I'd like prayer that if it's God's will he'd bless dh and I with baby #2.

Father, according to your word, you said that if we ask anything according to your will, that it will be given unto us.

Therefore, according to your Word that says, 'Be fruitful and multiply...' we ask that you bless our sister aa9746 and her husband with an addtional baby. This is their heart's desire and it is also your gift and your great pleasure to bless the fruit of her womb, to conceive and bear more children.

Father thank you that her husband's seed is strong and healthy and shall meet with the appointed egg that you have released at the appointed time, to become quickly united as a human being, living and growing inside of her body. Thank you that their babies will grow in health and will be taught your wisdom and bear your heart and character. That he and/or she shall stand upon your principles waivering not to the temptations of the world. That you will be seeding a new generation of those who love, serve and honour you no matter the oppostion.

Thank you for this gracious blessing and answer to their prayers. It is unto you that we give all honour and glory and praise and thanks, with all of our hearts. In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.
I wanted to thank everyone for thier prayers. My car has been repaired as requested. The $500 bill from the store location who put the parts on my car without my authorizations has been resolved. The store location of my choice had the car towed and repaired free of charge to me. There was one additional part that was needed which I agreed to pay for, so for the original $1000 quote, I ended up only paying $104.

I just wanted to come back and say the day after I posted this thread, the check engine light came on and the weird noise I was hearing during my original visit came back. I was definitely bothered but my SO explained they agreed to replace the timing belt not fix the noise. So I drove the car for a couple of days, truly sad and worried about the car. I went to church with my SO's mother on Sunday and during praise and worship I just prayed and said Lord I give this issue to you. I am the righteous of God and you perfect the things that concern me.

Well I went back to my SO place with his mother after church. He was really ill at the time but still went outside to look at my car. He figured what was causes the noise and the check engine light to be on and fixed it for me. I went home, thanking God for his help.

I had to go back to the dealer because a part I ordered over a month ago which was sent back in error had arrived. I understood that I would be charged $192 for this part as agreed.

Well it took an hour to get the part on my car, I go the counter with my debit card and the Store manager asked me why did I pull out my card. I was confused and said to pay for the work. He said Lissa0821, you have been so patience with us and this was our error so there is no charge.

A $192 bill for work I truly need brought to zero balance.

The prayers of the righteous prevail much and God will perfect all things that concern me.
I just wanted to come back and say the day after I posted this thread, the check engine light came on and the weird noise I was hearing during my original visit came back. I was definitely bothered but my SO explained they agreed to replace the timing belt not fix the noise. So I drove the car for a couple of days, truly sad and worried about the car. I went to church with my SO's mother on Sunday and during praise and worship I just prayed and said Lord I give this issue to you. I am the righteous of God and you perfect the things that concern me.

Well I went back to my SO place with his mother after church. He was really ill at the time but still went outside to look at my car. He figured what was causes the noise and the check engine light to be on and fixed it for me. I went home, thanking God for his help.

I had to go back to the dealer because a part I ordered over a month ago which was sent back in error had arrived. I understood that I would be charged $192 for this part as agreed.

Well it took an hour to get the part on my car, I go the counter with my debit card and the Store manager asked me why did I pull out my card. I was confused and said to pay for the work. He said Lissa0821, you have been so patience with us and this was our error so there is no charge.

A $192 bill for work I truly need brought to zero balance.

The prayers of the righteous prevail much and God will perfect all things that concern me.

Lissa, God favours you because He loves you so much. Also because you are so faithful and you entered into this situaltion with total humility from your heart. God honours humility.

I will also say this. Lissa0821 ... You are a faithful woman of God. You are loyal to your Church, amidst the 'chatter', you remain faithful to where God has set you to worship. I pray for the consistant healing of your future husband ( I hate the term 'SO'... forgive me? I hope so :yep:); he deserves to be called better. Upon you both, the faithful blessings of God, availeth much. You are such a gift to him and his mother; he sees this; don't ever doubt it. Don't ever stop being who you are. It's your love and loyalty that is keeping the faith of others who are 'watching' you.

Love and blessings,

Hi to my LHCF sisters, I like to ask for prayer for my father, who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. He has to undergo chemotherapy. He is in good spirits and has lots of faith, so I know God will perform miracles on him. I am far away from my family living in the west coast while they remain in Indiana. It has been difficult to go through this alone and not being for my father all the time.

I am returning home to see him, and also my sister, who is donating a kidney to her friend this Friday. I have faith our family will prevail over these storms and I just wanted to reach out to you all and ask for your prayers of healing and strength. Thank you all and God bless you all.
Hi to my LHCF sisters, I like to ask for prayer for my father, who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. He has to undergo chemotherapy. He is in good spirits and has lots of faith, so I know God will perform miracles on him. I am far away from my family living in the west coast while they remain in Indiana. It has been difficult to go through this alone and not being for my father all the time.

I am returning home to see him, and also my sister, who is donating a kidney to her friend this Friday. I have faith our family will prevail over these storms and I just wanted to reach out to you all and ask for your prayers of healing and strength. Thank you all and God bless you all.

Father, the more I read, the more I learn of so many of your daughters here on this forum have so much love and faith in you. Here we have your daughter 'Sharmeans' who is asking for the healing of her father from cancer. Nothing is too hard for you to do, healing him is just a matter of love which you hold dear for him. I find it easy to believe that his healing totally and complete is not denied. In this, we just lift our hearts of loving praise and thanks unto you for loving him just that much and more.

Father, sharmeans has a sister who is sharing a part of her body to save the life of another. Thank you for your healing love which warms and flows to both of them, the Giver and the Receiver, one cannot be without the other... and 'be' they shall be and always will...they shall be healed and healthy and strong and protected.

Thank you for protecting Sharmeans as she travels home to be with her Dad and her sister. Give them a wonderful time of rejoicing that will remove all fear and worry from their hearts. Lord, it's what 'we' think about that rules our faith. Thank you that whateoever thinks are pure, gentle of a good report, are the thoughts that rule and generate good fruit and miracles.

Bless this family. I don't know them, yet you do. And you knew long before they were each born what this day would bring into their lives. You also knew that you would be right there with them, taking care of each concern and every affliction. Heal their hearts and bodies. Allow no unclean thing to come upon nor enter in. Heal them and keep them strong and mighty. Strong and mighty in you.

Bless you Father God, with all of our hearts, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

sharmeans... in addtion to your Dad's chemotherapy, ask your Dad to include eating beets and to drink beet juice. It surely cannot hurt.


I wish your Dad all the best with the chemothreapy and that his healing is rapid and thorough in God's minute timing. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen
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Father, the more I read, the more I learn of so many of your daughters here on this forum have so much love and faith in you. Here we have your daughter 'Sharmeans' who is asking for the healing of her father from cancer. Nothing is too hard for you to do, healing him is just a matter of love which you hold dear for him. I find it easy to believe that his healing totally and complete is not denied. In this, we just lift our hearts of loving praise and thanks unto you for loving him just that much and more.

Father, @sharmeans has a sister who is sharing a part of her body to save the life of another. Thank you for your healing love which warms and flows to both of them, the Giver and the Receiver, one cannot be without the other... and 'be' they shall be and always will...they shall be healed and healthy and strong and protected.

Thank you for protecting Sharmeans as she travels home to be with her Dad and her sister. Give them a wonderful time of rejoicing that will remove all fear and worry from their hearts. Lord, it's what 'we' think about that rules our faith. Thank you that whateoever thinks are pure, gentle of a good report, are the thoughts that rule and generate good fruit and miracles.

Bless this family. I don't know them, yet you do. And you knew long before they were each born what this day would bring into their lives. You also knew that you would be right there with them, taking care of each concern and every affliction. Heal their hearts and bodies. Allow no unclean thing to come upon nor enter in. Heal them and keep them strong and mighty. Strong and mighty in you.

Bless you Father God, with all of our hearts, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

@sharmeans... in addtion to your Dad's chemotherapy, ask your Dad to include eating beets and to drink beet juice. It surely cannot hurt.


I wish your Dad all the best with the chemothreapy and that his healing is rapid and thorough in God's minute timing. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen

Thank you so much for this beautiful prayer Shimmie

It really touched my heart and I am very grateful to you for uplifting my family in prayer. :bighug::rosebud:
I think this is an awesome thread to have available and would share my own inner battles on here however, I'm concerned that there is no safeguard against being prayed for by those who aren't standing in line with Yeshua/Christ. I gather that most of us are women on these threads but I am also aware of wolves in sheep's clothing. I pray for each woman who has come to this thread in search of support. I pray that Yeshua will stand with you where you are, at your point of need, and direct you/guide you/instruct you in wisdom. I pray for His covering of love over your minds and bodies and thank Him for His willingness to be our Father and Savior.

Please, please, please pray for Israel. The situation is dire and needs immediate attention in the way of prayer. Military involvement is moving towards that pre-emptive strike against Iran as we speak. It's dire, to say the least.

Please pray that Iran is protected as well. The populace is not at fault and they are also being murdered by the govt. In addition, there are many Jews left in Iran. Love the land that gave you your Messiah...pray for her.
Please, please, please pray for Israel. The situation is dire and needs immediate attention in the way of prayer. Military involvement is moving towards that pre-emptive strike against Iran as we speak. It's dire, to say the least.

Please pray that Iran is protected as well. The populace is not at fault and they are also being murdered by the govt. In addition, there are many Jews left in Iran. Love the land that gave you your Messiah...pray for her.

I found this prayer online which spoke to my heart for Isreal:

Dear Heavenly Father,

We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We are sad to see the violence and suffering as men, women and children are injured and killed on both sides of the conflict. We don't understand why it has to be this way, nor do we truly know if war is right or wrong. But we pray for justice, your sovereign righteousness, Lord.

And at the same time we pray for mercy. For everyone involved we pray, for governments and peoples, militants and terrorists, we ask for your kingdom to come and rule over the land. Protect the soldiers and civilians from bloodshed. May your truth and light shine in the darkness.

Where there is only hatred, may your love prevail. Help me as a Christian to support those who you support, Lord, and to bless those who you bless, my God. Bring your salvation to Israel, dear God. Bring your salvation to the whole earth.


In the Name of Jesus... We yield our hearts and prayers for Isreal... :Rose:
Please pray that I pass this exam I am about to take for the fourth time. I'm extremely stressed about it and need peace at last. Thank you.

Sent from my PG86100 using LHCF
Please pray that I pass this exam I am about to take for the fourth time. I'm extremely stressed about it and need peace at last. Thank you.

Sent from my PG86100 using LHCF

Fear not Little One for the Lord says this...

"Now go, and I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."

Exodus 4:12

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you."

Deuteronomy 31:6

MrsS.... You will not fail... :love3:
Shimmie said:
Fear not Little One for the Lord says this...

"Now go, and I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."

Exodus 4:12

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you."

Deuteronomy 31:6

MrsS.... You will not fail... :love3:

Thank you Shimmie!

Sent from my iPad using LHCF...if only it would stop correcting what I write.
I think this is an awesome thread to have available and would share my own inner battles on here however, I'm concerned that there is no safeguard against being prayed for by those who aren't standing in line with Yeshua/Christ.

I gather that most of us are women on these threads but I am also aware of wolves in sheep's clothing. I pray for each woman who has come to this thread in search of support. I pray that Yeshua will stand with you where you are, at your point of need, and direct you/guide you/instruct you in wisdom. I pray for His covering of love over your minds and bodies and thank Him for His willingness to be our Father and Savior.


:welcome3: :bighug: :welcome3:

We walk by faith and not by sight... :Rose:
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The people who killed my father are in court right now applying for bail. AGAIN.
Pray that their lawyers stop lying and argue badly
that the prosecutor argues well and convincingly
That the judge rules no bail
That this case is heard quickly and they are convicted to the greatest extent of the law

Thank you
The people who killed my father are in court right now applying for bail. AGAIN.
Pray that their lawyers stop lying and argue badly
that the prosecutor argues well and convincingly
That the judge rules no bail
That this case is heard quickly and they are convicted to the greatest extent of the law

Thank you

Father, we thank you that justice shall and WILL be served to the highest degree. Those who have taken the life of 'Ivy's' Father shall not escape their due season of retribution.

Father, please give ivyness and her Mom and Sister peace and assurance of your vindication for thie injustice and the heartbreak that they have had to endure. Leave no stone unturned for their peaceful release from the saddness and grief, nor for those who are responsible, that your justice will be served to the highest order. No matter the lies, no matter the alibies, no matter the deceptions, they will not escape due recompense.

We thank you Father God for your healing power of forgiveness to flow in the hearts of Ivy and her family. For this is their true reward to live in peace and safety. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Please pray for direction in my job life. I have yet to gain a career yet. I desire one badly. I know I'm smart and I don't just want to work a job for my entire life.

Please pray for the man I met yesterday. Help me become all he is suppose to be as a man of God which is so far and few in this world. Help that his marriage is reconciled and his wife heart is touched.
Pray for both of my nephews. May god keep them safe and happy. May god stimulate their desire to learn, grow in the right direction and go to school.

Pray that my oldest brother manages his finance responsibly and that he continue to invest in his kids schooling.

Pray that second older brother heals. Pray that he get his hearing fully back into his hear and may god remove the blood clots in his brain. May god restore his health fully and quickly.

May god heal my mommy.
Pray for both of my nephews. May god keep them safe and happy. May god stimulate their desire to learn, grow in the right direction and go to school.

Pray that my oldest brother manages his finance responsibly and that he continue to invest in his kids schooling.

Pray that second older brother heals. Pray that he get his hearing fully back into his hear and may god remove the blood clots in his brain. May god restore his health fully and quickly.

May god heal my mommy.

Indeed Sweetheart...

Father you are the mighty Healer of all manner of infirmities and afflictions. Thank you for disolving the blood clots in BlackHairDiva's brother's brain. Let there be no further growth nor development of new ones. Please recreate his veins and arteries, his entire vascular system to be renewed and healed in Jesus' name. Father, please restore his hearing and all that pertains to his brain functions, that his mind, his thoughts, his character, are sound, for he is yours to heal and to make whole....in Jesus' Name.

Thank you for healing her precious mother, that her heart, body and sould are touched by your presence and your healing warmth in Jesus' Name. Thank for protecting her precious nephews; that you keep them safe and sound and that they are sharp in learning and in receiving sound instruction that gives you glory. The world owns them, not... you do and it will be you that they grow in love and shall follow with their whole hearts. That they will excell in wisdom and knowledge in all ways and will be discerning of all and never deceived by the enemy.

Bless her older brother that he is a responsible father and man of God; that he is a good stewart of his finances and provides for his children to have the very best of all for their lives and their souls to flourish.

We praise you for blessing BlackHairDiva with the very desires of her heart and that you keep her in perfect peace and safety.

In Jesus' Name... thank you, Father God. Amen and Amen.
Please pray for direction in my job life. I have yet to gain a career yet. I desire one badly. I know I'm smart and I don't just want to work a job for my entire life.

Please pray for the man I met yesterday. Help me become all he is suppose to be as a man of God which is so far and few in this world. Help that his marriage is reconciled and his wife heart is touched.

Father thank you for the excellence that reigns in GoddessMaker's heart. You have a plan and purpose and a sure Destiny for her. Thank you for blessing her with the past jobs where you have taught her skills that will place her in the presence of those you have ordained to acknowledge and receive her as a gift and not just an employee or a number on the list in human resources.

As Esther stood out among all the others to be Queen, so is and so shall GoddessMaker and you will show her that her gift and talents will make room for her and place her before important men and women who will not take her gifts for granted.

Father thank you for healing the man who is having marriage problems. Let him draw closer to you and that you will heal his heart, his wife and their marriage in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Hey guys, please keep me in your prayers. I'm going through a realllllllllllllllllllllllyreally hard time in my life right now and I need the strength to get through this and for things to work out for the better. I appreciate it
Hi Ladies,

I'm moving across the country in a few weeks. I'm excited but nervous. My family is a bit nervous, because I'll be so far. I know that God will take care of as He always does. Just asking for prayer as I get ready to move and start a new chapter in my life.
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Hey guys, please keep me in your prayers. I'm going through a realllllllllllllllllllllllyreally hard time in my life right now and I need the strength to get through this and for things to work out for the better. I appreciate it

iCandyc ...

You're having a Baby.... :congrats: How beautiful and exciting.

Father, thank you for this precious one, iCandyc. Protect her and please keep her in your perfect peace and calm. Protect her baby as he/she grows and develops, stronger and healthier each day.

Whatever iCandyc is going through we just lift her up and allow you to shower her with your blessings that meet all of her needs, be it financial, be it in being understood by the 'One' she loves and allowing peace to rule between them and not distress and unrest. Between them, let there be love flowing from above, as warm flowing annointing oil upon them; sealing them happily as One.

Father God, please help her to see what you have planned for her life; let her see the bigger picture of the next moment and not stay in the moments of uncertainties; please allow her to be in full trust of what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. Let there be no separation of her love and faith for you, between doubt and fear; for fear has no place in her heart, nor does doubting that you are there.

Your love for her shall never fail. Her life is surrounded by your faithful love; her baby will not suffer the fears she has, for these fears have been rendered null and void. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

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Hi Ladies,

I'm moving across the country in a few weeks. I'm excited but nervous. My family is a bit nervous, because I'll be so far. I know that God will take care of as He always do. Just asking for prayer as I get ready to move and start a new chapter in my life.

:congrats: LoveisYou :grouphug2:

Father, thank you for protecting your awesome daughther for whom you have prepared special blessings and mercies as she travels so far from home. Thank you that you have already been there, to where she is going and you have 'swept' clean, the atmosphere from all that would hinder her joy and peace.

Father thank you for always showing her that she is never alone and that all she has to do is 'ask', and you will hear and you will most surely answer her every prayer. Thank you for giving her each day, you Daily Bread. She will never hunger nor thirst, nor will she be without your Word which lives deeply within her heart.

Father thank you for this brand new beginning for her and that you are keeping all that she needs safely in your hands and keeping her safely in your arms, no matter where she goes. In Jesus' Name... thank you again and again, Amen.
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:congrats: LoveisYou :grouphug2:

Father, thank you for protecting your awesome daughther for whom you have prepared special blessings and mercies as she travels so far from home. Thank you that you have already been there, to where she is going and you have 'swept' clean, the atmosphere from all that would hinder her joy and peace.

Father thank you for always showing her that she is never alone and that all she has to do is 'ask', and you will hear and you will most surely answer her every prayer. Thank you for giving her each day, you Daily Bread. She will never hunger nor thirst, nor will she be without your Word which lives deeply within her heart.

Father thank you for this brand new beginning for her and that you are keeping all that she needs safely in your hands and keeping her safely in your arms, no matter where she goes. In Jesus' Name... thank you again and again, Amen.

Shimmie thank you so very very much! I don't know why but I started crying when I read your prayer and I'm not even having an emotional day or anything. You knew just what to say and pray for, thanks for being a vessel of Jesus Christ. God Bless you my sister.
Hello ladies,

My older sister is pregnant with her first child and had an abnormal ultrasound today. She had a blood test to rule out the possibility of a genetic anomaly. Results won't be available for 2 more weeks. My sister is almost 40 and this baby is an unexpected blessing. We just want them to be ok. Please pray for them.
Hello ladies,

My older sister is pregnant with her first child and had an abnormal ultrasound today. She had a blood test to rule out the possibility of a genetic anomaly. Results won't be available for 2 more weeks. My sister is almost 40 and this baby is an unexpected blessing. We just want them to be ok. Please pray for them.

Heavenly Father, today I pray for the sister of onejamifan and her precious baby. Have mercy on them Lord and do not let the joy of this pregnancy be stolen. Cover the baby and grant her a safe passage into this world. Father remove the fear and anxieties that could cause further issues in this pregnancy. May Your love, goodness and power be felt by this family today. In Jesus name.
Heavenly Father, today I pray for the sister of onejamifan and her precious baby. Have mercy on them Lord and do not let the joy of this pregnancy be stolen. Cover the baby and grant her a safe passage into this world. Father remove the fear and anxieties that could cause further issues in this pregnancy. May Your love, goodness and power be felt by this family today. In Jesus name.

MSee ...

What a perfect prayer from the heart of God. I am in total agreement for the wonderful, happy, healthy and safe life of this beautiful baby. In Jesus' name, Amen.