Please pray for my ex-spouse. He's been hospitalized 3 times for serious events within a span of 2 months. He cut his eye by smashing glass when he had low blood sugar. He was most recently hospitalized for a tooth infection but they couldn't extract his tooth due to not getting his sugar down. He passes out driving, swerving etc. He's a mess and a very hateful individual now and I don't like him, but he's the father of my children. Please pray for my kids because they are worried...and I've not even told them the truth about this latest stuff either. I am afraid he's going to die soon. When he goes back home to visit his family...I fear that he will get sick and you don't want to be that sick there. :nono:
I have prayed for you, concerning your job situation -- that Jehovah-jireh keeps you in perfect peace.
The enemy cannot take away from you what Almighty God has given.

2 Tim 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Please pray for me ladies, I'm afraid I might lose my job. TIA
Please pray for my friend's friend. The doctor found a lump in her breast and determined it to be breast cancer. The next step is to find out how advanced it is.

I believe for God to remove the cancer from her body and bring her complete healing as though she never had cancer. She is in early 30s, just finished school, and has so much to accomplish. Please unite with me in major prayer.
I need prayer for so much Lord.
I need prayer to get my degree for undergrad.
I need prayer to be ready for judgement day
I need prayer to know what direction to take my faith and spirituality.
I need to bathe in God's protection and love.
please pray for my college situation.
I have finished all my classes for a BA in Biology and sadly got a D in my genetics class. I needed a C to officially graduate. I'm worried and kinda shut down about it because it is delaying the progress i want to make in my career. I feel so sucky, i have low self esteem due to my struggles in school. I have to take this genetics class again a third time it seems. I pray that i learn what i need to out of this lesson. It would be nice to not have to take this class and they just give me my bio Degree!! (Here's hopin).

I'm worried guys. So much is on my mind and heart. not just school but alsso about God. and my romantic relationships. Im single but carry alot of hurt and shame from past relationships. I want to let this all go so i can be free and live and thrive.
Jesus please save me from myself.!
Can somebody please, please pray that I am able to graduate on time this year. so many things keep getting thrown in the way. And please pray for my health and my relationship.
Please pray for me. I'm trying to save my home, the mortgage company says they have sent the loan into foreclosure but I can apply for reinstatement.
Please pray for my father, the urologist has diagnosed him with advanced prostate cancer. Although its not that bad as far as spreading, its has extended outside of the prostate capsule, which means surgery is not recommended. He is about to be placed on hormone therapy for 3 months to see if the tumor responds to it. If so he will continue on hormone therapy, which works to keep the tumor from further spreading. If not then he will start chem which pretty much has a prognosis of 12-18 months to live. At this point in time, I am in favor of sustaining his quality of life. I have drastically altered his diet, placed him on supplements and encouraged exercise. At this point in time, we are relying on the power of prayer most of all.

I feel like the lord sent my father home to die with me. I appreciate the time that he has given me with him and like a good daughter I will do the best I can to help him to the best of my ability. My father and mother wasn't always there for me (running the streets) for many of the high and low moments in my life but I still place them on pedestals because they are my parents.

With that being said, I am learning how precious it must be to have a daughter. Although my brother cares, I know he's not going to take care of my father like me. I smile when I say this but we are in this to win it. With the power vested in me by the Lord almighty, we are gonna fight this until we pull down the last string has been pulled. I have such a hard time dealing with death so this will really test me. However, to those who know me best can vouch that I am an eternal optimist but if the Lord decides to take him then there's nothing else I can do. The doctor said he is good condition for someone with his diagnosis but I am slow to rejoice because cancer is a silent killer.

So pray for my dad because I will sincerely appreciate it. And also encourage male loved ones to go in yearly to test their prostate levels. This disease strikes African American men at an alarming rate and the age is getting younger. The urologist has a 35 year old patient. Get your male loved ones some lycopene or saw palmetto to take as part of their daily diet regimen. Pomegranate juice has also been shown in clinical studies to slow down prostate cancer development and spread.
Please pray for my father, the urologist has diagnosed him with advanced prostate cancer. Although its not that bad as far as spreading, its has extended outside of the prostate capsule, which means surgery is not recommended. He is about to be placed on hormone therapy for 3 months to see if the tumor responds to it. If so he will continue on hormone therapy, which works to keep the tumor from further spreading. If not then he will start chem which pretty much has a prognosis of 12-18 months to live. At this point in time, I am in favor of sustaining his quality of life. I have drastically altered his diet, placed him on supplements and encouraged exercise. At this point in time, we are relying on the power of prayer most of all.

I feel like the lord sent my father home to die with me. I appreciate the time that he has given me with him and like a good daughter I will do the best I can to help him to the best of my ability. My father and mother wasn't always there for me (running the streets) for many of the high and low moments in my life but I still place them on pedestals because they are my parents.

With that being said, I am learning how precious it must be to have a daughter. Although my brother cares, I know he's not going to take care of my father like me. I smile when I say this but we are in this to win it. With the power vested in me by the Lord almighty, we are gonna fight this until we pull down the last string has been pulled. I have such a hard time dealing with death so this will really test me. However, to those who know me best can vouch that I am an eternal optimist but if the Lord decides to take him then there's nothing else I can do. The doctor said he is good condition for someone with his diagnosis but I am slow to rejoice because cancer is a silent killer.

So pray for my dad because I will sincerely appreciate it. And also encourage male loved ones to go in yearly to test their prostate levels. This disease strikes African American men at an alarming rate and the age is getting younger. The urologist has a 35 year old patient. Get your male loved ones some lycopene or saw palmetto to take as part of their daily diet regimen. Pomegranate juice has also been shown in clinical studies to slow down prostate cancer development and spread.

You're in my prayers Whipz.:kiss:
Please pray that Im able to keep up with my job,that I will be able to push through the fear thats going on in my life right now.Im really trying to stay positive if its only for my clients.
Whew. My heart is so heavy right now. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, just a few months after my sister died of ovarian cancer. The news hit us hard as we were all still trying to heal from the long and difficult ordeal that my sister went thru. Anyway, she had a mastectomy and went thru chemo. It was very hard on her and the rest of us, especially me ~the one that's the rock and ray of sunshine for the whole family. But thank God, she made it thru. That was almost two years ago.

Recently my mom started having terrible pain in her arm on the opposite side. Tests confirm that it's cancer...again. I feel so helples's. She's a strong Christian and has been believing God for healing. But, the thought of going thru the chemo process again is too much for her...and us.

I don't know what else to do but lay before the Lord and ask Him to lift us all up from this painful pit. Please pray. I can't even think straight, let alone lift my eyes.

Additionally, my father is in poor health and this is causing more stress on him than he can bear. We're hard-pressed on everyside, Lord. Remember our frames, that we are but dust.

Thanks, ladies. And may God multiply blessings back into the lives of every praying heart. Amen.
2 Corinthians 4: 8 to 9 (NIV)
We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.

Praying for your strength and your mother and father's healing. By His stripes they ARE healed.

God bless!
I never come here, but I was lead by Him to post as someone needs this:

It has already been written than you will be taken care of in this life, and the next one.

You were created in perfect love, and in perfect love there is no fear.
I've been unemployed for months now. Please pray for me. God has sustained me with my bills being paid (cost of living).

But I have to file for bankruptcy for my credit card bills (which is fine, I need a clean slate). Just pray that God send money my way to pay off my bills until he blesses me with a job so I can support myself regularly.
Hey ladies. I'm really in need of your prayers. Yesterday I was on my way to Lake Charles, LA because I had a job interview the following morning. I was about 10 minutes from my hotel when an 18 wheeler side swiped my car a made me go off the road. I was on the interstate at this time. To make a long story short I was still able to make my interview with the help of a family friend. My mom and aunt picked me up today and I'm now safely back at home. Needless to say I am very shaken up over the whole ordeal. As of now I have no transportation to work which means no income (for now). I'm also having to wait to see what the insurance company says.

I know that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all I can ask or think. I'm so thankful for His hand of protection around me. Can you all pray with me that 1) everything regarding the accident is resolved quickly in my favor 2) this will not hurt me financially and 3) I can heal from this physically and emotionally.

Thank you all so much.

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Ok ladies I need your help with something rather serious

Back story

A certain type of family moved in next door to us and since then they have been making our lives (and the rest of our street) a living hell they are very noisy and untidy and their 7 kids (yes, 7) play with their ball in the street and repeatedly hit cars parked in driveways, hit their ball in pple's yards and enter these yards without permission etc So basically a nuisance! Since they have moved on they have had a neighbour calling the police on them for entering his property repeatedly while retrieving their ball. He had a very huge spat with them on the street cause well... yeah

Anyway after they climbed onto our garage and my dad went out to ask what they were doing up there and them telling him to *** off they are just getting their ball. the mother was there and she did not say a word, we called the police. They told them not to play their football outside of pple's properties. This was two day sago and it has not happened since. However yesterday when my dad was driving out of the garage one of the boys from next door threatened my dad. We reported this to the police, and they said they will send police to patrol the area and they will also return to us on the 28th

Anyway sorry for such a long post but I am asking that you pray for our safety and God's protection. This family has terrorised a few other households with their behaviour and I ask that you also pray they are moved from this area.

Thank you
Hello Ladies,

God Bless you all! Please pray for:
- my co-worker a lump was found in her breast.
- my mother her job is making her unhappy.
- my father he is not making enough money.
- me: For God, to grant me patience, humility, PATIENCE. That's my biggest problem now.
I ask for prayer in my most humblest plea.I can't seem to control my attitude at work,which makes me a ball of nerves that I will get fired because of my complaining.Its like I can't control it and I know we aren't suppose to be slaves to our emotions.Please touch and agree that I dont lose my job..Im just finally getting my life together by saving for my move and getting myself together physically..
This is disheartening to read, Spongie..hang in there. I pray that God's peace rule and reign in your neighborhood, for your sake. He is able... :yep:

Ok ladies I need your help with something rather serious

Back story

A certain type of family moved in next door to us and since then they have been making our lives (and the rest of our street) a living hell they are very noisy and untidy and their 7 kids (yes, 7) play with their ball in the street and repeatedly hit cars parked in driveways, hit their ball in pple's yards and enter these yards without permission etc So basically a nuisance! Since they have moved on they have had a neighbour calling the police on them for entering his property repeatedly while retrieving their ball. He had a very huge spat with them on the street cause well... yeah

Anyway after they climbed onto our garage and my dad went out to ask what they were doing up there and them telling him to *** off they are just getting their ball. the mother was there and she did not say a word, we called the police. They told them not to play their football outside of pple's properties. This was two day sago and it has not happened since. However yesterday when my dad was driving out of the garage one of the boys from next door threatened my dad. We reported this to the police, and they said they will send police to patrol the area and they will also return to us on the 28th

Anyway sorry for such a long post but I am asking that you pray for our safety and God's protection. This family has terrorised a few other households with their behaviour and I ask that you also pray they are moved from this area.

Thank you
I ask for prayer not for me but for my many have so many barriers and its a darn shame how ppl just dont care about the baby mama.I know I may lose my job because of my issues ie trust,confidence etc but I pray the clients I see they will be able to get out of this and grow.
Sorry to hear about your job loss... it's always assuring to know we can lose "jobs" but never our Employer. He's our El-Jireh and He IS able,'re in our prayers, lady!

I recently lost my job and I am a little depressed b/c of it pray for my strength ^in the Lord thank you

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