
My only prayer concern is for those in self created and Godly ordained positions of power.I hope those who are in self created positions are removed and those who are placed in the roles by God will stay on point and not lose focus and not become stupid like so many in society are becoming. I also pray for the prayer team here,that they will not lose sight of the goal and will speak not eloquent or formal but really speak what is really needed to be said plain and clear so that the masses can be effected.
My only prayer concern is for those in self created and Godly ordained positions of power.I hope those who are in self created positions are removed and those who are placed in the roles by God will stay on point and not lose focus and not become stupid like so many in society are becoming.

I also pray for the prayer team here,that they will not lose sight of the goal and will

speak not eloquent or formal
but really speak what is really needed to be said plain and clear so that the masses can be effected.

GoddessMaker ...

Please clarify this... it is important to know what is on your heart.
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I need peace of mind. I feel so overwhelmed with school right now. I can't seem to absorb any information and become frustrated when I can't concentrate. I need prayer to ease my mind and the strength to do everything needed to get all A's and graduate by summer 2012. Please pray for me. Thank you in advance!
@GoddessMaker ...

Please clarify this... it is important to know what is on your heart.

What I mean or what is on my heart I find at times we get caught up in formality of praying.We never know who is on the line and I hope that anyone who hears you wonderful ladies pray will be able to understand and be able to be touched by those words..I want others to be inspired and know they can pray too bc when I read wordy prayers not you ladies but some I have seen it would make a babe in Christ run..or feel I can't pray.
I need peace of mind. I feel so overwhelmed with school right now. I can't seem to absorb any information and become frustrated when I can't concentrate. I need prayer to ease my mind and the strength to do everything needed to get all A's and graduate by summer 2012. Please pray for me. Thank you in advance!


There's only 'one' you. Just one; and none other. :grouphug2:

Don't be afraid to lay it all down and allow God to show you which ones to pick up and which ones to let go. God will take care and He will 'perfect' all that concerns you.

In Psalm 138:7-8...

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me:
thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies,
and thy right hand shall save me.

The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me:
thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever:
forsake not the works of thine own hands.

You cannot fail. :Rose:

There's only 'one' you. Just one; and none other. :grouphug2:

Don't be afraid to lay it all down and allow God to show you which ones to pick up and which ones to let go. God will take care and He will 'perfect' all that concerns you.

In Psalm 138:7-8...

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me:
thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies,
and thy right hand shall save me.

The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me:
thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever:
forsake not the works of thine own hands.

You cannot fail. :Rose:

Thank you for your prayer, I truly appreciate it! Thanks to anyone who has prayed for me.

After a few hours of sleep and good rest I was able to refocus and manage to complete two assignments..God is good! Thank you lord for guiding me. I will not worry, I will continue to trust you because you are always there when I call on you, although I tend to forget sometimes. Thank you father!
Thank you for your prayer, I truly appreciate it! Thanks to anyone who has prayed for me.

After a few hours of sleep and good rest I was able to refocus and manage to complete two assignments..God is good! Thank you lord for guiding me. I will not worry, I will continue to trust you because you are always there when I call on you, although I tend to forget sometimes. Thank you father!

To God be the Glory.... :amen:
I believe that the prayer line was born out of the need for prayer, it wasn’t just another great idea, these are serious times that we live in and prayer is what will bring us through…

I’m sure you know that we start with prayer and end with prayer…after Shimmie prays and shares, there is always laughter:grin:, (I can’t imagine anyone feeling that the prayer line is formal or that they can't contribute when prayer is simply talking to God), and then the prayer line is pretty much opened to everyone and anyone who may have a new prayer request or someone who simply wants to share, it’s not exclusive to any one particular person and we all speak and pray freely and clearly by the Holy Spirit so nothing is misunderstood…

On several occasions both written and verbal invitations were put forth to anyone who had special needs that they didn’t want to discuss openly those persons were invited to pm the prayer leaders and they were assured that any information given would be discreet, this further speaks to the heart of the leaders who do everything to make the callers feel comfortable, welcomed and that they are truly concerned for everyone.

I am grateful to God for the prayer line, its leaders (@TraciChanel, @Health&hair28 and @Shimmie) who spend much time preparing for the calls in prayer and in study of scripture and I'm also thankful for the faithful weekly callers, I’ve read the testimonies and I know that God is at work …

I am prayerful that many more persons will join the prayer line and recognize the value of prayer, it's detrimental to our relationship with Father and keeps us strengthened and encouraged while we are fellowshipping with each other, (there is power in Agreement:grin:)...

I've heard you pray powerfully:yep: and look forward to hearing you pray again for the young people, I know that they are close to your heart...

Finally I encourage you to pray for the prayer line that we never loose sight of who it's really about, that we always have heaven in our view and want to do what pleases God, after all it is not:nono: about us...

What I mean or what is on my heart I find at times we get caught up in formality of praying.We never know who is on the line and I hope that anyone who hears you wonderful ladies pray will be able to understand and be able to be touched by those words..I want others to be inspired and know they can pray too bc when I read wordy prayers not you ladies but some I have seen it would make a babe in Christ run..or feel I can't pray.
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Whosoever will, come freely and drink from the Fountain of Life...
I believe that the prayer line was born out of the need for prayer, it wasn’t just another great idea, these are serious times that we live in and prayer is what will bring us through…

I’m sure you know that we start with prayer and end with prayer…after Shimmie prays and shares, there is always laughter:grin:, (I can’t imagine anyone feeling that the prayer line is formal or that they can't contribute when prayer is simply talking to God), and then the prayer line is pretty much opened to everyone and anyone who may have a new prayer request or someone who simply wants to share, it’s not exclusive to any one particular person and we all speak and pray freely and clearly by the Holy Spirit so nothing is misunderstood…

On several occasions both written and verbal invitations were put forth to anyone who had special needs that they didn’t want to discuss openly those persons were invited to pm the prayer leaders and they were assured that any information given would be discreet, this further speaks to the heart of the leaders who do everything to make the callers feel comfortable, welcomed and that they are truly concerned for everyone.

I am grateful to God for the prayer line, its leaders (@TraciChanel, @Health&hair28 and @Shimmie) who spend much time preparing for the calls in prayer and in study of scripture and I'm also thankful for the faithful weekly callers, I’ve read the testimonies and I know that God is at work …

I am prayerful that many more persons will join the prayer line and recognize the value of prayer, it's detrimental to our relationship with Father and keeps us strengthened and encouraged while we are fellowshipping with each other, (there is power in Agreement:grin:)...

I've heard you pray powerfully:yep: and look forward to hearing you pray again for the young people, I know that they are close to your heart...

Finally I encourage you to pray for the prayer line that we never loose sight of who it's really about, that we always have heaven in our view and want to do what pleases God, after all it is not:nono: about us...

I love, love, love your gif!!!

Thank you. It's a message from the heart of God...

"All are welcome" None refused, no matter what was done, no matter what was said, just come. God loves you and He holds nothing against you...
Hi Ladies,

I'm still dealing with my school situation. I will be sending out a letter to several people/groups this week. Please pray that the Lord gives me the right words for this and that it reaches all those that it should reach. Pray that God softens the hearts of the recipients of this letter and that I will receive favor with God and man.
Hi Ladies,

I'm still dealing with my school situation. I will be sending out a letter to several people/groups this week. Please pray that the Lord gives me the right words for this and that it reaches all those that it should reach. Pray that God softens the hearts of the recipients of this letter and that I will receive favor with God and man.

And Jesus said unto the 'Mountain'... "Be thou removed and cast into the sea..."

In faith and heart believing, we speak to this mountain which has been 'here' long enough, be thou removed and cast into the sea. Just move out of the way, in the Name of Jesus.

Lord we thank you for being the 'Ultimate Mountain Mover' in the life and in this situation and that your power will move as such that it is called, "It 'FLOWS' Naturally"... in Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.
O' Dear... we need God's direction on this ASAP !

Maybe he lived in the park to protect his mother.... ?????

@ Shimmie, I'm sorry I didn't see what you wrote before. You know he did visit one day and when his mom & dad were talking to him, he alluded something like that, more like it slipped out. He wouldn't talk about it at all then and he still won't talk.
i need prayer, i am a widow for five years i have been faithful and waiting on God all along, praying for a well paying Job to be able to make sure my kids are well care for- do not get me wrong God provides through my brothers at the moment but i want to be able to be that person who can afford to buy my kids nice to have also not only able to pay for the musts.
i am aslo praying for a relationship been doing so for the past two years but now i lost hope, i met someone whom i do not love but enjoy sex with he is a widower ( to get an idea - i call him we meet we bonk i go home as is nothng has happened, if i do not feel like sex i do not answer his calls), i am christian who know this is wrong i have toi stop. i need to come clean with the poor guy and i need strength to confess to him and ask for forgiveness
I'm just so confused as to what God wants me to do with my life. I keep praying and letting him know that I just want to do what he has in mind for me. I just don't know what that is. Sometimes I feel like I don't have any special purpose, I just feel so pointless at times. I want so bad to make God happy with me because I know I would then be happy with myself. I just don't know what to do at all anymore and it's weighing down so heavy on me. I uses to be so motivated now, not so much. Please pray for me, I know prayer works that's why I just can not give up.
I know it is very hard to be caring for your children by yourself. Trust in the Lord, ask for strenght to overcome any situations.
My mom was a widow at the age of 34 with 10 children in Africa. she did not hold a job but raised us through the help of God through the church. She only focused on reaising her children. We are now all established lawyer, doctor, priest, accountant... and all over the globe.
God has blessed her more than she could have dreamed.
Please focus on your children and keep your eyes on Jesus. Please ask God to give you the strenght to turn away from fornication. I know it is hard but only He can help you.

Philippians 4:13" I can do all things through him who strengthens me"

I know it is very hard to be caring for your children by yourself. Trust in the Lord, ask for strenght to overcome any situations.
My mom was a widow at the age of 34 with 10 children in Africa. she did not hold a job but raised us through the help of God through the church. She only focused on reaising her children. We are now all established lawyer, doctor, priest, accountant... and all over the globe.
God has blessed her more than she could have dreamed.
Please focus on your children and keep your eyes on Jesus. Please ask God to give you the strenght to turn away from fornication. I know it is hard but only He can help you.

Philippians 4:13" I can do all things through him who strengthens me"


Thank you for sharing such a 'tender and loving' message to her. This is beautiful and I know that it is from your heart...
wait on the Lord, he will answer you ...sometimes what he wants us to do is 'great' in his eye but not in ours, be open to his leading..

I'm just so confused as to what God wants me to do with my life. I keep praying and letting him know that I just want to do what he has in mind for me. I just don't know what that is. Sometimes I feel like I don't have any special purpose, I just feel so pointless at times. I want so bad to make God happy with me because I know I would then be happy with myself. I just don't know what to do at all anymore and it's weighing down so heavy on me. I uses to be so motivated now, not so much. Please pray for me, I know prayer works that's why I just can not give up.
Hi Shimmie,

I am new here and was a lurker for years. This part of the forum made me subscribe
You have blessed me soo much with your loving heart.

You, all the ladies of God are filled with the holy spirit. Every morning I can't wait to be blessed with your prayers and wisdom.

Thanks Shimmie, Leala, TracyChanel, Nice&wavy, Prudent, Iwanthealthyhair all the rest for the Word.
^^ :welcome: to the Christian Forum, Choise!

The LORD make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you ...
they got you too...lol, welcome !

Hi Shimmie,

I am new here and was a lurker for years. This part of the forum made me subscribe
You have blessed me soo much with your loving heart.

You, all the ladies of God are filled with the holy spirit. Every morning I can't wait to be blessed with your prayers and wisdom.

Thanks Shimmie, Leala, TracyChanel, Nice&wavy, Prudent, Iwanthealthyhair all the rest for the Word.
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Choisie, :bighug: Welcome!! I'm looking forward to seeing more posts from you!!

God bless...

Choisie said:
Hi Shimmie,

I am new here and was a lurker for years. This part of the forum made me subscribe
You have blessed me soo much with your loving heart.

You, all the ladies of God are filled with the holy spirit. Every morning I can't wait to be blessed with your prayers and wisdom.

Thanks Shimmie, Leala, TracyChanel, Nice&wavy, Prudent, Iwanthealthyhair all the rest for the Word.

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Hi Shimmie,

I am new here and was a lurker for years. This part of the forum made me subscribe
You have blessed me soo much with your loving heart.

You, all the ladies of God are filled with the holy spirit. Every morning I can't wait to be blessed with your prayers and wisdom.

Thanks Shimmie, Leala, TracyChanel, Nice&wavy, Prudent, Iwanthealthyhair all the rest for the Word.

:welcome3: :love3:

From the post you shared above to comfort Rufigurl, you are the one with the healing of God's Word flowing to reach others. Your post truly blessed me.

Welcome into our hearts.
Iwanthealthyhair67 said:
wait on the Lord, he will answer you ...sometimes what he wants us to do is 'great' in his eye but not in ours, be open to his leading..


What do you mean? Sorry I'm a little slow today lol. I found something today that I loved and wanted I share.


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growinghealthyhair okay for an example say you want to be a preacher , but the Lord wants you to be an armour bearer one who aids the preacher and is behind the scenes, or you want to be a lawyer and the Lord gives you a job of a stenographer ...

One job seems more pretigious and the other not so much, but each role is equally important and vital to the other, there is 'greatness' in both roles...

I'm happy that you've found something, please share


What do you mean? Sorry I'm a little slow today lol. I found something today that I loved and wanted I share.

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