Prayer request:

Please pray for my brother-in-law's father. He had a heart attack some months ago followed by surgery. Pray for him to regain full health.

Thanks in advance.
I really could use a prayer.
I seem to be getting it from all angles of life right now.
My soul is hurting.
metro_qt said:
I really could use a prayer.
I seem to be getting it from all angles of life right now.
My soul is hurting.

Definitely praying for you metro_qt! We will also include you in our corporate prayer tomorrow. If you want to join us, it's Tuesdays 9:30p - 10p EST; and Thursdays 10p - 10:30p EST. (916) 233-2999. Access code: 523054#

God bless.

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Definitely praying for you metro_qt! We will also include you in our corporate prayer tomorrow. If you want to join us, it's Tuesdays 9:30p - 10p EST; and Thursdays 10p - 10:30p EST. (916) 233-2999. Access code: 523054#

God bless.

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i really appreciate this TraciChanel, and everyone else in this prayer thread.
Sometimes when you don't know where to turn, you must turn to God.
I'd posted this in the Wall of Prayer thread, but will post here as well:

I ask that we agree in prayer for those who are caretakers for invalid or sick family members, that God's Grace keeps them empowered to smile when they want to cry; sing when they want to mourn; feel at peace when they want to give up, cave in or quit. The Mighty Hand of God is upon them today, to be strong for the spirit, mind and body. In Jesus' name, Amein!
I'd posted this in the Wall of Prayer thread, but will post here as well:

I ask that we agree in prayer for those who are caretakers for invalid or sick family members, that God's Grace keeps them empowered to smile when they want to cry; sing when they want to mourn; feel at peace when they want to give up, cave in or quit. The Mighty Hand of God is upon them today, to be strong for the spirit, mind and body. In Jesus' name, Amein!

:amen: Praise God for you Laela and all of the wonderful Ladies here.. our 'Sisters' in Christ Jesus, our Lord... :love2:
Please pray for my son. He is hanging with a crowd and making decisions that could effect his life permanently......I don't even know what to do anymore.......
Please pray for my son. He is hanging with a crowd and making decisions that could effect his life permanently......I don't even know what to do anymore.......

In the Name of Jesus', we dedicate your son to the God the Father... in Jesus' Name. God's word says that whatever we commit to Him, that He will keep it until the day of Jesus' Christ and that nothing can take it from out of His hands.

We thank God for placing your son into his true and ordained Destiny, where he will flourish, develop and grow giving God all of the glory... that he cannot and will not be subject to the sins of the world; We thank God that your son, will not be lead into temptations, that God is delivering your son from 'ALL' evil. The Blood of Jesus has drawn a line that the enemy satan cannot cross over...satan cannot cross the Bloodline.

In Jesus' Name, your son's steps are ordered of the Lord and no other way shall your son follow than the path that God has set him upon... in Jesus' Name.

Father we give you the honour, the praise and the glory... for you Lord, do keep him, you watch him night and day, least any hurt it... your presence has the rule and the way, upon where this young man shall walk, giving honour with his life... in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Thank you Shimmie for your always on time prayer. I just found it that my sister has breast cancer if you would add her to your prayer lists, I would be most grateful.
Thank you Shimmie for your always on time prayer. I just found it that my sister has breast cancer if you would add her to your prayer lists, I would be most grateful.

Indeed, we will keep your sister in prayer...

We just lift her up, for indeed she is a part of you whom we all love dearly in this forum. There's never an ounce of strife or contention in you. For the love of you, for the love of Jesus...for the love of your family, we lift you all in loving prayers, prayers of love which bear no expiration.

In Jesus' Name... Amen.

Thanks so much for praying for me guys. I didn't get the job. And I honestly don't know why. I felt like the interview went really well. I'm very qualified and I need a job so badly. I feel stupid because I withdrew from one class which would prevent me from working because I had prayed so much I just knew I would get it. It's just killing me that I can't work full time and go to school full time. I have to work because I can't let my son go without but school is even more important. I just don't know anymore.

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Thanks so much for praying for me guys. I didn't get the job. And I honestly don't know why. I felt like the interview went really well. I'm very qualified and I need a job so badly. I feel stupid because I withdrew from one class which would prevent me from working because I had prayed so much I just knew I would get it. It's just killing me that I can't work full time and go to school full time. I have to work because I can't let my son go without but school is even more important. I just don't know anymore.

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Angel, you never know what God is protecting you from. If I could share with you all of the times, I didn't 'get' something that I felt I should have gotten.

Years ago, I needed an apartment. The one that I applied for was not only available, but appeared clean, it had been remodeled, newly painted and had all of the necessary appliances; and I knew that I qualified for it. However, I received a call from the landlord stating that he was not able to rent it out to me. Something else was odd... the money that I needed for a down payment was not accessible to me. I couldn't get access to my funds. :nono:

Later, I understood why. God was protecting me. He was protecting me from several things that I did not 'see' at the time. All I could see was my need for an apartment. The Lord showed me that the landlord was not a 'safe' person to be around; the neighborhood was also unsafe.

I remember the Landlord asking me if I had a son and if he would be staying there with me and my daughter. Of course my son would be 'visiting' and staying if he wanted to, afterall he was my son who was 18, at the time [strong and muscular] and living with a friend of his.

Soooooooooooooo ! ! !

Ah Ha ! ! ! The landlord had 'evil' intentions. It was okay for just me and my daughter, but not okay for my son to be there with us.

Well, not long after that, I was blessed in a better area, quite UE :lol: and indeed in a safe environment.

So! Let's praise God for His loving protecton over you. He will continue to provide for you and your son. When I was in college full time, God took very good care of me and my 'babies'. So for you... He always will. You're His daughter. :yep:
I just want to share my testimony and give thanks for the many prayers my family and I received while my mother was trying to sell her home. There is a contract on the house now and this heavy financial weight is being lifted from her shoulders. To God Be The Glory!!
I just want to share my testimony and give thanks for the many prayers my family and I received while my mother was trying to sell her home. There is a contract on the house now and this heavy financial weight is being lifted from her shoulders. To God Be The Glory!!

Preciious Donna, 'you're so faithful.

Love and hugs to you and your "Mommie" and all of your family in Jesus' Name. :amen:
Feeling like I'll wake up later and this will have been a nightmare.

Please also pray for his new wife. Her mother, father and aunt also died in the crash. I am reminded to pray for the distress of others alongside our own. Also that the embassy gives approval for the burial in time.

I truly love you all. No matter the opinions, I LOVE YOU.
Feeling like I'll wake up later and this will have been a nightmare.

Please also pray for his new wife. Her mother, father and aunt also died in the crash. I am reminded to pray for the distress of others alongside our own. Also that the embassy gives approval for the burial in time.

I truly love you all. No matter the opinions, I LOVE YOU.

At times like this, I wish that I knew your real name. To say it makes my extensions of love more personal.

There are no opinions when one of us is hurting. What I can do is embrace you in love and in prayer and to honour your prayer requests for the loved ones of everyone in your family, praying for the pain to be eased by the tender love of God and those who surround you and love you, here and there.

In Jesus' Name...
I'm a new member but I'd like to request prayer. I've already petitioned God for his direction, clarity, and to find favor in me in the area of continuing to persue my BS and continuing to medical school in the future. I'll be the first of my immediate family to have a bachelors degree, and coming into this year I felt that this would be a good year for me, but I know that it will come to pass if God says.

Thanks in advance
Please pray for me. That this veil of depression lifts. That i find a job that I will be happy doing and that pays well. That God blesses my family and keeps them safe. That the trial of the men who killed my father is not hindered in any way and that they go to jail for life. That the emotional and financial support I have received from FH Is returned to him tenfold.

And I really really want to go back to work, I think I am ready now.

I'm a new member but I'd like to request prayer. I've already petitioned God for his direction, clarity, and to find favor in me in the area of continuing to persue my BS and continuing to medical school in the future. I'll be the first of my immediate family to have a bachelors degree, and coming into this year I felt that this would be a good year for me, but I know that it will come to pass if God says.

Thanks in advance

:welcome3: loveafterwar ...

We will definitely have you in prayer. In Jesus' Name, look forward to the blessings of God to pour out upon you, for your gift will be brought forth and used to the glory of God our Father.

Dear One, all of your needs shall be met and there shall be not one good thing withheld from you, which God has before ordained as yours. In Jesus' Name, we give praise and honour unto God, for His love never leaves nor fails. Amen and Amen.
Please pray for me. That this veil of depression lifts. That i find a job that I will be happy doing and that pays well. That God blesses my family and keeps them safe. That the trial of the men who killed my father is not hindered in any way and that they go to jail for life. That the emotional and financial support I have received from FH Is returned to him tenfold.

And I really really want to go back to work, I think I am ready now.


Hi ivyness...

The veil of depression/oppression has been torn assunder. The pressures upon your heart, have been lifted; the fears of the 'unknown', have been removed. The cares of the 'present' are taken care of by God our Father in Heaven.

Dear one... please don't fret about 'not' working at this time. God is still healing you and preparing you strength by strength, from moment to moment. All that has been 'fragile' within you is being restored to arm you all that you need to face each day filled to overflowing with the confidence that you are indeed healing and protected.

All that you've prayed for has not gone unheard, neither cast aside for delay. You are God's beloved and all that matters to you, matters to Him and you have not nor shall you ever be forsaken or unheard.

Be strong and of good courage, for the Lord, Your God is with you. Always.

:grouphug2: In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen...
Hi ladies,

I haven't been around consistently lately, I wanted to stop by to ask for prayer about an individual that has entered my life. This person represents herself as a woman of God, but she has the most antagonistic spirit I have ever encountered. She is on my job, and in the position that she holds she is doing more harm than good, in an already tenuous situation. I am praying that I see her accurately, and that the Lord would remove her from this position. If I see what I see correctly, she is doing more harm than good and is actually blocking what God wants to do to overhaul the organization. She is not sent of God.

God bless all of you, and special shout out to TraciChanel for checking in on me.

Love, Joy2day
Hi ladies,

I haven't been around consistently lately, I wanted to stop by to ask for prayer about an individual that has entered my life. This person represents herself as a woman of God, but she has the most antagonistic spirit I have ever encountered. She is on my job, and in the position that she holds she is doing more harm than good, in an already tenuous situation. I am praying that I see her accurately, and that the Lord would remove her from this position. If I see what I see correctly, she is doing more harm than good and is actually blocking what God wants to do to overhaul the organization. She is not sent of God.

God bless all of you, and special shout out to TraciChanel for checking in on me.

Love, Joy2day

Hey Love... "It is Well" with you and your soul. In Jesus' Name... Amen.

Galatians 4:30

"Cast out the bond woman...'

(bond woman = one who does not belong)...

I would like to put in a prayer request that during my fast this wk God answers my questions and reveals more to me about He wants from me...I want to be able to hear and understand clearly and not lean on my understanding. I am fasting about my church's youth event this Sunday called "Gospel Explosion," my career and education, my role in my family and as a single woman my love life. I'm almost begging for some guidance but nervous about the answers lol. Thank you in advance.

I would like to put in a prayer request that during my fast this wk God answers my questions and reveals more to me about He wants from me...I want to be able to hear and understand clearly and not lean on my understanding. I am fasting about my church's youth event this Sunday called "Gospel Explosion," my career and education, my role in my family and as a single woman my love life. I'm almost begging for some guidance but nervous about the answers lol. Thank you in advance.

Dearest stephluv ...

God delights in the Praises and Prayers of His Children. As His beloved daughter, God is more than willing and shall answer all of your questions.

Father in the name of Jesus, thank you that your daughter, Stephluv lives in your heart and that it gives you great joy and pleasure to answer all of her prayers, those she has mentioned and those she still holds 'private' in her heart.

Every good and perfect gift comes from you, in Heaven above. Therefore we thank you for the "Youth's Group" -- Gospel Explosion. The Power of your presence shall explode within the hearts and minds of all and with a powerful dynamic overflow which will continue to take root within their hearts and lives, and they will honour and serve you forever.

Father thank you that the overflow of your presence will be so powerful that it be not only change the atmosphere during the event, but it will overflow into their lives and in the hearts, minds and souls of their friends and family member, their school mates, and all of whom and those of which they will have contact. Father God, if the world has influence, than how much more the power of your presence and it shall have impact.

Father God change hearts, lives, lifestyles and the mindsets of those who have been opposed of your righteousness. Give them beyond opportunity, set them fixed and straight in unity, one on one with you and your Holy Spirit. Protect them from all evil and lead them not into temptations, which would stray them away from you.

Father kill satan's plan to destroy them; keep them under your hand and that it will be your plan and purpose which shall be fulfilled and not satan's stench of ruin and sin.

For Stephluv's desires ... fulfill them, fulfill her joy in love, marriage beyond the flesh, your purpose in fulfilling her career, education, her husband, designed by you.

In Jesus' name, we praise you and thank you, with our whole hearts... Amen and Amen.

Thank you Father for hearing our prayers. You are THE Lord and non other.
Please pray for the family and friends of an acquaintance of mine. He tragically lost his life last night. Pray that his loved ones can find comfort during their time of bereavement.
Please pray for the family and friends of an acquaintance of mine. He tragically lost his life last night. Pray that his loved ones can find comfort during their time of bereavement.

Sorry about your dear friend. Indeed prayers are going up for his family and loved ones who are hurting. That the love and the Holy Spirit of God heals their broken hearts. In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen. :Rose:
prayer request:

I made some decisions (mistakes) that have me feeling very down. It's a very stressful time in my life and I just feel unsettled and scared. I feel really down to the point of tears

prayers please