I have a prayer request for my friend Larnie, she had the Gastric Sleeve done on April 10 had complications went back in for surgery last week to have a stent put in and she is on a feeding tube and cant have anything by mouth for two months. She goes in for surgery to take the stent out on July 26. Please pray for her. Thanks
Okay, I have the courage to ask ...

Prayer for protection, sanity, strength, and cleansing. Prayer for clarity.

The battle just got real yesterday. Really real.

Thanks, ladies.
Okay, I have the courage to ask ...

Prayer for protection, sanity, strength, and cleansing. Prayer for clarity.

The battle just got real yesterday. Really real.

Thanks, ladies.

:kiss: The 'chastisement' of your peace is upon the shoulders of Jesus.

Rendered: Paid in Full.

With Love,

Your Father God in Heaven... :rosebud:
I have a prayer request for my friend Larnie, she had the Gastric Sleeve done on April 10 had complications went back in for surgery last week to have a stent put in and she is on a feeding tube and cant have anything by mouth for two months. She goes in for surgery to take the stent out on July 26. Please pray for her. Thanks

Lord we thank you for the request on behalf of Larnie. Lord we lift her up to you at this time. Lord we know you are a healer and we pray for healing and restoration of Larnie's body. Lord you are sovereign over all and will lead and guide the doctors and surgeons as they continued to help Larnie through her complications. Lord touch Larnie at this time and remind her that you hand is on her life. Help her to cry out to you in her moments of frustrations, anger, confusion, or what ever emotion she may be feeling. Allow this to be another testimony of your love for her and that she will draw nearer to you and understand more of who you are-of your faithfulness, your love, your kindness, your mercy, your compassion, your grace. Lord bring others around Larnie at this time that can speak life and encouragement into her ,that can pray with her, that can help her. Lord let this be another shaping and molding of her life into Christ-likeness and not a time of condemnation, bitterness or regret. Lord we know you are faithful and that you hear the prayers of your people and entrust Larnie to you for complete healing. In Jesus name...Amen.
Lord we thank you for the request on behalf of Larnie. Lord we lift her up to you at this time. Lord we know you are a healer and we pray for healing and restoration of Larnie's body. Lord you are sovereign over all and will lead and guide the doctors and surgeons as they continued to help Larnie through her complications.

Lord touch Larnie at this time and remind her that you hand is on her life. Help her to cry out to you in her moments of frustrations, anger, confusion, or what ever emotion she may be feeling. Allow this to be another testimony of your love for her and that she will draw nearer to you and understand more of who you are-of your faithfulness, your love, your kindness, your mercy, your compassion, your grace.

Lord bring others around Larnie at this time that can speak life and encouragement into her ,that can pray with her, that can help her. Lord let this be another shaping and molding of her life into Christ-likeness and not a time of condemnation, bitterness or regret.

Lord we know you are faithful and that you hear the prayers of your people and entrust Larnie to you for complete healing. In Jesus name...Amen.

Such a beautiful prayer and I agree, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:
I ask for your prayers ladies. I know I need to get some help. I'm afraid of how hopeless I feel. I'm going to the doctor to get some help. Love you all and God bless!
I ask for your prayers ladies. I know I need to get some help. I'm afraid of how hopeless I feel. I'm going to the doctor to get some help. Love you all and God bless!

You're coming through this 'Precious Sweetie'... you are coming through this. You're just tired, sweet one, just so, so tired. You've expended your all, spirit, soul and body and tangibles to all in your life. It seems nothing has come back in return, especially to replenish your walls seeming bare.

Dearest One, God is renewing your strength and beyond replenishment, is abundance of the new. leaving no room for the old.

I praise God for upholding you, comforting you and 'feeding' and nourishing your heart and soul. For truly therein lies the very heart of you, called 'Love'.

You are not a failure and never shall you ever be less than God's precious love of His heart. Always have, always will, His love.

Precious Sweetie... "Your Light Still Shines, Out of Darkness". And it's blinding the enemy, big time.

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My prayer to the Kotel, at the Western Wall, the holiest place on earth...may G-d hear my prayer and grant my requests. Amen.
Please put my friend's sister Edith in your prayers. She lost her husband a few years ago and lost two of her kids on the plane crash in Nigeria yesterday.
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My prayer to the Kotel, at the Western Wall, the holiest place on earth...may G-d hear my prayer and grant my requests. Amen.

You are still in my prayers... :pray: :yep;

No walls can stand between you and God. He hears and answers, just for you.
I'm not worried about myself. I'm worried for those I come in contact with. I pray for those who have been commissioned to help me bc I know I'm a mess. I pray for those mothers who are doing all they can to make a better life for their families. I pray for the single chicks out there--I don't care for dudes at all at this point-- who is going through doubt,loneliness,and unfulfilled while being a single chick in this society. I pray for those who are trying to become sexually pure in heart and body. I pray for the unemployed person who is trying but getting told no in ever direction.

Lord thank you for another day to praise you. Lord thank you for the ability to seek you. Help us to dig deeper,push through and be more like you. We are wanting to have that great blessing Lord,help us to see we are already blessed beyond words. Help us help others Lord. Your a provider in you there is no lack. Help us meet the needs and desires of others. We all have been given something to give. Some are wealthy with money but some with time,experience,love,and common sense.

Bless those who feel like quitting. Bless those who are in mourning Lord because the will gain comfort from you.Bless you God for being so mericiful when we deserve such horrid things. Thank you for being the most pure sarifice and taking all the hurt and challenge by dying on the cross for me and for all. You were pierced on your sides,feet nailed down,you were mocked Lord. Thank you for dying and going through such a hard journey to ultimately save me from the horrid demise. Help us to take comfort that even if the condition never goes away in this life it will be gone in Heaven Lord.

In Jesus name you will be done Lord,Amen.
Please put my friend's sister Edith in your prayers. She lost her husband a few years ago and lost two of her kids on the plane crash in Nigeria yesterday.

For you Ogoma and your friend's sister, Edith :love2:

Precious Father in Heaven, we lift the heart of Edith unto you for your loving comfort to fill her to overflowing. Comfort her broken heart over her babies who were lost on that plane for this is just too much for her to bear.

Father thank you for lifting her up and holding her in your loving embrace which will never let her down. In time, this may heal...but never will time replace her precious babies who lived within her womb and to whom she gave birth. Father, protect her from bitterness, protect her from the spirit of depression and oppression. More than ever before she will need your Holy Presence to be beside her, within her and to guide her heart to be whole again. Only with you can this be done.

Father we thank you; heart to heart we give you the glory, the honour and the praise. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen :Rose:
For you Ogoma and your friend's sister, Edith :love2:

Precious Father in Heaven, we lift the heart of Edith unto you for your loving comfort to fill her to overflowing. Comfort her broken heart over her babies who were lost on that plane for this is just too much for her to bear.

Father thank you for lifting her up and holding her in your loving embrace which will never let her down. In time, this may heal...but never will time replace her precious babies who lived within her womb and to whom she gave birth. Father, protect her from bitterness, protect her from the spirit of depression and oppression. More than ever before she will need your Holy Presence to be beside her, within her and to guide her heart to be whole again. Only with you can this be done.

Father we thank you; heart to heart we give you the glory, the honour and the praise. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen :Rose:

This is a beautiful prayer. Thank you so much.
I'm not worried about myself. I'm worried for those I come in contact with. I pray for those who have been commissioned to help me bc I know I'm a mess. I pray for those mothers who are doing all they can to make a better life for their families. I pray for the single chicks out there--I don't care for dudes at all at this point-- who is going through doubt,loneliness,and unfulfilled while being a single chick in this society. I pray for those who are trying to become sexually pure in heart and body. I pray for the unemployed person who is trying but getting told no in ever direction.

Lord thank you for another day to praise you. Lord thank you for the ability to seek you. Help us to dig deeper,push through and be more like you. We are wanting to have that great blessing Lord,help us to see we are already blessed beyond words. Help us help others Lord. Your a provider in you there is no lack. Help us meet the needs and desires of others. We all have been given something to give. Some are wealthy with money but some with time,experience,love,and common sense.

Bless those who feel like quitting. Bless those who are in mourning Lord because the will gain comfort from you.Bless you God for being so mericiful when we deserve such horrid things. Thank you for being the most pure sarifice and taking all the hurt and challenge by dying on the cross for me and for all. You were pierced on your sides,feet nailed down,you were mocked Lord. Thank you for dying and going through such a hard journey to ultimately save me from the horrid demise. Help us to take comfort that even if the condition never goes away in this life it will be gone in Heaven Lord.

In Jesus name you will be done Lord,Amen.

A beautiful prayer from such a loving and beautiful heart.

Thank you for placing it here where many will be not only blessed but also be set free. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:
This is a beautiful prayer. Thank you so much.

Ogoma, I can never express how my heart hurts for you and your friend, Edith. On our Prayer Line, we will continue to lift her, you and your friend and the entire family, as well for this is a very hard time for each of you.

What a wonderful and loving friend you are, Ogoma. You have a very large and warm heart in which others feel safe. May God always bless you and continue to use you so lovingly in His Ministry as you minister to others. :Rose:

Ogoma, I can never express how my heart hurts for you and your friend, Edith. On our Prayer Line, we will continue to lift her, you and your friend and the entire family, as well for this is a very hard time for each of you.

What a wonderful and loving friend you are, Ogoma. You have a very large and warm heart in which others feel safe. May God always bless you and continue to use you so lovingly in His Ministry as you minister to others. :Rose:



My original post was #1075 if you need to refer back.

Ok, I think I may understand why this woman is so hellbent on ruining my life....she's possessed. I'm not joking and I'm taking this very seriously. It's bad enough to have to deal with her on a daily basis but now she's in my dreams (more like nightmares) and this is really taking it's toll on me. And to make matters worse, something in my nightmare wouldn't let me "wake up".

A friend of mine told me to read Luke 11:26 and I feel like I finally have somewhat of an understanding for why she is the way she is. My question: is there a specific passage I can recite everyday that will help alleviate some of this....I can't even think of the word.

Ladies, I don't mean to complain but the devil seems to be working overtime on me.
My original post was #1075 if you need to refer back.

Ok, I think I may understand why this woman is so hellbent on ruining my life....she's possessed. I'm not joking and I'm taking this very seriously. It's bad enough to have to deal with her on a daily basis but now she's in my dreams (more like nightmares) and this is really taking it's toll on me. And to make matters worse, something in my nightmare wouldn't let me "wake up".

A friend of mine told me to read Luke 11:26 and I feel like I finally have somewhat of an understanding for why she is the way she is. My question: is there a specific passage I can recite everyday that will help alleviate some of this....I can't even think of the word.

Ladies, I don't mean to complain but the devil seems to be working overtime on me.

I have so many scriptures that will bless you.


Ignore her. She is not God. Ignore her. She cannot harm you nor can you uproot or stop God's plan, His Destiny for you. She does not have any power over your life.

What can she do to harm you? Nothing!

I Peter 3: is so clear about this.

"Who is he that can harm you; you who chose to follow after righteousness?

And in Galatians 6: I love this :yep:

'Let no man trouble me, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus Christ.'

And in Psalm 46

God is in the midst of her [meaning YOU] and she shall not be moved
Jesus said it loud and clear in Luke 10:

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you

I've given you the 'chapters only' on purpose. When you open your Bible, to look these up, God is going to speak to you personally and it is going to bless you so much.

Baby in this life, people are always going to be people and there's nothing we can do to stop them from being 'people'. Yet, with and by God, you are more than a Conqueror (Romans 8) over all of them and no matter what you encounter in this life, God's Word will strengthen you and keep you strong in it all. After a while it won't matter what someone says or does. You know who you are in Christ Jesus and that's all you need to be focused upon.

This person is actually a blessing because she is driving closer to the Lord and to prayer. As for the dreams, it means that you are not allowing yourself to be at peace. However, you are so loved by God and He will not allow anything or anyone to harm you in your sleep. God promised to give you, His Beloved, 'Sweet Sleep' and He always will.

This person is really no threat to you at all. You have nothing to fear nor to be weary of. Nothing. For God is with you.

My original post was #1075 if you need to refer back.

Ok, I think I may understand why this woman is so hellbent on ruining my life....she's possessed. I'm not joking and I'm taking this very seriously. It's bad enough to have to deal with her on a daily basis but now she's in my dreams (more like nightmares) and this is really taking it's toll on me. And to make matters worse, something in my nightmare wouldn't let me "wake up".

A friend of mine told me to read Luke 11:26 and I feel like I finally have somewhat of an understanding for why she is the way she is. My question: is there a specific passage I can recite everyday that will help alleviate some of this....I can't even think of the word.

Ladies, I don't mean to complain but the devil seems to be working overtime on me.

I am sorry for all that you are going through. Jesus told us to model our prayer as this one:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your Kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom,
the power and the glory are yours.
Now and for ever. Amen.
Good morning ladies, I have 2 prayer requests:

My friend's newborn grandson has just been diagnosed with sickle cell anemia, I'm praying for strength for the entire family. My 2nd request is for myself, as I get closer to my surgery date I'm feeling anxious and the what-ifs are attacking. I'm praying for peace for my mind, I want to turn this over to God and rest in his peace knowing that he'll care for me. I'm finding it easier said than done, but I'm gonna keep pushing.

Thank you ladies
Please pray for me to find a paying job. There is a promising org,that would be perfect,but the process is dragging.
Good morning ladies, I have 2 prayer requests:

My friend's newborn grandson has just been diagnosed with sickle cell anemia, I'm praying for strength for the entire family. My 2nd request is for myself, as I get closer to my surgery date I'm feeling anxious and the what-ifs are attacking. I'm praying for peace for my mind, I want to turn this over to God and rest in his peace knowing that he'll care for me. I'm finding it easier said than done, but I'm gonna keep pushing.

Thank you ladies

luving me

:kiss: No evil shall befall you....

5 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

Psalm 121
Please pray for me to find a paying job. There is a promising org,that would be perfect,but the process is dragging.

Father, we thank you for providing precious Shiks with not only a 'paying job' but one that exceeds her expectations.

Favour her, Dear Heavenly Father, please 'favour' precious Shiks and allow her to see your good works and special blessings which you have ordained especially for her.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen
If anyone is out there I ask that you join my family and I in prayer. There will be a crucial ruling handed down in the trial of the men who killed my father in about 3.5 hours. We want the current judge to remain, the defence wants a new one so he won't hear first hand the evidence from those who were there when my father was killed.

Please please pray that the matter can go before the original judge and please please pray that these men get what they deserve and remain in jail until they die. Regardless of the outcome today, I know that evil will NOT PREVAIL.

If anyone is out there I ask that you join my family and I in prayer. There will be a crucial ruling handed down in the trial of the men who killed my father in about 3.5 hours. We want the current judge to remain, the defence wants a new one so he won't hear first hand the evidence from those who were there when my father was killed.

Please please pray that the matter can go before the original judge and please please pray that these men get what they deserve and remain in jail until they die. Regardless of the outcome today, I know that evil will NOT PREVAIL.


Father we pray that 'evil shall not triumph over good' in this and any further court decisions and actions. In the Name of Jesus' we thank you for maintaining the right cause of this grieving family and that you are the Judge, and none other. This trial shall go according to your justice and your justice shall be performed.

We thank you Father God for being "Jehovah Mispah' which indeed means 'Justice'. You are the 'Righteous Judge' and the advocate for those who trust in you. Father God, please hear their cry and heal their broken hearts. Allow not the enemy to prevail, but your rule and your will in this and every aspect of this trial. In Jesus' Name, to you we give the honour and ther praise, with all of our hearts. ... Amen and Amen.