Please pray for my godmother. She is in the hospital and I as a woman of God, I know he has a hand in this. Thank you in advance.

Father in the name of Jesus, we come before you in love and in faith believing, that you are the healer of all in all. We thank you for healing tyrablu's Godmother. You know her 'frame', her inside and out and all that is in between.

Thank you for being her total peace and surrounding her with your love, keeping her safe and warm and secure. Keep her mind and heart at total calm and peace and while she is sleeping you are giving her great rest, great assurance of you and your great love overflow of total healing in her entire body, soul and mind.

We bless you Father God, we bow our hearts before you. We are grateful unto you and we honour your wonderful name and presence in all of our lives.

Thank you Father for being our God, how blessed we are and even more how blessed Tyrablue and her Godmother is.

In Jesus' Name, forever we pray and honour... Amen.
Father in the name of Jesus, we come before you in love and in faith believing, that you are the healer of all in all. We thank you for healing tyrablu's Godmother. You know her 'frame', her inside and out and all that is in between.

Thank you for being her total peace and surrounding her with your love, keeping her safe and warm and secure. Keep her mind and heart at total calm and peace and while she is sleeping you are giving her great rest, great assurance of you and your great love overflow of total healing in her entire body, soul and mind.

We bless you Father God, we bow our hearts before you. We are grateful unto you and we honour your wonderful name and presence in all of our lives.

Thank you Father for being our God, how blessed we are and even more how blessed Tyrablue and her Godmother is.

In Jesus' Name, forever we pray and honour... Amen.

Thank you Shimmie :Rose:
I am so thankful for your prayers. I had to be induced on Monday since I was a week overdue. The process was long, painful, and tiring BUT TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!! She is here and healthy! Her heart rate kept dropping and she was in distress but God had her life in His hand and she fought through it. I thank God for having it all under control even when I was fearful.
I am so thankful for your prayers. I had to be induced on Monday since I was a week overdue. The process was long, painful, and tiring BUT TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!! She is here and healthy! Her heart rate kept dropping and she was in distress but God had her life in His hand and she fought through it. I thank God for having it all under control even when I was fearful.

Praise God! I saw your baby's pic in the other thread. She's a little doll!
I am so thankful for your prayers. I had to be induced on Monday since I was a week overdue. The process was long, painful, and tiring BUT TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!! She is here and healthy! Her heart rate kept dropping and she was in distress but God had her life in His hand and she fought through it. I thank God for having it all under control even when I was fearful.


Congratulations 'Mommie' gvin89...

Love and blessings to you and your beautiful family. :love3:
Hello Ladies,

*Please pray for my oldest nephew.Pray that he continues to improve and evolve at school and at home. He is doing incredibly well and he is improving everyday. He is becoming more sociable with others outside of the family. He is showing lots of improvments at school.

*Also pray for both of all 3 of my brothers. Pray for their health, their career and finances.

*Pray that my oldest brother obtains a higher job position where he will be happy, stress free and surrounded by a wonderful and loving staff.

*Please pray for my mom's health. She has been feeling sick lately. Pray that she heals and become healthy again.

*I have a job interview on may 1st. Pray that I obtain the job. This call for an interview came out of the blue. Please stand in agreement that pass the interview and get the job.
Hello ladies. I came to you all before asking you to join me in prayer and I am now coming again. I know that God is ALWAYS able and on time! I also know the power of prayer! :yep:

Please pray for my grandmother. She is 95 years old and has diverticulitis. She has been bleeding when she goes to the bathroom since yesterday. We are not sure where the bleeding is coming from and she had to ne taken to the hospital today. Please pray that she will be healed, healthy and able to return home soon.

Please also pray that my husband gets the job he interviewed for last week. He's been laid off since November 2012 and his unemployment is due to run out soon. Its been a real strain on both of us.

Please also pray for me to find another job. I took my current jib because I was laid off in December 2012 and with both my husband and I being out of work it was a struggle. I'm not happy with the job in general, the commute is brutal and the hours make it hard for me to have a life outside of work.

I will be praying for each of you ladies. Thank you in advance for all your prayers :rose:
Good morning ladies. I just had a few prayer requests to ask of you all.
First please pray for my friend bo as she is battling with ovarian cancer. Last I heard she was in remission but this is the second time I know about in this school year she has had to be hospitalized. Please pry that she can find solice in someone and stop holding everything inside.

Also if you all could keep me uplifted as I go into the last few weeks of my undergraduate career. Although I am excited, I have been having doubts about myself, my abilities and my predestined path. Due to a rough year last academic year I have a few obstacles to overcome before graduation. I have no set plans for next semester except that I plan to do a medical post bacc and this lack of direction is stressing me out. However Im trying to keep telling myself that my path is already laid and my victory is already claimed.

This is kind of reminding me of the birth and death of a vision. I say this because my desire to go into medicine has stuck with me since the age of 2 years old, and just recently(about two years ago) I changed my desired field without really any reasoning except I felt a pulling. I feel I am currently in the death of my vision before it reaches fulfillment, and I am just needing a little encouragement.

Thank you ladies, and as usual I will continue my prayers for you all.
I ask for prayers for myself. I'm feeling much alone lately. The enemy is attacking my mind. When I believed I was stepping into a blessing, my mind is tellinge that maybe I shouldn't have taken this step....that it was a mistake. I feel like I have failed AGAIN.....I need a miracle.....
Update: Thank you ladies for your prayers! My grandmother was released from the hospital this past Saturday! She's doing well and is happy to be home! Praise God!!!!! :clap:

Please continue to pray over my situation and I will continue to pray for you!
Good morning ladies. I just had a few prayer requests to ask of you all.
First please pray for my friend bo as she is battling with ovarian cancer. Last I heard she was in remission but this is the second time I know about in this school year she has had to be hospitalized. Please pry that she can find solice in someone and stop holding everything inside.

Also if you all could keep me uplifted as I go into the last few weeks of my undergraduate career. Although I am excited, I have been having doubts about myself, my abilities and my predestined path. Due to a rough year last academic year I have a few obstacles to overcome before graduation. I have no set plans for next semester except that I plan to do a medical post bacc and this lack of direction is stressing me out. However Im trying to keep telling myself that my path is already laid and my victory is already claimed.

This is kind of reminding me of the birth and death of a vision. I say this because my desire to go into medicine has stuck with me since the age of 2 years old, and just recently(about two years ago) I changed my desired field without really any reasoning except I felt a pulling. I feel I am currently in the death of my vision before it reaches fulfillment, and I am just needing a little encouragement.

Thank you ladies, and as usual I will continue my prayers for you all.

Father God,

Please touch Bo right now and remove this cancer from her body. Heal her, Lord as only You can. Give her and her family perfect peace in this situation. Let them know that You are in control. Bless your dear child, Bo and let her know that You love her, that You are taking care of her and her family, and that nothing is too hard for you. Let Bo's healing puzzle her doctors because it will be so miraculous that it doesn't fit what one finds in the case studies and textbooks. Let them know without any doubt that You brought about her healing. Touch every part of her body, Lord. From the top of her head to the souls of her feet, I declare in the name of Jesus that she is healed and that every part of her body is in perfect working order as You designed. You knit her together in her mother's womb, Lord. We know that healing her is not hard for you at all. Pour out a blessing on her, her family, and Nadaa16 for caring enough to request prayer.

Bless Nadaa16 with clear direction. Remove all confusion and speak to her heart. Keep her on the straight and narrow path and remove anyone or anything from her life that is causing confusion or distraction from her hearing Your voice. Your word says that Your sheep know Your voice. We know that Your word is true, everlasting, and will not return to You void. Whatever road blocks and obstacles are in her way, Lord, please remove them in Jesus' name. Bless our dear sister to easily understand and master new concepts, and be able to apply what she has learned in multiple ways. Bless her to complete her assignments and assessments with godly excellence. Let her assignments be complete with nothing lacking. Praise Your name God that she will complete her undergraduate degree and that the process in these remaining weeks will be smooth and stress free. Bind her efforts to her benefit and to the body of Christ for the edification of Your kingdom. Amen!
I ask for prayers for myself. I'm feeling much alone lately. The enemy is attacking my mind. When I believed I was stepping into a blessing, my mind is tellinge that maybe I shouldn't have taken this step....that it was a mistake. I feel like I have failed AGAIN.....I need a miracle.....

Father God, just lift up our dear sister in Christ. Let her feel Your presence and remove any doubt that You are and always will be with her. Your word says tears may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Bless her with peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding. Give her joy and bless her to cast her burdens on You. Step into her pain and shoulder the load, Lord. Bless her financially, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If there is anyone in her life who has or is speaking negatively over her situation or her, I declare those negative statements and thoughts broken in the name of Jesus. Fill her mind with heavenly thoughts. Remove the scales from her eyes and bless her to view herself and her situation through Your eyes. Bless her to know and believe how valuable she is to You. Bless her to never doubt it again. Praise Your name, God, for pouring out a blessing and showing her grace and mercy. Praise Your name that she will be blessed with a complete 180 degree change in her circumstances and that she will have a testimony that will abundantly bless others and enable her to delve deeper in relationship with You as You bring her out of this present, yet temporary storm. Amen!
Good Morning Ladies,

I have two prayer requests this AM. The first being that you all pray for me that my relationship with the Lord doesn't become stagnant. I think I go through phases where I'm on fire for the Lord and then I get in ruts like I'm in now where I'm not in my Word nearly as much as I should be, my prayer life takes a back seat, and then I feel guilty and embarrassed so it's difficult to ignite the fire again. Please pray my strength in getting out of this rut!

Secondly, I will be finishing my third degree this month (by the grace of God). I have my board test coming in up in about six weeks and I desperately need your prayers to pass! Please pray and agree with me that I not only pass this test, but I excel.

I am thankful for this thread and I thank you in advance. In Jesus Name, I believe both of these will come to pass.
Good Morning Ladies,

I have two prayer requests this AM. The first being that you all pray for me that my relationship with the Lord doesn't become stagnant. I think I go through phases where I'm on fire for the Lord and then I get in ruts like I'm in now where I'm not in my Word nearly as much as I should be, my prayer life takes a back seat, and then I feel guilty and embarrassed so it's difficult to ignite the fire again. Please pray my strength in getting out of this rut!

Secondly, I will be finishing my third degree this month (by the grace of God). I have my board test coming in up in about six weeks and I desperately need your prayers to pass! Please pray and agree with me that I not only pass this test, but I excel.

I am thankful for this thread and I thank you in advance. In Jesus Name, I believe both of these will come to pass.

Good morning [mention=18339089] Oneprettypa [/mention],

We prayed for you last night on the prayer call that your joy and fire for the Lord would be restored and rejuvenated. I love that you are a woman after God's heart! We prayed that God would make it easy for you to seek Him-after all He is the keeper of time. We also prayed for peace of mind, wisdom, retention of information, and favor with the exam reviewers as you prepare for your upcoming board exam.

Take care!!
Sashaa08 Thank you all sooo much!!! It really is heart warming to know you have sisters in Christ that will intervene on your behalf when needed. This really means a lot to me :). Thank you all again.
At work today, I heard one of my colleagues in the department scream in shock : " A lady just got hit by a truck!!!!" . Everyone ran to the window including myself.

I saw a lady lying on the street right at the street corner in front of where I work. She was still moving her arm and was able to move her feet. I don't know her but I can't help but worry about this woman.

The thought of the impact of her falling back on the cement scares me :nono: and I know for a fact the back of her head hit the sidewalk...there was a lot of blood!:perplexed

Please pray for this woman's healing and quick recovery. But pray that she is ok.
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Food for thought:

People don't believe in all kinds of things, and I am no exception. I do not believe in defeat. There is no such word in my life as a believer. When things look bleak, I recall Eph 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." I fervently pray for all the armies of heaven to work on behalf of the bleak situation, to turn an ungodly one into a godly one. I ask the Lord to battle in the heavenly places on behalf of His child, as the war is not mine, and He is the Victor.
Do you believe in defeat? I hope not. The enemy has no lasting power, and faith is believing in what is not seen. If victory seems a far way off in your circumstances, then also add 'additional faith' to your prayer, to believe in what you cannot see. Victory is coming! There is no room for defeat as the battle is the Lord's, and He won't be defeated.


Do not fear what this day, or any day, may bring your way. Concentrate on trusting Me and on doing what needs to be done. Relax in My sovereignty, remembering that I go before you, as well as with you, into each day. Fear no evil, for I can bring good out of every situation you will ever encounter. ~Jesus Calling
Food for thought:

People don't believe in all kinds of things, and I am no exception. I do not believe in defeat. There is no such word in my life as a believer. When things look bleak, I recall Eph 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." I fervently pray for all the armies of heaven to work on behalf of the bleak situation, to turn an ungodly one into a godly one. I ask the Lord to battle in the heavenly places on behalf of His child, as the war is not mine, and He is the Victor.
Do you believe in defeat? I hope not. The enemy has no lasting power, and faith is believing in what is not seen. If victory seems a far way off in your circumstances, then also add 'additional faith' to your prayer, to believe in what you cannot see. Victory is coming! There is no room for defeat as the battle is the Lord's, and He won't be defeated.


Do not fear what this day, or any day, may bring your way. Concentrate on trusting Me and on doing what needs to be done. Relax in My sovereignty, remembering that I go before you, as well as with you, into each day. Fear no evil, for I can bring good out of every situation you will ever encounter. ~Jesus Calling


:amen: :amen: :amen:

Girl, you betta PREACH!


"Defeat" are not the shoes I wear on my feet" I walk in total victory, and this is my story, all due to our Blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ, all the day long.
Food for thought:

People don't believe in all kinds of things, and I am no exception. I do not believe in defeat. There is no such word in my life as a believer. When things look bleak, I recall Eph 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." I fervently pray for all the armies of heaven to work on behalf of the bleak situation, to turn an ungodly one into a godly one. I ask the Lord to battle in the heavenly places on behalf of His child, as the war is not mine, and He is the Victor.
Do you believe in defeat? I hope not. The enemy has no lasting power, and faith is believing in what is not seen. If victory seems a far way off in your circumstances, then also add 'additional faith' to your prayer, to believe in what you cannot see. Victory is coming! There is no room for defeat as the battle is the Lord's, and He won't be defeated.


Do not fear what this day, or any day, may bring your way. Concentrate on trusting Me and on doing what needs to be done. Relax in My sovereignty, remembering that I go before you, as well as with you, into each day. Fear no evil, for I can bring good out of every situation you will ever encounter. ~Jesus Calling

Amen! God has given us authority....
At work today, I heard one of my colleagues in the department scream in shock : " A lady just got hit by a truck!!!!" . Everyone ran to the window including myself.

I saw a lady lying on the street right at the street corner in front of where I work. She was still moving her arm and was able to move her feet. I don't know her but I can't help but worry about this woman.

The thought of the impact of her falling back on the cement scares me :nono: and I know for a fact the back of her head hit the sidewalk...there was a lot of blood!:perplexed

Please pray for this woman's healing and quick recovery. But pray that she is ok.

Lifting her up in prayer, someone posted on my Facebook timeline that they witnessed an older woman being hit while crossing the street. She stopped and prayed with the woman who was hit and the driver who stopped and helped. Sounds like the same situation. The woman's name was "Ms Shirley" it happened on May 9th near Atlanta.
My cousin needs serious surgery, two of them. Please pray that she is cured.

:pray: Praying for your cousin to be safe in God's loving arms before, during and after surgery and that her health will be secure. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Please pray today ladies. I'm going to a psyc today. I know the satan isn't happy I'm seeking my health both in heaven and on earth.


So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

Roman 8:1

Indeed you belong to the very heart of our Lord Jesus :kiss:

Go forward for you shall always succeed.

I love you, Little Sister :kiss:
Please pray for my DH's business partner. . Their 3 year old son is hospitalized for a series of tests to rule out muscular dystrophy. The husband is not very religious; and we are asking for healing of the son and to open the fathers heart to accept faith and Christ.
Please pray for my DH's business partner. . Their 3 year old son is hospitalized for a series of tests to rule out muscular dystrophy. The husband is not very religious; and we are asking for healing of the son and to open the fathers heart to accept faith and Christ.

Father bless this precious child with your healing presence. Let him grow healthy and strong and filled with the love of you and life for others. We thank you for not allowing any manner of sickness of disease nor infirmity to take place nor rule in his body or his precious little soul. For you are the Lord over all, the Lord God All Mighty and nothing shall by any means harm this child in any manner shape nor form.

We thank you that he is healed beyond anyone's faith or non-belief. For you are the Holy One who has his heart and life in your hands and ultimate plans for giving you glory. In Jesus' Name, we give you all the glory and honour and praise, Amen.

Thank you Father God for your exceedingly great and precious promises which you have given unto us and will bring them all to pass, all of which indeed include our healing in your perfect and withstanding all rejection.




So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

Roman 8:1

Indeed you belong to the very heart of our Lord Jesus :kiss:

Go forward for you shall always succeed.

I love you, Little Sister :kiss: