Yay! God is good.... :yep: We have 'good' in our mind, He has 'bestest' :lol:

Congratulations, sis!

UPDATE: I didn't get the job I mentioned in the prayer request above but God blessed me today with an even better job!!! The contract starts at 6 months with the possibility to go much longer. That is a great contract length for my field! God is truly amazing!!! Thanks for all your prayers ladies!
Thanks for all who kept my mom in prayers...she's back home safe! Oh, the things she had to share, oh! LOL

God bless!

Please give Mom a HUGE hug for me. She's beautiful and I know she had a wonderful time, even that far away from home.

UPDATE: I didn't get the job I mentioned in the prayer request above but God blessed me today with an even better job!!! The contract starts at 6 months with the possibility to go much longer. That is a great contract length for my field! God is truly amazing!!! Thanks for all your prayers ladies!

God is indeed so good and beyond awesome. :notworthy:

Congratulations to you, Angel. I am very happy for your blessing and I know that they will continue to INCREASE for you are truly your Father's Daughter, whom He truly loves.

"Our Father, who art in Heaven... Hallowed be thy name. :notworthy:

In Jesus' Amen.
Hi Ladies...been MIA but praying. I'm in the final stretch of my pregnancy (37 weeks). I'm due Apr 15 and my body is getting ready for labor/delivery. In addition to prayers for a safe & smooth delivery and healthy baby, I ask for your prayers for my family during this time of transition....I have a 4.5 year old and an almost 7 year old. I want them to accept baby and still feel loved. I do not want them nor my husband to feel neglected during these first couple of months.
Hi Ladies...been MIA but praying. I'm in the final stretch of my pregnancy (37 weeks). I'm due Apr 15 and my body is getting ready for labor/delivery. In addition to prayers for a safe & smooth delivery and healthy baby, I ask for your prayers for my family during this time of transition....I have a 4.5 year old and an almost 7 year old. I want them to accept baby and still feel loved. I do not want them nor my husband to feel neglected during these first couple of months.

Congratulations to you and your family for this new and precious blessing from God. Babies represent a beautiful opportunity to touch a fresh creation from the hands of God.

Father God, we thank you that our sister will be blessed with a safe delivery without any type of complication for her or her precious little one. We thank you that children are a blessing as Your word describes, and we praise Your name that this new little one will be accepted, loved, adored, and nurtured by her whole family. We praise You that there will be no jealousy, no feelings of neglect, no animosity of any sort. We thank You that help, love, and support will be offered to this family from friends, family, and church family; that resources will pour in from the north, south, east, and west. Bless this family that their bond will be only strengthened as they grow in number. Amen!
Hi Ladies...been MIA but praying. I'm in the final stretch of my pregnancy (37 weeks). I'm due Apr 15 and my body is getting ready for labor/delivery. In addition to prayers for a safe & smooth delivery and healthy baby, I ask for your prayers for my family during this time of transition....I have a 4.5 year old and an almost 7 year old. I want them to accept baby and still feel loved. I do not want them nor my husband to feel neglected during these first couple of months.

Congratulations to you and your family for this new and precious blessing from God. Babies represent a beautiful opportunity to touch a fresh creation from the hands of God.

Father God, we thank you that our sister will be blessed with a safe delivery without any type of complication for her or her precious little one. We thank you that children are a blessing as Your word describes, and we praise Your name that this new little one will be accepted, loved, adored, and nurtured by her whole family. We praise You that there will be no jealousy, no feelings of neglect, no animosity of any sort. We thank You that help, love, and support will be offered to this family from friends, family, and church family; that resources will pour in from the north, south, east, and west. Bless this family that their bond will be only strengthened as they grow in number. Amen!

In Jesus' Name, Amen. :giveheart:
Hi ladies,

My family and I are in deep need of prayer as my husband lost his job of 25yrs yesterday. It's hurting my heart to see the pain he's in, for the first time in a long time I seen him break down into tears. He is in the union so an appeal process has started. Please pray for him to get his job back or at least find something else.
I thank you all and wish you blessings in abundance.
Hi ladies,

My family and I are in deep need of prayer as my husband lost his job of 25yrs yesterday. It's hurting my heart to see the pain he's in, for the first time in a long time I seen him break down into tears. He is in the union so an appeal process has started. Please pray for him to get his job back or at least find something else.
I thank you all and wish you blessings in abundance.

Dear Father, in the name of Jesus:

We come before you with loving and humble hearts, thanking you for your grace and mercies which you have poured upon us in much abundance.

And with your mercies, your compassion abounds towards Sammy214's husband's broken heart. Bless him Father with your peace that is far beyond any of our understanding. Give him the peace and assurance that he has not been defeated and that he is not at loss. For you have an open door for him which no man can shut. You have blessings for him, yet to unfold and you have an increase for him and his family full of your rich mercies and rich blessings which far exceeds all of their needs.

No matter what the Union is able to accomplish, you have far more for them and nothing and no one can ever take it away.

Thank you Father God, for comforting his heart with your love and healing, all the time revealing to him what you have in store for his life and family.

Give them the assurance that your Word will come true:

This man (Sammy's Husband) will enjoy the fruit of his labour and shall be properous, for it is his right and it is the gift of God. (Psalm 128:2 and Eccl 5)

All that he has worked for, he shall enjoy and reap the all of the 'Good Fruit' thereof and shall prosper.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Dear Father, in the name of Jesus:

We come before you with loving and humble hearts, thanking you for your grace and mercies which you have poured upon us in much abundance.

And with your mercies, your compassion abounds towards Sammy214's husband's broken heart. Bless him Father with your peace that is far beyond any of our understanding. Give him the peace and assurance that he has not been defeated and that he is not at loss. For you have an open door for him which no man can shut. You have blessings for him, yet to unfold and you have an increase for him and his family full of your rich mercies and rich blessings which far exceeds all of their needs.

No matter what the Union is able to accomplish, you have far more for them and nothing and no one can ever take it away.

Thank you Father God, for comforting his heart with your love and healing, all the time revealing to him what you have in store for his life and family.

Give them the assurance that your Word will come true:

This man (Sammy's Husband) will enjoy the fruit of his labour and shall be properous, for it is his right and it is the gift of God. (Psalm 128:2 and Eccl 5)

All that he has worked for, he shall enjoy and reap the all of the 'Good Fruit' thereof and shall prosper.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Shimmie thank you so much for sending your words up. You are truly a blessing!
I'm in week 5 of my Steps program which is like AA for a sinner. We are now going into the inventory part which digs up alot. In my workbook it ask that you reach out to people for prayer while going through this part as it's hard. It hits areas like abuse,fears,grief,sexual immorality,etc. So this is getting to real of real stuff. Please pray that I don't quit and stop because it gets too hard and that I'm able to withstand the taunts of Satan while going through this. I have been really battling depressive moods lately and am having money issues left and right. I just want to be sedated because it feels like so much pressure is on me and my chest tightens up like right now just writing this. Just pray for the next few weeks. The devil doesn't want deliverance for me but I do.
I'm in week 5 of my Steps program which is like AA for a sinner. We are now going into the inventory part which digs up alot. In my workbook it ask that you reach out to people for prayer while going through this part as it's hard. It hits areas like abuse,fears,grief,sexual immorality,etc. So this is getting to real of real stuff. Please pray that I don't quit and stop because it gets too hard and that I'm able to withstand the taunts of Satan while going through this. I have been really battling depressive moods lately and am having money issues left and right. I just want to be sedated because it feels like so much pressure is on me and my chest tightens up like right now just writing this. Just pray for the next few weeks. The devil doesn't want deliverance for me but I do.

I will pray for you. Only I have a thought I'd like to share. Maybe you're not supposed to be sedated. Jesus wasn't. He went through it all. Maybe you are to go through it all in order to be ready for the next steps. Sedation will hinder that. Yes, it'll make it easy but we're called to Stand and to have Courage.

It takes pressure to make a diamond. As much pressure as needed. Likewise it takes trials to strengthen and mold us. As much as is needed. It's not up to us to direct because God is the Director of our orchestra. Like He told me, My Grace is sufficient for you.

Have Faith and Believe. I'll be praying for you.
I'm in week 5 of my Steps program which is like AA for a sinner. We are now going into the inventory part which digs up alot. In my workbook it ask that you reach out to people for prayer while going through this part as it's hard. It hits areas like abuse,fears,grief,sexual immorality,etc. So this is getting to real of real stuff. Please pray that I don't quit and stop because it gets too hard and that I'm able to withstand the taunts of Satan while going through this. I have been really battling depressive moods lately and am having money issues left and right. I just want to be sedated because it feels like so much pressure is on me and my chest tightens up like right now just writing this. Just pray for the next few weeks. The devil doesn't want deliverance for me but I do.

He is going to give you the strength to go through, just rest in him...I know that he has done it.
Please pray for my family and I! I decided after over a decade of marriage to kick my alcoholic, verbal and emotional abusive husband out! I found out that he's had a girlfriend and taken our daughter over to her house! I don't understand why I am in such emotional turmoil when I wanted him out! He keeps playing all kinds of games and I don't know what to do! Please just pray for me and my family!
Where my prayer warriors? :yep:

Please pray for the March for Marriage which takes place tomorrow in DC! Starting tomorrow, SCOTUS is hearing oral arguments and may possibly strike down Prop 8 and DOMA which could re-define marriage. Pray that they recognize that they do not have the authority to do so, in the name of Jesus.
Dear Father, in the name of Jesus:

We come before you with loving and humble hearts, thanking you for your grace and mercies which you have poured upon us in much abundance.

And with your mercies, your compassion abounds towards Sammy214's husband's broken heart. Bless him Father with your peace that is far beyond any of our understanding. Give him the peace and assurance that he has not been defeated and that he is not at loss. For you have an open door for him which no man can shut. You have blessings for him, yet to unfold and you have an increase for him and his family full of your rich mercies and rich blessings which far exceeds all of their needs.

No matter what the Union is able to accomplish, you have far more for them and nothing and no one can ever take it away.

Thank you Father God, for comforting his heart with your love and healing, all the time revealing to him what you have in store for his life and family.

Give them the assurance that your Word will come true:

This man (Sammy's Husband) will enjoy the fruit of his labour and shall be properous, for it is his right and it is the gift of God. (Psalm 128:2 and Eccl 5)

All that he has worked for, he shall enjoy and reap the all of the 'Good Fruit' thereof and shall prosper.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

I am in full agreement with this prayer. Amen!
Please pray for my family and I! I decided after over a decade of marriage to kick my alcoholic, verbal and emotional abusive husband out! I found out that he's had a girlfriend and taken our daughter over to her house! I don't understand why I am in such emotional turmoil when I wanted him out! He keeps playing all kinds of games and I don't know what to do! Please just pray for me and my family!

Father God, please bless our sister with peace. The peace that surpasses all understanding. Please heal the pain in her heart, and bless her to be able to forgive her husband for his indiscretions. Father, just lift her up. I pray that she and her family will be blessed. Father, convict her husband's heart and I pray that he will no longer be comfortable in his sin. Heal and free him from his addictions. Cast the bondwoman out, Lord. She simply does not belong and can have nothing that rightfully belongs to our deaer sister. Bless our sister's husband to give his heart over to you and to make amends with You and his family for his transgressions. I pray, Lord that there will be no lasting damage to his children or to his relationship with his children because they were introduced to the bondwoman. Thank you Father that you are a healer of emotions, spirits, and relationships. Give them beauty for ashes, Lord. Renew, refresh, rebuild, God. Amen!
Where my prayer warriors? :yep:

Please pray for the March for Marriage which takes place tomorrow in DC! Starting tomorrow, SCOTUS is hearing oral arguments and may possibly strike down Prop 8 and DOMA which could re-define marriage. Pray that they recognize that they do not have the authority to do so, in the name of Jesus.

Right here, Precious One. Right here.

The prayers are without end... :pray:

In Jesus' Name,

Pure Marriage shall prevail. It shall prevail over the hearts of those who sit in the Supreme Court. They shall not go unconvicted by the presence of God nor by the heart of the Holy Spirit.

Father God protect and bless those who are marching, traveling from near and far; those who have supported and have given their all, just to be present, to take a stand for that which we hold dear and cherish, the Marriage between One Man and One Woman.

Let the people be safe and warm. Let there be no violence, nor harm nor any mood, nor behaviour, by word, thought or deed, that does not bring peace and give you glory.

Defeat the enemy where he feels he has the most powerful and control, confound the plans and focus of the enemy, let their plight and plans fall upon deaf ears/fallow ground; let the Supreme Court render their case without merit. Let them acknowledge that the platform upon which they stand, has no rock upon which to stand. Let this be a fail, which can not be rescinded. Protect the innocent children, their lives, their future, their souls. Their minds, and sexual gender, the enemy no longer controls.

You are the Lord God All Mighty, in whom we put our trust. There are more that be with you than those who oppose. Be with us, Father God and bring this matter to a close. Preserving Marriage and Souls, One Man, One Woman.

For this we honour and praise and thank you.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Thank you ladies. ALthough I could not be involved in the march, I was there in spirit. The march may be over but the battle is still raging. Please continue to lift SCOTUS up in prayer as they deliberate over this decision. We won't get a decision probably until June. We cannot slumber on this issue. Keep praying!
Thank you ladies. ALthough I could not be involved in the march, I was there in spirit. The march may be over but the battle is still raging. Please continue to lift SCOTUS up in prayer as they deliberate over this decision. We won't get a decision probably until June.

We cannot slumber on this issue.

Keep praying!

We must keep praying. We don't want the trickle of immorality to be upon the souls of 'our' children nor our children's children, nor the children of others who don't have what we have in the power of prayer.

Our God of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps; He is fully awake, fully attentive, and He hastens to our prayers. His love is just that great and full and active in our lives.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.
I've been invited to use one of my gifts that God has given me. Pleas lift me up that I may relay what God has for me to deliver. Shortly after being invited, the devil went in to God and asked God to sift me. . .I know that because I know what the Word says, and I know that God doesn't try to throw you off the path, but he allows Satan to try. . .if God believes that you have what it takes to stay on the path.

I was feeling like Job and for a split second I thought the devil had me because he kept reminding me of what I use to be and what I use to do. NOPE! I am a new creature and old things have passed away.

I will take this invitation prayerfully and I will ask God to use me. I surrender All.
Hello Ladies,

I had an interview today. I believe I'm a good fit for the position; but I "feel" that I bombed the interview.

Please continue to pray for me regarding my job search. It's stressful and I am tired.

Thank you.

I pray that when you open your mouth that God will fill it. That any word that He gives you to share cannot and will not return void. Through your gift, give Him glory and give Him praise. He says that if He be lifted, HE will draw all men....you don't have to worry about operating in your own influence, in your own might or power. Stand in your annointing.

I do not believe that God tries to get someone "off their path." I will never believe that He tries to trick or trap us, for He says that He is NOT the author of the confusion. That is not who your Father is. I believe, however, that He allows what He has instilled within you to be tested to see if you will remember what He said or what He told you about Himself or what He told you about who you are in Him. What God has shown you, hold on to it-no matter what. Speak it, profess it, and declare it.

We praise God for revealing your gift to you so that you can operate and walk in it. We thank Him that by His Spirit, your gift will bless those who experience it and that the Holy Spirit will have His way. In Jesus' name, amen.

We pray that you do not grow weary for in due season you will receive that opportunity that God has set aside just for you. And nobody else can take it. It has your name on it and He will hold the door open long enough for you to walk through. We pray that God gives you peace of mind so that you are anxious for nothing. We ask that He goes before you and ensures that you have favor with your new supervisor/manager, that the benefits exceed your expectations, that the salary meets your needs and provides overflow so that you can help build the kingdom and bless others in His name, and that your skills are valued and highly prized in the new position. Promotion does not come from the east, south, or west but it comes from the Lord.

I pray that you hear from God clearly as to what opportunities He wants you to pursue and that He blesses the works of your hands and ensures your success. In Jesus' name, amen.
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I have a coworker who's family is going through some very, very difficult circumstances. The family is falling apart and in constant contention.

This Scripture comes to mind regarding their family often. Can someone pray in agreement with me about this?

"And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart." (NLT) - Ezekiel 36:26
I have a coworker who's family is going through some very, very difficult circumstances. The family is falling apart and in constant contention.

This Scripture comes to mind regarding their family often. Can someone pray in agreement with me about this?

"And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart." (NLT) - Ezekiel 36:26

I pray in agreement with you.
I have a coworker who's family is going through some very, very difficult circumstances. The family is falling apart and in constant contention.

This Scripture comes to mind regarding their family often. Can someone pray in agreement with me about this?

"And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart." (NLT) - Ezekiel 36:26

Father, we lift this family up to you, in Jesus' Name. Bring peace to them; peace beyond their understanding. Let your presence rule where it needs it the most. Let the strife and contention come to an utter end, and allow your love to flow to overflowing upon each of them.

In Jesus' Name, we pray and bow our hearts before you.

Amen and Amen.

Praise God All Mighty.... Amen.

AtlantaJJ... the scripture is exactly what God is going to bring to pass in each of their lives. Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to speak this through you; for surely it shall come to pass and shall not return unto the Lord, void. It shall prosper whereto God has sent it, and by the grace of His heart by our prayers.

We decree this family set free and delivered in Jesus' Name.

In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.
I am a divorced 42 years old. I have a 12 yr old son that is non-verbal and has autism. Even at the age of 42 I lack confidence in myself which I need to be a better mom to my son. Please pray that I stop looking for a person to build me up and for me to really understand that all I need is God. I know it but I don't feel it. I feel alone and worried about the future.