Please keep my friend Linda in your prayers. She had a cancer related obstruction removed a few weeks ago and has been having lots of problems since that time, including stomach acid leaking onto her skin and burning. Her surgeon has been away, but is finally back today. She is very frail but still fighting. She is really frustrated and upset about not getting the care she needs for the last few weeks.
Please keep my friend Linda in your prayers. She had a cancer related obstruction removed a few weeks ago and has been having lots of problems since that time, including stomach acid leaking onto her skin and burning. Her surgeon has been away, but is finally back today. She is very frail but still fighting. She is really frustrated and upset about not getting the care she needs for the last few weeks.

I'm praying for Linda, that God restores her soul to be at peace and to heal every function, cell and membrane of her body. To give her much comfort and to stop those stomach acids, commanding them to settle into an alkaline formation in her body which does not burn, discomfort nor degrade her health and well-being. Peace, peace and comfort and new life for precious Linda.

In Jesus' name Amen and Amen.
Please pray for a family friend Bill. He fell out of bed this morn and broke his hip.
Surgery is scheduled for Friday, he is in a lot of pain.
For a 89 yr old, this is a risky surgery. Ps pray that all goes well and no complications arise.

Dear Father, we bow our hearts and ask you to please take care of Rsgal's friend Bill. Dear God, thank you for healing his entire body, inside and outside. Please let the pain reside and heal every bone, tissue and muscle in Bill's precious body.

Dear Father, we thank you for protecting Bill before, during and after surgery and that the doctors will take heed to your guidance and with special care and special attention to all and every detail of Bill's condition and this operation. Let the recovery be safe, and expedient. And Father, give Bill extended life full of quality as well as quantity in years and gentle seasons full of love, health and healing and to have every need met beyond all areas of his life.

Bless this family, Father bless precious Rsgal and place them all at peace and full trust in you.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen

@Rsgal, please keep us posted and please give Bill a great big hug from us.

Quick run down:

For the last two months; I have been struggling between moving to Denver (where I want to go) and staying here in Chicago. I fell that I'm not financially prepared to move to Denver (at least to my comfort level); but the same can be said regarding me staying in Chicago. (If I move to Denver it's without a job; and I'm currently employed in Chicago).

My friend said she hears (from the Lord) that I should make the move to Denver and God will provide. I FEEL that no matter my decision; that my path will be blessed.

All of this happened last night. I said whatever you have me to do Lord make it easy make it plain. I slept, but I felt I was wrestling with this decision....I can't explain it.......I really just want God to tell me what to do.

But then I woke up this morning and EVERYTHING from facebook to the posts in this forum. Is relating to my situation......I'm still uncertain.

The thing is FINAL decisions need to be made by Tuesday.........and I really don't know what to do.
Quick run down:

For the last two months; I have been struggling between moving to Denver (where I want to go) and staying here in Chicago. I fell that I'm not financially prepared to move to Denver (at least to my comfort level); but the same can be said regarding me staying in Chicago. (If I move to Denver it's without a job; and I'm currently employed in Chicago).

My friend said she hears (from the Lord) that I should make the move to Denver and God will provide. I FEEL that no matter my decision; that my path will be blessed.

All of this happened last night. I said whatever you have me to do Lord make it easy make it plain. I slept, but I felt I was wrestling with this decision....I can't explain it.......I really just want God to tell me what to do.

But then I woke up this morning and EVERYTHING from facebook to the posts in this forum. Is relating to my situation......I'm still uncertain.

The thing is FINAL decisions need to be made by Tuesday.........and I really don't know what to do.

Fear not... for God is with you, no matter where you go .... or stay. Fear not...
Please pray for me and my family,

Currently my husband and I are unemployed with a two year old. We both got laid off from our positions :-( I was working for the State as a consultant and due to budget cuts was released and he was a corporate employee at Walgreens and due to the Boothe's/ Walgreens merger he was laid off. This has honestly been a difficult time for us!!! I am currently in graduate school at Northwestern so that is what is carrying us financially along with our savings BUT Lord knows this keeps me up at night. I waited so long to have a child because I didn't want that child to struggle in a family that dealt with financial stress. I can't explain my feelings because I am numb.... I feel like all this schooling and no jobs!!! My husband has his MBA which we struggle to pay student loans on, and mine will begin in August when my schooling ends... I am just asking the Lord for Strength and requesting the light of prayer in our lives please.. I realize we all struggle with something and if someone is dealing with something, but when you pray tonight, if you could please say a prayer for my family I would be forever grateful .
Thank you so much!
Praying for your and your family to reach a place of financial peace.
Make sure you seek a forbearance for the loans. Do not deplete your savings. I think the grace period is 6 months. And you can change to income senisitve payments.
Just an update, Linda had her surgery and was released to go home. She is feeling better and had a different, larger tube inserted that doesn't leak stomach acid on her skin. Who knew that could even be a problem.

Tom Brokaw recently released a book and discussed how hard it was for him dealing with his cancer (translating medicalease and horrible/rude medical staff). Tom has unlimited financial means and a daughter who is an ER doctor. I can't even imagine how the average person deals with such extensive medical issues.
Please pray for me and my family.

Currently my husband and I are unemployed with a two year old. We both got laid off from our positions :-( I was working for the State as a consultant and due to budget cuts was released and he was a corporate employee at Walgreens and due to the Boothe's/ Walgreens merger he was laid off. This has honestly been a difficult time for us!!! I am currently in graduate school at Northwestern so that is what is carrying us financially along with our savings BUT Lord knows this keeps me up at night. I waited so long to have a child because I didn't want that child to struggle in a family that dealt with financial stress. I can't explain my feelings because I am numb.... I feel like all this schooling and no jobs!!! My husband has his MBA which we struggle to pay student loans on, and mine will begin in August when my schooling ends... I am just asking the Lord for Strength and requesting the light of prayer in our lives please.. I realize we all struggle with something and if someone is dealing with something, but when you pray tonight, if you could please say a prayer for my family I would be forever grateful .
Thank you so much!
Dear Father, thank you so much for this dear family whose trust is in you. You have prepared a table of total provision for them that nothing nor anyone can take away.

Thank you for this Precious Wife who puts her trust in you and will not let go, for you have ordained much for her in peace, your peace that cannot be swayed nor taken away. Please give this family sweet and restful sleep, let them arise each day in peace and full of your joy. For it is for this cause that they have you and they have Jesus working all of this out with blessings upon blessings.

Lord thank you for hearing their prayers and bringing the answers in surprising ways.
In Jesus' Name, Amen
Just an update, Linda had her surgery and was released to go home. She is feeling better and had a different, larger tube inserted that doesn't leak stomach acid on her skin. Who knew that could even be a problem.

Tom Brokaw recently released a book and discussed how hard it was for him dealing with his cancer (translating medicalease and horrible/rude medical staff). Tom has unlimited financial means and a daughter who is an ER doctor. I can't even imagine how the average person deals with such extensive medical issues.
So happy for the good news about Linda. God bless her and you.

Sending love and gentle hugs to her and most definitely, loving prayers.

Thanks all for your prayers. Bill had his surgery which went well. But the anesthesia and morphine he was given for pain did not react well with him.
He is in Rehab now with less pain, but a lot of mental confusion. Most of the time he doesn't want to eat but I pray he will have regain mental clarity.
@Shimmie, and all those who've prayed for him, thank you much!
Thanks all for your prayers. Bill had his surgery which went well. But the anesthesia and morphine he was given for pain did not react well with him.
He is in Rehab now with less pain, but a lot of mental confusion. Most of the time he doesn't want to eat but I pray he will have regain mental clarity.
@Shimmie, and all those who've prayed for him, thank you much!


It is a joy to pray with you and for you and Bill. We thank God that all is coming together for his healing to completion. With much love to Bill, Bless his darling heart, we thank God for Bill and you. :love3:

In Jesus' Name, Amen.
My friend Linda is going home today! Thanks for all the prayers. Her son is away at his bachelor party. I really do think she will be well enough to dance at his wedding.

My friend Vielka could use some prayers. She is dealing with a dangerous infection that seems to be affecting her more than normal due to her cancer.
My friend Linda is going home today! Thanks for all the prayers. Her son is away at his bachelor party. I really do think she will be well enough to dance at his wedding.

My friend Vielka could use some prayers. She is dealing with a dangerous infection that seems to be affecting her more than normal due to her cancer.

I'm praying for a wonderful time for Linda and her son at his wedding. She's been through so much, now it's time for her to enjoy the 'Joys of Life' and she shall indeed with all thanks unto God.

Praying for your friend Vielka; that she is completely and solely healed by Jesus and that the infection in her body is not only removed completely but that it shall never return ever again in Jesus' name. Amen and Amen.
I'm just asking for strength to get through this valley intact because I am really struggling to look on the positive side of life. All i feel is despair. All the time. While i will not self medicate with alcohol like i would have even six months ago, i need to find a way to get through each minute which feels like eternity due to all the thoughts running through my mind.
I'm jusyou t asking for strength to get through this valley intact because I am really struggling to look on the positive side of life. All i feel is despair. All the time. While i will not self medicate with alcohol like i would have even six months ago, i need to find a way to get through each minute which feels like eternity due to all the thoughts running through my mind.
Dear One... you are so loved and please know that when you are weakest, God is strong. You have God's loving strength to lean on, you are not alone to depend upon your own.

You are not a are loved.

In Jesus' Name, Amen

I request prayers for my friend who is suffering from fibromyalgia and migraines. Please pray for her healing and comfort during this stressful time. Thank you much.
I request prayers for my friend who is suffering from fibromyalgia and migraines. Please pray for her healing and comfort during this stressful time. Thank you much.

Dear Father, we thank you for loving Kanozas friend so very much; healing her is your love being poured upon her...completely. Thank you for healing all of the nerves and muscle contractions and freeing this dear one from the pain. Thank you for giving her strength and energy and for replenishing her blood cells and blood flow throughout her entire being.

Release the inflammation that has caused the symptoms and the discomfort; unwind the tense vessels and allow the blood flow to be warm and smooth as fresh anointed oil through her spine.... her neck, jaws, cheeks, back and shoulders, arms and fingers. Bless her Father God and thank you again and again for the love that is being poured inside and out of this dear one who lives in your heart.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Dear Father, we thank you for loving Kanozas friend so very much; healing her is your love being poured upon her...completely. Thank you for healing all of the nerves and muscle contractions and freeing this dear one from the pain. Thank you for giving her strength and energy and for replenishing her blood cells and blood flow throughout her entire being.

Release the inflammation that has caused the symptoms and the discomfort; unwind the tense vessels and allow the blood flow to be warm and smooth as fresh anointed oil through her spine.... her neck, jaws, cheeks, back and shoulders, arms and fingers. Bless her Father God and thank you again and again for the love that is being poured inside and out of this dear one who lives in your heart.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Omgoodness, what a beautiful prayer and much more specific than I could have given. Thank you and all the ladies. Please know, I'm holding you collectively in prayer as well.
Omgoodness, what a beautiful prayer and much more specific than I could have given. Thank you and all the ladies. Please know, I'm holding you collectively in prayer as well.
Dearest Sister (and I do mean Sister) I am humbled to pray with and for you. Thank you so much for praying for us, it comes from your heart.

Ever wonder why wonderful people seem to leave us so soon but the most devilish people live forever? I do suppose the faithful leave us to go be with God but it does often cross my mind why some awful people don't seem to have a care in the world beyond being hateful and devious.
My heart is breaking for a family. Her husband and 4 mo. old son were killed in a car accident. Her remaining 1st grader is wheelchair-bound. She needs help and is moving away from home to heal. She will need help with her son for the summer. Please pray for her and for her son.