Shimmie I really want to believe those words. Hopefully after this issue resolution comes to past I can believe that. I am right now fighting mentally to not allow myself to go in the darkness.
Shimmie I really want to believe those words. Hopefully after this issue resolution comes to past I can believe that. I am right now fighting mentally to not allow myself to go in the darkness.

Don't worry about trying to believe, just believe... for they are still true no matter what and will always be true. God doesn't lie; He changes not.

Be not afraid...only believe.

Regarding a move. I don't know which to choose and I want to oblige my kids to be closer to family that is moving together, I just don't trust that particular state and its track record of prejudice...and am concerned about the level of alcoholism in my family. It's pretty bad. Don't want my kids influenced. Every time we go home up around here, my kids comment on the level of drunkenness. I don't know what to do because some of the family is ok...and others are just plain ALL DAY LONG...and they work. Go figure. SMH
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Regarding a move. I don't know which to choose and I want to oblige my kids to be closer to family that is moving together, I just don't trust that particular state and it's track record of prejudice...and am concerned about the level of alcoholism in my family. It's pretty bad. Don't want my kids influenced. Every time we go home up around here, my kids comment on the level of drunkenness. I don't know what to do because some of the family is ok...and others are just plain ALL DAY LONG...and they work. Go figure. SMH

God and 'Mommie' knows best... :yep:

Father I thank you for giving our precious sister auparavant your total peace in the direction she should take. The babies are too young and innocent to understand "Mommie's" wisdom and fore knowledge, yet you have given her your charge over them and her heart heeds to your voice and your wisdom.

Therefore in the Name of Jesus', Aupar, is at peace with the decision which she knows which is right to do. She is your love and your daughter and failure is not in her Destiny. Praise you, Father God, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen...
^^^LOL...I be telling these young fools that all the time. Just kidding....they aren't fools...but I tell that all the time. I also say, "when you're grown, you can move where you want." I'm not young anymore, they are getting big, I have to plan for my future too. SMH. I'm going to go and listen to the Father now. L-rd, please speak to me about his. I'm truly in the middle about it.
^^^LOL...I be telling these young fools that all the time. Just kidding....they aren't fools...but I tell that all the time. I also say, "when you're grown, you can move where you want." I'm not young anymore, they are getting big, I have to plan for my future too. SMH. I'm going to go and listen to the Father now. L-rd, please speak to me about his. I'm truly in the middle about it.

You'll make the right decision. :yep: Your heart is right and you only want to please God and your very best to Him and your children. :love2:
Please pray that this saturday ,I can move into my new apartment without any issue. Pray that I can transition out of my old apartment without any issues.

Also pray that my older brother, my mom, granny and nephews' move to the new house goes smoothly.

pray that my director can see through the lies of both of my supervisors and of my colleague.

Pray for my nephews who both started school.
Please pray that this saturday ,I can move into my new apartment without any issue. Pray that I can transition out of my old apartment without any issues.

Also pray that my older brother, my mom, granny and nephews' move to the new house goes smoothly.

pray that my director can see through the lies of both of my supervisors and of my colleague.

Pray for my nephews who both started school.

God is gracing all with His love and favour... :Rose:
Please pray for my Great Aunt. Her cancer has returned.

Father in Jesus' Name, we come against this disease in Jesus' Name. Father we just plead the Blood of Jesus over this precious aunt's body, for she is not an anoymous one in your heart nor is she exempt from your total healing.

Father your word says that Jesus 'healed' them all' and we just thank you for your healing power to touch and remove all cancerous cells and growths and from the blood of this precious woman's body in Jesus' Name. Let her live and tell the wonderous glory of your grace and mercies which are unending. Give her the peace of your heart and the strength to rest and not fret about her healing for you are the Lord of all of her being, spirit, soul and body.

And Father is your purpose, your plan and your will to heal her inside out and to be totally free from all that has been against her. In Jesus' Name, you are the Lord of all flesh and the healer.

Thank you Father God for agressively invading the cancer's camp and habitat and eradicate their existance in her body, totally and completely. The rose petals of her life and love shall not perish, but shall live and give you glory.

In Jesus' Name, you will not leave her, nor abandon her, but you will stay with her now and forever, keeping her free from any further attacks in Jesus' Name we pray and believe... in your power, forever and ever, Amen and Amen.

My elderly neighbors lost their home to a fire this week. Please pray for them.

Father, thank you for 'Life', that you protected the precious lives of this precious family from harm; for this we thank you so very much... so very much indeed.

Father please provide them with a new home far better and safer than what they have lost and also give them assurance that they will not have to fear this occurring again. Thank you for providing all of the help, the service, the peace and the secure comfort of family and loved ones who support them. Thank your for restoring all that was lost in finances, clothing, furnishings; whatever 'treasures' and keepsakes that were lost, let the memories live on in their hearts, forever.

Thank you Father for restoring their souls and bringing them closer to you. Thank you for being their God and for embracing them as your very own. In Jesus' Name, the glory is yours forever and ever, Amen and Amen.

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

Praying for each of you... :pray: :Rose:
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Feeling a little discouraged and yeah I will say it, a little angry too. In May I had some work done on my car and mechanic took it upon himself to change parts without my authorization and increase the amount I owed by $500. In order to get the repairs completed and take possession of my car, I agreed to pay for the unauthorized charge within two weeks of the work being done. I never went back to the mechanic or paid the final balance :look:.

Well I took my car into the shop yesterday and was told the parts that were put in without my authorization was put in incorrectly, rendering the car undrivable and need to be replaced immediately. The initial charge for the parts was $500, now the replacement parts and labor will cost $1000.

I am asking for prayer to forgive the first mechanic and myself for my actions of not being honest. As well as whether or not to get the repairs done or start the process of looking for another car.

This will be my third car in less than one years time :spinning:, I really need to hear from God and let go of my fears.
Feeling a little discouraged and yeah I will say it, a little angry too. In May I had some work done on my car and mechanic took it upon himself to change parts without my authorization and increase the amount I owed by $500. In order to get the repairs completed and take possession of my car, I agreed to pay for the unauthorized charge within two weeks of the work being done. I never went back to the mechanic or paid the final balance :look:.

Well I took my car into the shop yesterday and was told the parts that were put in without my authorization was put in incorrectly, rendering the car undrivable and need to be replaced immediately. The initial charge for the parts was $500, now the replacement parts and labor will cost $1000.

I am asking for prayer to forgive the first mechanic and myself for my actions of not being honest. As well as whether or not to get the repairs done or start the process of looking for another car.

This will be my third car in less than one years time :spinning:, I really need to hear from God and let go of my fears.

Hmmmm, as I was sitting here reading and asking God what should I pray, I heard these words in my spirit:

"Do what's in your heart to do... do what's best for you."

And whatever this scripture means to you.... :yep:

You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. ................ John 15:3

Dear Father in Heaven: Thank you for your love for Lissa which will never fail her. Whatever you are speaking to her heart to do, she will hear and will follow in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:
Hmmmm, as I was sitting here reading and asking God what should I pray, I heard these words in my spirit:

"Do what's in your heart to do... do what's best for you."

And whatever this scripture means to you.... :yep:

You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. ................ John 15:3

Dear Father in Heaven: Thank you for your love for Lissa which will never fail her. Whatever you are speaking to her heart to do, she will hear and will follow in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:

Shimmie Thanks so much for your prayers. Last night, I was led to mediate on Philippians 4:19 and Psalm 5:12. God supplys my needs and He blesses me with a sheild of favor.

Today, I contacted the corporate office of the franichse which serviced my car. I shared my story and also admitted to not paying for the unathorized repairs. I have requested the work be corrected at the facility of my choice.

I was told the District manager would follow up with me, at which time I am going to ask the car be towed, repaired at the facilty of my choice and I be put in a rental car until the work is done.
Shimmie Thanks so much for your prayers. Last night, I was led to mediate on Philippians 4:19 and Psalm 5:12. God supplys my needs and He blesses me with a sheild of favor.

Today, I contacted the corporate office of the franichse which serviced my car. I shared my story and also admitted to not paying for the unathorized repairs. I have requested the work be corrected at the facility of my choice.

I was told the District manager would follow up with me, at which time I am going to ask the car be towed, repaired at the facilty of my choice and I be put in a rental car until the work is done.

:amen: You followed the heart of God, Precious Lissa... :yep: :Rose:

And God favoured you with His blessings. I'm glad you were able to call them and straighten things out. You're very good at this. :yep:
:amen: You followed the heart of God, Precious Lissa... :yep: :Rose:

And God favoured you with His blessings. I'm glad you were able to call them and straighten things out. You're very good at this. :yep:

Well I am still waiting to hear from the District manager to make my request and get thier feedback. In the meantime, I will continue to meditate on purpose over those two scriptures. I truly believe I will have an outcome which I will be at peace with, plus I am glad I was able to confess my error in this situation. Although my actions may have been justifed to others, a lie is still a lie in God's eyes.
Well I am still waiting to hear from the District manager to make my request and get thier feedback. In the meantime, I will continue to meditate on purpose over those two scriptures. I truly believe I will have an outcome which I will be at peace with, plus I am glad I was able to confess my error in this situation. Although my actions may have been justifed to others, a lie is still a lie in God's eyes.

Your experience is very encouraging. I thank God for honouring your honesty, for your heart which is repentant is so humbling to me. This is when you know a person loves God for sure. You don't wish to offend God, and He honours this and He surely honours you, Lissa.

I shared a while back that you are indeed a woman of God; I've always seen this in your faith and testimony. Now watch God move in your favour far above and beyond you could ever ask or think.

Prayers please for my sister and our family.....she got her second opinion today and she has to have the mastectomy. My "promotion" got yanked back from me. I'm so tired of all of us struggling. In due season we shall reap if we faint not. I'm so close to fainting......
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Prayers please for my sister and our family.....she got her second opinion today and she has to have the mastectomy. My "promotion" got yanked back from me. I'm so tired of all of us struggling. In due season we shall reap if we faint not. I'm so close to fainting......

:kiss: Dearest and Most Precious 'Sweetie'... Hear the word of the Lord...

My daughter of strength and faith...great faith: Fall into my arms and faint.

It's okay to fall and let it all go. You've held this weight and battle long enough. Though your arms have been strong, beyond any strength that no one else in your family has been able to hold, you held them high, with love that would not fold.

You're the one who has stayed and sacrificed your own blessings to share with those you love most, now it's time for me, your Lord of Hosts to embrace all of you and just allow you to faint in my arms of love that has never left you and never will.

Faint into my loving arms, I want to heal you, and restore unto you cell by cell, all that you have lost and all that you have yet to gain. The words of doubt which have been spoken over you, no longer remain. You are free in Me eternally. Those hurtful words from others are not your Destiny. So my darling daughter, 'please' faint. Into my loving arms, which are forever reaching out to you... faint and in Me you shall see all that you've ever wanted to be and it will never be taken away. darling my loving arms waiting to embrace you and to never let you go... "Faint". I'm here to catch you and to love you forever. I have your sister too and she shall find peace and complete safety and healing in Me. She too, shall faint into my loving arms.

In Jesus' Name, Your Father in Heaven... Amen.

"Faint" :love3: :grouphug2: :love3:
Shimmie said:
:kiss: Dearest and Most Precious 'Sweetie'... Hear the word of the Lord...

My daughter of strength and faith...great faith: Fall into my arms and faint.

It's okay to fall and let it all go. You've held this weight and battle long enough. Though your arms have been strong, beyond any strength that no one else in your family has been able to hold, you held them high, with love that would not fold.

You're the one who has stayed and sacrificed your own blessings to share with those you love most, now it's time for me, your Lord of Hosts to embrace all of you and just allow you to faint in my arms of love that has never left you and never will.

Faint into my loving arms, I want to heal you, and restore unto you cell by cell, all that you have lost and all that you have yet to gain. The words of doubt which have been spoken over you, no longer remain. You are free in Me eternally. Those hurtful words from others are not your Destiny. So my darling daughter, 'please' faint. Into my loving arms, which are forever reaching out to you... faint and in Me you shall see all that you've ever wanted to be and it will never be taken away. darling my loving arms waiting to embrace you and to never let you go... "Faint". I'm here to catch you and to love you forever. I have your sister too and she shall find peace and complete safety and healing in Me. She too, shall faint into my loving arms.

In Jesus' Name, Your Father in Heaven... Amen.

"Faint" :love3: :grouphug2: :love3:

Never heard any words more beautiful.....thanks so much Shimmie....:cry2:
Never heard any words more beautiful.....thanks so much Shimmie....:cry2:

They're all yours, brand new. I asked and God delivered. :yep:

We'll be in prayer for you with all of our hearts. :love3:

To your sister... :bighug:


Here's 'your' scripture:

I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.

Revelation 3:8

Sweetie... through it all, you have never denied God's Name, of Him you have never been ashame. Nor is He ashamed of you. You have still stood upon His word and His principles. God has not forgotten nor will He forget this; you shall be honoured and He has prepared a table for you in the presence of your enemies for His Name's Sake.

Praise God... Amen.
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Lord, thank you for 1 year. What a blessing after that storm. Please continue to work on us. Help me to spend more time with you and to live uprightly. Help him to see you in me. Help him to seek You because I know that he will find all the answer that he has been looking for. Save him in your kingdom. Save me so I can see Your face, the God of Salvation.
I am having a really difficult time. My world feels like it is falling apart. Please pray for me to hold on to the promises of God. I know He is able to do what He said He would.

Both my grandparents are ill. My grandma is getting better but my grandfather seems to be getting worse. He has sudden onset dementia and it is so sad to see. Please pray for them.

While I don't post often in here,my prayers are with you ladies. Your posts have helped me in very difficult times.I thank God for you.
Shiks, I'm praying for you...your grandfather and grandma too. I had to see my grandma suffer from dementia. It was not not easy at ALL - I totally understand that. I pray that you will feel His presence with you each and every day so you know you are not alone. He's always with you and He always watches over you and your family.

God bless...I'll keep you all in my prayers.
please add my co worker to the prayer list I prayed already but felt lead for you ladies to also pray for her ...

She helps her husband and sister in law take care of her ailing mother in law (make sense?). Her MIL sufferes from alzheimers and is bed ridden and needs round the clock care, her husband other two siblings do not assist at all..

Her two children are in private school and they didn't have enough money to pay their tuition this term, the kids are in school however the school has given them a deadline to come up with the school fee.

They have an apartment that needs to be rented to help them with the mortgage that is sitting empty.

The pressure is tremendous and she is feeling the burdens of life, please remember her and her husband as well as her sil (a strain on her marriage as well) and mil.

Thank you...
My only request is that my true gifts that are from God will be revealed. I find I'm going through a phase where I believe my gifts are one thing but I am not confident in them. I also need direction about my money and job. I'm happy I was able to keep my job from the last issue but it's not the best place at all. I know I need some spritual muscle in order to withstand this place while I'm here.
Matthew 6:33 just came to me. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
I ask for your prayers for my job. I've been there five years, I have been promoted to a manager, but I'm still making mistakes. My director has had to talk to me three times about thinking more strategically. I have a big show next Tuesday and I ask that God gives me the leadership skills I need to make it a success for my company. I feel cloaked in failure and I need strength. Thank you in advance for helping me pray sisters.
Please pray for me. My stomach has been giving me more problems lately. I'm hoping someone can figure out why soon and hope its not life threatening. I also need prayer for school. I'm hoping to get in for November or December. And last but not least, I need prayer for strength. I have to go to trial to testify against my dad. Thanks guys.

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