Ladies please pray for me.......realizing how much I have messed up. I have begun to turn things around but I just need to keep pressing, and believing that things will get better.....I don't deserve Him but there is no me without you all
Ladies please pray for me.......realizing how much I have messed up. I have begun to turn things around but I just need to keep pressing, and believing that things will get better.....I don't deserve Him but there is no me without you all

Don't lose heart, dear sister. He loves you! Whatever your situation is, God is pleased that you are turning it over to Him. None of us deserve Him, but He loves us so much that he bought us with a price. You are extremely valuable to Him and He will not let you down. He can take the worst situations and use them for good. I pray that God will make His will clear to you and that He will continue to bless you with the desire to follow it. I pray that whatever needs you have will be met and that you will be able to use your situation as a powerful testimony.
Please pray for my DH and I. Our apartment was broken into yesterday. The thought of a stranger being in our home uninvited has really disturbed my spirit. The person thought that they were only stealing my laptop but they took my peace as well. DH works out of town sometimes so I need to feel ok being at home alone while he is away. Thanks in advance Ladies!
Please pray for my DH and I. Our apartment was broken into yesterday. The thought of a stranger being in our home uninvited has really disturbed my spirit. The person thought that they were only stealing my laptop but they took my peace as well. DH works out of town sometimes so I need to feel ok being at home alone while he is away. Thanks in advance Ladies!

Praying for you right now!!!

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF
Please pray for my dh and I regarding our church. I want to leave...he does not. I pray this does not continue to cause division in our home and that we are able to discern and follow God's will (and be at peace with whatever that may be).
Ladies please pray for me.......realizing how much I have messed up. I have begun to turn things around but I just need to keep pressing, and believing that things will get better.....I don't deserve Him but there is no me without you all

Please pray for my DH and I. Our apartment was broken into yesterday. The thought of a stranger being in our home uninvited has really disturbed my spirit. The person thought that they were only stealing my laptop but they took my peace as well. DH works out of town sometimes so I need to feel ok being at home alone while he is away. Thanks in advance Ladies!
Please pray for my dh and I regarding our church. I want to leave...he does not. pray this does not continue to cause division in our home and that we are able to discern and follow God's will (and be at peace with whatever that may be).

crlsweetie912, Miss Kane, lacreolegurl...

I've been praying for each of you since you've first posted. I have had limited access to the Internet, however, I can view your prayer requests when they come into my home email (via the alerts).

In the Name of Jesus... each of you have the Victory. Believe and receive it. It's not in vain.

Thanks again for your prayers ladies regarding my job search.

But guess what? The job I interviewed for a few weeks ago called me back. I interview with them tomorrow.

crossing fingers.....

We are praying that God goes before you-opening doors, leveling mountains, smashing bronze gates, and breaking through iron bars (Isa 45). We ask that favor surrounds you as a shield, that no other candidate will shine the way that you do. That God will bless you with poise and grace, that you clearly articulate why you are the best candidate, and that your answers demonstrate brilliance, creativity, and initiative.
Thank you for your prayers! We have officially left this particular church. My dh even apologized for prolonging our departure. Praise God.
Next Sunday we begin our journey to secure a new church home. I pray that the Father guides us and places us where we should be. I know that we need healing because of all we have been through with this church. I'm looking forward to hearing some good, Bible based teaching.
Please lift my son up in your prayers. He is having a difficult time in his Spanish class. It's an IB (advanced) full immersion course and he is not utilizing all the tools and resource available to him to the full, and he is not putting forth the effort necessary to succeed in this class. He is not heeding my study suggestions, and my strong arming him does not work. I realize this is a spiritual battle. The enemy saps his motivation to excel in this class.

I know God is in control, at the same time I feel like I should be doing something to help this boy because the semester is moving along rapidly and his grades are not improving. We need a divine intervention right now!

ETA: I have been communicating with his teacher, he will be getting tutored after school on Mondays praise God!

I'm still asking that we pray to increase his motivation and discipline.
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Please lift my son up in your prayers. He is having a difficult time in his Spanish class. It's an IB (advanced) full immersion course and he is not utilizing all the tools and resource available to him to the full, and he is not putting forth the effort necessary to succeed in this class. He is not heeding my study suggestions, and my strong arming him does not work. I realize this is a spiritual battle. The enemy saps his motivation to excel in this class.

I know God is in control, at the same time I feel like I should be doing something to help this boy because the semester is moving along rapidly and his grades are not improving. We need a divine intervention right now!

ETA: I have been communicating with his teacher, he will be getting tutored after school on Mondays praise God!

I'm still asking that we pray to increase his motivation and discipline.

:kiss: Precious AtlantaJJ, Your son is okay. He simply doesn't like his Spanish class. And that's okay, it really is. :yep:

God has something other for you son to excel in and indeed your son will excel in what God has planned for him.

Rest your heart from being 'fearful'. Just rest, precious one. Rest. :love3:

I'm sending you a PM... in a matter of minutes, check your private messages.
:kiss: Precious AtlantaJJ, Your son is okay. He simply doesn't like his Spanish class. And that's okay, it really is. :yep:

God has something other for you son to excel in and indeed your son will excel in what God has planned for him.

Rest your heart from being 'fearful'. Just rest, precious one. Rest. :love3:

I'm sending you a PM... in a matter of minutes, check your private messages.

Atlanta JJ...your son is in my prayers. Please check your PMs. I sent you a message.
Thank you for your prayers! We have officially left this particular church. My dh even apologized for prolonging our departure. Praise God.
Next Sunday we begin our journey to secure a new church home. I pray that the Father guides us and places us where we should be. I know that we need healing because of all we have been through with this church. I'm looking forward to hearing some good, Bible based teaching.

You and your husband have been covered in prayer, my dear. You will find the right church home and it will be a blessed experience.
My favorite cousin passed away in her sleep last Sunday. I think I was the last person to speak to her for we talked on the phone until about 1:30 am Saturday night. We laid her to rest on this pass Saturday. I miss her so much. :(

About five years ago, my brother told me that she had three years to live. I just thought it was a rumor that was derived from the way she was living at the time. I mentioned it to her and she dismissed it as being false. While the pastor was doing the eulogy, he stated she out lived the three years the doctors gave her five years ago.

I feel so bad because I travel with my family(kids) a lot, and she would always ask me to take her with us. I really wish I would have. I just told her to save her money up so she could go. Just this pass summer I went on a Disney cruise and I took a friend of mine whose husband passed away. I wish I would have taken my cousin.

Despite the traveling, I use to do nice things for her. However, she had a tendency to beg all the time which would really aggravate me. I tend to like to doing things for people on my own time and without them asking me. I prefer the element of surprise.

Well, I just wish I had known and I would have done more than what I did. I just need peace with myself. I feel good about us having that last phone call, and me seeing her more often. Sometimes, I would fall back from own friendship because the negativity would get to be too much. I think I was the only one who she really talked to and she would dump all the grief from her immediate family(kids, mother, siblings) on me.

Please suggest some scriptures for me to read. I have been crying sporadically since she passed away.
Pray for me...I have the flu and am in bed...ugh. Pray for a speedy recovery...I have family coming next week for 10 days, so I need all of my strength!

Thank you ladies!
My favorite cousin passed away in her sleep last Sunday. I think I was the last person to speak to her for we talked on the phone until about 1:30 am Saturday night. We laid her to rest on this pass Saturday. I miss her so much. :(

About five years ago, my brother told me that she had three years to live. I just thought it was a rumor that was derived from the way she was living at the time. I mentioned it to her and she dismissed it as being false. While the pastor was doing the eulogy, he stated she out lived the three years the doctors gave her five years ago.

I feel so bad because I travel with my family(kids) a lot, and she would always ask me to take her with us. I really wish I would have. I just told her to save her money up so she could go. Just this pass summer I went on a Disney cruise and I took a friend of mine whose husband passed away. I wish I would have taken my cousin.

Despite the traveling, I use to do nice things for her. However, she had a tendency to beg all the time which would really aggravate me. I tend to like to doing things for people on my own time and without them asking me. I prefer the element of surprise.

Well, I just wish I had known and I would have done more than what I did. I just need peace with myself. I feel good about us having that last phone call, and me seeing her more often. Sometimes, I would fall back from own friendship because the negativity would get to be too much. I think I was the only one who she really talked to and she would dump all the grief from her immediate family(kids, mother, siblings) on me.

Please suggest some scriptures for me to read. I have been crying sporadically since she passed away.
My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I'm so sorry for your lost. Please, do not allow guilt to hinder the precious memories of the moments you did have with your cousin. :bighug:

Here are a few scriptures for you that I pray will comfort you during this time of grief:

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

"O' Lord have mercy on me in my anguish. My eyes are red from weeping; my health is broken from sorrow." Psalms 31:9

"He heals the broken heartened, binding up their wounds." Psalms 147:3

"Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4

"I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give is not fragile like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid." John 14:27

"No, I will not abandon you or leave you as orphans in the storm-I will come to you." John 14:18

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble." Psalm 46:1

"Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning." Psalms 30:5b

"I have told you these things so that you will have peace of heart and mind, Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows, but cheer up, for I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Pray for me...I have the flu and am in bed...ugh. Pray for a speedy recovery...I have family coming next week for 10 days, so I need all of my strength!

Thank you ladies!

You and your family are in my prayers! You are healed and you shall have a blessed time of fellowship with your family. Praise God!
Hey Ladies,

I'm trying to figure out the right career and what to go to graduate school for. I've been praying for guidance and direction but I still don't have certainty or confirmation on anything.
Pray for me...I have the flu and am in bed...ugh. Pray for a speedy recovery...I have family coming next week for 10 days, so I need all of my strength!

Thank you ladies!

Precious Wavy :kiss:

From the crown of your head to the very soles of your feet, you are infilled with the healing power and presence of God. His healing powers are flowing through you inside and out, developing fresh cells and cleansing your blood, arteries, veins and lungs...every organ, every tissue, every function of your body, to new life and healing which shall remain intact and unending.

YOU ARE.. the HEALED of God! Let no other thought enter your precious mind. The healing began from the Cross upon which you hold dear to your heart and soul. No matter the symptoms, no matter the discomfort, you are indeed and truly healed. This healing extends to Hubby, for he too is completely healed, in Jesus' Name. The flu shall not touch him.

I thank God for His Breath of Life which lives and breathes within you and is your total being. The Breath of Life which is steadfast and assuredly yours forever. The 'You' meaning you and Hubby, who are indeed 'One'. You are both healed and protected, in Jesus' Name. No weapon can redefine nor cross the Bloodline upon which you are secured and protected. Your body shall receive total healing, spirit, soul and body, and you shall rest and receive all of God's best for you.

Ten days of preparing you to embrace the time with your family. Ten days for you to be removed from the stress of giving your best to and for them. Ten days to give your immunities a new charge, a new healing, a new spring of new life.

Rest my precious sister... Rest. Don't think about anything else, except to just rest. God has the plan for when the family arrives... God has the plan to all in place for you. God has the plan for the order you desire to have brought through.

REST... enjoy the embrace of love that surrounds you. Release every care. Rest...for you know that God is sitting right there, adoring you.

In your heart, you cheer, for you know that God is just that near... this indeed you know for God is for you... indeed He is. Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen.

Hey Ladies,

I'm trying to figure out the right career and what to go to graduate school for. I've been praying for guidance and direction

but I still don't have certainty or confirmation on anything.

You 'know'... so from this moment on, Trust God and allow His wisdom to flow.

Please pray for me. I do not want to be specific. Everyone else has problems that are big and important. Mine will sound stupid and small but they are overwhelming to me. For a long time I have been praying for a sign that things will get better, guidance, or for God to speak to me. Nothing. It is so hard to endure. I would truly appreciate it if you would pray for me. Thank you very much.
Please pray for me. I do not want to be specific. Everyone else has problems that are big and important. Mine will sound stupid and small but they are overwhelming to me. For a long time I have been praying for a sign that things will get better, guidance, or for God to speak to me. Nothing. It is so hard to endure. I would truly appreciate it if you would pray for me. Thank you very much.

ChocolateCupcake ...

God has 'Ordained' (ordered, commanded, predestined) Peace for you.

Just believe it. Receive it. Receive and live in His unending Peace. For it is in the Peace where you will hear and receive the answers. Let go of the fear of believing Him. God never lies nor retrieves His promises.

....And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake:

12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it...

I Kings 19:11b-13a

It is when our hearts are 'still' and quiet, that we 'hear' the calm, still, quiet, confident voice of the Lord.

Psalm 46

Be Still and KNOW that I am God.

God is in the midst of her and she shall not be moved"

Be still 'Beloved ChocolateCupcake... Be still and KNOW He is Your God.

His Peace abides / resides in you. Be Still and Know... for He is True and Real and right there. :kiss:

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

LovelyLouboutin, the prayer team and I will continue to pray for your friend.

The details will remain private as we have a private prayer communication where no one else is able to 'hear' or read the private prayer requests.

Please feel free to delete your post at anytime. We have it. :yep:
