Please pray that I can become closer and depend more on the man above, and not stress myself with things that I can not control.
Please pray that my health is all well and the lack sensations will go away bc of no health insurance to see the doctor.....or pray that I can find something that I can pay while still being a hardworking nursing student with bills LOL.
Ladies please pray for me, I have a job interview on Tuesday and I *really* want this job....*really want it*

Please pray that I make the best impression, and that I get that phonecall that I have got the job!
Please pray for me as I will be taking the MCAT in January. This exam and venture to med school has me very nervous. I know God did not give me a spirit of fear. I pray that I continously remember this and stop doubting myself.
I pray that I can learn to trust and love God the way you guys have shown.
Open my heart Lord and love me and teach me to love you .
Ladies please pray for me, I have a job interview on Tuesday and I *really* want this job....*really want it*

Please pray that I make the best impression, and that I get that phonecall that I have got the job!

Ladies, Glory be to God I got the job!! Thank you to everyone who prayed with me
I pray ppleaaasee God let me walk out of UB with my Bachelors in Biology. this December.

It is done! Now how are you going to do your hair with that cap on? :look: :lachen:

Ladies please pray for God to soften my husband's heart. I would love to go on a date with him. Have him get to know me again. Thank you.
Ladies please pray for God to soften my husband's heart. I would love to go on a date with him. Have him get to know me again. Thank you.[/QUOTE]

Prayed for. It is written that the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord, and He turns it wheresoever He wants. So take time and let God show you the key to your husband's heart. Start the ball rolling by offering him a winning smile every chance you can and some "bashful" alluring looks (without being obviously pushing an agenda :lol:). I don't know what the issues are but patience , respect, thankfullness, praise and being joyful goes a long way to soften a man's heart. Don't let any resistance defeat your joy though. Make sure your own heart is soft towards God so you will be fortified no matter what. These are practical advise that significantly improved (if not saved) my marriage so I'm passing them on to you along with praying for you. (Don't be afraid to just ask him out after you've sense a softening)
Ladies please pray for God to soften my husband's heart. I would love to go on a date with him. Have him get to know me again. Thank you.

Prayed for. It is written that the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord, and He turns it wheresoever He wants. So take time and let God show you the key to your husband's heart. Start the ball rolling by offering him a winning smile every chance you can and some "bashful" alluring looks (without being obviously pushing an agenda :lol:). I don't know what the issues are but patience , respect, thankfullness, praise and being joyful goes a long way to soften a man's heart. Don't let any resistance defeat your joy though. Make sure your own heart is soft towards God so you will be fortified no matter what. These are practical advise that significantly improved (if not saved) my marriage so I'm passing them on to you along with praying for you. (Don't be afraid to just ask him out after you've sense a softening)[/QUOTE]

@ MSee thank you so much! I cheated on my husband 8 years ago. Also, I used to be very verbally abusive and he left and wants to file for divorce. I realize what made me do those things and have sought repentence and counseling. I have not spoken to my DH since the 13th of October. From then we only interact through text when he feels like responding. Again I thank you for praying for me and keeping my DH in your prayers.
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Lucie, I have prayed for you. God is love, and He can surely restore the love between you and your husband.

My prayer request is for healing.
My prayer request is for God to help me through my hard times. I have been so burden down lately and I also found out that I have an ulcer. My life is so stressful, and I pray every night for God to help me deal with the stress that I have and learn to let somethings just go. I just want some inner peace, and that's my prayer. Thank you guys for listening.
Lucie, I have prayed for you. God is love, and He can surely restore the love between you and your husband.

My prayer request is for healing.

@ Divya, thank you so much for your restoration prayer. I prayed that by Jesus' stripes you are healed!!! Nothing is impossible for Him. Not your situation, nor mine or anyone else's in this thread. Sometimes our emotions get the best of us but God understands and loves us. We are the apple of his eye.

My prayer request is for God to help me through my hard times. I have been so burden down lately and I also found out that I have an ulcer. My life is so stressful, and I pray every night for God to help me deal with the stress that I have and learn to let somethings just go. I just want some inner peace, and that's my prayer. Thank you guys for listening.

@ An_gell I just prayed for you. Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Im asking for prayer for both my best friend and I.She is a single mother with a 1 yr old the dad is in the picture but he does his best and so does she.She struggling major with money,peace of mind bc of school and trying to keep the family together..she has went from be this vibrant light to just died..its like her light is out..we had a cry session 2 weeks ago which we both being as gansta as we are was so shocking.I hate myself that I can't do more give more money,just do more.

I need prayer for being a soon to college grad and so is she.I have been interviewing and I have a drug test tomorrow.I don't want to get my hopes up yet they are.I graudated in 09 and had to go back bc I need the financial aid..I want to have a nice graduation but I have no money..Im scraping by for gas for school,getting something for graduation to wear,and just keeping myself mentally ok.

If any of you will touch and agree I will greatly appreciate it..
Ladies, please keep me in your prayers as I'm trying to grow stronger in my walk with the Lord and also lean more on him in directing my dating life and quest for a Christian husband. Things have been a bit harder these days for me in this area and I'd really appreciate the prayers. I'll be praying for you all as well. Thanks :)
I stand in agreement with the awesome prayer...


God is Healer... no matter what your circumstance, He is able to restore your Marriage. I keep you lifted up today!!


Lucie, I have prayed for you. God is love, and He can surely restore the love between you and your husband.

My prayer request is for healing.
@ Divya, thank you so much for your restoration prayer. I prayed that by Jesus' stripes you are healed!!! Nothing is impossible for Him. Not your situation, nor mine or anyone else's in this thread. Sometimes our emotions get the best of us but God understands and loves us. We are the apple of his eye.

THANK YOU! That was so uplifting! God bless you and the Lord be praised!
Please pray for my situation. G-d knows I have entrusted myself and all mine to Him and He has tremendously blessed us with miracle after miracle. I have followed Him a long time. Still, I have to deal with a very evil person...just plain evil, wretched and willing at any cost to hate. Please pray for peace and protection for us and that my peace is not invaded here. I don't wish to deal with this person but I have no choice. If ever there were a situation for someone to ask G-d to strike someone down (not kill, but remove, rebuff, cast off), this is definitely it. The jealousy and harm I have experienced for years has come to a period of peace and I don't want this person to upset it. Please, please....please pray for me...I implore you.
I desire prayer about this upcoming week.I graduate in 2 weeks and I'm praying for a job offer to come soon.Im also praying for additional patience and discernment..the things I saw this holiday have really waken me
Ladies remember to pray for our boyfriends and husbands, they need God's discernment when leading our Christian women.
I'm touching the hearts of every prayer in this thread, with my prayers of loving agreement. :giveheart:

Be at peace for God is taking care of it all for all. :love2:
Pray for me. I need to find employment, I have applied to a lot of places but nothing seems to be working for me. I need some encouragement because sometimes I feel like God has forgotten about me. Please let God know that i am here and I am waiting on Him.
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Im touching and agreeing with everyone in here about their request..I ask for the same for myself..well first for my best friend she has a baby and the baby daddy is easily swayed..I ask for her continued peace of mind and her job situation will lead her to greater financial for myself I want and need prayer to drop baggage from my shoulders.I start my new job Monday and I dont want to take the same spirit of defeatedness in that places..I got a job in Jun July and within 2 weeks I was let go..bc I wasnt clicking with the company..I dont want a repeat..Amen
Pray for me. I need to find employment, I have applied to a lot of places but nothing seems to be working for me. I need some encouragement because sometimes I feel like God has forgetten about me. Please let God know that i am here and I am waiting on Him.

I will never leave you nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:5 God hasn't forgotten about you, sis. He's there even when it feels like you're going thru troubled times alone. Talk to him, he's listening.