Thank you for your kind and wise words. The exemple of the rocks in the water is totally what I feel. It's like the tests and terrible ordeals will never end. And I don't have the impression that the people I know have to go to all of this, it's like other people can have it easy but not me. Sometime I try to convince myself that God knows my limits and he may have something great prepared for me but there are other times (more and more frequently) that I just loose all my confidence and feel like I will never reach the ultimate goal that He has fixed for me and that I never have that rest that I am yearning for.
I think I need to be more confident in what God prepared for me. I may be in one of those phases when I feel full of doubts and I really need to go ahead.

Thank you again for your words and prayers.

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milaydy31...You've just crossed over 10 rocks in the stream of water, you're standing upon. :yep::yep::yep:

Yes... 10 rocks. :yep: All because you're talking about it; no longer holdiing your feelings inside. The next step you take, the rock has to 'king' you. :yep: You know the 'thing' they do with the game 'checkers'. Whenever you've surpassed the opposing side, they have to 'king' you.

milaydy31 ... you're closer than you think you are to the blessings God has for you. Look out for an abundance, an avalanche of answered prayers falling gently upon you.
Just wanted to come back into this thread to thank everyone who took the time to pray for my sister and her baby. The genetic test results came back NEGATIVE for any anomalies!!!! My heart is brimming with joy and gratitude!

With Him, all things are possible!

Praise Jesus... the other sisters here will be so happy to hear this wonderful news. :yay:
Please remember the Bahamas Islands in prayer tonight we are on Hurricanee watch, category 2 (for now) which is expected to hit at 4:00 am tomorrow morning (eastern time) ...already we our feeling tropical storm force winds and rain...
Please remember the Bahamas Islands in prayer tonight we are on Hurricanee watch, category 2 (for now) which is expected to hit at 4:00 am tomorrow morning (eastern time) ...already we our feeling tropical storm force winds and rain...

Father God, you said that we could speak to any mountain and it would be moved into the sea. We've witnessed your Word when Jesus commanded the wind and the sea to be still and they obeyed Him; we have this save witness with the Apostle Paul, where the wind and the seas obeyed him as well.

Father we come before you knowing that you hear us and we trust that you will not forsake our cry, for you are our Father God in Heaven. Father we ask and thank you for moving this hurricane out and away from the home land of the Bahamas, if only for our sister "Healthy Hair", our beautiful 'Rose' whom we love so dearly. Father protect their land, their homes their lives in Jesus' Name. Please keep them safe, under the shadow of your wings, we thank you for the Covenant Blood of Jesus, which covers and protects your precious children and their loved ones. Speak your peace and calm to each heart as you lead and guide them, telling them what to do; not one shall miss your Words, none shall perish or be harmed in any way, shape or form.

Father God, under the power of your Word, the power which only you and you alone have 'vested' (trusted, endowed, gifted) in us, we speak to this and every storm, that it must TURN BACK and it's winds and waters must DIE DOWN, it is not allowed to cross the boundaries of your loving abiding protection. Peace be Still and it must obey and unto you be all the honour and the power and the glory in Jesus' Name, AMEN!
Shimmie said:
Father, thank you for bringing peace into DaiseeDay's heart, her mind and into her home and inside of her home, her living space.

For whatever reason, her aunt has need of being there, please allow this to be a swift transition. Bless this aunt into a home of her own and to also be delivered whether she wants to or not from the torment that she has endured.

Father your word promises us a 'peaceful habitation', pleasant brooks and meadows, as our share. You lead us beside 'still waters' and you restore our souls; in and from you, we have 'green pastures; therefore, thank you Father for your peace everlasting in Daisee, heart, mind, body and soul and that her heart and her peace is guared and protected, from this moment on, no matter what.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Thank you Shimmie <3

Please remember the Bahamas Islands in prayer tonight we are on Hurricanee watch, category 2 (for now) which is expected to hit at 4:00 am tomorrow morning (eastern time) ...already we our feeling tropical storm force winds and rain...

We prayed for you last night and first thing this morning.


I love you, "Healthy Hair"; I know that God has you safe in His loving arms. Just wanted to post an update that we are still praying for you.

Ok ladies I don't come here for prayer often. However in light of the current hostile work place I go to I need it. I need prayer that I don't become unglued and just go off seriously. I have been given info that a few of the people at my office purposely poke at me because of the investigation stuff people know I'm on guard at all times.

I need to feel ok in spite of. I need to find work and not just any job. I'm tired of being a beggar and having to take scrapes. My father is the bloody king why am I acting liker a corner whore metaphorically speaking. I need prayer for focus so that I can release the things that God doesn't want me to focus on and to pick up on the things I need to focus on. I notice it's becoming more and more of a fight to pray.
Ok ladies I don't come here for prayer often. However in light of the current hostile work place I go to I need it. I need prayer that I don't become unglued and just go off seriously. I have been given info that a few of the people at my office purposely poke at me because of the investigation stuff people know I'm on guard at all times.

I need to feel ok in spite of. I need to find work and not just any job. I'm tired of being a beggar and having to take scrapes. My father is the bloody king why am I acting liker a corner whore metaphorically speaking. I need prayer for focus so that I can release the things that God doesn't want me to focus on and to pick up on the things I need to focus on. I notice it's becoming more and more of a fight to pray.

:kiss: Walk away. You have the power within you to just walk away.

Take all of these feelings of frustration and anger and dump them ... walk away. This is the victory. You do not have to prove your worth, your strength, your power, to anyone, not even to yourself. Walk away.

I love this scripture:

Though I walk in the midst of trouble,
you preserve my life.
You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes;
with your right hand you save me.

Psalm 138:7

Precious One. this scripture is so true. If I could tell you what I've been through with folks on different jobs I've had through the years and God knows it was beyond a struggle. Its when I 'ignored' my advesaries, I looked past them and saw and received my peace in God, they were the ones who loss the battle which was set against me, I was the one who won.

Walk away, Love. Walk away. You have nothing to prove; just pick up your peace, wrap it around you as you would a robe of the finest mink, and just walk away and enjoy your peace, for it is the Gift of God to you.

Father, thank you for your peace and love and strength that you are embracing GoddessMaker; she does not have to struggle nor fret nor be ill at ease. You are her Peace, Her God, Her Protector, Her Provider. Let her go to work each day and defeat her adversaries by ignoring them and keeping her mind stayed on you. For they cannot and will not harm her, nor will nor can they accomplish what she has feared. They are defeated foes and nothing they can say or do, can take authority over our plans for her life.

The devil is a liar, what he says is not so. Keep your daughter strong and letting her know that you are the Lord and they are not. You own the cattle on a thousand plus hills and where she works is HERS not theirs and none of them can make her afraid. For it is from you, that the full price has been paid for her to be there with just as much right as they are.

In Jesus' Name, Little Goddess is free and will have all that you've paid for her to be. Amen and Amen.
Requesting prayer for my job. Lay offs will be sometime next year.

All of your needs are met, in Jesus' Name, Amen. YES they are... :yep: Yes they are, indeed. God is already there, do not despair, He's covered your every care and far beyond.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.


YES... He has, made total provision.

Remember when you first started to grow out your hair.... every measure became your treasure. Well, every measure of your life God has treasured in His heart... you will never need for anything, in Jesus' Name.
Please pray for my friend (deleted name). She was told that she may lose her job next week. Human resources is still deciding; it's som shady stuff that's been going on lately and she's the one they are trying to blame.

As for my job, please pray for me. I'm at peace if God moves me. I just want all of my needs to be met. And walk into my desired position quickly.
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Please pray for my friend jerrie. She was told that she may lose her job next week. Human resources is still deciding; it's som shady stuff that's been going on lately and she's the one they are trying to blame.

As for my job, please pray for me. I'm at peace if God moves me. I just want all of my needs to be met. And walk into my desired position quickly.

M&M :love:

... though there is delay after delay, when God moves, the matter is settled in a few seconds. Why? So that no man can boast that it is his own doing or coincidence. You don't even lift a finger, you don't even light a torch, you don't even break a jar ... and the battle is won!

Your matter shall be settled in a few seconds... In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Hey ladies,

Is it possible to do a special prayer request for all that are affected by the storm.:yep::yep: let's not forget our fellow sisters in cuba, and the carraidean who where affected by this as well.

Also pray for the ones that are often forgotten in all of this, the homeless people they might had no where to go or where just out there in the street when all of this happened, elderly people who had no one to lean on and no where to go for help.
Hey ladies,

Is it possible to do a special prayer request for all that are affected by the storm.:yep::yep: let's not forget our fellow sisters in cuba, and the carraidean who where affected by this as well.

Also pray for the ones that are often forgotten in all of this, the homeless people they might had no where to go or where just out there in the street when all of this happened, elderly people who had no one to lean on and no where to go for help.

Indeed; thank you for your loving heart which thought of this. I posted a prayer in the Prayer Line thread, so you are definitely on point and so on time.

Thank you Loved one.
Hey Shimmie,

Hope you are feeling better! :bighug:

I had to share something with you. Remember when you told us to pray for the President obama and his family. The same day, I bumped into a lady in the bus who asked me to do the same thing. She had the same gut feeling as you!! I told her that I would pray and I told her about you and that you had the same gut feeling. She was stunned!!! :spinning:
Hey Shimmie,

Hope you are feeling better! :bighug:

I had to share something with you. Remember when you told us to pray for the President obama and his family. The same day, I bumped into a lady in the bus who asked me to do the same thing. She had the same gut feeling as you!! I told her that I would pray and I told her about you and that you had the same gut feeling. She was stunned!!! :spinning:

Wow! God is moving all over this world with prayers for him and his family. They are the first in the history of the world to be where they are, who they are. He needs to be one with God. It's just that vital. Extremely vital.

Thanks so much for sharing this. I mean it, Love. Thank you. :grouphug2:

My throat is still a little raspy (my voice sounds deep and husky... I have a little 'bass' in my voice. :lol:) Thanks for asking. :kiss:
asking for prayer for my mother. she is in the rockaways (queens, ny), i havent spoken to her personally since sunday night. she did call my aunt on yesterday to let me know she was okay. asking for prayer that God continues to keep her and her neighbors and church family safe and that the power and phone lines be restored soon. thank you in advance
asking for prayer for my mother. she is in the rockaways (queens, ny), i havent spoken to her personally since sunday night. she did call my aunt on yesterday to let me know she was okay. asking for prayer that God continues to keep her and her neighbors and church family safe and that the power and phone lines be restored soon. thank you in advance

Father, we thank you and give you all the praise and the glory for keeping sharentu's mom save and protected. Thank you for giving them peace, which includes all those in this area, along with each of her Church family and each of their loved ones, of where the storm hit so badly. Thank you for their total provision, shelter, and restorations. And Father thank you for preserving and increasting their health and their immunue systems, that they will not be victims of harmfull illnesses nor body decline.

Not only restore their power sources, but restore and enhance their faith upon you, that they remain unshakable in the midst of all that has occurred.

Thank you Father that sharentu will hear directly from her mom very soon and they will both be reasured that your love for them never fails.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.
asking for prayer for my mother. she is in the rockaways (queens, ny), i havent spoken to her personally since sunday night. she did call my aunt on yesterday to let me know she was okay. asking for prayer that God continues to keep her and her neighbors and church family safe and that the power and phone lines be restored soon. thank you in advance

I grew up in the Rockaways, I lived in the Hammels projects (8213 Hammels Blvd) from 1975 to 1992. I will definitely keep you and your family in my prayers.
All of your needs are met, in Jesus' Name, Amen. YES they are... :yep: Yes they are, indeed. God is already there, do not despair, He's covered your every care and far beyond.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.


YES... He has, made total provision.

Remember when you first started to grow out your hair.... every measure became your treasure. Well, every measure of your life God has treasured in His heart... you will never need for anything, in Jesus' Name.

Wow, thanks for that prayer!! Thanks so much
Father, we thank you and give you all the praise and the glory for keeping @sharentu's mom save and protected. Thank you for giving them peace, which includes all those in this area, along with each of her Church family and each of their loved ones, of where the storm hit so badly. Thank you for their total provision, shelter, and restorations. And Father thank you for preserving and increasting their health and their immunue systems, that they will not be victims of harmfull illnesses nor body decline.

Not only restore their power sources, but restore and enhance their faith upon you, that they remain unshakable in the midst of all that has occurred.

Thank you Father that @sharentu will hear directly from her mom very soon and they will both be reasured that your love for them never fails.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

I grew up in the Rockaways, I lived in the Hammels projects (8213 Hammels Blvd) from 1975 to 1992. I will definitely keep you and your family in my prayers.

Shimmie, thank you so much. i heard from my mom today :). she is okay but she had to get on bus to get out of the area just to use her cell phone. she is holding. (((((((((((( hugs))))))))))))) thanks to you and all those who said a pray in response to my request.

Lissa, hey i am from arverne :). hey there fellow rockawayan. thanks so much.
Its been a long time since I have been really on the board bc of school and all.

I will be a graduating RNing student Dec 15, and I ask that God gives me favor with a graduate RN internship that I applied for. I really truly LOVE helping ppl and at this hospital system I can physically see me doing all that and more. I will be able to gain the experience and knowledge I need to become a successful RN in the future.

I have also been out of work since July and I am looking for a seasonal position that will carry me in the new year, so that I wont fall behind on my bills. I luckily have a mother that has been helping me some, but I feel that I am taking away from other bills that she has to pay also.

Keep me in your prays as I will keep you ladies in mine! Thank you...
Its been a long time since I have been really on the board bc of school and all.

I will be a graduating RNing student Dec 15, and I ask that God gives me favor with a graduate RN internship that I applied for. I really truly LOVE helping ppl and at this hospital system I can physically see me doing all that and more. I will be able to gain the experience and knowledge I need to become a successful RN in the future.

I have also been out of work since July and I am looking for a seasonal position that will carry me in the new year, so that I wont fall behind on my bills. I luckily have a mother that has been helping me some, but I feel that I am taking away from other bills that she has to pay also.

Keep me in your prays as I will keep you ladies in mine! Thank you...

Father thank you. Thank you that there is no good thing that you will withhold from your daugther; all of her cares and all of her needs are met, in Jesus' Name.

Father, bless her mother... her mother who loves her daughter so much that she is enabling her daughter to not only 'dream' but to be able to follow her dreams and have them fulfilled. Bless both of their hearts with your peace and assurance that you have and you will continue to take care of all. There is not one care that you have not covered in their lives, with the promise of the what Jesus gave His life for on the Cross. In their lives there shall be no loss, only gain. A gain in knowing and loving you and seeing that you always fulfill what you promise to do. Your promises are sure and amen to bless them over and over and over again.

Thank you Lord for blessing them beyond favour, and beyond their prayers. You are there, and you have taken all of their cares and rendered them filled in Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen. :pray:

Thank you, Father that you have heard and answered every prayer. Amen.
Update about my friend. She received a 30-day notice. The shady stuff I referred was that she was being sexual harass by a co-worker. The co-worker is taking action against her by complaining about her work. She is taking the steps necessary to protect herself.

She's not saved and she IMO practices witchcraft. Please pray for her SOUL.

Please pray for my friend jerrie. She was told that she may lose her job next week. Human resources is still deciding; it's som shady stuff that's been going on lately and she's the one they are trying to blame.

As for my job, please pray for me. I'm at peace if God moves me. I just want all of my needs to be met. And walk into my desired position quickly.
Update about my friend. She received a 30-day notice. The shady stuff I referred was that she was being sexual harass by a co-worker. The co-worker is taking action against her by complaining about her work. She is taking the steps necessary to protect herself.

She's not saved and she IMO practices witchcraft. Please pray for her SOUL.

If she's into witchcraft, she's desperate and fearful and doesn't believe God.

Father we thank you in Jesus' Name, for showing Jeri that you are the Lord and that you are the one and only one who can save and protect and provide for her. Thank you for bypassing her fears and that she will lay aside all false gods, and lean upon you and only you; her soul was paid in full by you therefore no other God shall dwell in her, only you. She will renounce all evil and rely upon you, in Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.
Hello Ladies!

I ask that you all keep my coworker Sean in your prayers. He is going through some family issues at this time. I ask that you pray for his peace and protection. He has been combatting depression and hopelessness for a while now. He is a dear friend of mine and I want to see him overcome these issues in his life.

I also ask that you ladies for me. I have a job interview tomorrow.I am not the best at interviewing. I ask that you ladies pray for favor to be able to do well on my interview.

God Bless you all!
Hello Ladies!

I ask that you all keep my coworker Sean in your prayers. He is going through some family issues at this time. I ask that you pray for his peace and protection. He has been combatting depression and hopelessness for a while now. He is a dear friend of mine and I want to see him overcome these issues in his life.

I also ask that you ladies for me. I have a job interview tomorrow.I am not the best at interviewing. I ask that you ladies pray for favor to be able to do well on my interview.

God Bless you all!

:congrats: on your new job interview... :clap:

God bless you Miss Kane

You will find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.

(that's God's word... scripture :yep:)

Father thank you for delivering Sean from the feelings of depression and also feelings of insecurity and despair. Bless his heart and soul and allow him to know and to love you and to trust you as his Lord and Saviour. In you he is complete and there is nothing that can defeat him or your plan and purpose for him. For whom the Son has set free is free indeed. Sean is now free and he will always be; for a great and wonderful man, Sean is. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
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