please pray that God continues to sustain me financially and provide income while I'm yet waiting for my career job.

My rent is due today and I don't know how I'm going to pay for it. I'm sitting here scared, tearful and worried about tomorrow....TODAY!!
please pray that God continues to sustain me financially and provide income while I'm yet waiting for my career job.

My rent is due today and I don't know how I'm going to pay for it. I'm sitting here scared, tearful and worried about tomorrow....TODAY!!

:kiss: Awwww, Precious MarriageMaterial...

Today's your 'Birth' day.

Little Angel, it's the 'Birth' of new beginnings for you; the 'Birth' of new provision, the 'Birth' of new peace which surpasses all understanding.

Father God, we don't know how you're going to do it, but we trust and we know that you will do it. You are doing a special thing, a new thing, undoing the former things, for this precious child of yours.

Father her rent is due, not past due... in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
I need prayers for strength to complete these final steps towards getting my degree. After 4.5 yrs of hard work and God's favor on my life, I am now in desperate need of a final boost to finish the race. I feel overwhelmed and stressed with my upcoming final exam, presentation and dissertation (that's due tomorrow).
Please pray with me that I will do an excellent job and impress my supervisory committee members so that I can be awarded this PhD.

Thank you and God bless!

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Please pray for the mother of someone I grew up with. She is going through her second fight with cancer, and this time it doesn't look too good. This woman is a creative, fearless, God-fearing person. May God have his way, and provide comfort to her family and friends.
This is a confession I find very very hard to bring up here but if I don't say anything and continue to let it dwell inside me, the pain intensifies and I don't know what I'll do with myself...

If it's ok; I'm in desperate need of prayer to break a soul tie I unknowingly initiated when I was sixteen years old. What started out as a girl crush turned into an unhealthy 'love' obsession with my....youth minister who was 20 years old when this started ....I know it sounds insane, taboo and even blasphemous right? But it happened and I can't seem to rid myself of it no matter what help I try to seek out. I've harbored these feelings for him for a long time and to make matters worse, the feelings intensified when I found out he was got married earlier this year. :nono::nono::nono:

So in a rash, and stupidly emotional outburst, I found a way to get into contact with him and confessed my 'love' for him in an email. :nono::nono:
I don't want to post a novel on here but the entire ordeal has left me sad,tired, drained, humiliated,paranoid and miserable. On top of that my self esteem has taken a nose dive for the worse. I don't know if should explain everything from beginning to end in another thread, but it comes to the conclusion that I seriously need help...I don't know what's wrong with me...

ITA: I forgot to mention this earlier as I was tired when I posted this (so sorry!) I'm in a relationship with someone else and I've been with him for six years, going on seven tomorrow. Another reason I want this current soul tie to be severed so I can strengthen the one I have in this relationship.
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Please pray for me concerning finding my accountability partner. I have been trying to walk out some pretty heavy stuff and I really feel like I need someone to talk to and help me process through some things. I'm so afraid of trusting people though. Also in learning to trust God completely.

Thank you.
Please pray that I pass all of my final exams that I have recently completed so that I can become independent, and provide a good example for my family.
Coming out of lurk mode to ask that you all keep me in your prayers as I transition into a new stage of life. I have so many decisions/choices to make, and I don't know where to start.I want to trust in God wholeheartedly, but I keep getting in His way. Thanks for your time
I am asking for you all keep my husband in your prayers. He has had a hard few months with health issues. We need prayer about his current diagnosis. The Lord has been so good to us we have had so many road blocks and he has lifted us over. This has been an constant nine months of serious medical issues. I am trusting in the Lord. We are worried about our teenagers and how they are handling this. I am worried about my husband who has been so strong seems a little shaken. He has had cancer, it is in remission due to a bone marrow transplant earlier this year. He has been hospitlized on and off for one month increments due to infections because of meds that suppress his immune system. It seems everytime we make progress we get negative news a few days later. I feel dizzy it is almost too much. I just keep praying for strength and healing. PLease pray for my husband.
Please keep me in prayer when I face people that bring out the worse in me and try to get me to yield to the flesh. I did it today when talking to an old adversary of mine and we just bring out the absolute worse in each other. It was wrong that I played into the foolishness and I just pray that I will yield to the Holy Spirit and not grieve him whenever I'm in the presence of these people. I also pray for their salvation and that God will continue to bless them.
Please keep me in prayer when I face people that bring out the worse in me and try to get me to yield to the flesh. I did it today when talking to an old adversary of mine and we just bring out the absolute worse in each other. It was wrong that I played into the foolishness and I just pray that I will yield to the Holy Spirit and not grieve him whenever I'm in the presence of these people. I also pray for their salvation and that God will continue to bless them.


Love, don't be concerned about the adversaries of the flesh, neither be dismayed nor concerned by what they think of your or what they say or do.

How can this be so? Easy, Love. It's Easy. For God shall keep you in 'Perfect Peace' for your heart and your mind is stayed upon HIM and not the opposition.

You are not the person you 'fear' that you are. You are indeed a daughter of God with a heart like His, full of love and honour. Walk in this, for it's who you are, for always.

If you should fall, Jesus has promised to 'carry' you, when the struggle becomes hardest. You're more than 'okay' with Him, you really are. And you are more than a Conqueror through Jesus Christ who loves you, through this and every challenge this life presents.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :giveheart:
I have a few prayer requests.

First I ask that you will pray that God will reveal the true spirit behind some things that were said and done yesterday. People often try to pretend that they mean well or have no ill intentions but I question what happened. I don't feel it was done in a genuine spirit.

I also ask for prayer for my friend who is still having a hard time finding a job and is struggling with what looks to be alopecia.

Finally I ask for prayer for my cousin: that she will be accepted into the dental hygiene program.

PLease add me to your prayer request tonight.

Please Pray that I get accepted to Harvard and that I obtain 3 excellent references.

Pray that I obtain a permanent full time postion at the Canadian consulate in Boston. May that position be similar to the one that I have now, similar tasks that I enjoy.

Pray that in 2012, god unites me and the man of my life .

Pray for the health of my family and I . Pray for my nephews and pray that my oldest nephew becomes able to have a conversation and behave like any regular child his age.

Please dont forget to pray for all LHCf members.


Love, don't be concerned about the adversaries of the flesh, neither be dismayed nor concerned by what they think of your or what they say or do.

How can this be so? Easy, Love. It's Easy. For God shall keep you in 'Perfect Peace' for your heart and your mind is stayed upon HIM and not the opposition.

You are not the person you 'fear' that you are. You are indeed a daughter of God with a heart like His, full of love and honour. Walk in this, for it's who you are, for always.

If you should fall, Jesus has promised to 'carry' you, when the struggle becomes hardest. You're more than 'okay' with Him, you really are. And you are more than a Conqueror through Jesus Christ who loves you, through this and every challenge this life presents.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :giveheart:

Thank you Ms. Shimmie! :giveheart:
Looking forward to Tuesday's prayer line. My prayer request:
1. My daughter's healing n her focus on her life n career. That will be one of my prayer requests until I see the manifestation of it.
2. That the Lord gives me guidance n direction into my purpose n destiny.
I'm praying n consecrating to hear
from God but yet feel disconnected

3. I pray that every prayer request on this board is answered n that God ministers, heals n set free his people.
In Jesus name Amen.
thank you so much!

he actually went to that program in VA. i told him it would take time and practice but he was very disappointed when he was not cured upon returning home. i think he hoped i would be wrong.

please continue to pray! his demeanor is getting better and i believe it's because of your prayers!!
Can you please pray for me. This has been a very tough semester. i took to many classes at once because i was trying to graduate early, and it all backfired because i could not handle it. i am exhausted and stressed out. The classes i have are demanding and no matter how much studying i am doing..... it does not seem like it is enough because i am spreading my time between 7 classes. Help me pray that all my efforts will not be in vain. i have my finals next week.1) Pray for me so that i can pass each of my finals and i get exactly the grades i need to pass the class. 2) That i do not lose my schorlarship due to my grades from this semester. 3) Good health and stamina, to get me through the one week left. i have being so tired lately no matter how much i sleep i keep waking up tired and stressed.
God has given me the opportunity to play basketball on the same team with a scout who coaches for a great school (it's a womens league). I pray that God will place into her heart to recruit me to play at her school with a scholarship next season, of course if its in Gods will. (there is no way I can pay out of pocket).
Please pray for Sheilah, whose baby was born but she's now in a coma. Pray that she comes out and is healed. Also pray for her family enduring this stressful time. Thank you.

PLease add me to your prayer request tonight.

Please Pray that I get accepted to Harvard and that I obtain 3 excellent references.

Pray that I obtain a permanent full time postion at the Canadian consulate in Boston. May that position be similar to the one that I have now, similar tasks that I enjoy.

Pray that in 2012, god unites me and the man of my life .

Pray for the health of my family and I . Pray for my nephews and pray that my oldest nephew becomes able to have a conversation and behave like any regular child his age.

Please dont forget to pray for all LHCf members.

Please pray for my family. My dearly loved uncle was killed earlier today. we're all devastated. And my cousins in particular. they've lost both parents to tragic circumstances. They lost their mom 20 years ago in a terrible car accident.
Sorry to hear about your uncle I am praying for you and the family...that the Lord will comfort your aching hearts and strengthen you all during this time...

Please pray for my family. My dearly loved uncle was killed earlier today. we're all devastated. And my cousins in particular. they've lost both parents to tragic circumstances. They lost their mom 20 years ago in a terrible car accident.
All I ask for in prayer is that my new mentee/baby bro will do well tomorrow on his interview and he is able to start school in Jan.

I also hope that the vision of having a young adult workshop on life skills comes fluidly and flows well as this is something important to the black community.I hope it can branch into something big.
I'm keeping you all in my prayers...
I humbly ask for prayer in a few areas:
I ask that you pray for me to be reunited/reconciled with my soulmate and that for us to be free obstacles and misunderstandings, haters
I ask for prayer so that he can get into a good residency program in the same city we will live
I ask that my financial endeavor resolves quickly and successfully.
I ask for us the clarity courage faith so we can commit to each other in Gods presence.
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Please pray for my family. My dearly loved uncle was killed earlier today. we're all devastated. And my cousins in particular. they've lost both parents to tragic circumstances. They lost their mom 20 years ago in a terrible car accident.

nathansgirl1908, I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle. :kiss:

I have you in my prayers, I promise; for you and your Uncle's children and family. God bless you and bring peace and comfort to your hearts. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Can you please pray for me. This has been a very tough semester. i took to many classes at once because i was trying to graduate early, and it all backfired because i could not handle it. i am exhausted and stressed out. The classes i have are demanding and no matter how much studying i am doing..... it does not seem like it is enough because i am spreading my time between 7 classes. Help me pray that all my efforts will not be in vain. i have my finals next week.1) Pray for me so that i can pass each of my finals and i get exactly the grades i need to pass the class. 2) That i do not lose my schorlarship due to my grades from this semester. 3) Good health and stamina, to get me through the one week left. i have being so tired lately no matter how much i sleep i keep waking up tired and stressed.

Praying for you xquisitduchess... :bighug:

Rest, precious one... just rest. God is giving you His best.