Hello every one. I just wanted to report that the lump in my Grannie's breast was benign. And I believe my Auntie is okay. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

My Grandmother said that if the tumor was cancerous, she didn't want to fight it. I respect that. Doesn't mean I want her leaving this life right now.

Very thankful Lord. Thank you so much to all who have prayed.
Hello every one. I just wanted to report that the lump in my Grannie's breast was benign. And I believe my Auntie is okay. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

My Grandmother said that if the tumor was cancerous, she didn't want to fight it. I respect that. Doesn't mean I want her leaving this life right now.

Very thankful Lord. Thank you so much to all who have prayed.

Thank God! We give God the glory! My grandmother died of cancer ... she was in her 80's I believe and she refused to fight it. She said she'd lived her life and has seen her grandchildren and was ok to go :(. I thought it was a bit selfish but I can see where she came from.
I pray that I am able to stay at my gf house in peace and safety while I finish this semester.
I pray that I recieve $4000 for my tuition
I pray that I can receive my proof of being a student so the dentist bill will be paid off.
I pray that I can get a well paying fun part time job in the area around my gf new house .
I know all will be well for God promised to take care of me.
Thank you God.
I'm in need of prayer because I've been feeling a bit discouraged lately with EVERYTHING. My other prayer request is to find another JOB that could help me be financially stable. Financial hardship seems to be the MAJORITY of my issues. I'm asking for prayer for the feeling of discouragement to pass and to find financial stability.

Thanks in advance to all my prayer warriors.
My prayer request is that the nursing home calls me for the job I applied for 3wks ago. I am thankful to God that I do have a job. God knows that my current job is draining me, though. I feel like crying every morning b/c I have to go there. I will push through and WAIT on God to deliver me.

TIA for standing in prayer with me.
My prayer request is for GOD to bless me financially because although money doesn't make you happy, but it seems to be the majority of my stress. I don't have enough of it to make ends meet sometimes. I owe everybody under the sun money, so it gets depressing when you get paid and you already know the money has to pay bills and everyone you owe. I've been looking for a job and I'm praying that GOD bless me in finding a better paying job, so this financial dirt i'm in, I can pay off my debt and still live comfortable. I know GOD can do all these that we deem impossible, because I've seen him come through for me several times before. This is very discouraging that these areas in my life causes MORE stress then anything else. I pray for my marriage, just pray for many more years.

Thanks in advace,

I am praying that I get the job that I interviewed for about a week ago./

I am feeling so discouraged but I am holding on. I know He will hear my prayers.
Hi Today I am asking for a prayer to be sent out for me to obtain the money I need to go back to school in a week and a half. This is really stressing me out because, my next semester is taking care of but I owe money from last semester. I know God has my back, but sometimes we all just need a little encouragement. If you all will pray for me I will be sure ot pray for you as well. Thank you!!!
My prayer request is to make straight A's in all of my classes and do well at my internship. Make GOOD new friends in this area. Continue to put God first in my life.
My Prayer request is that I get an A in Bio 319 and Bio 302 Genetics and Mol bio this fall. And also that I get in the 90th percentile on my pcats on oct 16th!!.
I can do it if God will see me thru it!!!
I also pray that my finances are blessed as well and that my school bill will be able to be paid off with a refund enough to cover all my application fees and some for my pocket as well! . An extra $100 for my pocket would be great! Dear God I am specifically praying for these things to happen for me and I trust that you will find the best way possible for them to happen. Thanks in advance!!!!
Dear God,

First I thank you for providing a way for my bills to be paid every month. I also thank you, Lord for opening a door for me to improve my work experience.

I pray Lord, that you blessed me with a job, quickly Father. I blindly trust you, I ask Father that you guide my steps, give me direction to accomplish the things I need to accomplish and sidestep the workings of the enemy. I pray for favor, Lord, that the right job sees or touches my resume, Lord and call me with my desired salary.

I know the circumstances of the world. But you are greater than the world; because the economy is bad doesn't mean my situation is; thank you for favor!

I don't often frequent this part of the forum. Maybe that is why I am in this situation. I don't really know. My husband called me today and asked me to come home while I was in the middle of a study group. He stayed out the night before without letting me know where he was. He had his stuff packed and told me he wanted a divorce. I can't cope. I have a presentation and an exam tomorrow morning and I can't stop crying. I worked so hard to get into my PhD program and it's only the second week. I cannot blow off the first assignments. I know God doesn't put more on us than we can handle so I must have the ability but please pray for me because I don't know how.
I don't often frequent this part of the forum. Maybe that is why I am in this situation. I don't really know. My husband called me today and asked me to come home while I was in the middle of a study group. He stayed out the night before without letting me know where he was. He had his stuff packed and told me he wanted a divorce. I can't cope. I have a presentation and an exam tomorrow morning and I can't stop crying. I worked so hard to get into my PhD program and it's only the second week. I cannot blow off the first assignments. I know God doesn't put more on us than we can handle so I must have the ability but please pray for me because I don't know how.

Father we thank you for who you are. You are a God of love and you are mindful of us. We know that you are not a man that you should lie. Your word says that your strength is made perfect in weakness. We pray Lord that during our sister's time of weakness your strength is made perfect and manifests in a mighty way. Lord give her courage, strength and peace in the midst of this storm. Father we know that you are a very present help in trouble. Lord we ask that you intervene and help her as she continues her studies. Give her confidence, clarity of mind and emotional fortitude. Holy Spirit comfort her and guide her. God we thank you for victory and a triumphant spirit in Jesus name Amen.
I just wanted to say thank you for your prayers ladies. I made it through my presentation and quiz today. The TA even told me after class that I did a good job. Strangely enough I have no idea what I said. I also finished the quiz. I don't know how I did yet but I had very little trouble concentrating. I was in tears in the hall outside of class, literally, yet once I sat down I have little recollection of what transpired. I am going to take a nap and get to work. You are all awesome. Sometimes you just need to know other people are also sending up prayers on your behalf. The devil is a liar and he told me through my husband's mouth last night that I would be a failure and never get a PhD. I don't know what will happen with that situation but what I do know is that you guys help me get out of God's way so that he could deliver the victory today. Amen!
Hi ladies, it's with a troubled heart I write this but I am hoping to find some kind of solace here. My grandfather is 99 yrs old and is turning 100 yrs old on the 10th of October. However at the present moment (we got the call today) he is critically ill. Of course this is not totally unexpected because he is ill due to old age and he has hda bouts of being very ill the last one was in February and my father went down there and he pulled through very well. He is with his wife and my uncles as well as cousins who are looking after him right now.
I just wanted you lovely ladies to join me in prayer so that my grandfather lives long enough for my dad to be able to see him before he passes. My granddad is in South Africa and we are in Oxford (UK). My dad is due to fly out there end of september for my grandad's birthday after my graduation (see my siggy). My dad getting to see him one last time is much more important than him getting to his 100th birthday so ladies please join me in prayer.

Thank you.
Please pray for J. who is a high schooler. She lost her mother to cancer, then her sister to suicide and her father works long hours, often out-of-town, leaving her by herself. She recently had a baby and the father is not involved. This kids needs pray so she can make it through her grief.
And another one:

Saw a lady today who said her 2-year old has cancer. She was carrying the smaller baby and lavished all her affection on the tiny one. She shoved and pushed the 2-year old kid to hurry up...yes, the one with the cancer. She spoke harsh words to him. Later, she told him to leave the infant alone because he'd make him cry. I understand she has lots of pressure and it's hard dealing with a sick child. It's like they have 2 deaths...the former life gone. But this kid needs love and affection and is receiving disappointment and blame. He can't help it he has cancer. I want to cry. Please pray for this family. She doesn't know how to deal with the grief caused by the illness and I'm wondering if she has spousal love and support.
I have a prayer request.

My friend and sister in Christ, I'll call her F, is getting married October 24. All of F's friends and people the Lord has placed in her life do not feel at peace with this marriage. F met him in June through a Christian online dating service. She had just gotten out of a relationship a week or so earlier and had just graduated from medical school. F was supposed to go and start her residency in August but did not pass an important test which would allow her to move to Michigan and start her residency. The Gentleman came out to where we live in mid-August and none of us (F's core group of friends) knew much about him. F brought him to our church and he made several comments to us about seeing us at the wedding and asking for his blessing. He also was very touchy feely and this was the first time F was meeting him and she acted as though this was all okay. We were all supposed to have dinner with F and the Gentleman after service but a altercation with F's brother and father with the Gentleman had him fleeing the house in fear of his life and he took a bus back to his home. F's Father made several inappropriate comments calling her a "ho", telling her praying wasn't going to help her find a job, and other things. F being upset by all this went to where the Gentleman lived to get to know him better and to study for the test she had failed. F was ignoring all of our calls and text messages. When I talked to her she was telling me how he said it was best for them to focus on their relationship and that they had to cut ties with certain people. When I finally saw her a month after she left she was telling me about Premaritial Classes, how she had to move in with him because she could no longer stay at the missionary housing because it had been sold, that they were planning to marry in November and found a website that did free wedding, and how things were difficult because she wasn't working and didn't have money. I offered her a room in my apartment so that she could study and pray and work on applications and such and that she didn't have to pay anything.

I want to be happy for my friend but many things that she is saying and doing don't allow for that. She is being very secretive about this relationship even from the beginning. She gets very defensive if any of the people who walk with her try to question her. She avoids coming to church when she is in town. She assures us that she is walking with an older couple and has people pouring into her and holding her accountable but I don't believe this because of how she has been hiding other things. The gentleman is isolating her from her friends but she says her parents and his parents are talking and bless the coming wedding. I had just spoken to her the day before she emailed out her wedding announcement and she didn't mention it.

I've begun praying and fasting that the Lord would make it clear how he would have me to respond, if I should go to the wedding, and if He blesses this marriage. I've been praying that he would give me peace of mind and that I will submit to His will. I'm also praying that F would have her eyes open and ears attuned to what God is speaking to her heart even if it isn't what she wants to hear.

Ladies I am asking for you to pray with me. All of us feel like this is the enemy in her life but we will follow God's will no matter what. We have submitted F to God and we know that nothing is a surprise to Him. Thank you Ladies.
Ladies, thank you to all those who prayed for my dear old grandad today on 10/10/10 he has reached his milestone he turns 100 yrs old today!

Thank you all and may God bless you!
I need prayer ladies.I feel like Im going to take myself out with all the constant things going on.I'm trying to not just abandon Christianity all together because it would make things a lot less complex.I go through so many thoughts when things happen like is this payback from past sins,or is it because I don't tithe or is it because Im just not a goody christian.

Im at a cross road with my finances either keep pushing this unemployment until it runs out or quit school since it's more for enrichment and find a job.I don't want to quit since I need the classes to bolster my gpa but then Im having to use credit cards for things and not enough money to cover if it goes farther out.I'm really don't know what to do.Im giving myself a due date and from there I will determine if I will go on this is just too much and I don't want sappy it will get better comments when some are living in laps of luxury..away I go.
Please pray that God would honor my intention. It's looking dark and I've gotten a glimpse before but this is the interim.
Ladies will you pray for me. I have an ear infection (fever/sharp pains/loss of hearing/pain in ear +surrounding area/drainage) I know I need to go to the ER but I really can't afford to :(

Also, my dad has some nodules on his lungs, please pray for his strength and complete healing.
Please pray for my husband. He has an interview on Monday and we thought it went great! But it is in God's hands!
Ladies please pray for my marriage and that my husband softens his heart towards me. Thank you. I will pray for you all. (((HUGS)))