand child.

Yayyyyyy Praise Jesus!

I'm very happy to hear this about your hubby's aunt.

I'm typing from my phone, so please forgive any typos.

I'm also praying for Precious Linda. She shall see and hold her new grand baby and enjoy spoiling this little one for many, many precious moments and beyond.

For this and more, we thank Jesus, our dear Lord. Amen
Auntie is doing okay, although they did have to drain some fluid today.

I am worried about Linda. She seems to be defeated, not the same tenacious fighter she was prior to February.
I am hoping this treatment works next week and that she meets her first grand child.
Linda is tired; she has been through a long and weary battle. Yet, she will recover and she will indeed see and hold her grandchild. This will not be stolen from her nor this sweet new baby.

We will let her rest and allow God to continue to heal and strengthen her. She just needs to rest and she will. She has God's love to provide and to protect her.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen

I continue in prayer with you for this dear soul. I surely continue in prayer. God's Will Shall be Done in the dear one's life; no other shall prevail against God's will.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen

please keep me in your prayers...i had tests done today and i get the result wednesday.

my friend that had the aneurysm..my niece told me she had to be rushed back to the hospital. she now has two other problems. when it rains it pours.
please keep me in your prayers...i had tests done today and i get the result wednesday.

my friend that had the aneurysm..my niece told me she had to be rushed back to the hospital. she now has two other problems. when it rains it pours.

Praying for you and your friend. God's healing shall prevail over each of you.

As for the pouring rain, count it all joy and a sure blessing for God says in Ezekiel 34

I will make them and the places surrounding my hill a blessing. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing. --- Ezekiel 34:26


There shall be showers of blessings (over you and those whom you love).

In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Linda is tired; she has been through a long and weary battle. Yet, she will recover and she will indeed see and hold her grandchild. This will not be stolen from her nor this sweet new baby.

We will let her rest and allow God to continue to heal and strengthen her. She just needs to rest and she will. She has God's love to provide and to protect her.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen

My friend Linda passed away...but she did get to meet and hold her first grandchild about 2 weeks ago.
I think she was really holding on to enjoy that moment. Please keep her family in prayer.

Dearest @naturalmanenyc

:bighug: :grouphug2: :bighug:

You've been a true friend through all of this with Linda. Look how long your prayers have helped her to strengthen and live for as long as she did. She's at peace now. She fought a great fight and she never lost the battle, she won, because she was surrounded with and by so much love and by so many, especially by you.

I highlighted the last post and we can rejoice that God did indeed answer our prayers...Linda was able to live and to hold and enjoy her new grandbaby. This was not 'stolen' from her. God held this special desire of her, most dear to His heart. Linda was able to live as a new Grandmommie and her new baby girl, she held close to her heart.

My prayers are still with you, Dear Sister... and with Linda's family.

For Precious Linda... :love3:


Thanks so much Shimmie.
I'm thankful that she got to see both of her kids get married, danced at their weddings, and she got to meet her first grandchild.
She had her loving partner by her side all this time who took a leave of absence from his job to be with her everyday.

Cancer is the most awful disease. I still can't believe how many people die from cancer every year.
Thanks so much Shimmie.
I'm thankful that she got to see both of her kids get married, danced at their weddings, and she got to meet her first grandchild.
She had her loving partner by her side all this time who took a leave of absence from his job to be with her everyday.

Cancer is the most awful disease. I still can't believe how many people die from cancer every year.
You are most welcome, sweetheart. I am blessed that you even asked me to be a part of Linda's life and prayers. So, it is 'I' who thanks you, from the bottom of my heart.
My friend Linda passed away...but she did get to meet and hold her first grandchild about 2 weeks ago.
I think she was really holding on to enjoy that moment. Please keep her family in prayer.

i am so sorry for your loss...i always wondered how she was doing and i read old threads one night and saw how you posted about her journey. i am sooo glad that she held on to enjoy that moment holding her grandchild. my condolences to you and her family.
Please say a prayer for my mental healing, well being and overall health. I am starting a new career and things have been difficult health wise and financially. I'm working with a holistic practitioner and I'm trying to finally be independent. My goal is to be my healthiest body and mind and have wonderful financial stability. Thank you.
Please say a prayer for my mental healing, well being and overall health. I am starting a new career and things have been difficult health wise and financially. I'm working with a holistic practitioner and I'm trying to finally be independent. My goal is to be my healthiest body and mind and have wonderful financial stability. Thank you.
Praying for you right now , Dear one. In Jesus' Name, Amen
God works miracles!! I checked my email and I received a job offer. I cried because it was so fast. My mom and I were just talking about waiting for God to do his work. To whomever does not believe, prayer works!! Thank you!
So happy for you, so very happy. God is amazing and He is amazingly in love with you and will never abandon you. You are His darling prize.

Stand for Him, Dear One...stand with Him and for Him. He needs you. :yep:

God blessings are upon you and your Mom. :love2:

In Jesus' Name, Amen