I ask for your prayers for my job. I've been there five years, I have been promoted to a manager, but I'm still making mistakes.

My director has had to talk to me three times about thinking more strategically. I have a big show next Tuesday and I ask that God gives me the leadership skills I need to make it a success for my company. I feel cloaked in failure and I need strength. Thank you in advance for helping me pray sisters.

Father, thank you for easing the spirit of your daughter and our sister beans4reezy. She can do this. This promotion came from you and she has already been endowed with the gift :yep: and the ability to carry it through. Thank you for removing all doubt, fear and intimidation. She is not incabable; she is the head and not the tail, she is above and not beneath. All because of you. Her heart and mind is free, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
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Please pray for me. My stomach has been giving me more problems lately. I'm hoping someone can figure out why soon and hope its not life threatening. I also need prayer for school. I'm hoping to get in for November or December. And last but not least, I need prayer for strength. I have to go to trial to testify against my dad. Thanks guys.

Sent from Rick Ross Phone

Father, this prayer is for pookaloo83 ... I thank you for your healing power that flows throughout her entire being. Thank you that whatever is the cause of her stomach discomfort is rendered null and void; it can go no further in Jesus' Name. Thank you that it is not a threat to her health and that she has absolutely nothing to fear, for you are there taking care of it. Her health is being fully restored.

Thank you for taking care of her desires to be in school this fall and that she will do well and exceed her grade expectations, and will allow you to teach her and instruct her in all of her ways which give honour to both of you.

Father give her strength to endure the pressures of have to testify against her father. No matter what the cause, bring peace and allow your love to have it's full reign, replacing the pain of what this trial is about. Father you have the absolute glory in all of this and unto is all praise, all thanks and all honour. In Jesus' Name, forever and ever. Amen and Amen.
Please pray for my brother and his family. He just lost his job and needs work. Thanks in advance!

Nice & Wavy.... :love2:

Father, for my Precious Wavy's brother and his family.

In the name of Jesus, Father thank you for blessing this man and his family, providing for all of their needs, taking away all of their fears and for your total provision in their lives and for keeping them at total and perfect peace.

Thank you that there is no lack, need nor want in their lives that you have not and will continue to make all provision for; even the small desires that bring them joy.

Father you have already prepared an open door for this dear man and his family which no man can shut. A door leads to a table which you have prepared for him in the very presence of his enemies. A door that is open to the fullness of life and blessings and provision where neither rust nor moth, nor the enemy can steal. Thank you for easing him through the transition from where he has been released into the new position where he will flourish and give all honour unto you. His heart is free from worry, fear, doubt and unbelief, only you shall dwell within his heart and only you shall be the keeper of his soul and total being. Father keep his heart and soul and body healthy and strong. Stress will not rule the way. Only the love and peace of you. Thank you for a great and wonderful testimony for you are the Lord who has healed him and brought him through a great and mighty way.

In Jesus' Name, all honour, all power, all glory unto you. Amen and Amen.

Please pray for my lab work to come back negative. TIA

Father we thank you with all of our hearts for a good report for our sister ShortStop... in Jesus' Name.

Thank you for easing her heart and thoughts in your perfect peace. That she will not fear 'evil tidings'... no bad news; for her heart is fixed, it is established, trusting fully in you.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.... :Rose:
Father, this prayer is for @pookaloo83 ... I thank you for your healing power that flows throughout her entire being. Thank you that whatever is the cause of her stomach discomfort is rendered null and void; it can go no further in Jesus' Name. Thank you that it is not a threat to her health and that she has absolutely nothing to fear, for you are there taking care of it. Her health is being fully restored.

Thank you for taking care of her desires to be in school this fall and that she will do well and exceed her grade expectations, and will allow you to teach her and instruct her in all of her ways which give honour to both of you.

Father give her strength to endure the pressures of have to testify against her father. No matter what the cause, bring peace and allow your love to have it's full reign, replacing the pain of what this trial is about. Father you have the absolute glory in all of this and unto is all praise, all thanks and all honour. In Jesus' Name, forever and ever. Amen and Amen.

Thank you Shimmie
Thank you so much.... :cry: he is such a hard worker and I can't stand to see him go through this...he is a wonderful husband and provider for his family, so this is hard for him.

Thank you, sis....thank you!

Love you, always!


@Nice & Wavy.... :love2:

Father, for my Precious Wavy's brother and his family.

In the name of Jesus, Father thank you for blessing this man and his family, providing for all of their needs, taking away all of their fears and for your total provision in their lives and for keeping them at total and perfect peace.

Thank you that there is no lack, need nor want in their lives that you have not and will continue to make all provision for; even the small desires that bring them joy.

Father you have already prepared an open door for this dear man and his family which no man can shut. A door leads to a table which you have prepared for him in the very presence of his enemies. A door that is open to the fullness of life and blessings and provision where neither rust nor moth, nor the enemy can steal. Thank you for easing him through the transition from where he has been released into the new position where he will flourish and give all honour unto you. His heart is free from worry, fear, doubt and unbelief, only you shall dwell within his heart and only you shall be the keeper of his soul and total being. Father keep his heart and soul and body healthy and strong. Stress will not rule the way. Only the love and peace of you. Thank you for a great and wonderful testimony for you are the Lord who has healed him and brought him through a great and mighty way.

In Jesus' Name, all honour, all power, all glory unto you. Amen and Amen.

Pook,I had a whole lot of issues with my stomach in 2010.I had EVERY test imaginable and it took them a year to figure it out. I am a PM away if you want to talk. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

beans4reezy I am praying for you to thrive in your new role. All shall be well in Jesus' name.

Shortstop and Nice and Wavy,I stand in agreement with you.

Now for a mini praise report. My grandad is so much better.He has his memory back,is talking again and walking. I am so thankful for your prayers and for God who is still performing miracles. He truly is the same yesterday,today and forever. Keep me in your prayers for my other situations,but I believe all will be well. God bless you abundantly.
Feeling a little discouraged and yeah I will say it, a little angry too. In May I had some work done on my car and mechanic took it upon himself to change parts without my authorization and increase the amount I owed by $500. In order to get the repairs completed and take possession of my car, I agreed to pay for the unauthorized charge within two weeks of the work being done. I never went back to the mechanic or paid the final balance :look:.

Well I took my car into the shop yesterday and was told the parts that were put in without my authorization was put in incorrectly, rendering the car undrivable and need to be replaced immediately. The initial charge for the parts was $500, now the replacement parts and labor will cost $1000.

I am asking for prayer to forgive the first mechanic and myself for my actions of not being honest. As well as whether or not to get the repairs done or start the process of looking for another car.

This will be my third car in less than one years time :spinning:, I really need to hear from God and let go of my fears.

I wanted to thank everyone for thier prayers. My car has been repaired as requested. The $500 bill from the store location who put the parts on my car without my authorizations has been resolved. The store location of my choice had the car towed and repaired free of charge to me. There was one additional part that was needed which I agreed to pay for, so for the original $1000 quote, I ended up only paying $104.
I wanted to thank everyone for thier prayers. My car has been repaired as requested. The $500 bill from the store location who put the parts on my car without my authorizations has been resolved. The store location of my choice had the car towed and repaired free of charge to me. There was one additional part that was needed which I agreed to pay for, so for the original $1000 quote, I ended up only paying $104.

:wow: Whooaaaaaaaaaaa, 10%

Wooooo hoooo :woohoo2: Look at God. He gave you the victory and all because of your heart of wanting to please Him.

What a blessing, Lissa0821 :Rose:
Pook,I had a whole lot of issues with my stomach in 2010.I had EVERY test imaginable and it took them a year to figure it out. I am a PM away if you want to talk. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

beans4reezy I am praying for you to thrive in your new role. All shall be well in Jesus' name.

Shortstop and Nice and Wavy,I stand in agreement with you.

Now for a mini praise report. My grandad is so much better.He has his memory back,is talking again and walking. I am so thankful for your prayers and for God who is still performing miracles. He truly is the same yesterday,today and forever. Keep me in your prayers for my other situations,but I believe all will be well. God bless you abundantly.

Shiks, you have such a loving heart. Look at how you've come back to bless and to pray for others. It's no small wonder that God favours you and will continue to answer your prayers... the very heart of them.

In Jesus' Name... Amen. :Rose:
Can you guys please pray for me and my job. There is a lot going on, some out of my control, and I'm very scared for my job that I really love and only just started in march.
Can you guys please pray for me and my job. There is a lot going on, some out of my control, and I'm very scared for my job that I really love and only just started in march.

Father thank you for surrounding LovelyLouboutin with your peace which shall exceed and remove every fear and concern that she has concerning her LIFE and your provision for her. Please give her peace about her job and allow her to see just how much you are there for her, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
A year ago tomorrow my father died. I can't. I just can't. I thought it would be just another day but it isn't. I pray for strength to make it through the next 48 hours.
A year ago tomorrow my father died. I can't. I just can't. I thought it would be just another day but it isn't. I pray for strength to make it through the next 48 hours.


:grouphug2: It's going to be okay, Sweetheart. It is truly going to be okay. :grouphug2: I'm still praying for you and so are many others. You are surrounded by many hearts who care and love you.

Your Dad indeed has to be a Man above millions. The deep love that you have for him shows that you truly were blessed to have a real father in your life who made a difference. So many 'few' have never known such love. This will be yours to keep in your heart forever.

God is holding you right now and He is never letting you go. Just as your Dad loved and embraced you, so much more does God.

While no one can tell you how to feel. be free with your feelings. Don't be afraid to feel weak, for in your weakness, God is made strong. Don't be afraid of your hurt and your pain. For in this, God is soothing every part of your heart that has been broken. The hurt and the pain, the empty feelings, God will fill with His loving presence and He will heal you, surely in a time you need it most.

You are loved Precious Ivy. You are loved. Far above and beyond you can ever imagine or feel at this time. What a gift you are to your Father and most surely a gift to God who is your eternal Father in Heaven.

You are loved, Dearest One.. you are loved. Go ahead and cry until you can cry no more. Just know that through the tears, you are loved all the more.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen. :kiss:

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Please pray for my mom. Please pray that she can be happy again and find a man that will take good care ofer her, be her best friend, make her laugh, respectful towards her,Be someone that loves our family and us kids. Someome that we all love and love his family. Some that will be a good provider for my mommy. his family will love all of us and my mom as well.Someone that will love and get along with my family and I the same with his.Someone who will be a good provider and will support me in my goals.

Pray that my oldest brother starts managing his money responsibly and that he eliminates his debts.

Please pray that my second older brother heals completely and that he gets to hear properly in his left ear. Pray that he heals completely.

Pray that God protects me and my siblings at our jobs during these difficult moments within the organization/agency that we are working in. Pray that we remain stable and continue to prosper career wise and financially.

Please pray that I get another job in another agency where I can obtain a permanent position. Pray that I can find and start that new position within the month of October 2012.

Pray that I find a good man that will be respectful towards me. Someone Who will love my family and my family will love him. Someone that will love and get along with my family and I the same with his. Someone that will be my best friend and that will encourage me in all that I undertake.
Please know that, if you don't see me "thanking" your post, I still read most of them but will pray that G-d deliver you all in your needs.
Shimmie said:
Father thank you for surrounding LovelyLouboutin with your peace which shall exceed and remove every fear and concern that she has concerning her LIFE and your provision for her. Please give her peace about her job and allow her to see just how much you are there for her, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

<3 thank you.
Please know that, if you don't see me "thanking" your post, I still read most of them but will pray that G-d deliver you all in your needs.

auparavant ...

Thank you for caring for each of us; the love in your heart has never failed to show. :Rose:
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Everyone is praying for you...surrounding you with love. You are just that important to so many around the world.

Thank you Shimmie. the women on this board are such a blessing to me and each other. I am doing ok, I feel calm and at peace. Focussing on the good times and letting my mother and sister know that I love them.
Thank you Shimmie. the women on this board are such a blessing to me and each other. I am doing ok, I feel calm and at peace. Focussing on the good times and letting my mother and sister know that I love them.

I'm glad you're feeling better. God is right there beside you.


I love you precious little sister. Sending love to your mom and sister too. :love2: I'm still in prayer for each of you. :pray:
I lost my Aunt today. We've been anticipating the loss for about a week now. I'm planning to travel to be with my family for support, especially since they were there for us. But, my grief is multiplied as I'm not really over the loss of my Mom and Sister and this is bringing that all up again. I'm hurting so much right now and don't know that I'll be able to handle a funeral. Please remember me and my family in your prayers, please.

I lost my Aunt today. We've been anticipating the loss for about a week now. I'm planning to travel to be with my family for support, especially since they were there for us. But, my grief is multiplied as I'm not really over the loss of my Mom and Sister and this is bringing that all up again. I'm hurting so much right now and don't know that I'll be able to handle a funeral. Please remember me and my family in your prayers, please.


Father I thank for embracing the heart of NJoy, loving and strengthening her to get through this time of saddness. As her name speaks 'Joy', thank you for the moments of special joys that she will hold dear in her heart of those she loves so dearly who are now with you.

Father, thank you for your peace which will fill her heart and soul to overflowing and that her hurting heart will heal. Thank you for letting her know that you are right there with her and for her; and that you will never leave alone. She will always have your loving presence wherever she has to be. As she travels, let her rest in your loving arms to and from her destinations. Keep in the center of your heart where your love for her will always flow.

In Jesus' Name.. Amen and Amen.

For you NJoy ...


You can and will do all things through Christ who strengthens you... always.
Father God help me, I need you more than anything. I'm so broken. I'm so torn. Sometimes I just want to turn my back on my family & go my separate ways but I know that's not what You would want Lord.

Please pray for one of my close family members who I'm pretty sure has a mental illness. I see all of the signs but there is nothing we can do. He won't take his medication because he doesn't like the way it makes him feel. I'm really worried about this situation & all I can do as of right now is it in God's hands.

Please keep me in prayers for strength & understanding.
Father God help me, I need you more than anything. I'm so broken. I'm so torn. Sometimes I just want to turn my back on my family & go my separate ways but I know that's not what You would want Lord.

Please pray for one of my close family members who I'm pretty sure has a mental illness. I see all of the signs but there is nothing we can do. He won't take his medication because he doesn't like the way it makes him feel. I'm really worried about this situation & all I can do as of right now is it in God's hands.

Please keep me in prayers for strength & understanding.

Father God, your daughter PlatinumBronze needs to know that you are with her and that you have heard the cries of her heart. Thank you for touching the shoulders of her heart, letting her know that you are there for her and her family and always will be.

Father, the family member who is in need of your healing, we commit to you and allow you to heal and repair all that the enemy has torn apart in his heart. Ease his fears of theraputic treatments and bring him to a peaceful surrender into your presence where he will receive total and complete rest and assurance in the power of your healing for his spirit, soul and body.

Father heal the damage that has been done to him which caused this emotional and mental breakdown; free him from the fears of all of the years that he has been imprisoned by pain and the fear of escaping and getting past this point in his life. Let him be free... in Jeus' Name, totally free. To you is all the glory and the honour and the raise..... Amen and Amen.