I have a c-section scheduled for this Sunday. Please pray for the safety and HEALTH of my baby boy and I :yep:

Prayer request: My current work environment is very toxic and stressful. The day to day drama I have to deal with has started to affect my mood at home with my family, weight, and confidence.
I recently applied for a position that mirrors the duties I currently perform but on a larger scale. I am praying that God blesses me with this position so I can get back to being happy.

Thanks for your prayers ladies! I interviewed for this position last month or so and it went extremely well! It is a federal government position so the process is a little slow but I know they have not made a selection yet.
I have been praying steadfastly that I receive an offer so I do not have to go back to my current job after my fmla leave is up :nono:
I would really appreciate if you ladies could join with me and "touch" and agree that my two coworkers and I get new jobs TODAY. The company we work for has cut back our hours and we are each receiving less than 20 hours per week. I have applied to several jobs this week and I keep having faith and believing that I will get an offer soon. It's very difficult for me to keep walking in faith and believing despite what I see in the natural but I know that by holding on it will manifest itself.

Thank you so much and I can't wait to share the good news of our job offers with you ladies!
PLease add me to your prayers tonight. I finally found new place to move to. PLease pray that everything goes through, credit check and everything. Pray that I can obtain the place with no problems at all. Pray that all runs smoothly favorably with my references given to my potential new landlord.

My sibling and I are applying for better jobs. Pray that we all obtain better paying jobs and obtain a better more respectful job environment. My oldest brother is also looking to rent a house. Help him find one that he will love and be able to maintain.

My cousin also got operated last night. Please pray that he heals quickly with no issues.

Pray tha I can find a good school for my older nephew who has autism. I want to find a program where my nephew can learn, grow and be inspired to best he can belllin everything he does. Please please pray that I can find a local school for him.

THank you so much...

Mini Praise report: I asked god to help me find a specific place in a particular neighborhood. He provided that to me....I`m waiting for them to do a credit check. My credit barely existant since I paid off everything on there and I have no debts.
I know ya'll are sick of me but here goes another prayer request.

Don't want to go into details but please pray for me (work related) and my family. The stress is causing me to lose my hair, I haven't eaten in a few days, and there's no reason we should have to be going through this :nono:

I'm logged on here today just so I can try to get my mind off everything.
I know ya'll are sick of me but here goes another prayer request.

Don't want to go into details but please pray for me (work related) and my family. The stress is causing me to lose my hair, I haven't eaten in a few days, and there's no reason we should have to be going through this :nono:

I'm logged on here today just so I can try to get my mind off everything.

In Jesus' Name, Father I thank you for overpowering all that has been 'overwhelming' our precious sister and your dearly loved daughter in Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Let her see 'You' and not 'them'; Show her that this is not their 'win' but Yours and hers', for it is only a video of what you've already taken care of in the past. The victory has been won for her and she is living this victory even now in the midst of it's 'replay'.

Peace prevails in the heart of Livingmylifetothefullest for that she shall do... live her life to the fullness of you.

In Jesus' Name, thank you Father God for your goodness and mercy which follows her wherever she goes. Nothing and no one can bring harm to her; for darkness fears your Light which covers her.

Hi Ladies,

I really need to ask for prayer. Hubby and I have two children (ages 4 & 6). the 6 year old attended Kindergarten and now 1st grade at our neighborhood public school. We live in a pretty conservative area and the schools here are very good acdemically. In fact, in that regard the schools are among the top schools in the country.

I am a SAHM and my husband and I had always planned for this to be so, but God has really enabled us to have one parent at home with our babies on a salary that is well under six figures annually. Recently, we were blessed to find a really strong preschool program for our 4 year old that also includes a Christian based curriculum. It is affordable at 3 half days per week because we get a HUGE discount if I volunteer. My older child expressed that she longs to be able to learn about God at school as well as at home and that she wishes she could have what her brother will have at the new preschool. This had already been heavy on my heart. I am a fully credentialed teacher & school administrator ( I stopped working 6 years ago). I could easily homeschool, but hubby isn't comfortable with that option. However, we both would love to put them in a Christian school, but we currently can not afford to do so. It would be $500+ a month for our 6 year old alone. So at least $1,000/mos. when they both would be attending. I feel that God is placing it on my heart to ensure that our children are in a Godly environment throughout the day. Please join me in prayer that God will provide the funding we need to make this happen and be able to keep our babies there, and/or that we can qualify for a scholarship/substantial discount. Right now, the only way this could happen is if i go back to work full time and put our babies in daycare, which I know is not the plan that God wants us to follow.
Hi Ladies,

I really need to ask for prayer. Hubby and I have two children (ages 4 & 6). the 6 year old attended Kindergarten and now 1st grade at our neighborhood public school. We live in a pretty conservative area and the schools here are very good acdemically. In fact, in that regard the schools are among the top schools in the country.

I am a SAHM and my husband and I had always planned for this to be so, but God has really enabled us to have one parent at home with our babies on a salary that is well under six figures annually.

Recently, we were blessed to find a really strong preschool program for our 4 year old that also includes a Christian based curriculum. It is affordable at 3 half days per week because we get a HUGE discount if I volunteer. My older child expressed that she longs to be able to learn about God at school as well as at home and that she wishes she could have what her brother will have at the new preschool. This had already been heavy on my heart. I am a fully credentialed teacher & school administrator ( I stopped working 6 years ago).

I could easily homeschool, but hubby isn't comfortable with that option. However, we both would love to put them in a Christian school, but we currently can not afford to do so. It would be $500+ a month for our 6 year old alone. So at least $1,000/mos. when they both would be attending. I feel that God is placing it on my heart to ensure that our children are in a Godly environment throughout the day.

Please join me in prayer that God will provide the funding we need to make this happen and be able to keep our babies there, and/or that we can qualify for a scholarship/substantial discount. Right now, the only way this could happen is if i go back to work full time and put our babies in daycare, which I know is not the plan that God wants us to follow.

You and Hubby have found favour with the Lord. I am so serious about this. It is beyond obvious that the two of you are in obedience to God's Will for your lives and the lives of your children. I can hear the angels rejoicing over you and your family in Heaven. Literally rejoicing. For how many are such as you here in the earth? Many, too few.... Yes, many too few. :yep:

In the name of Jesus... Father thank you for blessing this family who desires to adhere to you and to your Word; they are obeying you in Isaiah 54:13... Thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be their peace....

God's Word promises you that 'Thy Children SHALL be taught of the Lord and great SHALL be their peace.

Therefore, my precious sister and brother in Christ, behold God's provision, behold his Blessings upon you for there shall be many 'showers' thereof upon you and your children. You are obeying the Lord which is far better than sacrifice. There shall be no loss, only great gain. God's provision for you shall be made plain. Not only with your children's school, but in your other needs as well concerning provision for better transportation and home repairs and expansion. Praise God.... forever and ever Amen!

The Prayer of Jabez... "God is enlarging your territory", making room for more that you are believing Him for.
You and Hubby have found favour with the Lord. I am so serious about this. It is beyond obvious that the two of you are in obedience to God's Will for your lives and the lives of your children. I can hear the angels rejoicing over you and your family in Heaven. Literally rejoicing. For how many are such as you here in the earth? Many, too few.... Yes, many too few. :yep:

In the name of Jesus... Father thank you for blessing this family who desires to adhere to you and to your Word; they are obeying you in Isaiah 54:13... Thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be their peace....

God's Word promises you that 'Thy Children SHALL be taught of the Lord and great SHALL be their peace.

Therefore, my precious sister and brother in Christ, behold God's provision, behold his Blessings upon you for there shall be many 'showers' thereof upon you and your children. You are obeying the Lord which is far better than sacrifice. There shall be no loss, only great gain. God's provision for you shall be made plain. Not only with your children's school, but in your other needs as well concerning provision for better transportation and home repairs and expansion. Praise God.... forever and ever Amen!

The Prayer of Jabez... "God is enlarging your territory", making room for more that you are believing Him for.


Your words brought tears to my eyes! Your words are such a blessing. This has been heavy on my heart, and I have asked God to forgive us for being in this situation. But what you said about enlarging our territory matches what God has been speaking to me/us about lately. He has also put it on our hearts to expand this family and have more children, as we know that God's word confirms that babies/children are a blessing. The verse that God led me to was Isaiah 54:2. Thank you so much for praying for us!

Your words brought tears to my eyes! Your words are such a blessing. This has been heavy on my heart, and I have asked God to forgive us for being in this situation. But what you said about enlarging our territory matches what God has been speaking to me/us about lately. He has also put it on our hearts to expand this family and have more children, as we know that God's word confirms that babies/children are a blessing. The verse that God led me to was Isaiah 54:2. Thank you so much for praying for us!

Praise God, Precious One...Praise God.

The Lord is searching the earth, looking to and fro, searching for those to uphold His Name and Righteousness and to teach their children likewise.

God's Word has been 'watered' down, His grace has been misplaced. In you, shall be His peace and total provision...He's already pathed the way for you and your husband and children to follow Him therein. :Rose: You will never be mislead nor forsaken.
Hello beautiful women of God....
Haven't been around much, but asking for prayers for my sister and my Niece Nevaeh.
My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months ago and has had two surgeries in a very short period of time. Last week, during a follow up appointment, they suggested a mastectomy for her. This has been extremely hard for her. I believe that God will give her a MIRACULOUS testimony after all of this is at the end.
And for my niece Nevaeh....yesterday morning her father (my sister's ex-husband) was found to have passed away in his sleep. He was only 39 years old (same age as I am). My niece is only 7 and this is breaking my heart for her. And my sister is so distraught....facing this health crisis, and now knowing that her daughter is fatherless....

Hello beautiful women of God....
Haven't been around much, but asking for prayers for my sister and my Niece Nevaeh.
My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months ago and has had two surgeries in a very short period of time. Last week, during a follow up appointment, they suggested a mastectomy for her. This has been extremely hard for her. I believe that God will give her a MIRACULOUS testimony after all of this is at the end.
And for my niece Nevaeh....yesterday morning her father (my sister's ex-husband) was found to have passed away in his sleep. He was only 39 years old (same age as I am). My niece is only 7 and this is breaking my heart for her. And my sister is so distraught....facing this health crisis, and now knowing that her daughter is fatherless....


Awwww 'Sweetie'...


Father in the Precious Name of Jesus... we lift up these precious hearts who are fearful and hurting right now. We thank God for Crlsweetie who loves her family so much that she brings their cares to you in prayer, knowing always that you are there to comfort and to take care of it all... and 'All' you shall take care of.

We thank you for your loving peace to fill the hearts of these dear ones. In place of fear, there is your presence, your sweet calming presence and in place of saddness, there is your joy, beyond words.

Father give them whatever they need to not only get through this but to abound in healing, abound in renewal, abound in peace and most of all, abounding in you.

For Precious Nevaeh, thank for embracing her each moment of each day, easing her pain away from the death of her father. Father God, you are her ultimate Father of each of us and if nothing more, let this saddness become the joy of knowing you. Her destiny will not be hindered, your plans for her will not be unfulfilled. What the enemy has stolen, you will multiply it in more ways than she can ever imagine.

Life is given to each of them, extended and secured. For you are the Lord forever in their lives. In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.
I'm taking my trip tomorrow, pray that everything runs smoothly without any issues. im also completing my move to my new place. pray that the previous tenant comes and picks up his stuff. it is delaying my move to that place. Pray that I did plan my budget correctly and that the move and my trip goes well.
I'm taking my trip tomorrow, pray that everything runs smoothly without any issues. im also completing my move to my new place. pray that the previous tenant comes and picks up his stuff. it is delaying my move to that place. Pray that I did plan my budget correctly and that the move and my trip goes well.

For you... Precious Sister of ours...


:kiss: It is well in Jesus' Name... it is well for you. :amen:
Got some painful news but I'm trying to stay upbeat and know that everything happens for a reason. God put me through an extremely painful test.



Whatever the pain, whatever its source or circumstance, I pray for the healing of your heart and soul, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

The peace of God and His love is completely healing every hurt that you are feeling, seeing to it that you will be aware of His loving presence in your life; for God is not leaving you to go through this alone. He has your heart and your hand, held tightly in His, forever.

To God be the Glory... forever, Amen.
Please pray for my mom. She had a cold for the last 4 weeks. Please pray that she heals. I'm worried she claims it's really in her lungs and she has been coughing a lot.

Pray for my siblings and I. Pray that we all get permanent position that is higher paying than where we are now. Pray that we all obtain something at a place where there is honesty, integrity, equality and professionalism.

Pray that my best friend Jessica get offered a job at our inquiry unit department. Pray that she get that job very very soon and that it will be a 2 to 3 year contract.

Pray for my protection at work. My coworker as starting attacking me again claiming that I don't do my job correctly when it's not the case. We had an argument where she not only called me names but ripped some of the work papers. let's just say it you can feel the hostility in the room. Pray that my director and knows the truth about what my colleague is up to and any of her allies that are protecting her. Pray that I get justice. I worked hard, followed the rules and i hate that she is doing all of this towards me because she feels she is in trouble.

Pray that my move from my current apartment to my new one runs smoothly. Pray that financially i will be ok and i can leave my current apartment without any issues.
Please pray for school-aged children who don't have parents/legal guardians due to illness, death or incarceration.

Please pray for school-aged children who are taking care of sick parents/legal guardians.

Please pray for teachers that God will give us wisdom, knowledge, and enthusiasm teaching the children entrusted into our care.
I've been praying on my own and can attest to the power of prayers but I have come to a point where I need to make a huge decision. This decision will not only affect ME in many ways, it will also affect my family. Please pray for me so that God can guide me and help me overcome obstacles from whichever path I choose. Please pray so that my hard work will be reflected in my endeavors.

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Please add my son sean l sutton to the prayer list. he was just in a car accident. he's ok but now hes in the urgent care getting checked out.
Please add my son sean l sutton to the prayer list. he was just in a car accident. he's ok but now hes in the urgent care getting checked out.

Father God, we lift up Sean thanking you for shielding him from further injury from this car accident. Father thank you for allowing him to be safely diagnosed and fully under YOUR care. Father protect his inmmune system, that it has not been compromised since being exposed to the elements and in the environment of the hospital where others have been treated. Please protect him from the carelessness of others in that area.

Thank you for keeping him safe from any further accidents; keep him in your care and your guidance. Thank you for his mother blqlady , whose heart is always set upon you with love and devotion. She is sold out for you and you see her as priceless. Because it's her son, you are favouring this precious one with extra care and provision. Let every need be met and let your peace and love dwell within their hearts all the more. Bless her prayers, Father God, Bless our sister's prayers with the answers she is seeking for her son, his care and even more beyond.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.
I've been praying on my own and can attest to the power of prayers but I have come to a point where I need to make a huge decision. This decision will not only affect ME in many ways, it will also affect my family. Please pray for me so that God can guide me and help me overcome obstacles from whichever path I choose. Please pray so that my hard work will be reflected in my endeavors.

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I will stand my watch And set myself on the rampart, And watch to see what He will say to me, And what I will answer when I am corrected.

...........Habbakuk 2:1

Father God, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for leading and guiding our sister MrsS in the right direction. We thank you that her heart is fixed upon you and not the circumstances which are leaning upon her decision.

Father you know the way in where she should 'walk', the communications upon which she should convey, you also know the 'firm stand' upon which she must continue to stand upon. This shall be the guide upon which she must answer. It all leads back to what pleases you.

Give her the courage, she has all capacity to take heed and to follow you... her first and true love, forever.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
I ask for prayer I can't state why but for whatever outcome happens that I will have the grace to handle it and learn from my mistakes.

"This is my beloved daughter........ in whom I am well pleased. "

Hear the Word of the Lord, Precious One. Hear the Word of the Lord.

He finds no fault in you. :Rose: