Asking for prayer...due to a bad doctor's visit last year I now have anxiety when going to see the doc. and they can't get a good BP reading on me. I have an appt. next week and I'm praying that I will not get nervous and that my stats are at a normal level. Thank you ladies.

luving me ... Dearest One... :love2:

In the Name of Jesus... Close your eyes and think only about the presence of Jesus, gently holding your hand and you are calm and steady, unnerved and unfretful. With Jesus, there is no fear, nor is there any room for it to find a place anywhere near you nor in you.

You have been fearfully and wonderfully made, and in the very image of God inside and out.... and 'out' is where fear is; it shall have no part in you.

Your blood pressure is at a normal rate and at a steady flow your heart pumps the blood and oxygen throughout your veins and arteries and your brain cells, throughout your entire being with the presence of God's healing power which was always yours since your conception in your mother's womb.

Your body is not in error, your body is not a mistake...whatever occurred in the past with doctors is not an occurrence to repeat its self. It is not attached to your life nor your Destiny which God has preordained and perfected for you.

God says in His Word, time and again... Fear Not. Be not afraid. Stand ye still. I am with you and will never leave you nor forsake you, I am with you to the end. The end meaning only a new beginning.

You have far more life to live; far more blessings to receive, far more love to receive and to give. Fear not. God's not finished with your life upon this earth, nor with your health in good measure. Fear not.


For God is with you, no matter where you are, no matter where you have to be, no matter where you have to go. God is with you and is also there ahead of you, making all things new and you... unafraid.

Fear not, for whatever you feared ... is ... 'not'... there... anymore.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen. :Rose:
Please pray that justice is received for our family member and speedily because time is of the essence.

On your behalf...

He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. Psalm 37:6

Because 'you' asked, God's heart is yielded unto your prayers and your care for your family member. It has become a 'just cause'... because of your love.

In Jesus' Name... Amen. :Rose:
@luving me ... Dearest One... :love2:

In the Name of Jesus... Close your eyes and think only about the presence of Jesus, gently holding your hand and you are calm and steady, unnerved and unfretful. With Jesus, there is no fear, nor is there any room for it to find a place anywhere near you nor in you.

You have been fearfully and wonderfully made, and in the very image of God inside and out.... and 'out' is where fear is; it shall have no part in you.

Your blood pressure is at a normal rate and at a steady flow your heart pumps the blood and oxygen throughout your veins and arteries and your brain cells, throughout your entire being with the presence of God's healing power which was always yours since your conception in your mother's womb.

Your body is not in error, your body is not a mistake...whatever occurred in the past with doctors is not an occurrence to repeat its self. It is not attached to your life nor your Destiny which God has preordained and perfected for you.

God says in His Word, time and again... Fear Not. Be not afraid. Stand ye still. I am with you and will never leave you nor forsake you, I am with you to the end. The end meaning only a new beginning.

You have far more life to live; far more blessings to receive, far more love to receive and to give. Fear not. God's not finished with your life upon this earth, nor with your health in good measure. Fear not.


For God is with you, no matter where you are, no matter where you have to be, no matter where you have to go. God is with you and is also there ahead of you, making all things new and you... unafraid.

Fear not, for whatever you feared ... is ... 'not'... there... anymore.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen. :Rose:

I can't thank you enough for this...
Hello everyone.....Asking for prayers for my sister as she is having the cancerous lumps removed from her breast tomorrow morning. LOVE YOU ALL!! :bighug:
Asking for prayer as I meet with my doc tomorrow to discuss the cystic mass on my left ovary. I'm praying for a good report, a gentle treatment plan, and peace as I'm going through this. Thank you ladies.
I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in the general prayer thread, but I'll do both, since this prayer is urgent ...

Back in February, you ladies prayed for the Lord's guidance in employment, and later, an opportunity presented itself. Then you ladies prayed for my interview and later another door opened in that opportunity. Tomorrow is potentially the day that I discover whether this employment has been secured. There is an obstacle in the way that I know only the Lord can remove. I am asking for anyone who sees this tonight to join me in agreement that the Lord will work this out for me. I refuse to believe that He brought me this far - phone interview, then face-to-face interview, then a couple other hoops to jump through - over the course of 4 months only to cease here. I been holding dearly to Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

because I believe that this employment is His way of restoring my future and paving the way for me to accomplish the work He has for me. The enemy has been feeding me lies over the course of two weeks, and I'm trying to fight these lies down. My God IS a Restorer. My God is NOT a Deceiver. My God is NOT sadistic. My God LOVES me and WILL work this out for me.

Jeremiah continued ...
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”

Thank you in advance.
I'm sch to have surgery later this month, I'm asking for prayers for myself and the surgeon as well as all medical professionals involved. I'm praying for strength for me and knowledge for them as well as skill. I'm praying for a speedy healthy recovery. In Jesus' Name...Amen. Thank you ladies.
I'm sch to have surgery later this month, I'm asking for prayers for myself and the surgeon as well as all medical professionals involved. I'm praying for strength for me and knowledge for them as well as skill. I'm praying for a speedy healthy recovery. In Jesus' Name...Amen. Thank you ladies.

You can 'rest' now. These are the words that came into my heart as I began to pray for you. "You can 'rest' now.

There are times when God 'allows' situations in our lives, to give a much needed time to rest. However, God is saying you can rest from all of your worries and fears regarding your health and well being. The experiences of 'others' do not apply to you. Your heart has no need to 'fear'. God is 'there' inside of you, and has healed you inside and out. Your doctors will confirm it.

luving me ... Precious one, 'you can rest now'. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Every care is in the hands of God, and all of 'you' is resting in His arms... 'Loving You' through and past this all.

You can 'rest' now... in Jesus' Name. Amen. :sleep2:
Prayer request: My current work environment is very toxic and stressful. The day to day drama I have to deal with has started to affect my mood at home with my family, weight, and confidence.
I recently applied for a position that mirrors the duties I currently perform but on a larger scale. I am praying that God blesses me with this position so I can get back to being happy.
JunMom2Be said:
Prayer request: My current work environment is very toxic and stressful. The day to day drama I have to deal with has started to affect my mood at home with my family, weight, and confidence.
I recently applied for a position that mirrors the duties I currently perform but on a larger scale. I am praying that God blesses me with this position so I can get back to being happy.

I'm praying for you JunMom2Be!

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Please pray that I get the job I interviewed for on Thursday. Money is getting tight and I need to grow or I'll end up poor.

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Please pray that I get the job I interviewed for on Thursday. Money is getting tight and I need to grow or I'll end up poor.

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The prayers are definitely flowing on your behalf for your heart's desire.


You Loved One will NEVER be poor, job or no job, you will never be poor. For you are rich in blessings which you've only begun to see being poured upon you.

Watch what God does and has just for you, more than you are praying for.

In Jesus' Name.. Amen and Amen.
Prayer request: My current work environment is very toxic and stressful. The day to day drama I have to deal with has started to affect my mood at home with my family, weight, and confidence.
I recently applied for a position that mirrors the duties I currently perform but on a larger scale. I am praying that God blesses me with this position so I can get back to being happy.

The Holy Spirit of God is flowing and overflowing within you and around you. No man, no issues can steal your peace. You have the peace of Jesus and the peace that Jesus gives the world and it's issues cannot take it away.

Whatsoever things give you peace and joy... think on these things for they are yours forever. :love3:

Please pray for me ladies in EVERY aspect of my life! I'm asking that you too pray for my future husband Michael that God will give him the courage to be bold and stand firm in the will of GOD as we move closer in our relationship!

Past and present guilt, distractions, doubt, hurt, and pride are cancellled out in the name of Jesus!!!

Thanks so much!!
Ladies, please pray for proper diagnosis and healing of my body. I've been sick off and on for some weeks now. I'm going to try to see the doctor (again) tomorrow.

Thank you.
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Sister's, I'm in need of serious prayer as well. Dealing with blood pressure issues and possible sugar. I never struggled with this until after the birth of my daughter. I've been in denial about my condition for some time now, but I'm not in denial now.

I'll be seeing my doctor on Thursday to come clean about my condition.
Ladies, please pray for proper diagnosis and healing of my body. I've been sick off and on for some weeks now. I'm going to try to see the doctor (again) tomorrow.

Thank you.

Just wanted you to know I prayed for you. I hope God totally heals you. However, whatever route He may take I pray your faith would never fail but be strengthened.
Sister's, I'm in need of serious prayer as well. Dealing with blood pressure issues and possible sugar. I never struggled with this until after the birth of my daughter. I've been in denial about my condition for some time now, but I'm not in denial now.

I'll be seeing my doctor on Thursday to come clean about my condition.

Dear Father, I know You are able to do all things. Thank you for the life of NatturallySweet, thank You for her little girl. Lord I pray that You will heal her and deliver her from health issues that would limit her from living an abundant life. Help her to boldly face whatever is ahead, knowing that You are able to do what no oneelse can. Thank You Lord. In Jesus name.
Thanks you Msee and anyone else that prayed for me, b/c when I went to bed I felt like I was on deaths door! Maybe a bit of an exageration:look: but I DID FEEL that way.

Anywhoo, when I woke up I felt great. I thank God for who ever did pray!!! THANX:)

Just wanted you to know I prayed for you. I hope God totally heals you.

Thank you so much MSee and all who prayed for me. Unfortunately, my illness has progressed and the doctor still doesn't know what it is, but she has theory. It will be another few weeks before we know for certain.

However, whatever route He may take I pray your faith would never fail but be strengthened.

Thank you for this prayer as well. Jesus (and what he said to Peter before he denied him) immediately came to my mind when I read this. Thank you.
Thank you so much MSee and all who prayed for me. Unfortunately, my illness has progressed and the doctor still doesn't know what it is, but she has theory. It will be another few weeks before we know for certain.

Thank you for this prayer as well. Jesus (and what he said to Peter before he denied him) immediately came to my mind when I read this. Thank you.

loolalooh... :kiss: You're not alone in this precious one. You are not and will never be alone. Your healing has already taken place, in Jesus' Name. :love2:
Please pray for my friend who is getting married this weekend to someone she doesn't know that well. I've been praying for the past 2 months since this first started and asking other friends to pray but I really need your help. My stomach is in knots because I'm so scared for her.

Please pray that if this is truly God's will that it will come to pass and be a blessed union.
MSee, Shimmie, auparavant, and others praying for me. Thank you all.

Today I can finally walk with little pain/swelling due to some meds the doctor gave me yesterday coupled with Tylenol. Whatever this thing is, it progressed so fast. We still don't exactly know the root of the illness. The meds are just to mask the symptoms for now. She considered doing some more bloodwork but didn't want to put me through that second round. She's confident in her theory and I'll just continue to ride this out for the next couple of weeks. For the time being, I am not restricted to the bed anymore.

Thanks again.
Please pray for my friend who is getting married this weekend to someone she doesn't know that well. I've been praying for the past 2 months since this first started and asking other friends to pray but I really need your help. My stomach is in knots because I'm so scared for her.

Please pray that if this is truly God's will that it will come to pass and be a blessed union.

In Jesus' Name, God's Will SHALL be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

"If there's anything which should be revealed than so it shall be...

Thank God for Mark 4:22 ...

For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested, neither is anything kept secret but that it should come abroad.

Father we thank for the protection of this dear friend of JinaRicci. We don't know the hearts of these two, however you do. You are the Lord and you shall prevail in this and in all things in our lives, and together we pray for Jina's precious friend. In the Name of Jesus'... Father God, we ask you to prevail. Amen. :Rose:
This is my assumption based upon what I feel is correct but there is a spiritual attack going on in here and I ask you ladies to be aware, prayerful, strong and equipped to deal with it in an effective way. It's been going on for over 2 years and has picked up in ways in these last months. I'm not talking about our occasional "arguments" among christians, I'm talking about evil being conjured up against the body of Christ here. Well, this is what I sense is happening and based upon some real evidence and I'm not the only one with this opinion. We should pray against it.

What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all-how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died-more than that, who was raised to life-is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. – Romans 8:31-34
Thank you Prayer Warriors for keeping my family in prayer last week.... God is faithful and I believe. Amein~