Please pray for my family. My dearly loved uncle was killed earlier today. we're all devastated. And my cousins in particular. they've lost both parents to tragic circumstances. They lost their mom 20 years ago in a terrible car accident.

I'm sorry for your loss. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Please pray that I will continue to find comfort in Christ in my recovery from gallbladder surgery and that I don't have any complications that will hinder the recovery process. I Also pray to conquer the sugar urge whenever it may strike, especially since my body has to go through changes to adjust to not having the gallbladder.

Thank you in advance. :)
Please pray that I will continue to find comfort in Christ in my recovery from gallbladder surgery and that I don't have any complications that will hinder the recovery process. I Also pray to conquer the sugar urge whenever it may strike, especially since my body has to go through changes to adjust to not having the gallbladder.

Thank you in advance. :)

Oh Sweetie.... :bighug:

This is why you were away from the forum for a while? Baby, we are indeed praying for you with our hearts, not just words or vain repetitions.

If I missed any post of yours which shared about your surgery prior, I ask your forgiveness. Please 'stay' with us as you 'heal'. We love you, makeupgirl, and we support you and agree with every desire of your prayers, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
Please pray for me. I was demoted and my hours were cut. I've come into a little financial rut.

:grouphug2: Hi Angel... God has a better 'increase' for you. Look forward to it and look forward to being surrounded even more by the love of God that He indeed has for you.

You are going to be okay... that's His promise. :yep:
Praying for an immediate need we have that G-d provides. Also praying for a mother of 3 who is making bad choices. Also praying for the guy who has terminal illness. Pray for their protection from the irate father and that unapproved relationships are ended. But I don't want to see them homeless and struggling either. This is repeating the same problems over and over again. I am hurt in my heart by hearing her struggles.

PLEASE pray for a victory/favor for me in the courtroom. I have been battling in court with a university for 2 yrs now and SO MUCH is dependent on the judge's decision. This is my LAST appeal. My hearing is scheduled for 9:00(central time) Thursday 12/15. I just want to go back to school and finish what I started.

Also, please pray for my uncle. He went to the hospital for shortness of breath and he is now in heart failure and respiratory failure and on a ventilator. He is scheduled to have a tracheostomy tomorrow. The doctors feel that the trache will be permanent. :sad:

Pray that I can loose my weight and realize my health and fitness goals.

Pray for my nephews that they will be healthy and well adjusted kids.

Pray that my oldest nephew becomes able to talk and have a conversation with others. Just like any regular kids his age.

Pray that the man of my dream meets me and I have wonderful and healthy kids.Pray that in 2012, god unites me and the man of my life .

Pray that I obtain 3 excellent reference and get accepted at Harvard business school .

Pray for all the ladies in this forum who are looking for a job. Pray they get one.
Pray that I obtain a permanent full time position at the Canadian consulate in Boston. May that position be similar to the one that I have now, similar tasks that I enjoy.

Pray that I can pay my income tax and pray that I can have 6000$ by January 2012.

I know this sounds weird but pray that I also get a good male friend. I want to have a male perspective on things and it would be nice to a male friend to confide in.
Please pray that I ace my job interview tomorrow or get a FT position soon.

Please pray that I my child custody case goes smoothly.

Thank you ladies.
Hey Ladies, this is my first post on this part of the forum, but I'm sure it won't be my last. I really need prayer from liked minded individuals right now, I applied for several positions with a company today and I'm just asking that God's will be done. Of course I want to get hired, but sometimes God has a different plan for your life:) Be blessed and pray for me as I seek employment....sooner than later:)
Please pray for Mr. V who is stuck in Vietnam for another week. He called home about having chest pains for days and that he's got some kind of blockage but he's afraid to get treatment there. The family is very worried about him.
Please pray for Mr. V who is stuck in Vietnam for another week. He called home about having chest pains for days and that he's got some kind of blockage but he's afraid to get treatment there. The family is very worried about him.

In Jesus' Name, Father thank you for clearing whatever blockage which may be in this dear man's circulatory system. Please heal him from all stress and fear and from every sickness and disease which has tried to attack his body.

Thank you Father God, for keeping him safe and well and whole and close to you; please bring him home soon and safely, giving peace to him and his family, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Please just pray for me. I feel like I shouldn't get out of bed in the morning. I'm just so weary and heartbroken :(

DaiseeDay ... :kiss:

Dearest Father, we thank you today for the life and joy of our sister, 'DaiseeDay'. We surround her with loving prayers and comfort knowing that you have heard each and every word of her cries.

Dearest Father, we thank you for healing her broken heart, mending the areas which have been bruised. We thank you that her heart has not been shattered and that in the shortness of time, she will be and feel brand new.

Please give Daisee rest. Rest her heart, her soul, her body, her mind. Allow her to feel new life and in you, new life abides and truly you abide in Daisee in the fullness of her entire being.

As you ease the pain, please remove all shame. You are the 'Lifter' of her head, and for whatever has occurred, she has been forgiven and upon her you have placed no blame. You find no fault in her; only love and beauty of your daughter who will always be deep in your heart.

Thank Father for hearing our prayers. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Please pray for Zoran Bosovic, age 40, and his family in Chicago. He's been missing with no leads for 2 weeks now. There is NO NEWS on his whereabouts, not a trace. He has a wife and 3 children. Was last seen at work mid Jan. We do fear he is dead.
Please pray for Zoran Bosovic, age 40, and his family in Chicago. He's been missing with no leads for 2 weeks now. There is NO NEWS on his whereabouts, not a trace. He has a wife and 3 children. Was last seen at work mid Jan. We do fear he is dead.

Most definitely praying for this dear man's life and safe return home and for the peace of his family. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

They murdered him! A prominent business man with family and a mother. They killed him over a damned laptop and threw his body in a dumpster. How's that for life on earth. I'm so angry over this. Please hold his family in your hearts and pray for the repentance of the culprits.
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Oh, nooo.... I'm sorry to hear that.. :nono:

I pray God comforts his family, esp the little ones! Yes, prayer for the culprits. Lord have mercy.
Guitarhero said:

They murdered him! A prominent business man with family and a mother. They killed him over a damned laptop and threw his body in a dumpster. How's that for life on earth. I'm so angry over this. Please hold his family in your hearts and pray for the repentance of the culprits.

I'm so sorry to hear that Guitarhero. We prayed for him and his family last night on the prayer line. I'll definitely keep his family in my prayers. This is such a sad situation.

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They murdered him! A prominent business man with family and a mother. They killed him over a damned laptop and threw his body in a dumpster. How's that for life on earth. I'm so angry over this. Please hold his family in your hearts and pray for the repentance of the culprits.

Ohhhhh no.... :nono: I'm very sad about this. And I totally affirm your feelings. I feel sad and angry about this as well. Over a simple laptop ? Senseless killing has to be punished.

We will definitely hold his family in prayer and that the culprits, all involved will not be able to get away with this.

My prayers are with you too, Guitar, you have such a loving heart, I can only imagine how much this hurts you. :kiss:
Heavenly Father, I bow in worship and praise before you. I cover myself with the blood of Jesus Christ and claim the protection of the blood for my family, my finances, my home, my spirit, soul and body. I surrender myself completely in every area of my life to you. I address myself only to the True and living God, who has all power, and control over everything. Satan, I command you and all your demon forces of darkness, in the name of Jesus Christ to leave my presence. I bring the blood of Jesus Christ between the devil and my family, my home, my finances, my spirit, soul and body.

I declare, therefore, that Satan and his wicked spirits are subject to me in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Furthermore, in my own life today, I destroy and tear down all the strongholds of Satan and smash the plans of Satan that have been formed against me and my family. I tear down the strongholds of the devil against my mind, and I surrender my mind to you, blessed Holy Spirit. I affirm Heavenly Father, that you have not given me the Spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7). Therefore, I resist the spirit of fear in the name of Jesus the Son of the living God, and I refuse to doubt, refuse to worry, because I have authority (power) over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt me (Luke 10:19). I claim complete and absolute victory over the forces of darkness in the name of Jesus and I bind the devil and command him to loose my peace, joy, prosperity and every member of my family for the glory of God and by faith I call it done.

I break and smash the strongholds of Satan formed against my emotions today and give my emotions to you Lord Jesus. I destroy the strongholds of Satan against my body today. I give my body to you Lord Jesus realizing that I am the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16, 1 Cor. 6:19-20). Again, I cover myself with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and pray that the Holy Ghost would bring all the work of the Crucifixion, all the work of the Resurrection, all the work of the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ into my life. I surrender my life and possession to you. I refuse to fear, worry or to be discouraged in the Name of Jesus. I will not hate, envy or show any type of bitterness toward my brothers, sisters or enemies, but still will love them with the love of God shed aboard in my heart by the Holy Ghost.

Open my eyes and show me the areas of my life that does not please you and give me the strength, grace and wisdom to remove any sin or weight that would prevent our close fellowship. Work in me to cleanse me from all ground that would give the devil a foothold against me. I claim in every way the victory of the Cross over all satanic forces in my life. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with Thanksgiving and I welcome all the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Please pray for my nephew and my sister. Some months ago my nephew,17yr old, left my sisters house and started living in the park, that's directly across the street. He refused to return home. We later learned that he began hanging out with the gang and last night he was arrested. He was found with a gun and being held as an adult. I don't know what has happen in my sister's home that lead to this. She has made herself sick worrying.
Please pray for my nephew and my sister. Some months ago my nephew,17yr old, left my sisters house and started living in the park, that's directly across the street. He refused to return home. We later learned that he began hanging out with the gang and last night he was arrested. He was found with a gun and being held as an adult. I don't know what has happen in my sister's home that lead to this. She has made herself sick worrying.

O' Dear... we need God's direction on this ASAP !

Maybe he lived in the park to protect his mother.... ?????
Prayer of protection for President Obama and his family. Prayer against attacks like the one plotted this week.
My only prayer concern is for those in self created and Godly ordained positions of power.I hope those who are in self created positions are removed and those who are placed in the roles by God will stay on point and not lose focus and not become stupid like so many in society are becoming. I also pray for the prayer team here,that they will not lose sight of the goal and will speak not eloquent or formal but really speak what is really needed to be said plain and clear so that the masses can be effected.