Have need of believers to pray for protection and success in removing a relative from a horrible medical situation ASAP. That all are safe and that there is calm and a successful transition to another facility without interruption. Thank you!!!
Praying for your dear family members. :pray:
I just came back on to see this. Victim of medical kidnapping. Please pray that the DA changes his mind and takes on the case.

Definitely! And even more for God's intervention overruling the opposing actions of anyone. God's favor is ruling over this situation, completely. And for this we thank Him, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
Please pray for my supervisor. She just learned that she has cancer again.

Dear Lord, thank you for showing this dear one how much she is loved and that by your 'stripes' she is healed; healed from the crown of her head to the very soles of her feet and her inward being, set free from all fear and every single cancerous and inflammable cell.

Thank you Dear Lord for giving her 'Life beyond Life', Health beyond Health and Faith beyond Faith and your Peace which cannot be removed from her heart and soul.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Asking for prayer Ive updated my resume and need the push to begin applying for jobs with better pay benefits etc I'm highly underpaid and I would love to advance my studies with more certifications and prayerfully an advanced degree such as a Masters Feeling like life is passing me by with all these engagements weddings and baby showers Want to feel worth Again
Asking for prayer Ive updated mGod's esume and need the push to begin applying for jobs with better pay benefits etc I'm highly underpaid and I would love to advance my studies with more certifications and prayerfully an advanced degree such as a Masters Feeling like life is passing me by with all these engagements weddings and baby showers Want to feel worth Again
You are of great value and your gifts shall speak loudly of you ... be ready for God's promotion. Exercise your gifts, revive them, show the world who you are. Be ready.

asking for prayers for my good friend that's like a sister to me. (Nicole and her husband Marc) Her new marriage is in trouble...and she sounds so despondent. I'm just so scared for her if this doesn't work out.

Praying for God's loving peace to prevail for your dear 'sister' and her husband. No matter what the issue / issues are, we just join with her in prayer letting God put it all to rest. God's Word says that 'He brings all wars to end...' and so this shall be for your dear friend. The war in her marriage shall end and only love and peace shall prevail, in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen and Amen.

He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the shields with fire. ----- Psalm 46:9

Dearest Sweetie: God has ordained peace in their marriage...the weapons shall not prevail.
Please send up prayers for my dad. He is not dealing well with the death of his mom and it's bringing back memories of the death of his little brother.
Please ask God to lift whatever burden off of him.

Dear Father, we thank you for embracing 'Dad' during his time of grieving over his Mom's passing. Father we thank you for your love, your peace and your warm embrace centered around his heart to ease him through this painful time. He shall get through this, as hard as it may seem, he shall indeed get through this, because of your love.

For this we thank you with all of our hearts. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Praise Report!! Yeah me!

I received a job offer for my salary asking amount. Please pray there are no hiccups or hangups with the background checks! in Jesus Name AMEN!
:yay: Congratulations!

God is still moving you 'Forward', therefore there are no hiccups. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen
I would like to ask for you all to continue to pray for my family, as discussed earlier my husband and I are desparately trying to find jobs and it is becoming seriously depressing. My dad has now fallen extremely ill ( due to a stroke ) and is in and out of the hospital. I feel like the world is crashing in and I know their is strength in numbers. I just would like to ask that my husband finds a position soon that is good financial and the ideal fit for him, I finish graduate school despite all this occurring around me and that my family is healthy. I know its a lot but I would just like to ask for the prayers please and thank you
I would like to ask for you all to continue to pray for my family, as discussed earlier my husband and I are desparately trying to find jobs and it is becoming seriously depressing. My dad has now fallen extremely ill ( due to a stroke ) and is in and out of the hospital. I feel like the world is crashing in and I know their is strength in numbers. I just would like to ask that my husband finds a position soon that is good financial and the ideal fit for him, I finish graduate school despite all this occurring around me and that my family is healthy. I know its a lot but I would just like to ask for the prayers please and thank you

:grouphug2: We are truly praying with and for you and your family. Be not discouraged, God is already there with you and providing for every need and prayer of your heart.

Love and blessings surround you far more than ever and always will.

In Jesus' Name, Amen
Prayers for you and your family.

I would like to ask for you all to continue to pray for my family, as discussed earlier my husband and I are desparately trying to find jobs and it is becoming seriously depressing. My dad has now fallen extremely ill ( due to a stroke ) and is in and out of the hospital. I feel like the world is crashing in and I know their is strength in numbers. I just would like to ask that my husband finds a position soon that is good financial and the ideal fit for him, I finish graduate school despite all this occurring around me and that my family is healthy. I know its a lot but I would just like to ask for the prayers please and thank you
Please prayer for strength and healing for DH and our family and friends. His beloved aunt died after battling various illnesses in NYC and then being moved out of state for better care. We are leaving town tomorrow to travel to the funeral. I do take comfort in knowing that she probably lived longer by getting out of NYC and to better providers since DH spent a lot of time battling with doctors in NYC who seemed overworked and not as caring.
It's a go! I start on the 27th! Thank you ladies for your prayers.
It truly is 'a go'... for God never fails to move you 'forward' and covered in His love and protection.

Please keep us posted...and ENJOY your gifts from God for many showers of blessings are descending upon you. Therefore turn your umbrella upside down to catch them...'all'. :love3: