Ladies (each of you who posted above), the Prayer Team covered all of your prayers tonight.

Just wanted to encourage you that God has heard your prayers and He will 'hasten' His Word to perform it...perform the answers for each of you, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Love from all of each of you. :yep:

For those feeling alone during this season that they may feel the embrace of our Savior.

For my husband's spiritual struggles... Lord reveal yourself to him and soften his heart. Bring him back to you with a true understanding of your plan of salvation. Help me spiritually that he sees You through me. He's such a good man but with You, he'll be GREAT.
For those feeling alone during this season that they may feel the embrace of our Savior.

For my husband's spiritual struggles... Lord reveal yourself to him and soften his heart. Bring him back to you with a true understanding of your plan of salvation. Help me spiritually that he sees You through me. He's such a good man but with You, he'll be GREAT.


I agree with the prayers for those hurting, those lonely, those afraid, those who are lost during this holiday season. That the loving embrace of God will surround their hearts with peace and continue far beyond the holiday season and they shall rest in the joy of the Lord forever. Amen.

This ia a beautiful prayer for your husband and I believe with all of my heart that God has already begun a good work in your husband and He will continue until it's completiion.

Love and God's abundant blessings for you both.

"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and 'cleave', (adhere to, devote, embrace forever) unto his wife and the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Jesus' Name Amen.
Currently, there are job cuts that are about to happen in my area. Both my siblings' workplaces and mine are affected. We will only know what jobs/ who will be cut in January. At moments like this, my co-workers and the people who are working with my brothers will be skeeming.

Pray for my brothers & me. May god protect my brothers and I at work. Protect us from all job cuts. Protect us from any skeeming others might do to/against us.

Both of my older brothers are going through a lot. May god help them both with their health,love life,and finances,and family life.

Please pray that I get married someday soon. May god send me a wonderful husband. I hope to have kids as well since Im not getting any younger.

Thank you for praying for me and my family.
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Hello everybody,

I hope that you are all doing well.

Some people tried to break into my house today. This happened when I was at work. They were able to break my neighbour door and to rob him.

I Thank God that I changed the lock of the front door last year because this is what saved me today.

I feel grateful because I am safe and at the same time so vulnerable. I can't help to say that it could have been me.
I am so stressed right now.

Please pray for me, pray for my peace of mind, pray for me so that I can sleep tonight.

Thank you.

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Hello everybody,

I hope that you are all doing well.

Some people tried to break into my house today. This happened when I was at work. They were able to break my neighbour door and to rob him.

I Thank God that I changed the lock of the front door last year because this is what saved me today.

I feel grateful because I am safe and at the same time so vulnerable. I can't help to say that it could have been me.
I am so stressed right now.

Please pray for me, pray for my peace of mind, pray for me so that I can sleep tonight.

Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

It's going to be okay for you, Precious One. I'm sorry that you had to go through this. I praise God for protecting your home and that He will continue to protect you and to keep you in Jesus' Name, Amen.

You are God's Beloved and God gives His Beloved, 'Sweet Sleep'. That is His promise to you, for always. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We will be praying for you and thanking God for you in tonight's prayer line session.

Sweet Sleep, Angel. :sleep2:

Psalm 27

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 2 When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came [1] upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. 3 Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. 4 One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty [2] of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple. 5 For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. 6 And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; [3] I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord.

7 Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me. 8 When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. 9 Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. 10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. 11 Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain [4] path, because of mine enemies. 12 Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. 13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 14 Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

Hello everybody,

I hope that you are all doing well.

Some people tried to break into my house today. This happened when I was at work. They were able to break my neighbour door and to rob him.

I Thank God that I changed the lock of the front door last year because this is what saved me today.

I feel grateful because I am safe and at the same time so vulnerable. I can't help to say that it could have been me.
I am so stressed right now.

Please pray for me, pray for my peace of mind, pray for me so that I can sleep tonight.

Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Its been a long time since I have been really on the board bc of school and all.

I will be a graduating RNing student Dec 15, and I ask that God gives me favor with a graduate RN internship that I applied for. I really truly LOVE helping ppl and at this hospital system I can physically see me doing all that and more. I will be able to gain the experience and knowledge I need to become a successful RN in the future.

I have also been out of work since July and I am looking for a seasonal position that will carry me in the new year, so that I wont fall behind on my bills. I luckily have a mother that has been helping me some, but I feel that I am taking away from other bills that she has to pay also.

Keep me in your prays as I will keep you ladies in mine! Thank you...

Just updating on my status! Although I am not out of the clear, I am better and I have peace.

I had a few interview with the hospital mentioned above and I believe that God is working it out and placing me within the company where he desires me to be.

I got a little part time job at a fast food place and hopefully that will help with bills until Jan 28 when the internship starts.

I come to you ladies continuing to ask for prayer.

1. Needing 40 hours to help as much as I can with the bills.
2. Receiving a job offer from the hospital above soon.

Thank you ladies in advance! I cant wait to post in the Praise Report thread after all this is over.
prayers please for a little boy and his family:

The little boy is the son of a very very dear friend. This family LOVES the LORD like crazy, ya hear me! They are warriors. I know they will stomp the devil's head as they go through what now faces them. The little boy (8) was just diagnosed yesterday with a rare form of cancer called rhambomyosarcoma. We know for sure that he will have to have chemo. I am fully confident in my God's ability to heal him and to work through medical professionals and anyone else He sees fit to get this little boy 100% restored, but this will happen as God's prayer warriors lift this little boy up in prayer. Also, please lift up the parents. Even as Christians, this must be a tough test for them. I am hurting for them and for him, but I know the battle is the Lord's.
prayers please for a little boy and his family:

The little boy is the son of a very very dear friend. This family LOVES the LORD like crazy, ya hear me! They are warriors. I know they will stomp the devil's head as they go through what now faces them. The little boy (8) was just diagnosed yesterday with a rare form of cancer called rhambomyosarcoma. We know for sure that he will have to have chemo. I am fully confident in my God's ability to heal him and to work through medical professionals and anyone else He sees fit to get this little boy 100% restored, but this will happen as God's prayer warriors lift this little boy up in prayer. Also, please lift up the parents. Even as Christians, this must be a tough test for them. I am hurting for them and for him, but I know the battle is the Lord's.

Supergirl... most definitely we will keep this precious little in our hearts and prayers... for his total and complete healing. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Before I forget, forget already....please pray for Pooks, that her child's birth is uneventful and that the baby is born healthy and remains healthy, mother and child.
I would like to ask for prayer but also help in the prayer requests. I see that many are seeking husbands. It's an area I was burdened with until last year in June 2011. G-d truly blessed me with my gorgeous loving husband. We got married 6 months later and coming to our 1st anniversary! We really thank G-d. There has been some challenges and some spiritual attacks but we praise G-d for being by our sides and guiding us. We thank you, Yeshua!
I am already in the midst of arranging blind dates for girls with good men. Don't know why I've been asked by a number of women if I know of available men. My husband isn't quite into the match making business therefore there could be potentials but he doesn't see it:) (Sorry!)
Love him always and anyways:) x
I want to give some time to pray for 5 daughters who love Jesus/Yeshua.
Please let me know!

As for my own prayer request, many times I have heard the Holy Spirit say ' You seek after men for advice but not Me...' Can't remember the reference but I know it is in the Bible. I feel I do this sin in many areas but esp when I could be on my knees and gaining true answers. I really pray for patience, self control and walking away from fearful thoughts.

Thanks girls x
I would like to ask for prayer but also help in the prayer requests. I see that many are seeking husbands. It's an area I was burdened with until last year in June 2011. G-d truly blessed me with my gorgeous loving husband. We got married 6 months later and coming to our 1st anniversary! We really thank G-d. There has been some challenges and some spiritual attacks but we praise G-d for being by our sides and guiding us. We thank you, Yeshua!
I am already in the midst of arranging blind dates for girls with good men. Don't know why I've been asked by a number of women if I know of available men. My husband isn't quite into the match making business therefore there could be potentials but he doesn't see it:) (Sorry!)
Love him always and anyways:) x
I want to give some time to pray for 5 daughters who love Jesus/Yeshua.
Please let me know!

As for my own prayer request, many times I have heard the Holy Spirit say ' You seek after men for advice but not Me...' Can't remember the reference but I know it is in the Bible. I feel I do this sin in many areas but esp when I could be on my knees and gaining true answers. I really pray for patience, self control and walking away from fearful thoughts.

Thanks girls x


What a beautiful and heartfelt message that you have shared with us here in your post. The warmth of your heart cannot be missed. Thank you for being here with us.
Our prayers are with you and we know that God will bless the desire in your heart to seek Him for He is always with you with open heart and arms to receive you.

God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.

Acts 17:27
Before I forget, forget already....please pray for Pooks, that her child's birth is uneventful and that the baby is born healthy and remains healthy, mother and child.

Thank you Aupar for thinking of our sister 'Pooks'. She and her Baby Princess is definitely in our hearts and prayers.

We can't wait to see her baby pictures :yep: :love3:
I have applied to jobs that I believe would truly maximize the use of my skill sets and fields that I believe I can grow and truly fulfill my potential in it. Can you please pray that my desire is in line with God's will for me, that I be accepted in one of these positions and for patience. Thank you.
Dear sisters,

Over the course of the next two months we will be submitting all of the paperwork to apply for admission and tuition assistance for our children to attend the Christian school at our church. I am believing God to make a way for us to get our babies out of the hands of Caesar. I am believing God for a miracle.

Please continue to pray for my husband. We have been having a rough time financially, and he is experiencing some worry and doubt. I think he is frustrated that the debts we've been struggling to pay off aren't completely paid off yet. He is now wondering whether we can really afford another child. He will come around and I am most definitely in prayer non-stop. I am asking for prayer because i find such comfort when we pray in agreement.

I have so missed your voices over the last two weeks.

I have applied to jobs that I believe would truly maximize the use of my skill sets and fields that I believe I can grow and truly fulfill my potential in it. Can you please pray that my desire is in line with God's will for me, that I be accepted in one of these positions and for patience. Thank you.

Father in the name of Jesus,

I come in agreement with my sister as she desires your will for her regarding her working in the field that she desires. I pray that you will reveal to her if this is your plan for her and then give her an answer soon. I pray that every door that should be opened for her, will open and open wide. That you will place the right people in her path and that she will find favor with them.

I know that you desire for her to prosper and be in health even as her soul prospers. I thank you for all these things, in Jesus name. Amen!
Dear sisters,

Over the course of the next two months we will be submitting all of the paperwork to apply for admission and tuition assistance for our children to attend the Christian school at our church. I am believing God to make a way for us to get our babies out of the hands of Caesar. I am believing God for a miracle.

Please continue to pray for my husband. We have been having a rough time financially, and he is experiencing some worry and doubt. I think he is frustrated that the debts we've been struggling to pay off aren't completely paid off yet. He is now wondering whether we can really afford another child. He will come around and I am most definitely in prayer non-stop. I am asking for prayer because i find such comfort when we pray in agreement.

I have so missed your voices over the last two weeks.


Father, in the name of Jesus....

I come into agreement with my sister and I ask that you open up the windows of Heaven and pour your blessings on them that they will not have room enough to receive. I ask that you REBUKE THE DEVOUR for their sake.

I pray that every time they have tithed into your Kingdom to see your Kingdom advance, that it will count for them in this time...that 100 fold return will come to them and that they will no longer lack anything, nor owe any man anything but to love him.

I pray for a supernatural well to spring up in them and that they will be refreshed and renewed in their spirit as they wait upon you, Lord to answer their prayers.

If this school is where you desire their children to be, then Lord I know that you will make a way for them because you delight in them.

I pray for her husband, that he will stand and after he has done all to stand....that he will STAND and see the salvation of the Lord in his life.

I come against every closed door that has been shut in front of them and I pray that those same doors will be forced open, by the power of the blood of Jesus. I cancel every assignment against them and call forth their angels to surround them and protect them in the name of Jesus.

Father, do it, it now, Lord.

In Jesus name....amen!

Father, in the name of Jesus....

I come into agreement with my sister and I ask that you open up the windows of Heaven and pour your blessings on them that they will not have room enough to receive. I ask that you REBUKE THE DEVOUR for their sake.

I pray that every time they have tithed into your Kingdom to see your Kingdom advance, that it will count for them in this time...that 100 fold return will come to them and that they will no longer lack anything, nor owe any man anything but to love him.

I pray for a supernatural well to spring up in them and that they will be refreshed and renewed in their spirit as they wait upon you, Lord to answer their prayers.

If this school is where you desire their children to be, then Lord I know that you will make a way for them because you delight in them.

I pray for her husband, that he will stand and after he has done all to stand....that he will STAND and see the salvation of the Lord in his life.

I come against every closed door that has been shut in front of them and I pray that those same doors will be forced open, by the power of the blood of Jesus. I cancel every assignment against them and call forth their angels to surround them and protect them in the name of Jesus.

Father, do it, it now, Lord.

In Jesus name....amen!

Thank you, sister
Sisters, I need your prayers. My beautiful 14 year old goddaughter just collapsed. Right now she's in the emergency room right now. She has a cyst on her brain. She's disoriented and doesn't know where she is. My best friend is so scared and I can't be there with them as they're in another state.
Sisters, I need your prayers. My beautiful 14 year old goddaughter just collapsed. Right now she's in the emergency room right now. She has a cyst on her brain. She's disoriented and doesn't know where she is. My best friend is so scared and I can't be there with them as they're in another state.

Father thank you for your presence with foxee 's Goddaughter. Thank you for your healing power which is flowing in her entire body. Father bring peace to her mind, and to her mother's heart. Thank you that whatever the root cause may be, that they are eliminated and shall never rise up again.

Thank you so much for hearing the prayers of our hearts to heal her and to protect her. Let the doctors move and be guided of you. She shall not die but live and give glory unto you all the days of her life.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.
I just wanted to post an update. My goddaughter is home now. The doctors are running tests this week, but at least she's out of the hospital.

Many thanks to Shimmie and all others who prayed for her!
I just wanted to post an update. My goddaughter is home now. The doctors are running tests this week, but at least she's out of the hospital.

Many thanks to Shimmie and all others who prayed for her!

foxee, thank you for the update. We are still praying for your Goddaughter.

I know that God has healed her; He has a special plan for her life and this will be one of her testimonies of His grace and mercies over her which will encourage others.

God Bless You. :flowers:
Praying for clarity. I feel that I am being lead to relocate. There is an opportunity right now that looks good and would be a promotion but I don't know if its God's best. I want to make sure that I am waiting for God's best as I know that if I choose His best, He will go before me (Isaiah 45).
Praying for clarity. I feel that I am being lead to relocate. There is an opportunity right now that looks good and would be a promotion but I don't know if its God's best. I want to make sure that I am waiting for God's best as I know that if I choose His best, He will go before me (Isaiah 45).

I'm in total agreement for your clarity and hearing the Lord's voice and following His leading.

God is showing you the path of your life...

For you, Precious Sashaa08 :flowers:

:Rose: God will instruct me and teach me in the way I should go. He will guide me with His eye. (Psalm 32:8)

:Rose: My steps are ordered by the Lord. (Psalm 37:23)

:Rose: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psalm 119:105)

:Rose: I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. In all my ways I acknowledge Him and He directs my paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

:Rose: I shall hear a word behind me, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever I turn to the right or the left. (Isaiah 30:21)

:Rose: Thus says the Lord, my Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go.” (Isaiah 48:17)

:Rose: The Lord will guide me continually. (Isaiah 58:11)

:Rose: I desire to do God’s will so I shall know whether it is from God. (John 7:17)

:Rose: I follow Jesus so I shall not walk in darkness, but I have the light of life. (John 8:12)

:Rose: I hear Jesus’ voice and He calls me by name and leads me out. Jesus goes before me and I follow him, for I know his voice. I will by no means follow a stranger. (John 10:3-5)

:Rose: The Spirit of truth has come and He is guiding me into all truth. He will tell me things to come. (John 16:13)

:Rose: I am led by the Spirit of God for I am a son of God. (Romans 8:14)

:Rose: It is God Who works in me both to will and to do for His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13)

Thank you! I will declare and pray these scriptures right now! I thank God that He leads us in the path that we should go. Amen! :yep:


Amen Angel, Amen.

For you shall stand 'Perfect' and Complete in the Will of God and in perfect peace and in every good work ... :yep:

Here's more:

:Rose: I let the peace of God rule in my heart. (Colossians 3:15)

:Rose: I will stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. (Colossians 4:12)

:Rose: The God of peace will make me complete in every good work to do His will, working in me what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 13:21)

Sashaa, everything you set your hand and heart to shall prosper in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Thank you! :hug: My answer was confirmed-I don't have to jump at each opportunity that looks good. God has something special set aside just for me and when it is presented, I will have immediate peace and know that it's for me.

Thanks! :kiss: