Please pray for healing in my body.

Hi missann... :kiss:

Father thank you for bringing missann here into the lives and hearts of so many. She's loved by far more when she's aware of. And Father in this love which flows from you, also flows your warm, and present healing power, flowing completely throughout her body, from head to toe and back again, continuously without end.

Father, ease her mind from the thoughts of fear and wondering for nothing is ever too 'wrong' that you cannot fix it and make it right. Ease her loving heart into a soft and sweet sleep, so that she can rest without fear, and without doubt that you've heard her prayers and you've seen her tears. Your word clearly says, "I have heard your prayers and I have seen your tears, and I will (surely) heal you, completely.

From God's Heart ...

Precious Ann... hear my voice from Heaven flowing into your heart with my words of truth..... "My darling daughter, I am your 'balm of Gilead' I am the God who healeth you... therefore , be still, be calm, be at ease, and know that I am and always will be 'Your Father God'.

Now... rest. Precious One...just rest. For you shall awaken and know that you have been healed all along. Not even the 'money' shall be an issue. :sleep2:

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :love3:
Shimmie , Thanks so much for the prayer. I happened to read it just before bed last night. I couldn't sleep right away because I was so excited. :) I feel better already. Praise God!!
Shimmie said:
iCandyc ...

You're having a Baby.... :congrats: How beautiful and exciting.

Father, thank you for this precious one, iCandyc. Protect her and please keep her in your perfect peace and calm. Protect her baby as he/she grows and develops, stronger and healthier each day.

Whatever iCandyc is going through we just lift her up and allow you to shower her with your blessings that meet all of her needs, be it financial, be it in being understood by the 'One' she loves and allowing peace to rule between them and not distress and unrest. Between them, let there be love flowing from above, as warm flowing annointing oil upon them; sealing them happily as One.

Father God, please help her to see what you have planned for her life; let her see the bigger picture of the next moment and not stay in the moments of uncertainties; please allow her to be in full trust of what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. Let there be no separation of her love and faith for you, between doubt and fear; for fear has no place in her heart, nor does doubting that you are there.

Your love for her shall never fail. Her life is surrounded by your faithful love; her baby will not suffer the fears she has, for these fears have been rendered null and void. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.


No, I had a baby 5 months ago though!
Thanks Shimmie
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No, I had a baby 5 months ago though!
Thanks Shimmie

Awwwwww :love3: :congrats: I love babies :love5:

You still have the baby ticker in your siggy::yep:

Again, many blessings upon you and your new baby and entire family. :pray:
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Please pray for my friend and her family. I posted a thread about it in Off Topic. Her sister was Faith, the UNC student that was murdered on September 7. I knew Faith as a student when I was teaching at the high school, and I know her sister very well through the court system. They are strong people of faith, so she was aptly named. :)

I took her sister a gift a little while ago. I had been looking forever for something "perfect." I wanted to find an angel for her to put on her desk at work with the word "Faith" on it. She really liked it and it made her smile.

Unfortunately the police are not being forthcoming with information about the situation. Please pray also that the killer will be revealed and caught and that justice will be served.
Please pray for my friend and her family. I posted a thread about it in Off Topic. Her sister was Faith, the UNC student that was murdered on September 7. I knew Faith as a student when I was teaching at the high school, and I know her sister very well through the court system. They are strong people of faith, so she was aptly named. :)

I took her sister a gift a little while ago. I had been looking forever for something "perfect." I wanted to find an angel for her to put on her desk at work with the word "Faith" on it. She really liked it and it made her smile.

Unfortunately the police are not being forthcoming with information about the situation. Please pray also that the killer will be revealed and caught and that justice will be served.

Father thank you for nathansgirl1908, whose heart is flowing with love and heartache for her friend Faith who was unjustly taken away. Father we pray for Faith's family members and those who loved her dear. Please bring healing to each of their broken hearts.

Father, let the truth and only the truth, not speculations, nor side reports of diversions , but the truth of this matter and that those responsible for this tragic imposition upon this dear girl's life, shall be brought to full justice. Let there be no error, nor default of capture of the one who committed this crime, arrest 'them' and bring it to full closure and in a short measure of time.

Father we simply give you praise and heartfelt thanks in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Please pray for my friend and her family. I posted a thread about it in Off Topic. Her sister was Faith, the UNC student that was murdered on September 7. I knew Faith as a student when I was teaching at the high school, and I know her sister very well through the court system. They are strong people of faith, so she was aptly named. :)

I took her sister a gift a little while ago. I had been looking forever for something "perfect." I wanted to find an angel for her to put on her desk at work with the word "Faith" on it. She really liked it and it made her smile.

Unfortunately the police are not being forthcoming with information about the situation. Please pray also that the killer will be revealed and caught and that justice will be served.

Abba, Father I pray for this family that have gone through such a tragic loss. Please be their source of strength, peace and wisdom at this time. Father, Your eyes are in every place and we know You have all the answers, please be merciful and let the full truth come out. Help the family gain closure on this situation. Thank You for nathansgirl1908 and what You have done through her love and compassion. Thank You for hearing and answering in Jesus name. Amen
Please pray for a former schoolmate's sister. Her name is Paige. She fell five stories from a building and is now on a ventilator. She broke her pelvis and has bleeding in her brain. Those are the only details I know of right now. I am not close with her or her family but the school we attended is a Christian, close-knit community and I care about them as a whole. Praising God in advance!
Please pray for a former schoolmate's sister. Her name is Paige. She fell five stories from a building and is now on a ventilator. She broke her pelvis and has bleeding in her brain. Those are the only details I know of right now. I am not close with her or her family but the school we attended is a Christian, close-knit community and I care about them as a whole. Praising God in advance!


Praising God in advance with you, in Jesus' Name for the healing and total recovery of your schoolmate's sister.

Father we lift up this precious life to you and praise you for your healing power to overcome the incident which has occurred. Restore her health, spirit, soul and body. Protect her from any episodes further resulting from this fall. Keep her family at peace. Keep the medical staff alert and most of all surround her with protective angels to guard and stand by her in Jesus' Name. Cease the bleeding in her brain, allow her to breathe on her own again, bring her to life and to give you all of the glory for it all.

Father we praise and thank you with all of our hearts. In the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Please keep my mother in your prayers. She is waiting on a biopsy she had done on her throat to come back. I am declaring that the biopsy will come back clear in Jesus' name!

Also please pray that my heart will heal. I had someone that I considered a close friend betray me. It has been very hard for me to deal with this. I know that this too shall pass.

Thanks Ladies! Have a BLESSED week.
Please keep my mother in your prayers. She is waiting on a biopsy she had done on her throat to come back. I am declaring that the biopsy will come back clear in Jesus' name!

Also please pray that my heart will heal. I had someone that I considered a close friend betray me. It has been very hard for me to deal with this. I know that this too shall pass.

Thanks Ladies! Have a BLESSED week.

Miss Kane :huggle:

Father thank you for keeping all things well for Miss Kane's mom. We give you honour and praise that they do not have to 'fear evil tidings', they will not have to fret bad news. For Father you are there not only as Healer, but you are their Shelter from all storms of life. You are Provider, You are Comforter, You are their Lord above all.

Father thank you for giving them your total and complete peace. Surround them with your presence and protection of not only their health, but assuring them that there is nothing impossible that you will do for them, including righting all wrongs, keeping them strong. Father, thank you that it shall be revealed, this precious 'mother' is healed, with a life that is long, strong and healthy, in the Name of Jesus', Amen.
Please pray for strength in my mind. To say I have been under attack is an understatement and I really need some ladies to be in agreement with me that the negative, depressing, lonely thoughts have no place within me nor hold on me.
Please pray for strength in my mind. To say I have been under attack is an understatement and I really need some ladies to be in agreement with me that the negative, depressing, lonely thoughts have no place within me nor hold on me.

:kiss: msdr...

Whatever has been 'blocking' your entitled peace of mind, is dissolved in Jesus' Name. Jesus said, that we could speak to any mountain and command it into the sea and it must obey... Jesus said, it must obey.

He also said, "I love you" my daughter, msdr', listen to what God says to you.... and my love for you overshadows every evil thought, plan, action, fear; my love for you repels what comes against you. Don't be afraid to not be afraid; you can trust me, to keep hold of my word; I will not leave you in the valley, I will not leave you unprotected, I will not leave you, in distress. I love you and will protect you from the lies which have tried to overflow your mind and heart with the opposite of what I have promised to be and to do for and with you.

Don't be afraid to not be afraid. I am there in the midst of you and you shall not be moved.

In Jesus' Name... the Word is spoken into your heart. Amen.

Thank you, Shimmie! No update yet. I was told that she thought the window was closed, but the blinds were just down, she leaned against the window and fell. How terrifying that must've been! It breaks my heart.
Thank you, Shimmie! No update yet. I was told that she thought the window was closed, but the blinds were just down, she leaned against the window and fell. How terrifying that must've been! It breaks my heart.

n_lucky ... :cry:

Oh My Lord... Bless her heart. Bless her precious, precious and dear heart. :grouphug2: :circle: :love3: We just surround her in loving prayers and praises unto God.

n_lucky, we just agree in Jesus' Name, that all is well. This precious girl is healed and totally recovered in the Name of Jesus.

Father, this is not the 'end' that you planned for her. It's not the end. We praise you for healing and bringing her to full recovery, total mind, spirit and body in the precious name of Jesus. Praise you Father, God.... Praise your Holy and Powerful Name.... Amen.
Shimmie My emotions are much calmer than they were and I've been digging in my Word. Building myself up with what God says about me rather than this yick yack the enemy is trying to tell me.

Thank you again for your prayers and thoughts. I appreciate you. If you ever come south I've got a plate waiting on you. :yep:
Shimmie My emotions are much calmer than they were and I've been digging in my Word. Building myself up with what God says about me rather than this yick yack the enemy is trying to tell me.

Thank you again for your prayers and thoughts. I appreciate you. If you ever come south I've got a plate waiting on you. :yep:

:kiss: msdr... I'm happy that you are feeling better. Sometimes I feel as if I want to come through the screen and just give (((( Mommie Hugs )))) to make it all better.

As for building yourself up, you are already there, precious love, and you always will be. Always.

NOW as for that 'plate'... girl I'm on my way. :cowgirl: I love food. :drunk:

I love you too, precious sister. :kiss:
Hi Ladies,

Please pray for both of my older brothers. One had health issues and please pray that he heals completely and quickly. Pray for my second older brother that he manages is money better and wisely. Also pray for the health of my mom and mine as well. I have been feeling some back pain and occasional foot and leg cramp.

Pray for me and my siblings that we are protected at work and that we are not affected by any job cuts. Pray that we remain at work.

Finally, there is a new student working for us . My colleague is skeeming towards her the same way she is doing with me. Protect L she is hard working just like me and pray that she gets the courage to speak up to the director about my colleagues behavior.
Hi Ladies,

Please pray for both of my older brothers. One had health issues and please pray that he heals completely and quickly. Pray for my second older brother that he manages is money better and wisely. Also pray for the health of my mom and mine as well. I have been feeling some back pain and occasional foot and leg cramp.

Pray for me and my siblings that we are protected at work and that we are not affected by any job cuts. Pray that we remain at work.

Finally, there is a new student working for us . My colleague is skeeming towards her the same way she is doing with me. Protect L she is hard working just like me and pray that she gets the courage to speak up to the director about my colleagues behavior.

I thank God for you BlackHairDiva... each of your requests were covered in tonight's prayer. I thank God that you are looking out for your colleague.
Hello dear sisters in Christ,

I need some serious prayer. I have been going deeper and deeper into God's word and my relationship with Him. My husband and children are doing the same. I have been really delving into study about spiritual warfare. For the last two weeks, my arthritis has been out of control. I woke up this morning and could barely move my arms and hands. My rheumatologist, a very kind man, wants me to start taking 600 milligrams of Ibuprofin up to 3 times per day! I am not happy with this regimen because I have been taking a very, very mild medication up until now that would be safe during pregnancy (we are waiting on God to bless us with another baby). Ibuprofin is not safe in pregnancy. I took some this morning, just so I could move. I refuse to settle for this. I want a full and total healing. I don't want to be on any more medication. The devil cannot have my health!!!
Hello dear sisters in Christ,

I need some serious prayer. I have been going deeper and deeper into God's word and my relationship with Him. My husband and children are doing the same. I have been really delving into study about spiritual warfare. For the last two weeks, my arthritis has been out of control. I woke up this morning and could barely move my arms and hands. My rheumatologist, a very kind man, wants me to start taking 600 milligrams of Ibuprofin up to 3 times per day! I am not happy with this regimen because I have been taking a very, very mild medication up until now that would be safe during pregnancy (we are waiting on God to bless us with another baby). Ibuprofin is not safe in pregnancy. I took some this morning, just so I could move. I refuse to settle for this. I want a full and total healing. I don't want to be on any more medication. The devil cannot have my health!!!

Blackpearl1993 ....

Here's a big HUGE Sister Hug... ((((((( Big Sister Hugs ))))))))

I've been where you are except my pain was from taking a 'statin' (chlorlesterol Rx) and some other issues which cause body pain.

There's natural help. Changing your diet to balance the inflamation which is the cause of the pain. It may take serveral weeks to feel substantial relief but it will work.

First we will pray for God's healing to manifest in your body permanently, not temporary relief. And for His wisdom and guidance for Rx and natural supplements.

Father God, you know every tendon, every fiber, every muscle, every nerve and the blood flow in your daughter, BlackPearl's body. You know what is in her brain waves and how the effect upon her body each function has.

In the name of Jesus, we ask you and praise you for not only healing her body completely, but that the healing and the relief from the pain is permanent, not a temporary 'fix', but one that is total and sure, in Jesus' Name.

Father God, I thank you for protecting her body for a pure conception of a new baby which will not be harmed by any substance medical or non medical in or out of the womb. Thank you for a clear and ready place in her womb where the baby that she and her husband conceives will grow without interferences of any kind. Thank you for allowing them to be at perfect peace and calm, having no fear or worry about their new baby. Thank you that their baby's nervous system will be protected and perform in the perfection of your design; thank you that their baby will not fall from the vine, before it's time; that there will no no premature births; that at the appointed time, their baby, your gift to them, will be conceived and birthed in your time of completion.

Thank you for the right diet and natural supplemental combinations which will heal her body from every ache and pain and shall never ever return unto her body again. In Jesus' Name, we thank you and pray.... Amen and Amen.


Black Pearl...

An alkaline diet is what will balance the alkaline and acidity in your body which will in turn eliminate the 'inflamation' which is the cause of the pain.

Beets and Brocoli, Kale, Spinache, Celery...

If you can put these in a blender (or juicer) and just drink it once a day, your body will feel better. I prefer using a high powered blender (I have a VitaMix), as you will not be wasting any of these foods. (juicers have that waste basket in the back which contains a lot of wasted fibers).

Here are some links which will be of help.

Please pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. :yep:

Can you please pray that my relationship with God will continue to strengthen, that He will give me guidance, and for my anxiety/ peace of mind? It's been a lot better actually and my relationship with the Lord has been great, but now I sense things are getting uncomfortable again and I'm starting to feel anxious. I resolving to trust in Him through this, but I need to be held up in prayer.

My extremely dysfunctional aunt is living here right now and it's she's being tormented by her own demons. No she's not a Christian and doesn't want to change and I'm not happy about her bringing all of that into my space, but I don't have a choice right now. I feel alone in this spiritual battle of sorts.
Can you please pray that my relationship with God will continue to strengthen, that He will give me guidance, and for my anxiety/ peace of mind? It's been a lot better actually and my relationship with the Lord has been great, but now I sense things are getting uncomfortable again and I'm starting to feel anxious. I resolving to trust in Him through this, but I need to be held up in prayer.

My extremely dysfunctional aunt is living here right now and it's she's being tormented by her own demons. No she's not a Christian and doesn't want to change and I'm not happy about her bringing all of that into my space, but I don't have a choice right now. I feel alone in this spiritual battle of sorts.

Father, thank you for bringing peace into DaiseeDay's heart, her mind and into her home and inside of her home, her living space.

For whatever reason, her aunt has need of being there, please allow this to be a swift transition. Bless this aunt into a home of her own and to also be delivered whether she wants to or not from the torment that she has endured.

Father your word promises us a 'peaceful habitation', pleasant brooks and meadows, as our share. You lead us beside 'still waters' and you restore our souls; in and from you, we have 'green pastures; therefore, thank you Father for your peace everlasting in Daisee, heart, mind, body and soul and that her heart and her peace is guared and protected, from this moment on, no matter what.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Dearest Shimmie,

You are ALWAYS a blessing to me and I'm sure many other ladies on this board. You have a such a strong faith and a beautiful heart. I am blessed by your prayers and honored to learn from you as I delve deeper and deeper into relationship with our Lord and Savior. Thank you for praying for my healing and for so many, many other ladies here.
Dearest Shimmie,

You are ALWAYS a blessing to me and I'm sure many other ladies on this board. You have a such a strong faith and a beautiful heart. I am blessed by your prayers and honored to learn from you as I delve deeper and deeper into relationship with our Lord and Savior. Thank you for praying for my healing and for so many, many other ladies here.

Your heart and your strong love and faith for others is what makes me want to be better and all the more loving.

You are always in my heart and prayers. God is doing marvelous works in your life. Don't be surprised at what He has planned for you. Your heartfelt prayers are more than 'Yes'. :yep:


Just wanted to request some prayers from you ladies.
Since a couple of days or I should say weeks, I feel so depressed. I sometime feel better but only to go back to depression the day after.

I am not used to share my business but I feel like I need someone to talk to.
I feel just tired of everything in my life and mostly my job and my lonelyness.

I work so much but I don't see any results, I give so much but to never have any reward. I know that I am not the only one feeling like that in this company but now I feel so tired of all this.
And what is most depressing is that when I go back home after a long day of work, it's only to face my lonelyness.

I am so tired of beeing single, to always have to do everything by myself. I am the only single in my circle of friends and at the beging it wasn't really a issue. But as we are growing older everybody is more and more into is own life and I always remaine alone because nobody is interested to go to the movies or a restaurant...anymore. So I usually have to do everything alone.

I hate to be the one always complaning about her singleness but as Time goes by and that nothing seems to change it's harder and harder to see the good sides of things. I have the impression that nothing will ever change.
I think that my friend usually don't see how difficult my situation can be for me because I have always be the one with the good grades, the one who went to the best Schools, the one who pay her rent and have an appartement but all that I see is that I took all my décisions alone, I take all my vacations alone... I live my life alone and when I am depressed I have to face it alone too.

I don't know if my situation Will ever change so I ask you to pray for me. Pray for me so I can be a little stronger and be able to go ahead.

I Thank you in advance.

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Just wanted to request some prayers from you ladies.
Since a couple of days or I should say weeks, I feel so depressed. I sometime feel better but only to go back to depression the day after.

I am not used to share my business but I feel like I need someone to talk to.
I feel just tired of everything in my life and mostly my job and my lonelyness.

I work so much but I don't see any results, I give so much but to never have any reward. I know that I am not the only one feeling like that in this company but now I feel so tired of all this.
And what is most depressing is that when I go back home after a long day of work, it's only to face my lonelyness.

I am so tired of beeing single, to always have to do everything by myself. I am the only single in my circle of friends and at the beging it wasn't really a issue. But as we are growing older everybody is more and more into is own life and I always remaine alone because nobody is interested to go to the movies or a restaurant...anymore. So I usually have to do everything alone.

I hate to be the one always complaning about her singleness but as Time goes by and that nothing seems to change it's harder and harder to see the good sides of things. I have the impression that nothing will ever change.
I think that my friend usually don't see how difficult my situation can be for me because I have always be the one with the good grades, the one who went to the best Schools, the one who pay her rent and have an appartement but all that I see is that I took all my décisions alone, I take all my vacations alone... I live my life alone and when I am depressed I have to face it alone too.

I don't know if my situation Will ever change so I ask you to pray for me. Pray for me so I can be a little stronger and be able to go ahead.

I Thank you in advance.

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Dear milaydy31...

You've finally put it out there; no longer holding your feelings inside and from this moment forward, you will see how free you truly are.

Imagine yourself standing in the middle of a beautiful stream of water, upon a path of rocks with the water flowing gently between them. Each rock is a step towards the other side where your blessings are waiting to meet you; your answered prayers.

You may ask, "Why doesn't God just bring them to me? I've already crossed enough rocks and bridges in my life and I don't see why I have to cross over another path just to see my blessings."

Here's why: God's Word says,

"No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead..."

There are things in your past that God wants you to be free of, totally free, as they will interfere with the new that God has for you.

You shared that you work alot; usually this is because we are filling in the time, moments which 'seem' empty in our lives. It's time to make room for your new life with what God has promised you. It's time to cut the hours. You'll still have finances more than sufficient; God will take care of you.

The Prayer of Jabez fits you perfectly... "Enlarge my territory'... God indeed has plans to enlarge your territory, now is the time to prepare and make room. Prepare yourself to no longer be lonely. Prepare. For it will not be long.

This takes us back to the stream of water and the rock upon which you are standing. You no longer need to fear taking the next steps forward upon the other rocks to the other side. Step out, make the changes in your life for the life that you desire and have prayed for. Don't fear leaving other things behind that no longer benefit you. Your life is changing for the better and only you and the Lord knows which of these things you need to be free and walk away from, to make room for all of the new, that God has just for you.

Step on the rocks ahead. Go to the other side. Don't fear the waters or any winds which may arise, you will arrive safe and sound on the side where your blessings abide. For every wind, Jesus will arise and command, "Peace be Still", and He will leadeth you beside the 'Still Waters'.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Father God, thank you for what you are doing in this precious one's life. It's not over for her and you have great and many blessings and pleasant surprises for her. Seal her heart in your peace and allow her to know and to be confident that she can lean upon and trust you. Never again will she be lonely, nor will she feel any shame. You will see to it, just for her, Amen.

Thank you for your kind and wise words. The exemple of the rocks in the water is totally what I feel. It's like the tests and terrible ordeals will never end. And I don't have the impression that the people I know have to go to all of this, it's like other people can have it easy but not me. Sometime I try to convince myself that God knows my limits and he may have something great prepared for me but there are other times (more and more frequently) that I just loose all my confidence and feel like I will never reach the ultimate goal that He has fixed for me and that I never have that rest that I am yearning for.
I think I need to be more confident in what God prepared for me. I may be in one of those phases when I feel full of doubts and I really need to go ahead.

Thank you again for your words and prayers.

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Just wanted to come back into this thread to thank everyone who took the time to pray for my sister and her baby. The genetic test results came back NEGATIVE for any anomalies!!!! My heart is brimming with joy and gratitude!

With Him, all things are possible!