
I am requesting prayers for my sister Ry-e-rah (Ryerah) she will be 20 in less than two weeks. She is involved in a verbally and physically abusive relationship. I sent her back home to her dad because I knew that she wasn't going to press charges against her abuser and this would at least put some much needed distance between them.

Despite everyone talking to her in less than a week later she has returned to him and his family is encouraging her, she left our home this morning and didn't tell anyone goodbye includng her dad... We are all fearful of the next call we will get...

Please keep her in prayer...Thank you.

For my sister " Iwanthealthhair67's member prayer request.

O' Father in Jesus' Name.... we BREAK this spirit of bondage that has this 'child' (yes child), her little sister captive to abuse. We speak to the spirits of bondage to 'GO' ! ! ! in the Name of Jesus. GO! Loose Her! IN JESUS' NAME! GO!

We dedicate her unto you and we plead the Blood of Jesus over her life, her mind, her inability to make sound decisions.

We command her spirit to yield to the Holy Spirit of God. We command her spirit to yield to the voice and prompting of the Holy Spirit and the 'strangers' voice', the spirits of confusion, the weakness of the flesh and unreasoning, shall not prevail. They are commanded to 'STILL THEIR MOUTHS', for Father your Word says clearly, "iniquity will shut her mouth"; therefore the spirit of iniquity and confusion, demonic persuasion, satanic seduction, shall be rendered mute, silenced, disabled from conversing with her soul, her mind, her total being.

To her abuser, the fear and the dread of you, Father God, and our prayers shall be upon him. Father as you stilled the wind and the seas, as you stilled the mouths of the lions from devouring Daniel, as you sequestered the blaze of fire in the firey furnace again the three Hebrew boys, so shall you still the hand and the weapons of force, of this abuser in JESUS' NAME!

Father we dedicate this person unto you where he will fear you and bow unto you and lift his hands in praise only unto you and not unto the harm of another, namely this 'sister', for whom we pray. He is yours and no longer an instrument, no weapon, nor tool of satan. Father God, do your work and it shall be done, here on earth in this sitation as well as other abusive situations that others may be going through.

Do it! Father God! DO IT!

Bring this child, this sister of our 'sister member', out of danger; even more so the danger of her own mind which has not been yielded unto you. She shall not and cannot ignore, nor resist your voice, nor your warnings, your promptings, your wisdom. Fill her to overflowing with your Holy presence and set her FREE!

There will be NO evil tidings, there shall not be any calls or visits of 'bad news', no tragedy shall occurr. In Jesus' Name... In JESUS' NAME! AMEN and AMEN!
Prayer ladies...please agree with me in prayer for my mom. She's leaving this week on first visit to Africa, that she has a safe trip to and from. thank you!
Ladies, I'm asking for prayers for my mom (Pat B.) who is having surgery on the 3/13.

I'm also asking for prayers for my daughter who is waitlisted for the high school that she wants to go to. It's a much better school than her zoned school.

Thanks and Blessings to you all.
Just lift me up in prayer please. I'm going through a 6 day sun up to sun down fasting and just completed 4 today. Yesterday I felt so good and felt like I broke through some barriers. However today, I felt like all the negativity and sadness returned. I started to harbor anxiety, discouragement and worries! I feel like the enemy is not happy with me and what I did yesterday must have caused some shaking and moving. Please pray for me
I am requesting prayer for God to "take the limits off"
There's something reoccurring in my life and I need prayer
I believe it's a stronghold
if you have specific resources on tearing down strongholds please also feel free to recommend them
I say take the limits off, because it's limiting
and based in fear
I believe it comes from a childhood hurt

Thank you ladies :)
Pray for peace for our immediate family, extended and friends in this day of anniversary of the death of our member.

Un moment cathartique
Pardonnez si j’écrit en français mais j’essaie de ne pas pleurer ici et pour que ces mots ne s’approchent très près à mon coeur, si ça fait du bons sens. Il est déja une année de l’anniversaire du mort de mon mari....ah, mais 7 ans complets de divorce et 7 ans d’attente de l’annuler. C’est où le temps s’est passés? Entretemps and juste avant cette période grise de ma vie, nous avons perdus en tout une maître de l’école paroissiale, puis la principe Soeur Janet que j’aimais tellement pour guarder notre famille et si ne soit pas pour elle, je n’aurais pas entrée l’église, puis ma chère mère, mon ange, donc mon père, mon cher papa, mon mariage, des jeunes élèves amis de mes enfants...4 en total par maladie et tragé puis, après avoir demeureré ici pour recommencer, selon ma foi et l’eglise, mon mari...oui...toujours suis veuve, même si divorcée. Une année complète d’aujourd’hui de son a mort. Priez pour mes enfants.
Pray for peace for our immediate family, extended and friends in this day of anniversary of the death of our member.

JaneBond007... Our Dear Sister in Christ Jesus :giveheart:

Soyez à la paix, de façon précieuse une.

Le seigneur a entendu votre coeur et t'apporte la paix en tout que vous êtes et ceux autour de vous.

\n\nEn nom de Jésus, amen et amen.

Les prières pour vous continueront.


You know french????? Shut the front door!

^^lol, our Shimmie is versatile like that...

I love you my sisters. I truly do. I know very little French from grade school. I'm far from an expert.

Although I am able to recognize and interpret some of what I read, more often than not, I have to use a translator. Please forgive me for misleading you. It wasn't my intent.

Some words / content I am able to pick up from memory. The words that I recognize, you can just figure out the gist of what someone is sharing and go from there.

I hope this makes sense.

Je t'aime

I love you...

JaneBond007 said:
Merci, Shimmie

Je dois prier le 'kaddish' maintenant au sanctuaire ...à peu ça me fait nerveuse

I stand in prayer with you too!

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, 17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.

Philippians 4:6-7
6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Praise God! My boy is doing so well, he is really hitting the books and his grades are on the rise. Abba had to do a work in both of our hearts. I had to change in order to help DS the way that he needs help. Actually, I think more of Abba's work and change occurred within me rather than my DS. :)
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Praise God! My boy is doing so well, he is really hitting the books and his grades are on the rise. Abba had to do a work in both of our hearts. I had to change in order to help DS the way that he needs help. Actually, I think more of Abba's work and change occurred within me rather than my DS. :)



You are so faithful. You never gave up on God nor your "Darling Son". You are an inspiration and Ministry to parents who have challenges and as parents 'we' ALL have challenges raising our children.

God bless you and your Son and I mean this truly beyond words.
@ AtlantaJJ & Shimmie.....

You two ladies are truly an inspiration as mothers/women of God. I'm going to be a hybrid of you two when I grow up--lol!
@ AtlantaJJ & Shimmie.....

You two ladies are truly an inspiration as mothers/women of God. I'm going to be a hybrid of you two when I grow up--lol!

Blackpearl1993 You are so kind! But truly, if you see anything that is praise worthy in me, it is most defiantly the Holy Spirit! He is growing me and my DS up at the same time :) It's a beautiful thing to behold.
I love you beauties!!! Pray for me please.... these next few daysI want to focus on my relationship with God and it all starts tonight...I need an awakening and I would love it if I can break through another milestone in my Christian life I'm thankful but anxious smh So going to pray on this as well
I love you beauties!!! Pray for me please.... these next few daysI want to focus on my relationship with God and it all starts tonight...I need an awakening and I would love it if I can break through another milestone in my Christian life I'm thankful but anxious smh So going to pray on this as well


Prayers like yours make God so happy. You've just made His day, even more special. :love3:
I'm asking for prayers for my son Brandon. ..he suffered second degree burns on his leg from hot oil spilling on him. Thank you all......
Heavenly Father please heal this child. Leave no lasting scar on his leg or mind. I ask this in the name of your son and our savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
I'm asking for prayers for my son Brandon. ..he suffered second degree burns on his leg from hot oil spilling on him. Thank you all......

Dear Father in Heaven, we bring Brandon before you and thank you with all of our hearts for healing him. We praise you for replacing the burns with new skin and that there are no infections or complications with his healing.

We thank you for our sister crlsweetie912, that you continue to bless her and increase her in love, in faith and blessings upon blessings untold. Protect her and her loved ones always. In Jesus' name, we thank you with full hearts. Amen and Amen.
I'm with you @Renewed1. I'm currently unemployed but I interviewed for a position on Monday and I believe that it's the right one for me. I'm a contract worker and the length of this contract as well as the pay matches everything I've been asking God for. The company said they will be making the decision at the end of next week. I'm claiming it in the name of Jesus!

I will pray for you. Please do the same for me.

UPDATE: I didn't get the job I mentioned in the prayer request above but God blessed me today with an even better job!!! The contract starts at 6 months with the possibility to go much longer. That is a great contract length for my field! God is truly amazing!!! Thanks for all your prayers ladies!
Thanks for all who kept my mom in prayers...she's back home safe! Oh, the things she had to share, oh! LOL

God bless!