Shimmie said:
Father we pray that 'evil shall not triumph over good' in this and any further court decisions and actions. In the Name of Jesus' we thank you for maintaining the right cause of this grieving family and that you are the Judge, and none other. This trial shall go according to your justice and your justice shall be performed.

We thank you Father God for being "Jehovah Mispah' which indeed means 'Justice'. You are the 'Righteous Judge' and the advocate for those who trust in you. Father God, please hear their cry and heal their broken hearts. Allow not the enemy to prevail, but your rule and your will in this and every aspect of this trial. In Jesus' Name, to you we give the honour and ther praise, with all of our hearts. ... Amen and Amen.

Thank you for your prayers Shimmie. The judge thought it would be unreasonable to get a new judge at this stage. So relieved. The prosecution continues its case later this month so we will keep praying.
Hi ladies! Requesting prayer for the Lord to align my friendships...some of them feel very one-sided. I've been plagued previously by a spirit of rejection and neglect....I really don't want to go to that place again. I do not put my hope in people but I truly value my friendships. I just don't think I always get back what I put in and my expectations of others are very low just due to past disappointments.

Also, my half-siblings are coming to my home...this will be like our first real meeting out of bad circumstances (i.e. death, car accidents). I don't know what to feel or expect and I'm sure it will be awkward. Just asking for courage and a calm spirit. Continued prayer for my biological father to accept all of this and maybe eventually forge a relationship with me. I have forgiven him for never being there...he needs peace with our situation before its too late.

Thanks in advance for your prayers!
Hi ladies! Requesting prayer for the Lord to align my friendships...some of them feel very one-sided. I've been plagued previously by a spirit of rejection and neglect....I really don't want to go to that place again. I do not put my hope in people but I truly value my friendships. I just don't think I always get back what I put in and my expectations of others are very low just due to past disappointments.

Also, my half-siblings are coming to my home...this will be like our first real meeting out of bad circumstances (i.e. death, car accidents). I don't know what to feel or expect and I'm sure it will be awkward. Just asking for courage and a calm spirit. Continued prayer for my biological father to accept all of this and maybe eventually forge a relationship with me. I have forgiven him for never being there...he needs peace with our situation before its too late.

Thanks in advance for your prayers!

Father God we thank you for the heart and the love of our sister gvin89, who is as her 'name' describes her, one who has given and she has given much. Father thank you for giving peace to her heart and to the heart of her family members with whom she has not been close in the years past. Let these moments and days and years ahead be ones filled with love and no more rejection neither the fear of it.

You promise us in your Word that we are 'accepted' in the Beloved. The Beloved is you. Therefore when man rejects us, it simply means more room has been made in our lives for you to fill it with your loving presence which is forever. Father thank you for the love which she has never known but shall know because of you. Thank you for bringing the hearts of her family members more towards you and more towards her in Jesus' Name.

Let there be no fear of rejection, but an open heart surrounded with your loving protection. For in you there is a complete circle of endless love that will be with and in her forever.

Bless this family in Jesus Name... for this we thank you with all of our hearts... Amen and Amen.
Shimmie and sidney, thanks ladies so much. This is going to be tough but I know this is happening for a reason. He is preparing me for something...I just wish I knew what it was.

God is strengthening you to trust Him and to not 'fear' what man can do unto you.

Consider how a person who was once unable to read and how empowered they became when they were able to read and write their name for the first time. An explosion of confidence overflowed into their hearts and they no longer feared what anyone thought of them. They had a newly achieved power that no one could take away.

The same principle applies to us spiritually. God says that 'though we walk through the valley of the 'shadow' of death, we will fear NO evil for He is with us; His rod and His staff, comforts us...

This issue with this woman is just a 'shadow'; shadows stretch and expand to make themselves larger than the image that they are imitating. Key word: 'imitating'. Once you confront this shadow and ignore it and not allow it to 'bully' you, you will then no longer fear it. Of whom shall we be afraid? No one! For God is with us, to protect and to guide us and God does this for His Name's Sake. God puts His reputation on the line to prove to us that He is God and no one else.

This is what God is teaching you. To fear no man, no matter how threatening they 'appear', we do not have to fear them. Man cannot rewrite the destiny that God has for us.

Fear not, precious one.... Fear not. This person is only a shadow and shadow's disappear when the Light is on.

You are the Light.

God is making sure that you are and shall, 'Live Your Life to the Fullest' :yep:

disappointed, I'm literally fighting to keep the faith and remain positive, fighting not to dwell on disappointments. Please keep me in your prayers ladies :)
Shimmie said:
Father God we thank you for the heart and the love of our sister gvin89, who is as her 'name' describes her, one who has given and she has given much. Father thank you for giving peace to her heart and to the heart of her family members with whom she has not been close in the years past. Let these moments and days and years ahead be ones filled with love and no more rejection neither the fear of it.

You promise us in your Word that we are 'accepted' in the Beloved. The Beloved is you. Therefore when man rejects us, it simply means more room has been made in our lives for you to fill it with your loving presence which is forever. Father thank you for the love which she has never known but shall know because of you. Thank you for bringing the hearts of her family members more towards you and more towards her in Jesus' Name.

Let there be no fear of rejection, but an open heart surrounded with your loving protection. For in you there is a complete circle of endless love that will be with and in her forever.

Bless this family in Jesus Name... for this we thank you with all of our hearts... Amen and Amen.

Thanks so much for the prayers! I'm praising because everything went well. My 2 half-siblings came to my house and we had a wonderful time. I have not heard and doubt I will hear from my father but that is ok...I have no control over that. I have committed to forging a relationship with my siblings. God is in control!
Thanks so much for the prayers! I'm praising because everything went well. My 2 half-siblings came to my house and we had a wonderful time. I have not heard and doubt I will hear from my father but that is ok...I have no control over that. I have committed to forging a relationship with my siblings. God is in control!

Praise God... I'm happy about you and your sisters. What a special gift and joy. Now you can praise God together and share nail colors and hair growth and all of those special things that 'sisters' do :reddancer: :love:

Dad will come 'around'. Just keep him in your prayers that he will know the Lord and that God will keep him. In Jesus' Name, Amen. I praise God for the scripture that says 'Fathers will turn their hearts to their 'sons' and this includes 'daughters'. :yep:
Hello everyone,

Iam not even sure were to start but at the beginning. So here I go.... Iam asking for a prayer request on behalf of my son and myself. I was in a bad marriage for 5 years. When I say bad, I don't mean an abuser physically or emotionally. I mean he was a gambler and a drinker and worked really hard. But didn't attend to the emotional needs of his family and just pretty much wasn't there. So I left. Skip ahead 4 years later Iam with my high school sweet heart. I know him inside out. But he's immature, not ready for marriage and doesn't have any intentions of living for God. Now I am a backslider but want to come back to the Lord. It's always been my intention and in my up bringing even though I have strayed for so long! My parents are both ministers and worry about me so much. I just don't know what to do with this relationship. I thought it was right at the time but now Iam not so sure. Please pray for me.... I need all of you too please. I feel so lost.

Thanks in advance for all your prayers :)
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Hello everyone,

Iam not even sure were to start but at the beginning. So here I go.... I am asking for a prayer request on behalf of my son and myself. I was in a bad marriage for 5 years. When I say bad, I don't mean an abuser physically or emotionally. I mean he was a gambler and a drinker and worked really hard. But didn't attend to the emotional needs of his family and just pretty much wasn't there. So I left.

Skip ahead 4 years later Iam with my high school sweet heart. I know him inside out. But he's immature, not ready for marriage and doesn't have any intentions of living for God. Now I am a backslider but want to come back to the Lord. It's always been my intention and in my up bringing even though I have strayed for so long!

My parents are both ministers and worry about me so much. I just don't know what to do with this relationship. I thought it was right at the time but now Iam not so sure. Please pray for me.... I need all of you too please. I feel so lost.

Thanks in advance for all your prayers :)

What a beautiful and brave child of God you are. God says in His word that a broken spirit and a contrite heart, He will not despise. This is what you have given to the Lord, a broken spirit and a contrite heart... you are humbling yourself before the Altar of God.

Jesus says that anyone who comes to Him that He will in no way cast out. Your heart of repentance is not rejected and neither are you. Thank God for your husband and the friend, for it is through those experiences that you were able to 'see' and understand that it's God that you have been searching for all along. These men and their disappointments opened the heart of your understanding and now you know that God is the true love of your life before any man. Pray for their souls to be saved, however move on with the Lord and grow with God and allow Him to nuture, protect and love you. It will be in God's love that you will find the right man who will love you and love the Lord with all of his heart.

Your parents never gave up on you; neither did their prayers. Their prayers for you live forever and they will fall with joy to see their prayers were answered, protecting you and keeping you and sealing you in the Blood of Jesus.

God bless you. I admire you, such a brave and honest person you are. Your post truly humbles me. Your parents are extremely blessed to have you as their daughter. Their hearts are extremely humbled as well. :love3:

God bless you, Precious Daughter of the Most High God.
Good morning ladies, I have a prayer request; Last November I was in a car accident, the other driver ran a red light and we collided. When we got out of our cars he apologized and said that it was his fault, however when the police showed up he said his light was yellow. The officer didn't give either of us a ticket because he said he couldn't tell who ran the light. Fast-forward to now and my insurance company has repaired my car but they are now going after the other guy's insurance for reimbursment. I'm praying that the truth comes out and that I'm reimbursed for my deductible. I know it seems trivial because it's just money, but I just hate that he lied. Thank you ladies. And thank God that no one was injured in the accident.
I join others in prayer for you in this situation..there is nothing trivial about the truth being revealed. What is yours is yours, even the money! I am glad your angel was there to protect you; rest assured God already has this whole thing worked out, including complete healing for your body..sometimes we think we're OK but may have undetected injuries that surface much later. What the devil meant to harm you, God uses for good to keep you.

Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Ps 23:6

Good morning ladies, I have a prayer request; Last November I was in a car accident, the other driver ran a red light and we collided. When we got out of our cars he apologized and said that it was his fault, however when the police showed up he said his light was yellow. The officer didn't give either of us a ticket because he said he couldn't tell who ran the light. Fast-forward to now and my insurance company has repaired my car but they are now going after the other guy's insurance for reimbursment. I'm praying that the truth comes out and that I'm reimbursed for my deductible. I know it seems trivial because it's just money, but I just hate that he lied. Thank you ladies. And thank God that no one was injured in the accident.
Shimmie said:
What a beautiful and brave child of God you are. God says in His word that a broken spirit and a contrite heart, He will not despise. This is what you have given to the Lord, a broken spirit and a contrite heart... you are humbling yourself before the Altar of God.

Jesus says that anyone who comes to Him that He will in no way cast out. Your heart of repentance is not rejected and neither are you. Thank God for your husband and the friend, for it is through those experiences that you were able to 'see' and understand that it's God that you have been searching for all along. These men and their disappointments opened the heart of your understanding and now you know that God is the true love of your life before any man. Pray for their souls to be saved, however move on with the Lord and grow with God and allow Him to nuture, protect and love you. It will be in God's love that you will find the right man who will love you and love the Lord with all of his heart.

Your parents never gave up on you; neither did their prayers. Their prayers for you live forever and they will fall with joy to see their prayers were answered, protecting you and keeping you and sealing you in the Blood of Jesus.

God bless you. I admire you, such a brave and honest person you are. Your post truly humbles me. Your parents are extremely blessed to have you as their daughter. Their hearts are extremely humbled as well. :love3:

God bless you, Precious Daughter of the Most High God.

Thank you Shimmie for all your encouragement and heart felt words. It means more then you know. God bless you:)
Prayer Request for my neighbors 'Mom'.

My neighbors Mom had an aneurysm (sp?) this morning. I just spoke with my neighbor and they are taking her mom into surgery at this very moment (5:20 p.m.).

Please share your prayers. I thank you with all of my heart.
I feel like my request is so minor compared to what others have posted. But I am still putting it out here....

In the last 2 month, I lost my income. I started working again but its nothing compared to what I WAS making at first. I am a nursing student that will graduate in Dec with my BSN and I also have a CNA license.

Well long story short I have applied everywhere that I can think of to work with my CNA but I havent received 1 call back. I just dont understand what I am doing wrong and I feel that I wont make it on the income that I am making.
I have already used all my savings and I dont know what else to do.

So I am asking that you ladies pray for me, so that I may stay afloat and make it.
I feel like my request is so minor compared to what others have posted. But I am still putting it out here....

In the last 2 month, I lost my income. I started working again but its nothing compared to what I WAS making at first. I am a nursing student that will graduate in Dec with my BSN and I also have a CNA license.

Well long story short I have applied everywhere that I can think of to work with my CNA but I havent received 1 call back. I just dont understand what I am doing wrong and I feel that I wont make it on the income that I am making.
I have already used all my savings and I dont know what else to do.

So I am asking that you ladies pray for me, so that I may stay afloat and make it.

All prayers are 'big' to God our Father. Your prayer is precious to Him and even more you are. God will perfect all that concerns you. That's His loving answer to you... He will perfect 'ALL' that concerns you, in Jesus' Name.

This means that every concern God has taken to heart and is taking care of all of your cares. :Rose:
Prayer Request for my neighbors 'Mom'.

My neighbors Mom had an aneurysm (sp?) this morning. I just spoke with my neighbor and they are taking her mom into surgery at this very moment (5:20 p.m.).

Please share your prayers. I thank you with all of my heart.

:Rose: * UPDATE * :Rose: * UPDATE * :Rose: * UPDATE * :Rose:

Thank you everyone for your love and prayers for my neighbor's Mom.

She came through the surgery well and my neighbor says that her Mom is doing better than she was before the surgery. She is still trying to 'talk' but she needs to rest and allow God to complete His healing process in her.

Thanks so much again for your love and prayers.

Shimmie :love3:

Thank God I was able to post this message with the power out due to the east coast storm. :yep:
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Think I hairline fractured my leg...2 weeks ago. When the storm a few days ago hit, that's when I got bad swelling. I fell on a crazy sidewalk and hit my shin, right under my knee on the edge o f this concrete...and hard. I was so embarassed...but got up and kept going. Got things to do. It was a little bruised, nothing serious. Now, I can barely walk on it. Sigh....pray that I am healed completely. Will go to the md. tomorrow.
I'm requesting prayer for Tameka Foster Raymond's son, Usher's step son. I don't know if it has already been addressed in this forum.

Like that song says, it ain't over until God says its over. Keep fighting until the victory is won.
^^Insomnia...posting at such a late hour...but I didn't know it was her. That poor family. I'll count my blessings...and stop complaining so much. Will do...will pray for them.

L-rd, you know their struggles and pain they are going through. I ask you to heal this child according to your will. And if it is not your will, please give them the grace to withstand the pain and heal. Whichever is the outcome, L-rd, please uplift them and let them feel your peace. Amen.
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Think I hairline fractured my leg...2 weeks ago. When the storm a few days ago hit, that's when I got bad swelling. I fell on a crazy sidewalk and hit my shin, right under my knee on the edge o f this concrete...and hard. I was so embarassed...but got up and kept going. Got things to do. It was a little bruised, nothing serious. Now, I can barely walk on it. Sigh....pray that I am healed completely. Will go to the md. tomorrow.

Abba Father, I thank you that you or letting us know that not one sparrow falls without You knowing. You are very much aware of what auparavant is going through and I ask that you be merciful to her and give her a swift and complete healing. Thank You for your answer, in Jesus name.
Thanks for the prayers...with my "eye of newt" and stubbornness, I'm just going tomorrow lol. Hopefully, no fracture. It's a little better with homeopathic meds...but an md should be looking at this. Thanks again. And please know, even if I don't post it, I do pray for all the people here, specifically for work, school, family and well as other specific requests. G-d is generous with all mankind...I have to keep that in mind as I've given to complaining this week:blush:
@Aupravant, so glad to hear you're feeling better. I'll keep you in my prayers...

auparavant said:
Thanks for the prayers...with my "eye of newt" and stubbornness, I'm just going tomorrow lol. Hopefully, no fracture. It's a little better with homeopathic meds...but an md should be looking at this. Thanks again. And please know, even if I don't post it, I do pray for all the people here, specifically for work, school, family and well as other specific requests. G-d is generous with all mankind...I have to keep that in mind as I've given to complaining this week:blush:
Thanks for the prayers...with my "eye of newt" and stubbornness, I'm just going tomorrow lol. Hopefully, no fracture. It's a little better with homeopathic meds...but an md should be looking at this. Thanks again.

And please know, even if I don't post it, I do pray for all the people here, specifically for work, school, family and well as other specific requests. G-d is generous with all mankind...I have to keep that in mind as I've given to complaining this week:blush:

You're always in our hearts and prayers, auparavant :love2:

I thank God for you. I'm glad you are feeling better and that you are going to see your doctor. It shall be well with you in Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen.
Hi Ladies,

Just letting everyone know, I'm unable to attend the phone prayers, but that I keep you all, especially the prayer warriors in my prayers.
please pray for my family during this difficult time..we are dealing with the loss of our great aunt who passed away today at the age of 96..I do know that she is resting now and at peace. See you later, auntie.
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