Please pray for AvinsMom2010. She lost her unborn son this past week.

Also, please pray for the families in the Middle Tennessee area that lost their homes, cars, and hope during the flood.
Pray for my brother,sister and their salvation. Pray that they will be blessing to my mom and will walk into path that God has for them.
I found out 3 am Sunday morning that my healthy 21 year old cousin died suddenly of a heart attack. Please lift up his parents and brother, the Abels. My aunt is still in shock and hadn't cried. I know that once she sees his body it's going to sink in --- hard.

Lift up all young people in your family. Life is unexpected. We can only pray that they know Jesus while they are here.
Your prayers have helped me out so much these past couple of years. Thank you all.

I am in this thread again asking for prayers for my mother. My mom just suffered a stroke. No one back at home is telling me what's going on, they just told me to come home. I immediately bought a ticket and I will be with her on tomorrow.
Please pray for me right now because I am feeling extremely distressed and my life right now has zero meaning to me. I question why God even gave me life. I just really need prayer right now.
Please pray that my paycheck will show up on June 1st so I can pay my rent on time. Or that God will miraculously give me $1000 to pay my rent by June 1st or 2nd. NO LATE PAYMENTS -- NO LATE DAYS!!
I am in need of prayer...DH and I have been trying to conceive for 2 years and have suffered 2 losses. We are currently taking a break, trying to focus on our nutrition and hoping to start trying again around Sept or Oct. Please pray that we remain focused and continue on with our focus when it is time to start trying again.

Thank you all...
I am standing in the need of prayer...I am certified to teach elementary students and I passed my content exam with an excellent score...I am having trouble getting a teaching position, as there are so many others looking as well...I know the Lord didnt bring me this far to leave me...please pray that I get a teaching position for fall 2010 if its His will...I praise Him in advance....and thank you for your prayers
My request in prayer is that I will get accepted into the pharmacy program of my choice
for Fall 2011. I have faith that I will make it.
I pray that God blesses me with the self knowledge and discipline and sense of responsibility to prepare efficiently for my PCAT in Aug.
First time posting in this thread but I pray to God that this nursing facility calls me this week about a job schedule. I have been jobless since I graduated in December and am moving soon to Illinois to begin grad school. I really need some finances to support myself and help my mother with the expenses I should be paying myself (student loans, car, phone...etc). Its been a struggle :(
My future hubby is going in for a second interview with a great company today. My family and I are praying but I need my extended fam to do the same. Please pray for us! Thank you so much.
My prayer request is for a job interview to go smoothly on Wednesday, and that this company offers me the position...God has and continues to do some many amazing things...I'm claiming this one in Jesus' name! Please stand with me!
I pray and thank you in advance Lord, for giving me my dream job with the HIGH amount salary.

In Jesus Name.

Please pray for me. I have my job interview tomorrow for my dream job. It's right for me in every sense of the word. But I want God's divine favor and provisions.
Hey my lovely CF ladies,

I need prayer on some real stuff.Im in a utter panic mode.I have never been this nervous since I lived at home when I would get physically beaten on whim.Im so scared bc I lost my job Friday over me being still depressed and very introverted.I know some say its a blessing disguise but it will force me to have to go back to school for another semester.

Im like nervous Im eatting stuff I shouldnt Im super scared that I will never become great.I know that I have to play the game but I don't know if me being me or not me is working.All I see is more student loan debt I will have to pay alone bc I haven't the slightest possiblity I will have anyone to be with in the future.

I have a interview tomorrow for a HRM program that is out of state for a really big company..many have eatten their pizza.If I get good with this interview I have to interview in Ann Arbor,MI then if I get it then it wouldn't be until Jan 2011.

I really want it even though pay isn't balling yet...I still have my complex that I know Im smart and I would thought I would be able to get a good salaried job to match but that hasn't happened.I hear people say you may not be cut out for corp..but those student loans say other wise..Im in fear of always being in debt,poor,fat,ugly inside,alone..

Please pray for my interview and the job that called today..they seem about business and the pay is good and I wouldnt have to make a out of state move..Lord help me.

Please pray for me. I have my job interview tomorrow for my dream job. It's right for me in every sense of the word. But I want God's divine favor and provisions.

DONE!!!!!! Please pray things actually go smoothly and that I do AMAZing this and next semester and I find a way to loose weight and learn to drive. Please pray for other food bank opportunities to serve! And pray that the ringing in my ear goes away PERMENANTLY!
LHCF sisters,

I am currently studying for the CPA and also looking for a job. My prayer request is for clarity of mind as I study and that God will give me the job that HE has ordained for me. I really would like to work in public accounting as an auditor, but it seems like every door I have come to has been closed.:wallbash: Therefore my prayer is that God will open up a way, so that I may be where He can use me. Please pray for me ladies.
I didn't go through and thank everyone but just know that over the next several weeks I will be watching this thread and interceding for you all.:yep:
Please pray for my Auntie. She just had surgery to remove her uterus. She was supposed to start chemo, but instead they just found a problem with her heart. Now she is going to be having a double bypass surgery instead.
I have another prayer request. My mom just got a call from my Auntie (not the one mentioned in the previous post-that's my great Auntie) that they found a lump in my Grandmother's breast. They're going to do a test on it Tuesday. Please pray for my family.

Today is a day of crappy news.