I am a divorced 42 years old. I have a 12 yr old son that is non-verbal and has autism. Even at the age of 42 I lack confidence in myself which I need to be a better mom to my son. Please pray that I stop looking for a person to build me up and for me to really understand that all I need is God. I know it but I don't feel it. I feel alone and worried about the future.

I just discovered what a true heart of a mother is.......

"Yours". :yep:

Yes........ Yours. :yep:

Remember when King Solomon first took over as King of Israel? God came to him and said: "Whatever you want, ask of me, and I will give it to you... anything." God said anything.

Solomon's response to God was: I have all riches and the finest of all there is; I ask that you give me 'Wisdom' to guide your children whom you have left me in charge."

God said, because you've asked, I will give you 'Wisdom' (far above of any other) and with it also, will I give you exceeding riches."

gmbwink...God's Light and His infinite wisdom of which you have asked shall be given unto you in abundance, along with...........riches untold. Provision in God's abundance shall be yours for every need that has arose in your life and sits before you. You shall be endued with wisdom and power to take care of each one. You will always be prepared for the future, for God shall always be your abundant Provider.

And for your 'Son'...the Spirit of the Lord is upon you; dwelling within your heart to lead and guide you thoughout his path of life. God will unmute this child and fill his mouth with wisdom and love. I don't know how, nor do I know when, yet you will see the day, the very minute of the very hour, that your son will speak and it will not be muffled nor incoherent. Your son shall speak with clarity and in God's wisdom.

God says in Isaiah 54:13, that your children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be their peace. Speak the Word of God to and with your son each day. Let the Words of Jesus, dwell within his heart. Your expectations for God's intervention, shall not be disappointed. Your dreams shall not be cut off. In Jesus' Name.

Embrace what the Lord is speaking to your heart. Embrace it for nothing is too hard for the Lord, nor will it be hard for you.....to believe and to receive.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Please pray for my husband and children.


Father God, we lift up the lives of your daughter's children and her husband in Jesus' Name. Restore life into their hearts; restore your peace and loving protection over this complete family whose hearts need a Word from you.

Tear down the walls of separation making and keeping them as one. Allow no weapons formed against them to ever prosper; allow no evil to befall them, nor any harm to come near them. allow no plague (sickness/disease) to come nigh their dwelling place. Bless their income, bless their minnds and hearts to dwell in your presence and in your wisdome so richly provided. Bless their home and bless them into a safe house and environment where they can be free to enjoy life and man and wife and watch their children grow and give all glory and honour unto you.

Father, take away the pain; let there be no shame. Bless them from the heartache and the tears, give this husband the strength and the character he needs to be more and more like you and to stay and always pray.

In Jesus' Name, whatever their needs, you are Provider forever for them.

In Jesus' Name, again and again.... Amen.

Shimmie In the name of Jesus. Amen Your words have encouraged me. I will definitely start speaking the word to my son. He is the blessing that God has given me. Thanks so much for praying for us. There have been many times I did not know how I would make it and God always shows me the way. Thanks for letting your light shine Shimmie.
Shimmie In the name of Jesus. Amen Your words have encouraged me. I will definitely start speaking the word to my son. He is the blessing that God has given me. Thanks so much for praying for us. There have been many times I did not know how I would make it and God always shows me the way. Thanks for letting your light shine Shimmie.

gmbwink...... :giveheart:

You have the heart of 'Hannah' who dedicated her Son, Samuel unto the Lord and the Lord did great and mighty works through her Son. So shall God bring forth in your Son. :love3:

And Jesus said, "Suffer (allow) the children to come unto me (forbid them not) for such is the Kingdom of Heaven."

You have the heart and the strength of Deborah, who was elected as Judge to govern God's people.

You have the heart of Ruth, faithful, loyal, full of compassion, open to love, obedient, nurturing.

You have the heart of wisdom, always flowing by and with the Holy Spirit, always.

In Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen.

In your 'quiet time' with the Lord, God has a sure word for you. You will 'know' ... :yep:
Hi ladies,

I have a prayer request concerning my nephews. Please stand in agreement that both of them succeed in school. Pray for the health of all of my family members.

Also , the governement made a huge mistake on my income tax. I sent them all the proof and it seems that their database is not up to date. Please pray that they accept all the proof that I have presented to them and they correct the mistakes as quickly as possible. Pray that im able to sleep, I was not able to sleep at all yesterday..i've been up for nearly 24 hours and I really need to sleep I'm a mess.

Thanks again for your prayers.
I need prayer in the area of money. I'm laying here trying not to be anixous about my lack of money. I am thinking how will I get gas for the rest of the month,groceries. I think maybe if I quit going to church and quit going to home group and my church counseling I can save on gas. Right now I am trying to fight the negative thoughts that come to mind as I know I have no where to turn to. I pray a part time job or a nice gift would come but I'm just not convinced I will get provision.
Asking for prayer for my family especially one of my younger brothers...he is being attacked and the police are involved A previous addiction has reared its ugly head again and we want to deal with this privately and under God's favor. Thank you in advance
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I need prayer in the area of money. I'm laying here trying not to be anixous about my lack of money. I am thinking how will I get gas for the rest of the month,groceries. I think maybe if I quit going to church and quit going to home group and my church counseling I can save on gas. Right now I am trying to fight the negative thoughts that come to mind as I know I have no where to turn to. I pray a part time job or a nice gift would come but I'm just not convinced I will get provision.

GoddessMaker ....

Asking God to bless you with abundance, in Jeus' Name, Amen. Every need is met in full; ask and you shall receive for it is God's good will to bless you indeed.
Asking for prayer for my family especially one of my younger brothers...he is being attacked and the police are involved A previous addiction has reared its ugly head again and we want to deal with this privately and under God's favor. Thank you in advance

Father in Jesus' name, we just thank you for embracing this family of stephluv with your presence. The adversaries are removed, and the addictions will bow to the name of Jesus'.

Father let it be your plan and destiny which shall prevail for this family; annoint them each with your precious oil of renewal. Remove the old, seal the new, give this brother a new heart, sealed in you. We plead the Blood of Jesus over the 'brothers' life. Let his enemies back off, and bow unto you.

Dearest Holy Spirit have your way, continue to flow, unending with your overflowing presence. We dedicate this brother unto you; under your care; under your protection. Keep him and guide him, strengthen him. Unto you do we bow and give God all the praise and the glory, forever and ever...

Hello everyone. Please keep my sister in your prayers. She will be having surgery on her spine this morning.

Correction - The surgery is on her brain :-(
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Hello everyone, I'm asking for prayer for my parents. My father was told yesterday that he has two tumors on his brain. Just to give a little history: in November 2008 my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and my mother was admitted to the hospital with what would be diagnosed a few months later as kidney failure. Due to these events, I moved back home from Atlanta to be with them. She has been taking dialysis since February 2009. This week is the 4-year anniversary of my Dad's last cancer treatment and with every checkup no trace of cancer is found. Thank God! My Dad has a positive outlook and so do I, as God has healed him of cancer. He hasn't told my Mom nor my two sisters yet, but I'm sure he'll tell them soon. He has to have another CATscan and after that he has to see a neurologist or neurosurgeon (I don't remeber exactly what he told me). He says he isn't going to allow them to do surgery, so I'm guessing there won't be a biopsy at all unless there is an alternative to the invasive procedure. Anywho, please pray for my Dad's health and for God to give us strength and clarity.
Thank you.
Hello everyone. Please keep my sister in your prayers. She will be having surgery on her spine this morning.

Correction - The surgery is on her brain :-(

Father we come to you on behalf of our dear sister MrsHaseeb whose sister is having brain surgery. Lord, just be there, with all of our hearts, bowing in reverence unto you, we thank you for just 'being there' securing the life, the health, the safety of this darling loved one.

Father God... thank you for just 'being there' and making all things new and bringing your peace to this precious family. Thank you that 'we' do not fear evil tidings... no bad news. Her sister is healed...completely.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Hello everyone, I'm asking for prayer for my parents. My father was told yesterday that he has two tumors on his brain. Just to give a little history: in November 2008 my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and my mother was admitted to the hospital with what would be diagnosed a few months later as kidney failure. Due to these events, I moved back home from Atlanta to be with them. She has been taking dialysis since February 2009.

This week is the 4-year anniversary of my Dad's last cancer treatment and with every checkup no trace of cancer is found. Thank God!

My Dad has a positive outlook and so do I, as God has healed him of cancer. He hasn't told my Mom nor my two sisters yet, but I'm sure he'll tell them soon. He has to have another CATscan and after that he has to see a neurologist or neurosurgeon (I don't remeber exactly what he told me).

He says he isn't going to allow them to do surgery, so I'm guessing there won't be a biopsy at all unless there is an alternative to the invasive procedure. Anywho, please pray for my Dad's health and for God to give us strength and clarity.
Thank you.

Dear Father ... It's Spring. New Life, New Health, New Beginnings. We thank you for such in this dear family, for their heath, their lives, their total being.

Because of you, we are able to take full authority and we cancel and renounce the 'said' tumors in the Name of Jesus! We thank you for the honour of being able to use the Name of our Lord in prayer.

Father we bow our hearts before you thanking your for mercy and grace. We thank you that your 'Goodness and Mercy' is stayed by this family, by Missy25 's Father and her darling Mother, bringing new life, new health, new beginnings for both of them. Please strengthen and heal her kidneys, Dear Father, let them no longer fail. Remove all that has infected them, placing your guard and shield about her total organs and those of her husband in Jesus' Name. Renew their bodies in total completion.

Lord God All Mighty, You are the God who 'healeth' them and healed they shall be and remain so. Let their lives be filled with your presence and joy and new peace beyond all understanding. Keep them well and protected from all manner of sickness and disease.

Thank you Father God for hearing our hearts and prayers. Only you are exhalted in each of these and our lives. And for this we praise you forever more.

Thank you for their total healing.

In Jesus' Name... Amen.
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Hi ladies,

I have a prayer request concerning my nephews. Please stand in agreement that both of them succeed in school. Pray for the health of all of my family members.

Also , the governement made a huge mistake on my income tax. I sent them all the proof and it seems that their database is not up to date. Please pray that they accept all the proof that I have presented to them and they correct the mistakes as quickly as possible. Pray that im able to sleep, I was not able to sleep at all yesterday..i've been up for nearly 24 hours and I really need to sleep I'm a mess.

Thanks again for your prayers.


All of your cares and all of your needs are 'met', in Jesus' Name. There shall not be one stone unturned, that God will move in your favour. Release the fear and the woe...things are moving 'slow' only to make sure all bases are covered, no blessing shall be missed.

Sweetheart: All that has been 'stolen', misplaced, overlooked, will abound to you, completely restored; God is giving you full vindication and restitution.

FULL Restitution in Abundance. God's Great Love Overflow shall be upon you...sooner than later.


Let it happen. :yep:

Let it happen...because it will. :love3:

In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.
Here's some food for thought, ladies. I stumbled upon this message this morning, and God used it to speak to me regarding a recent situation in my own family. I pray that this message also speaks to your hearts:

The Irony of Avoiding Hardship

Humans avoid hardship as much as possible. And we are human and we didn’t like it. It wasn’t pleasant. And yet, it’s such an irony that the greatest lessons, the deepest character, the real molding of a person can really only come through hardship. We avoid what is usually very beneficial, often life-changing for us, skirting, perhaps, the very instrument God had designed to make us more like Him.

Financial hardship has given us the unique opportunity to depend on God in ways we couldn’t otherwise. I can’t teach my children that God really is able to provide our daily bread–I can’t learn it myself, unless we literally must pray for daily bread. We don’t recognize Him as much in plenty; it’s in lack that we really see Him.

“We can ignore even pleasure. But pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” -C. S. Lewis
Here's some food for thought, ladies. I stumbled upon this message this morning, and God used it to speak to me regarding a recent situation in my own family. I pray that this message also speaks to your hearts:

The Irony of Avoiding Hardship

Humans avoid hardship as much as possible. And we are human and we didn’t like it. It wasn’t pleasant. And yet, it’s such an irony that the greatest lessons, the deepest character, the real molding of a person can really only come through hardship. We avoid what is usually very beneficial, often life-changing for us, skirting, perhaps, the very instrument God had designed to make us more like Him.

Financial hardship has given us the unique opportunity to depend on God in ways we couldn’t otherwise. I can’t teach my children that God really is able to provide our daily bread–I can’t learn it myself, unless we literally must pray for daily bread. We don’t recognize Him as much in plenty; it’s in lack that we really see Him.

“We can ignore even pleasure. But pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” -C. S. Lewis

Awesome Word...

I stand 'accused' and humbled. :pray:
I am asking for prayer about a new business I am starting, God gave me the idea and go ahead to do this business since 1992. I have run from God about it for over 20 years.

I am not running anymore, God wants to use me in this business venture and I now know who I am in him.

He hasn't given me the spirit of fear, but love, power and sound mind. He will strengthen so I can do all things through Christ Jesus. He has blessed me with favor that compasses me as a shield.

I want and need to fulfill the will of God for me in this new business venture.

Thank you for your prayers!

I stand in agreement with you. No weapon formed against you can or will prosper. Everything that you put your hands to will prosper and succeed. May you have favor with God and man. May people go out of their way to bless you and pour into you and invest in you. May God reveal to you hidden treasures and open doors for you. He goes before you making all rocky ground smooth and level and crooked places, He makes straight.

In Jesus' name, amen!
More food for thought:

Beware of Unusual Circumstances

"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit?" (1 Cor 12:7-9).

Whenever something unusual happens in daily life, these are often signs that God is up to something. We must have a heightened sense of awareness of what God may want to do in these situations. My mentor once shared how he was upgraded on an airline unexpectedly. A woman sat down next to him who was very troubled. He began to quietly pray for the woman and God gave him supernatural insights that her problem related to the fact that she had not forgiven her mother in a family-related issue. He decided to politely share his insight. The woman was shocked. My mentor began to minister to her on the airplane and ultimately led her to Christ.

God is raising the spiritual bar for Christians who want to impact the world for Christ today. He wants to break through into people's lives supernaturally by giving them insights into the needs of people in order to bring them to Christ.

Jesus often spoke supernaturally into the lives of others based on the circumstance of the moment. He often spoke of their current condition in life and invited them to make a change.

As you go about your day, there are situations that we can find ourselves in that are open doors for bringing Christ into the circumstance. In fact, He is the one orchestrating the circumstance!

Next time an unusual situation develops, be aware that God may be creating such a circumstance to bring His glory into the situation.
Good Morning Ladies

Please Please add me and my patient to the list of prayers. My private duty patient has a host and I mean host of health issues he's Going to be 5 years old he's up for review for home nursing. Mom has been fighting for so long to keep him home. I love love him like my son. He needs to stay home.
Good Morning Ladies

Please Please add me and my patient to the list of prayers. My private duty patient has a host and I mean host of health issues he's Going to be 5 years old he's up for review for home nursing. Mom has been fighting for so long to keep him home. I love love him like my son. He needs to stay home.

Father God, we ask for Your divine intervention with our dear sister and her patient. Please God, bless his caregivers, his parent(s), and his physicians with wisdom. Guide their hands as they work with this young man. Father God, we don't know all that is going on with his body but You do. Touch him now, Lord. Heal his body and bless all of his organs, bones, muscles, all parts of his brain to work in perfect order as You designed. Father God, lift up this boy's parents and renew their strength. We pray, Lord, that the way will be smoothed for this boy to receive the care he needs. We praise Your name that paperwork, referrals, insurance coverage and whatever else is needed will come forth easily with no red tape, no hold-ups, no delays. We praise Your name, Lord, that you are making the crooked ways straight, removing barriers, moving mountains on behalf of this precious child You created. Father God, provide this boy and his mother with the support they need. Move others, Lord, to pour out a blessing on this family. Bless this family with peace that passes all understanding. Give them joy in the midst of this storm, and let this mother's voice and her struggle be bound to their favor. Lift them up Lord, in Jesus' name. Amen!!
Thank You so much for responding so quickly
Matthew 18:19
English Standard Version (ESV)
19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
Father God, we ask for Your divine intervention with our dear sister and her patient. Please God, bless his caregivers, his parent(s), and his physicians with wisdom. Guide their hands as they work with this young man. Father God, we don't know all that is going on with his body but You do. Touch him now, Lord. Heal his body and bless all of his organs, bones, muscles, all parts of his brain to work in perfect order as You designed. Father God, lift up this boy's parents and renew their strength. We pray, Lord, that the way will be smoothed for this boy to receive the care he needs. We praise Your name that paperwork, referrals, insurance coverage and whatever else is needed will come forth easily with no red tape, no hold-ups, no delays. We praise Your name, Lord, that you are making the crooked ways straight, removing barriers, moving mountains on behalf of this precious child You created. Father God, provide this boy and his mother with the support they need. Move others, Lord, to pour out a blessing on this family. Bless this family with peace that passes all understanding. Give them joy in the midst of this storm, and let this mother's voice and her struggle be bound to their favor. Lift them up Lord, in Jesus' name. Amen!!

Thank You so much for responding so quickly
Matthew 18:19
English Standard Version (ESV)
19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
I stand in agreement with you ladies blqlady and Blackpearl1993 :pray:
My brother lost his job a few days ago....Yup another one in my family who lost his job.

The good thing is, there is a chance for him to get rehired next week. Please pray for him to have favor with whomever the decision maker is and he gets his job back.

As for me, I'm still searching for a job. I'm getting restless, but my trust is 100% reliant on Him. I believe I will have a job before June.
My brother lost his job a few days ago....Yup another one in my family who lost his job.

The good thing is, there is a chance for him to get rehired next week. Please pray for him to have favor with whomever the decision maker is and he gets his job back.

As for me, I'm still searching for a job. I'm getting restless, but my trust is 100% reliant on Him. I believe I will have a job before June.

Father God, pour out a blessing on our sister, Renewed1, and her family. Bless them financially, spiritually, and physically. God we ask that you bless them with the jobs that are just right for them, jobs that they will have a passion for, jobs that are permanent; jobs that offer opportunities for advancement, excellent benefits, and an excellent salary. We praise Your name that they will be blessed with an abundance so their needs will be met and they will be able to bless others. Father give them peace, joy, and patience when needed. Lift them up and let them know right now without any remaining doubt that their blessing is just around the corner. Let them know that You've got this under Your control and their needs will be met. Open doors, break through barriers, cut through red tape and provide them with positions that have been saved, set aside just for them. Let them shine like no other candidate, and allow them to be just what the person hiring is looking for in an applicant. Open the floodgates of heaven, Lord and restore to them what the moth has eaten. We praise Your name for a complete turn around in their circumstances and we praise Your name for victory and breakthroughs! Amen.
Praise Report

I would like to say thanks a Thousand Times. Your Prayers and faith has really helped my patient and I . I appreciate everything. Elijah has been renewed for another 6 Months God is so awesome.
Praise Report

I would like to say thanks a Thousand Times. Your Prayers and faith has really helped my patient and I . I appreciate everything. Elijah has been renewed for another 6 Months God is so awesome.

This right here??? This made my day!! God is so good all the time :grin:
Please pray for my godmother. She is in the hospital and I as a woman of God, I know he has a hand in this. Thank you in advance.