Prayers are needed for my son B. He is 16 years old, doing things that I wouldn't even imagine. Rebelling, failing in school, wandering with no direction. I ask for prayer for his covering and protection, and that the Lord would speak to the hurt and pain he's going through and heal him of it. Also that the things that he is doing wouldn't have a long lasting detrimental effect on his life. Thank you
With all the prayers in this thread. My request may seem small by comparison, but it's big to me.

Please pray that God sends my husband quickly and we are both ready to be one.

I have been alone (no dating...nothing) for 5 years to this very date. I'll admit I wasn't ready to accept a husband ready man until November 2010. That experience knocked me off my feet, because I wasn't thinking about a husband or marriage.

But I can't explain it, I feel like I'm a dam about to erupt, with the emotion of not knowing or being with the "one". I feel that he should be here, I feel there's a block somewhere in our paths. I can't explain it, I'm ready to scream.

I don't know what's the matter with me. Please just pray....sorry for the rant.
Please pray for the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma that a good, honest and gdly chief is elected and that all around him/her are equally of good caliber.
My grandfather has been in the hospital for 7 weeks and 2 days. Please pray for him. He went in for heart surgery. Last night they put him on a ventilator.

He had been recovering from the surgery and he had started rehab (physical therapy, occupational therapy). This week he started having difficulty breathing so they took him back to the ICU last night.

Please pray that he successfully comes off of the ventilator, breathes on his own easily and comfortably, and recovers to go back to living a happy & healthy life.
My grandfather has been in the hospital for 7 weeks and 2 days. Please pray for him. He went in for heart surgery. Last night they put him on a ventilator.

He had been recovering from the surgery and he had started rehab (physical therapy, occupational therapy). This week he started having difficulty breathing so they took him back to the ICU last night.

Please pray that he successfully comes off of the ventilator, breathes on his own easily and comfortably, and recovers to go back to living a happy & healthy life.
My grandfather passed away today.
I am keeping all of you ladies in my prayers.

My heart is so heavy. I am asking everyone to pray for me also. I have been without steady employment for the past 3 years, since my divorce. I am living with guilt and depression stemming from the divorce, a past abortion and many other things that threaten to keep me down everyday.

I know that God is able and I will not give up. Every day is a struggle but, a breakthrough is on the way.
Hello ladies,

I haven't posted to the board in a long time, but I'm here today asking for your help.
I am attempting to get a job as a news anchor in my hometown, which has been my dream since I was a little girl. Just recently a position opened up, and to me it seems like its Divine timing for me. Unfortunately, life has take me on several detours off the road to my goal, and right now the odds look to be against me. But I know all things are possible through Christ, and God can work miracles. Please pray with me. I feel like this job is meant for me.

Thank you all in advance :)
So just started divorce process (he hasn't even been served yet) and even though is the decision, it's still a hit with each step. Please pray that things go smoothly. I'm hoping for a default, where things can be settled relatively easy and quickly, but I don't know where his head is at and am not sure of his response actually.

Thanks; good thread
hi guys, i would like u guys to pray for a friend and a his family, he was murdered on tuesday night a few blocks away from my home after coming out of the library. he was a good kid and i cant believe that he is gone, this will be the first summer that i can remember that i wont see him in the park playing basketball with his friends ( my friends), its hard to believe that i will never see him again he was my neighbor so i used to see him almost everyday i cant believe what has happened may his soul rest in peace
Hello everyone,

I have been a member here since 2005 & this is my first time coming to this forum, but i am glad i finally did.

Just like many of us i am going through certain issues and i have decisions to make and goals to accomplish. I feel overwhelmed yet anxious to get my life on track. I am in a relationship that started off great but things happened & i forgave and now we are doing great.

I just want pray for all of the lovely ladies on lhcf & i would like to ask God to forgive me/us for our sins. I pray that God helps me make wiser decisions and i pray for my relationship & that it continues to get better. I would also like to pray for my oldest son & my family who are thousands of miles away from me...i would like to pray for my SOs children & family as well. I ask that God continues to be with us everywhere we are in life and keep us filled with faith in knowing that we can get through anything because we know that God is watching over us.

Please pray for my childhood friend Angela who is suffering in the final stages of cancer. Help her to continue to have faith in God and trust in whatever is His will for her life. Pray for her family & friends please that they also be strong in their faith & are able to be a blessing to her.
Please pray for me. My foster daughter is lying on me saying things that never happened just becuse I informed the people in charge of her that she did drugs.

I put this entire situation in God's hands and I would just like for everyone to pray for me. thanks
Saints, please pray that its the Lord's will in my speedy recovery of this viral infection I've caught. It's been affecting my diabetes and my asthma. I thought my temperature was broken but it has come back and I'm feeling disoriented and dizzy as I'm typing. I'm at work btw and I can't go home yet but I just pray for strength to get through the rest of my shift and that I will surrender unto the treatment that God has for me.

Thanks sisters. :)
Please, please pray for this young man in my daughter's class who is frightened. He's seeing demons and sensing evil things staring at him. My daughter gave him some good advice to talk to a pastor or go to church and talk to a priest. He wants to come with us. Doesn't live with his parents...don't know what the rules are gonna be about taking him to church and I don't know if he's dabbling in the occult...but he surely needs prayer. I'm about to send my daughter to school with a St. Benedict's medal to give to him. Poor kid.
Please pray for me for healing of my body. I don't feel well and I'm getting results of some blood tests tomorrow. Please pray that the Lord will heal my body through and through. I believe God is a healer and I will give him all the praise and glory.
I just moved a few months back for the 3rd time this year, I just moved to a city which I love dearly and into a house that I really felt like I was home when I walked through the door.

Now, my prayer is to not only get the job that Im persuing at this time, but to be offered more money because of my many years of experience.

I also pray that I could be able to buy the house that I am now renting as the landlords wants to sell at a great price!

I do Know that all things are possible with God. I also believe that if 2 or more touch and agree then He will hear and grant our requests.
I just moved a few months back for the 3rd time this year, I just moved to a city which I love dearly and into a house that I really felt like I was home when I walked through the door.

Now, my prayer is to not only get the job that Im persuing at this time, but to be offered more money because of my many years of experience.

I also pray that I could be able to buy the house that I am now renting as the landlords wants to sell at a great price!

I do Know that all things are possible with God. I also believe that if 2 or more touch and agree then He will hear and grant our requests.

Father in the name of Jesus, who is far above every name and far, far above every decision that anyone can make for our lives. This meaning, that you alone are the Master and the Promoter and the Increaser of this precious sister's life.

No one can come against the desires and the blessings which you have in store for her; no other rules except you and only you.

Thank you for blessing her to own the very home which she has found and loves; pay not only the full amount but all of the taxes and repairs, furnishings and decor; thank Father God for so much more. While these are mere material things, we thank you for giving her the assurance that you are the one who rules and controls and no man can deny what you have in store for her.

Keep her, protect her, provide for her, keep her healthy and strong. Bless her with safe and reliable transportation and provision beyond her hopes and dreams.

Unto you be all the glory and honour...for always. For thou art God; there is no other.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
My sister's child passed away from a long illness. They could use everyone's prayers. Thank you.

Guitarhero :Rose:

Precious Guitar... I'm just seeing this. I'm so sorry. I pray for healing and peace for your sister and each of you in her family.

With all of my heart, I am sending you my love and prayers.

In Jesus' Name... Amen.

Please pray for me for healing of my body. I don't feel well and I'm getting results of some blood tests tomorrow. Please pray that the Lord will heal my body through and through. I believe God is a healer and I will give him all the praise and glory.

In Jesus' Name, 'By His Stripes, you are healed. '

I'm praying for you to feel better and to receive your total healing in Jesus.

God bless you... :Rose:
Joining in loving prayers for everyone in this thread...

In Jesus' Name, healing, finances, homes, families, peace of mind, marriages, children, education, protection, every prayer request, is prayed for in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Only Believe....... Only Believer..... Only Believe..... :grouphug2:
Father in the name of Jesus, who is far above every name and far, far above every decision that anyone can make for our lives. This meaning, that you alone are the Master and the Promoter and the Increaser of this precious sister's life.

No one can come against the desires and the blessings which you have in store for her; no other rules except you and only you.

Thank you for blessing her to own the very home which she has found and loves; pay not only the full amount but all of the taxes and repairs, furnishings and decor; thank Father God for so much more. While these are mere material things, we thank you for giving her the assurance that you are the one who rules and controls and no man can deny what you have in store for her.

Keep her, protect her, provide for her, keep her healthy and strong. Bless her with safe and reliable transportation and provision beyond her hopes and dreams.

Unto you be all the glory and honour...for always. For thou art God; there is no other.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Shimmie, thank you child of God so much for this beautiful prayer for me. This was so powerful, may God continue to keep you and bless you in all areas. To God be the glory!
Shimmie, thank you child of God so much for this beautiful prayer for me. This was so powerful, may God continue to keep you and bless you in all areas. To God be the glory!

The 'Sky' is not the limit for you. God has far, far more. :yep:

To God be the Glory.
I pray for my coworkers and associates as many of us lost our jobs yesterday morning. I also say a special prayer for a coworker/friend who is six months pregnant with her third child and was the only working person in her household (her husband is self-employed, but business has been very slow).
Hi, I am expecting a phone call tomorrow concerning a job position that I would really like. I feel as if God is putting me on track for this. Please pray that I get a favourable call accepting me for a job position at the company. I am currently finishing up my degree (Summer School) and I'm looking for employment. This will truly be a blessing to my family and me. Thanks.
Please pray for my friend's baby. She is currently at the hospital and is in the ICU because of ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) after some vomit entered her lungs. This beautiful baby is 1 and a half and I pray she will get at least 80 more years on this Earth.
Please, please, keep her in your prayers.