I would like to put in a prayer request that during my fast this wk God answers my questions and reveals more to me about He wants from me...I want to be able to hear and understand clearly and not lean on my understanding. I am fasting about my church's youth event this Sunday called "Gospel Explosion," my career and education, my role in my family and as a single woman my love life. I'm almost begging for some guidance but nervous about the answers lol. Thank you in advance.
stephluv ...
God delights in the Praises and Prayers of His Children. As His beloved daughter, God is more than willing and shall answer all of your questions.
Father in the name of Jesus, thank you that your daughter, Stephluv lives in your heart and that it gives you great joy and pleasure to answer all of her prayers, those she has mentioned and those she still holds 'private' in her heart.
Every good and perfect gift comes from you, in Heaven above. Therefore we thank you for the "Youth's Group" -- Gospel Explosion. The Power of your presence shall explode within the hearts and minds of all and with a powerful dynamic overflow which will continue to take root within their hearts and lives, and they will honour and serve you forever.
Father thank you that the overflow of your presence will be so powerful that it be not only change the atmosphere during the event, but it will overflow into their lives and in the hearts, minds and souls of their friends and family member, their school mates, and all of whom and those of which they will have contact. Father God, if the world has influence, than how much more the power of your presence and it shall have impact.
Father God change hearts, lives, lifestyles and the mindsets of those who have been opposed of your righteousness. Give them beyond opportunity, set them fixed and straight in unity, one on one with you and your Holy Spirit. Protect them from all evil and lead them not into temptations, which would stray them away from you.
Father kill satan's plan to destroy them; keep them under your hand and that it will be your plan and purpose which shall be fulfilled and not satan's stench of ruin and sin.
For Stephluv's desires ... fulfill them, fulfill her joy in love, marriage beyond the flesh, your purpose in fulfilling her career, education, her husband, designed by you.
In Jesus' name, we praise you and thank you, with our whole hearts... Amen and Amen.
Thank you Father for hearing our prayers. You are THE Lord and non other.