Ladies I'm asking for your prayers again. My husband has an interview Tuesday for a job that would truly be a huge blessing for us provided that it is in God's will for us! He's been unemployed since November 2012 due to being laid off. We really need a breakthrough right now...
Please agree with me in prayer for protection and that anyone who attempts to harm my children and myself are neutralized.

Father in the Name of Jesus, thank you for keeping your daughter and her dear children safe and secure and in your total peace and assurance, no matter the day, the time or the hour.

Your life abides and abounds towards and with them; your tender mercies hover over them as a gentle cloud of your loving protection. You have surrounded them with your shield and armour which cannot be weakened.

Your life is their life, therefore there is no danger nor harm that can come near them. Your goodness and mercy follows them all the days of their long and protected lives; you are their Jehovah Nissi, their protector and their banner over them which is love. The enemy has no weapons that can overtake them. For you are the Father who protects His daughters and sons throughout the earth...unceasing.

Thank you Father for placing their hearts at total peace...believing you for who you are...always their Father.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Thank you Father God for hearing our prayers.

Amen. :love3:
Ladies I'm asking for your prayers again. My husband has an interview Tuesday for a job that would truly be a huge blessing for us provided that it is in God's will for us! He's been unemployed since November 2012 due to being laid off. We really need a breakthrough right now...

Father, far beyond this job interview, we thank you for our Brother-in-Christ Jesus, the husband of our dear and loved sister HappywithJC723 . Father with our hearts bowed in loving reverence unto you, we ask and thank you for blessing them with your abundant provision and unending supply for all of their needs and beyond.

Father we ask that you bless our brother with a postion that no one can overtake, nor steal from your blessings which you have in store for him.

Please favour him. Bless him with a job that far exceeds his expectations, not only in salary, but in abundance with the need for his gifts and talents which you have placed in him long before he was conceived, carried by his mother, and brought forth into this earth.

No matter what, you will always lead and guide him beyond his plans and goals. Lead and protect and guide him to where you have planned for him to be.

Strengthen his faith and love in you and in his precious wife. Give their marriage new life. No matter what occurs in their lives, let it bring them closer to you and unto one another. Seal the love between them and protect it with your ever present compassion upon them. Close off the obstructions and open the windows of Heaven to pour out upon them the favour and blessings from above, with all of you love.

In Jesus' Name, rule the path and Destiny that he will follow and find peace and joy that only you can give. In Jesus' Name, all thanks and appreciation is unto you.

Amen, Precious Father, Amen.
Hello Ladies, let's say a pray for those who were affected by the bad weather in Oklahoma.

As for myself, please continue to pray as I search for a job. Please pray for my brother, he made a mistake and now his unemployment is being challenged. Please pray that God will bless him with his unemployment.
Hello Ladies, let's say a pray for those who were affected by the bad weather in Oklahoma.

As for myself, please continue to pray as I search for a job. Please pray for my brother, he made a mistake and now his unemployment is being challenged. Please pray that God will bless him with his unemployment.


Praying for those in Oklahoma City....

Praying that God blesses you and your brother far above and beyond your prayers for abundance in God's financial provision.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Father, far beyond this job interview, we thank you for our Brother-in-Christ Jesus, the husband of our dear and loved sister HappywithJC723 . Father with our hearts bowed in loving reverence unto you, we ask and thank you for blessing them with your abundant provision and unending supply for all of their needs and beyond.

Father we ask that you bless our brother with a postion that no one can overtake, nor steal from your blessings which you have in store for him.

Please favour him. Bless him with a job that far exceeds his expectations, not only in salary, but in abundance with the need for his gifts and talents which you have placed in him long before he was conceived, carried by his mother, and brought forth into this earth.

No matter what, you will always lead and guide him beyond his plans and goals. Lead and protect and guide him to where you have planned for him to be.

Strengthen his faith and love in you and in his precious wife. Give their marriage new life. No matter what occurs in their lives, let it bring them closer to you and unto one another. Seal the love between them and protect it with your ever present compassion upon them. Close off the obstructions and open the windows of Heaven to pour out upon them the favour and blessings from above, with all of you love.

In Jesus' Name, rule the path and Destiny that he will follow and find peace and joy that only you can give. In Jesus' Name, all thanks and appreciation is unto you.

Amen, Precious Father, Amen.

Amen, Father!

Thank you so much for your prayers. Shimmie, God bless you and yours. You are truly a blessing to my life. :rose:
Hello everyone, I'm asking for prayer for my parents. My father was told yesterday that he has two tumors on his brain. Just to give a little history: in November 2008 my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and my mother was admitted to the hospital with what would be diagnosed a few months later as kidney failure. Due to these events, I moved back home from Atlanta to be with them. She has been taking dialysis since February 2009. This week is the 4-year anniversary of my Dad's last cancer treatment and with every checkup no trace of cancer is found. Thank God! My Dad has a positive outlook and so do I, as God has healed him of cancer. He hasn't told my Mom nor my two sisters yet, but I'm sure he'll tell them soon. He has to have another CATscan and after that he has to see a neurologist or neurosurgeon (I don't remeber exactly what he told me). He says he isn't going to allow them to do surgery, so I'm guessing there won't be a biopsy at all unless there is an alternative to the invasive procedure. Anywho, please pray for my Dad's health and for God to give us strength and clarity.
Thank you.

UPDATE: Hello ladies. The tumor was benign and as the days passed my dad decided to have the surgery to remove it. His surgery was yesterday. The surgeon said everything went fine and that he was able to remove all of the tumor. I'm staying in the unit with my dad tonight. He is speaking quite a bit when he is able to get his thoughts together. He is still working on moving his right limbs, he did move his toe on his right foot. We're praying that God will give him a speedy recovery. He's in a great mood and is constantly thanking God for allowing him to make it through. He got emotional a few times! My sisters and I are daddy's girls, so we're like bags of water lol So, I'm asking that everyone pray for my dad's complete healing and our family in general. We know God is a healer and have seen his blessings and miracles constantly bestowed upon our family and we have faith that he is bringing us through this trying time as well.
Thank you all!
Urgent prayer needed:

My friend Tammy called me to tell me that her 5 year old son, Kenyon, had hit his head at school and that the school was calling 911. He was taken via ambulance to the hospital, and it was discovered that he has a concussion and a skull fracture. There is no bleeding, but he will be staying in the hospital at least overnight for observation. They are unable to even keep him awake and he's been vomiting. She is a woman of faith and is asking for prayers. Please stand in agreement with me that Kenyon will be totally and completely healed by the hand of God; that there will no lasting damage or setbacks for this precious little boy. Please also pray that this experience, while horrible, will only serve to draw Tammy and her husband closer together.
Urgent prayer needed:

My friend Tammy called me to tell me that her 5 year old son, Kenyon, had hit his head at school and that the school was calling 911. He was taken via ambulance to the hospital, and it was discovered that he has a concussion and a skull fracture. There is no bleeding, but he will be staying in the hospital at least overnight for observation. They are unable to even keep him awake and he's been vomiting. She is a woman of faith and is asking for prayers. Please stand in agreement with me that Kenyon will be totally and completely healed by the hand of God; that there will no lasting damage or setbacks for this precious little boy. Please also pray that this experience, while horrible, will only serve to draw Tammy and her husband closer together.

O' Father, our Heavenly Father, we bow our hearts before you and bring this precious little boy, Kenyon. Dear Father, heal his body, from the very Crown of his head, all of his nerve endings, his cells, his arteries, the oxygen necessary to flow in his brain, let there be no residual damage. Keep him safe and well and alive. Let this baby live to grow and to give you glory, all the days of his life.

Allow no evil to befall him, no harm to come near him, that only life and in it's fullness shall dwell in him, in Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.

Blackpearl1993 , please keep us updated... :love3:
UPDATE: Hello ladies. The tumor was benign and as the days passed my dad decided to have the surgery to remove it. His surgery was yesterday. The surgeon said everything went fine and that he was able to remove all of the tumor. I'm staying in the unit with my dad tonight. He is speaking quite a bit when he is able to get his thoughts together. He is still working on moving his right limbs, he did move his toe on his right foot. We're praying that God will give him a speedy recovery. He's in a great mood and is constantly thanking God for allowing him to make it through. He got emotional a few times! My sisters and I are daddy's girls, so we're like bags of water lol So, I'm asking that everyone pray for my dad's complete healing and our family in general. We know God is a healer and have seen his blessings and miracles constantly bestowed upon our family and we have faith that he is bringing us through this trying time as well.
Thank you all!

Missy25, we have you and 'Dad' and your family in prayer. Please keep us updated.

O' Father, our Heavenly Father, we bow our hearts before you and bring this precious little boy, Kenyon. Dear Father, heal his body, from the very Crown of his head, all of his nerve endings, his cells, his arteries, the oxygen necessary to flow in his brain, let there be no residual damage. Keep him safe and well and alive. Let this baby live to grow and to give you glory, all the days of his life.

Allow no evil to befall him, no harm to come near him, that only life and in it's fullness shall dwell in him, in Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.

Blackpearl1993 , please keep us updated... :love3:

Thank you so much for the prayer. I will keep you all posted. A neurologist will be consulting with the family tomorrow.
Update on Kenyon and his head injury:

Well, I spoke to Tammy today. She sounded much better, and she said Kenyon is begging to go home because the hospital is boring--lol! His skull fracture is on the back of his head, but it was a clean break and did not shift (which can commonly happen with skull fractures). There is no bleeding or swelling in his brain and the doctor does not expect any of this to happen because the fracture did not shift. They expect a full recovery, praise God!! His parents will need to watch him, because it is imperative that he not hit his head at all within the next 6-8 weeks.

The back of his head is where the vision center is, so his vision will be completely checked before he is discharged. His vision does seem to be fine. Kenyon said he had a headache yesterday, but he says he doesn't have any pain at all today. He also has been able to keep Ensure and milk down without vomiting, although he has no appetite for solids right now. Tammy thanks you all for praying (and so do I). She is like a sister to me and I appreciate our very special prayer community on this forum.
Update on Kenyon and his head injury:

Well, I spoke to Tammy today. She sounded much better, and she said Kenyon is begging to go home because the hospital is boring--lol! His skull fracture is on the back of his head, but it was a clean break and did not shift (which can commonly happen with skull fractures). There is no bleeding or swelling in his brain and the doctor does not expect any of this to happen because the fracture did not shift. They expect a full recovery, praise God!! His parents will need to watch him, because it is imperative that he not hit his head at all within the next 6-8 weeks.

The back of his head is where the vision center is, so his vision will be completely checked before he is discharged. His vision does seem to be fine. Kenyon said he had a headache yesterday, but he says he doesn't have any pain at all today. He also has been able to keep Ensure and milk down without vomiting, although he has no appetite for solids right now. Tammy thanks you all for praying (and so do I). She is like a sister to me and I appreciate our very special prayer community on this forum.


My eyes are so watery right now... this is heartfelt. God is so faithful. Praying for and 'with' you for this babyboy was like praying for my own.

Father God, thank you so much for healing and protecting this precious one. Our gratitude is beyond words. We bow our hearts in worship and praise unto you in Jesus' Name.

Unto to you be all the praise, honour and the glory, forever and ever,

Amen and Amein...

Thank you Blackpearl for sharing this miracle with us. Give Tammy a bighug. I'm still praying... :pray:

Kenyon is such a brave and good little boy. He's a sweetheart, for sure. He has my heart. :love3:
Thank you! :rosebud:Shimmie, he is doing well Praise God! He can move is fingers on his right hand now. :yay: He was moved to inpatient rehab this past Wednesday. We're still praying and standing on God's promises.:yep:
Thank you! :rosebud:Shimmie, he is doing well Praise God! He can move is fingers on his right hand now. :yay: He was moved to inpatient rehab this past Wednesday. We're still praying and standing on God's promises.:yep:

This is wonderful news Missy25...

Please give him hugs from each of us here. Please let him know that we are praying for him. He's our 'Poppa' too. :love3:

My eyes are so watery right now... this is heartfelt. God is so faithful. Praying for and 'with' you for this babyboy was like praying for my own.

Father God, thank you so much for healing and protecting this precious one. Our gratitude is beyond words. We bow our hearts in worship and praise unto you in Jesus' Name.

Unto to you be all the praise, honour and the glory, forever and ever,

Amen and Amein...

Thank you Blackpearl for sharing this miracle with us. Give Tammy a bighug. I'm still praying... :pray:

Kenyon is such a brave and good little boy. He's a sweetheart, for sure. He has my heart. :love3:

Well, Kenyon is now home. He is as active as ever, and is as happy as a clam to be home! Kenyon will need to heal for 8 weeks, but a full recovery is expected. His mother again thanks everyone for their prayers.
Well, Kenyon is now home. He is as active as ever, and is as happy as a clam to be home! Kenyon will need to heal for 8 weeks, but a full recovery is expected. His mother again thanks everyone for their prayers.

Praise God! :notworthy: Thank you Father God...Thank you. :love3:

I'm very happy for Kenyon...Bless his heart. I thank God for assigning multiple angels to surround him to keep him safe from all harm and danger. No more bumps or fractures.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Praise Report!

We recently prayed for a friend who's was concerned that her step FIL who is gravely ill find the Lord and make peace with his family. She let me know that he attended church last Sunday! I have been hearing that he is reaching out to family and trying to mend broken relationships. This is an awesome answered prayer! Praise God! :pray: :clap:
I have a prayer request for a co-worker. About 9 months ago she broke her hip. She's a young lady in her 30's. She had surgery to have pins placed in her hip and was out of work for about 8 weeks. She has been back to work for a while now but she is not healing as expected, and there has been talks of her needing additional surgery. I'll get more details from her this week. I want us to lift her up in prayer for complete healing!!
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I have a prayer request for a co-worker. About 9 months ago she broke her hip. She's a young lady in her 30's. She had surgery to have pins placed in her hip and was out of work for about 8 weeks. She has been back to work for a while now but she is not healing as expected, and there has been talks of her needing additional surgery. I'll get more details from her this week. I want us to lift her up in prayer for complete healing!!

Sure Atlanta... :yep:

Father we thank you for being able to come to you with our hearts bowed askig for prayer. We lift up this precious co-worker and ask that you reach into her soul being and heal every area of her body. From her blood vessels, to her spine, her neck and torso, her feet, ankles shall no longer swell. Her hips, both shall be aligned in perfection and without pain.

It matters not what would or could have been done, she needs your healing power to overflow into every cavity of her total body, inside and out. Her bones and marrow and the balance of her akaline and ph levels where needed. All of this contributes to relieving her from the pain and healing.

You are the Lord God of all and it is in you whom we place our hearts of trust. And Father we thank you for it all. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Praise Report!

We recently prayed for a friend who's was concerned that her step FIL who is gravely ill find the Lord and make peace with his family. She let me know that he attended church last Sunday! I have been hearing that he is reaching out to family and trying to mend broken relationships. This is an awesome answered prayer! Praise God! :pray: :clap:

Well Glory! Glory to God, All Mighty fails........NOT.

Praise God who never fails any of us. :yay:

Praise the ever living, ever loving God of our hearts. Father we thank you and we ask that you extend this man's renewed life. Give him life more abundantly and allow him to just overflow with you love, your goodness and your tender mercies to share with others to see the new work of which you have done in him.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Sure Atlanta... :yep:

Father we thank you for being able to come to you with our hearts bowed askig for prayer. We lift up this precious co-worker and ask that you reach into her soul being and heal every area of her body. From her blood vessels, to her spine, her neck and torso, her feet, ankles shall no longer swell. Her hips, both shall be aligned in perfection and without pain.

It matters not what would or could have been done, she needs your healing power to overflow into every cavity of her total body, inside and out. Her bones and marrow and the balance of her akaline and ph levels where needed. All of this contributes to relieving her from the pain and healing.

You are the Lord God of all and it is in you whom we place our hearts of trust. And Father we thank you for it all. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Amen Amen!! :pray:

Thank You Abba Father for Your mercy and loving grace! Thank You for healing Jennifer!
I know Im late but pray for my oldest brother. The divorece is completed and my ex sister in law is take nearly completely my brothers money and half of his pension. I don't know how he , mom and grand mom are going to survive. She also is still dumping the kids at my brother's place she is taking no responsibility yet she has the right to the kids.