Please keep me in your prayers ladies. I have been struggling to get my life back on track after letting a few obstacles send me into a depression ( death of my sis/dad) I hate I let these things hinder me. Especially in my studies. I know God is going to continue to pull me and my family through this. Thanks ladies.
Im asking for prayer for myself to make it through this very trying time. I am under attack because my breakthrough is at hand.

I am praying for strength and endurance to make it to my victory.

Also pray for my baby girl to have a good and safe delivery of a healthy baby girl, my grandbaby, on this coming monday by c-section.

Praising God from Whom all blessings flow!
Please pray for me for healing of my body. I don't feel well and I'm getting results of some blood tests tomorrow. Please pray that the Lord will heal my body through and through. I believe God is a healer and I will give him all the praise and glory.

Thank you for your prayers. All of my results came back normal- this is huge because the first doctor I went to told me I was sick and my lab results were positive. I talked to my mother - a strong praying Christian woman and she said I was not sick now who's report would I choose to believe? God's or the Doctor's? So 10 months later I go to my new doctor and tell him all I'd been going through and I get the blood work done and I'm fine. I'm healed. And come to find out, the reason why I didn't feel well was due to depression and anxiety from the first misdiagnosis. I'm a living witness- God is a healer of all diseases. When people say there is no cure don't receive that. God is the ultimate healer. I thank him everyday for what he's done for me.
I want to pray a surface prayer like God please give me this job I have applied for however I want something much deeper.I want to be able to trust others and not be so on guarded.I also want to be able to trust God as I feel alot of times he does things unnecessaryly hard.I don't see the point to alot of the turbulance I go through .I know some things are off my own mess ups..I want to be able to trust him and believe he is doing whats best and at least get wisdom to be able to see the purpose of where I am now.
I need prayer today. I am facing an uphill battle and I need to be uplifted in my time of need.
I already posted this statement in another thread as I forgot this thread was here.

"I won't go into detail but if any of you ladies can keep me in your prayers, I'd greatly appreciate it." Also if you all can keep one of my coworkers in your prayers as she and her family are also going through a rough time. God Bless!!!
I am in a situation/crisis where I cannot pay for college. I graduated this past June, and I got into three great schools that I can't afford. I prayed/fasted/tithed/had faith in God to help me to pay for at least one of the schools, and here I am at the end of July without a clue as to how to pay. School starts up in 40 days, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to go to a 2 year school at all, I just want to be able to afford one of the schools that I got accepted into. Please pray that I will be able to pay for one of the schools that I got accepted into. (University of Hartford, Franklin Pierce University, College of St. Rose are the schools that I got accepted into.)
Hi everyone,

My sister's best friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She starts chemo next week and is stressed and trying to come to terms with loosing her hair and wearing a wig for 5 months. Can you please lift her up in prayer and please pray for her family and friends that we give her all the support, strength, and love she needs. Thank you!!

If anyone has gone through this and has tips or words of comfort that I can give her please PM me. I haven't known what to say other than I love you and I'm here for you.
Please say a few prayers for me and my family tomorrow. It is a very difficult day and we are hoping for a favorable outcome. I am very worried and am very anxious and would appreciate any prayers and positive thoughts for tomorrow.
I normally ask for prayer for tangible things right now I need prayer for strength,the ability to keep my mind while going through,sexual purity in thought and in actions,wisdom and discipline.I also ask for protective covering over my new apartment I don't want foolishness to occur.
Please pray for me.

The past couple of weeks have been very trying for me financially. I am suppose to begin school in August but all kind of financial obstacles are coming at me that may prevent me from enrolling. If I do not enroll this semester, I'll have to wait Fall of next year to enroll. I do not qualify for any type of financial aid so I'm praying for a financial breakthrough so that I can enroll by the start date which is the 15th. I feel that since I've decided to start back school that all types of problems have been creeping up to discourage me (major car problems, major bills, etc.) for wanting to attend.

Also, I'm asking for prayers on finding a job with better pay, better environment and a wonderful boss.
Please pray for a very sweet lady I interacted with today. She has such a forgiving,wonderful spirit, and her faith is amazing. Please pray that she will find employment very soon and that God will continue to take care of her.
Please pray that I get a job in my desire industry. Human resources with the salary to match my knowledge, experience and skills.

Also pray that God will continue to sustain me (as in keeping all bills paid, etc) while I yet wait).

Thank you!
Ladies, Please pray for me. i'm goring through a real rough patch right now and I can use all the prayers I can get right now. Much appreciated!
Hello everyone,

I'm not new to LHCF but I am newly subscribed! I found this thread and was elated to be able to find fellowship here. I have been looking at these requests and praying over them so I thought I'd also share one that is on my heart.

My brother is a VERY talented individual who has a fairly debilitating speech problem. His stutters don't come out as broken words, instead the words don't come out at all and he feels as if he is locked in a cage 85% of the time. Because of this he does not go out and share his work (he is an artist), he does not network, and his anger stifled his creativity for over 2 years. He is finally getting back to art but his anger also pushed him away from the Bible, living a virtuous and Godly life, and the church.

Please pray for him. For wisdom, strength, direction, motivation, healing, and peace. I believe being involved in the church community is extremely important but his relationship with God is much, much more important (I believe once he has repaired his relationship with God, then he will seek others who love God as well). It breaks my heart when I interact with him and can hear the anger in his voice, see the sadness in his eyes, and the defeat in his countenance. He cannot see how many people admire him, and keeps himself closed off from all but 3 people (including our mom and me). I have seen him blossom, flourish, shine, and touch lives so this dark, angry, bitter, and broken man is not the brother that once loved God and lived to serve him.

Thank you for reading this and your prayers. I will continue to read over new requests and share in lifting up your needs, thoughts, struggles, and praises!

Please pray for me, I'm not sure how much longer I can be as drained as I am. I need God to move for me so badly, it just seems impossible.
Everyone, please pray that God blesses me with a job in the corporate world with my desire pay, benefits and title. I'm in need of a job, my online gigs are good, but I need money and benefits.

Also, please pray that God continues to sustain me financially and provide income while I'm yet waiting for my career job.
please pray for me, i completed one part of the interview now its testing. After that I hopefully, will have part 3 there are so many steps to getting a job now.