Father in the name of Jesus, who is far above every name and far, far above every decision that anyone can make for our lives. This meaning, that you alone are the Master and the Promoter and the Increaser of this precious sister's life.
No one can come against the desires and the blessings which you have in store for her; no other rules except you and only you.
Thank you for blessing her to own the very home which she has found and loves; pay not only the full amount but all of the taxes and repairs, furnishings and decor; thank Father God for so much more. While these are mere material things, we thank you for giving her the assurance that you are the one who rules and controls and no man can deny what you have in store for her.
Keep her, protect her, provide for her, keep her healthy and strong. Bless her with safe and reliable transportation and provision beyond her hopes and dreams.
Unto you be all the glory and honour...for always. For thou art God; there is no other.
In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.