prayer request:

I made some decisions (mistakes) that have me feeling very down. It's a very stressful time in my life and I just feel unsettled and scared. I feel really down to the point of tears

prayers please

Oh Love... nothing about you is broken that cannot be recreated. If I could name my mistakes, they'd be longer than the posts I type. Truly. Yet but for the love of God, I'm here standing and moving forward into the Lord, leaving my mistakes behind.

Dearest LoveisYou... the one thing about mistakes is that they 'mis' and do not have the strength 'take' you with them. They cannot 'carry' you. You are still the beloved daughter of God. And He works all things together for your good.

Fall into God's arms, waiting to hold you, move on with Him and strive for better.

"...that which I do not see, teach thou me, where I have 'sinned' I will do no more..."
(Job 34:32
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thank you for your prayers i know for sure that you were praying because I was able to walk away from the bad relationship and just the way it happen shows that all was done through prayer, nothing i can say more except thank you
Oh Love... nothing about you is broken that cannot be recreated. If I could name my mistakes, they'd be longer than the posts I type. Truly. Yet but for the love of God, I'm here standing and moving forward into the Lord, leaving my mistakes behind.

Dearest LoveisYou... the one thing about mistakes is that they 'mis' and do not have the strength 'take' you with them. They cannot 'carry' you. You are still the beloved daughter of God. And He works all things together for your good.

Fall into God's arms, waiting to hold you, move on with Him and strive for better.

"...that which I do not see, teach thou me, where I have 'sinned' I will do no more..."
(Job 34:32

Thanks so much for this Shimmie!
Please pray for me. I've been sick for going on two weeks. I have 2 medications to take and I get nauseous from the medications. So then I have to take anti-nausea medication which makes me drowsy. So I've gone from nausea, cramps to drowsy and sleep all week. There are moments like now and yesterday when I was feeling better but when I take the medication (which I need) the rest of the day goes downhill. Every time I want to get on track with other things in my life (weight loss, eating healthy, praying more) I get sick in some form. I'm just tired.
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Please pray for me. I've been sick for going on two weeks. I have 2 medications to take and I get nauseous from the medications. So then I have to take anti-nausea medication which makes me drowsy. So I've gone from nausea, cramps to drowsy and sleep all week.

There are moments like now and yesterday when I was feeling better but when I take the medication (which I need) the rest of the day goes downhill.

Every time I want to get on track with other things in my life (weight loss, eating healthy, praying more) I get sick in some form. I'm just tired.

Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for making haste the healing of DreamLife's body, inside and out. We thank you for doctors and medications, however, there are times when the 'cures' can feel worse than the ailment. This seems to be one of those times.

You created DreamLife, you designed her being in fearless wonder, for she is uniquely made and made for your glory. Please recreate her stomache lining, the lining of the walls of her arterial design, clean vessels which move her blood and giving her blood the cleansing that it needs for her body to feel and to be restored and renewed better than from the beginning.

Let her heart be at ease and assure her that she will indeed succeed to get her health and goals on track and will remain on course. She's going to be okay. Let her know this. Whisper your love for her in her spirit so that she will know it's from you and you alone. Calm the storms of her body and of her mind, and let it be in record time, that she is fully aware of her healing.

In Jesus' Name... you are honoured and praised. :amen: and :amen:

DreamLife... :flowers:
Thank you sooo much Shimmie I feel so much better today. I will still go back to the Dr. this week for a follow up but I felt well enough to start back up with my exercising. I'm just going to keep on pressing on, doing all that I need to do to stay healthy (eating well, drinking water, sleep and exercise) and hopefully I'll be taken off of my medications by the Dr. Once again thanks for your prayers.

ETA: It was in record time! I went from in my bed coughing and nauseous Mon-Fri to running errands, going to school and working out today. I'm not taking the anti-nausea medication anymore either. Praise God!:)
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Thank you sooo much Shimmie I feel so much better today. I will still go back to the Dr. this week for a follow up but I felt well enough to start back up with my exercising. I'm just going to keep on pressing on, doing all that I need to do to stay healthy (eating well, drinking water, sleep and exercise) and hopefully I'll be taken off of my medications by the Dr. Once again thanks for your prayers.

ETA: It was in record time! I went from in my bed coughing and nauseous Mon-Fri to running errands, going to school and working out today. I'm not taking the anti-nausea medication anymore either. Praise God!:)

:grouphug2: I'm so glad you're feeling better. God loves you, Babygirl and your life to Him is beyond a Dream. Meaning that all that concerns you is real to God and is embedded in His heart. Nothing about your life is downplayed, even to the most mynute of measures... nothing is downplayed.

Your health is being stabilized as well as the concerns of your fitness desires. Take it one breath at a time...that's all you have to focus upon, one breath at a time. God is doing the rest.

With each breath, you can rest assured and confidently say...

"... The Lord is perfecting all that concerns me." (Psalm 138:8)
Hi Ladies. I just found out my uncle is very sick. He is only 52 and I recently had dreams about him being sick and passing... that was before I found out.
Please pray for him and my family. Thanks.
Hi Ladies. I just found out my uncle is very sick. He is only 52 and I recently had dreams about him being sick and passing... that was before I found out.
Please pray for him and my family. Thanks.

Father God in the name of Jesus... we ask and honour you for your grace and mercy over Summer's uncle. Thank you for giving him life over death. Thank you for giving him healing over sickness and disease.

We surround :circle: this man with love and prayers and we thank you that every word that is spoken over him is rich in life and that he will live and not die and will walk this earth praising you and giving you glory for his healing all the days of his life.

Create in him a new heart, body and soul; let everything about his life be under your complete control.

Thank you for you love and life that dwells within each of us and unto you our lives are each reborn and giving you glory forever more. Amen and Amen.
Prayer that tomorrow goes well and the doctor can see me and treat me properly. I thought I had the common cold but it seems to be more than that. Thank you.
^^^ Thank you for your prayer! The doctor was able to see me, diagnose what is going on, and prescribe the proper medication. I should be better in a week's time.
A little prayer for me please so I can be able to help financially my daughter in her studies in Japan. I dare also ask God for a few days of hollidays for me this summer, in Miami. I really need my finance to improve. Thanks you all.
Hey ladies,
Can you please pray for my husband? He went to Afghanistan and came back a changed man. He says he doesn't know what happened to him and he is doing a lot of things that are out of character. Thank you.
lotusdream said:
Hey ladies,
Can you please pray for my husband? He went to Afghanistan and came back a changed man. He says he doesn't know what happened to him and he is doing a lot of things that are out of character. Thank you.

I pray that his mind will be healed in Jesus name, I pray that there is a settling in his spirit and that he will find comfort in God.
Can you guys please pray for me. I started a new job last month and we are currently having our security interviews/background checks and I could have done better in filling out the paperwork. I'm reported and im concerned about a job I was fired from a few years ago and how it (and the dumb final letter i wrote) will effect my new position. I've waited 3 years and worked hard for my new position and I'm stressing out that a 3 month part time job will jeapordize it. Please pray!!
Can you guys please pray for me. I started a new job last month and we are currently having our security interviews/background checks and I could have done better in filling out the paperwork. I'm reported and im concerned about a job I was fired from a few years ago and how it (and the dumb final letter i wrote) will effect my new position. I've waited 3 years and worked hard for my new position and I'm stressing out that a 3 month part time job will jeapordize it. Please pray!!

It's all under the 'Blood' of Jesus... in the 'Sea of Forgetfulness', where no man can see it / nor did it up.... in Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.

Ladies I humbly come to you for prayer. I'm in a situation can't say what it is on this board but I need guidance,faith,positive outlook and a financial support. Right now I feel lost,hurt,angry and scared. I don't want to be homeless or always in the same jacked up position I'm in. I want to be once and for all healed and able to move on. I'm tired real tired. I want to check out in life right now and just get committed then I won't have to worry about the things I'm worrying about now. I would be forever grateful for your prayers as I don't know why God keeps waking me to be in this.
Hey ladies,
Can you please pray for my husband? He went to Afghanistan and came back a changed man. He says he doesn't know what happened to him and he is doing a lot of things that are out of character. Thank you.

Praying that God gives you both a Peace that exceeds your natural minds and your natural understanding.

That God is giving both of you a new heart, regenerated that flows with the Holy Spirit and for one another.

Whatever 'griped' your Husband's heart with fear, in Jesus' Name, it will release its hold upon your Husband's heart and his soul; for his soul and mind belong to Jesus and not unto the enemy. Your husband shall cry out to God and be released and set free, to live free from all of the torture of the enemy and what was set against your Husband's mind.

God's covering is all over your marriage, over you, over your Husband... God's covering of deliverance and freedom in Christ Jesus... forever and ever, Amen and Amen. :Rose:
Ladies I humbly come to you for prayer. I'm in a situation can't say what it is on this board but I need guidance,faith,positive outlook and a financial support. Right now I feel lost,hurt,angry and scared. I don't want to be homeless or always in the same jacked up position I'm in.

I want to be once and for all healed and able to move on. I'm tired real tired. I want to check out in life right now and just get committed then I won't have to worry about the things I'm worrying about now. I would be forever grateful for your prayers as I don't know why God keeps waking me to be in this.

Christian... I've been 'young' and as I've grown 'older', I can say as a wholesome fact... that I have never seen the righteous ('you') forsaken nor His 'seed' (you) begging bread.

You will not lack, nor want. The Lord is indeed your Sheppard and your shall not want, neither shall you be begging for bread or board.

As David ... get up, wash your beautiful face, look up, for your Redeemer is right there embracing you into your next Blessing after Blessing after Blessing... in Jesus' Name... Amen.

I ask for prayer for my older daughter and my grandchildren. My daughter is struggling with some unsettling issues right now and I have to leave it in God's hands. But I ask for eveyone prayer in this time . Thank you all in advance.
ariestwo, my prayers have gone up for your daughter and grandchildren. God bless!

ariestwo said:
I ask for prayer for my older daughter and my grandchildren. My daughter is struggling with some unsettling issues right now and I have to leave it in God's hands. But I ask for eveyone prayer in this time . Thank you all in advance.

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I ask for prayer for my older daughter and my grandchildren. My daughter is struggling with some unsettling issues right now and I have to leave it in God's hands. But I ask for eveyone prayer in this time . Thank you all in advance.

In the Name of Jesus... God is making all the crooked places straight, all the high places low and is crushing into dust, the gates of iron and opposition.

Thanking God for surrounding your daughter and her precious children with His loving arms of solid protection and providing every need that could ever occur in the Name of Jesus...

Each of you will KNOW the Lord is God and has surely moved on your behalf... for surely the Lord has taken all under His solid control. No matter what, God has worked it out to His glory and together we just thank Him for being who He is... God... God All Mighty... Amen.
Asking for prayer...due to a bad doctor's visit last year I now have anxiety when going to see the doc. and they can't get a good BP reading on me. I have an appt. next week and I'm praying that I will not get nervous and that my stats are at a normal level. Thank you ladies.