Please keep me in your prayers especially for my job and my patient

Of course... :yep:

:pray: Father in the Name of Jesus, your mercies abound and surround precious blqlady in every area of her life and the cares which have been embedded within her heart. Thank you for taking care of every 'care' and fulfilling her prayers within.

Please take care of her patient. Bring and seal your healing presence and power within them and whatever the ailment and imfirmity may be, that it no longer rules their body, but you do and you always will.

Please take care of their financial cares; meet everything within and beyond their needs in your great abundance. Thank you for all that you've done and will continue to do for both of them and their loved ones, in Jesus' Name Amen.


Please continue to keep my friend Sean in prayer. I have not spoken with him in several days and I am worried about him.

Also please keep my friend J in your prayers. She is having some terrible issues in her marriage. Please pray that the Lord continues to protect and cover her and her two small children.

Thanks Ladies!
I am in a state of hopelessness and depression. I am all out of strength. Please pray for my deliverance and strength. I can't take anymore.

The Lord is calling your name today rest in Him and let him heal you, He says come to me ALL that are heavy laden and I will give you rest...I pray that the Lord comforts you and strengthens you with His joy He has not forsaken you but promised that He will be with you until the end of the way, just rest in Him...

Here's a few scriptures to remind you to cast your cares on Him because He cares for you, I pray that they give your comfort...

Matthew 11:28-30 ESV
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Psalm 34:17-20 ESV
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.

2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

The Lord is calling your name today rest in Him and let him heal you, He says come to me ALL that are heavy laden and I will give you rest...I pray that the Lord comforts you and strengthens you with His joy He has not forsaken you but promised that He will be with you until the end of the way, just rest in Him...

Here's a few scriptures to remind you to cast your cares on Him because He cares for you, I pray that they give your comfort...

Matthew 11:28-30 ESV
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Psalm 34:17-20 ESV
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.

2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Thank you...

Thank you. I have never felt so battered and alone. I will meditate on the passages.

Lord, please come through and work a miracle..

Praying for both of you...

Hold on and do not fear; God has won this issue for both of you. Just breathe and receive it. Your healing, your victory, your prayers heard and answered.

In Jesus' Name,

Amen and Amen.

I am asking for prayer for my husband's job situation. For quite a while now he has desired to make a higher income and move beyond branch management, possibly to a new challenge. Today, he was told by regional managers that they are considering closing the branch he just opened 18 months ago. No matter what, I know that God is in control. He has always provided for us and always will. I pray that my husband will be at peace and that God will move in a miraculous way. I pray that the enemy is bound up in this situation.
I am asking for prayer for my husband's job situation. For quite a while now he has desired to make a higher income and move beyond branch management, possibly to a new challenge. Today, he was told by regional managers that they are considering closing the branch he just opened 18 months ago. No matter what, I know that God is in control. He has always provided for us and always will. I pray that my husband will be at peace and that God will move in a miraculous way. I pray that the enemy is bound up in this situation.

Your husband has such a beautiful gift... a loving wife who prays for him and never gives up. The beauty of this is what sustains him and keeps him motivated to keep going and to pursue the best the God has waiting for him.

And that's what is ahead... God's very best, which started with you. In the 'belly' of your prayers you will birth the destiny of your husband's dreams of success. He will not fail, he will surely be blessed. His labour was not in vain. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Your husband has such a beautiful gift... a loving wife who prays for him and never gives up. The beauty of this is what sustains him and keeps him motivated to keep going and to pursue the best the God has waiting for him.

And that's what is ahead... God's very best, which started with you. In the 'belly' of your prayers you will birth the destiny of your husband's dreams of success. He will not fail, he will surely be blessed. His labour was not in vain. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Dearest Shimmie....

Thank you for your kind words. You always make me cry (in a good way):yep:
Please pray that I mee the man of my life soon. PLease pray that I do get married some day and that I get to have kids and a family of my own.
This is surely a tough time remembering what was and no longer is... All these little nicknames we had for the kids as babies come flooding to me now. This is HARD. I don't regret walking away from that - I needed to. But it should not ever be easy to bury someone. You can't just put them away as though there was never any good. I guess it'll take a full year of all these various seasons and holidays to know that we're on our own.
There are at least 4 families who are in danger of divorce because of a divorced woman (separated with the church...she's still married in their eyes) with children having an open affair with a local MARRIED businessman and who is dying of cancer with weeks left.

So, this XX is good friends with my best friend and they are also targets as XX tried with my friend's husband and I didn't quite know how to relate this to my friend but did so in a round-about way. I alienated myself for a little. Now she knows and found out from her husband... her kids are talking about it because the husband doesn't want to come home with XX around his family. XX drops her kids over folks' homes. There is another friend who this is happening too...(m.o. surgeons, wealthy, many children, SAHM/wives). :look:

There are several wealthy families at stake cuz she's looking for married sugar daddies and all of us knowing her are connected via our parish. Oh L-rd!

PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF THIS DYING MAN and specifically that he repent and turn back to his wife before he dies. She needs to know she is loved. I pray he is fair to his son and stops favoring this mistress (estate-wise) and leaves his wife with all that is rightfully hers.

Please pray for this XX woman to stop her ways and turn to the L-rd. Please pray for her daughters to listen to G-d. The oldest is now imitating XX's behavior. Another hurt family cuz she blurted out their father is always over her house seeing her mother.

Please pray that the parents of these families do not divorce and that they are strengthened and that there is pure forgiveness and protection.

Pray for all these poor kids involved seeing all this ratchedness from these parents.:nono:
Please pray for me. My job has placed me in a really precarious position. The stress is getting to me. I just need some peace.

"Covered" in Jesus' Name... You are.

Preciious Sweetie: Whisper to God where you wish to be. Right thee, right where you are, just whisper, Lord I want to be free from here, where there's peace and freedom from fear, please place me ______________.

God will give you the desire of your heart. Tell Him where you want to be.

There are at least 4 families who are in danger of divorce because of a divorced woman (separated with the church...she's still married in their eyes) with children having an open affair with a local MARRIED businessman and who is dying of cancer with weeks left.

So, this XX is good friends with my best friend and they are also targets as XX tried with my friend's husband and I didn't quite know how to relate this to my friend but did so in a round-about way. I alienated myself for a little. Now she knows and found out from her husband... her kids are talking about it because the husband doesn't want to come home with XX around his family. XX drops her kids over folks' homes. There is another friend who this is happening too...(m.o. surgeons, wealthy, many children, SAHM/wives). :look:

There are several wealthy families at stake cuz she's looking for married sugar daddies and all of us knowing her are connected via our parish. Oh L-rd!

PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF THIS DYING MAN and specifically that he repent and turn back to his wife before he dies. She needs to know she is loved. I pray he is fair to his son and stops favoring this mistress (estate-wise) and leaves his wife with all that is rightfully hers.

Please pray for this XX woman to stop her ways and turn to the L-rd. Please pray for her daughters to listen to G-d. The oldest is now imitating XX's behavior. Another hurt family cuz she blurted out their father is always over her house seeing her mother.

Please pray that the parents of these families do not divorce and that they are strengthened and that there is pure forgiveness and protection.

Pray for all these poor kids involved seeing all this ratchedness from these parents.:nono:

If only these people knew how much you care about them. You've taken their lives into your heart. God will bless you surely for being so caring for others.
One of my request prayers is a redundant one, but I really need them. I have yet to pass a test I've been trying to pass. I took it again yesterday and am praying that I am successful this time around.
I am having surgery today. Please pray that the staff, the surgeon and I are blessed and protected throughout the surgery and during my recovery.
Please pray for my unborn niece/nephew.
Thank you
"Covered" in Jesus' Name... You are.

Preciious Sweetie: Whisper to God where you wish to be. Right thee, right where you are, just whisper, Lord I want to be free from here, where there's peace and freedom from fear, please place me ______________.

God will give you the desire of your heart. Tell Him where you want to be.


As usual you are on point. Thanking God in advance for the move He will allow me to make!!!!!!!
One of my request prayers is a redundant one, but I really need them. I have yet to pass a test I've been trying to pass. I took it again yesterday and am praying that I am successful this time around.
I am having surgery today. Please pray that the staff, the surgeon and I are blessed and protected throughout the surgery and during my recovery.
Please pray for my unborn niece/nephew.
Thank you

Praying for you, in Jesus' Name. All is well ... indeed all is well.

Please pray for my emotional well being. Thanksgiving day I was surrounded by people who despise me. This is nothing new, but it is the first time in several years that I have felt the feeling this strong. Even the person I thought was my ally seems to not be my ally anymore. I can get over not being liked, but this feeling has lingered with me for the past week now. I feel like I'm not good enough. These people have never taken the time to get to know me. Most of their negative feelings are based off of things one person has said about me. Why have I been singled out and why am I not good enough? I'm mostly venting, but I do need prayer that this feeling doesn't affect me more than it already has.
Please pray for my emotional well being. Thanksgiving day I was surrounded by people who despise me. This is nothing new, but it is the first time in several years that I have felt the feeling this strong. Even the person I thought was my ally seems to not be my ally anymore. I can get over not being liked, but this feeling has lingered with me for the past week now. I feel like I'm not good enough. These people have never taken the time to get to know me. Most of their negative feelings are based off of things one person has said about me. Why have I been singled out and why am I not good enough? I'm mostly venting, but I do need prayer that this feeling doesn't affect me more than it already has.


Just that quick God gave me a word for you. :yep:

"Remember Joseph"? Who was hated by his brothers?

God says, "He has prepared a table for you in the presence of thine enemies."

Yet they are not your enemies and you do not have to validate yourself to any of them. God as stamped you with His heart in total 'Approval"

mrselle... you are without fail or thought. You are loved by God far more than their distant stand from you. You are indeed beyond... Good Enough and Mr. Elle totally agress with this. You are his 'boo' forever.


I don't post here often but I do have a couple of prayer request:

1. Please pray that the ministry that God has given me grow but that I stay in line to what the Lord what me to do with this ministry and not what I want. Reduce me and let God shine.

2. Please pray for a financial blessing for me. I have been stuggling for years financially and I need God to show up and show off but until then let me have the faith that God is going to do what He does best.

3. Please pray for the Man of God to find a job. He has been looking for a position since May when he got laid off. His faith is strong but I'm asking for corporate pray that God does what He does and that the position open up soon

Thank you and God bless

Please pray for peace on my job. The warfare has gotten so bad that I think about quitting all the time. There is one person in particular that is creating a lot of issues for me. I have done nothing to this person to deserve any of what they are doing.

This situation has caused me a great deal of anxiety lately. I just want peace....

Thanks Ladies! I appreciate and love each and every one of you.

Be blessed!