I hope and pray that the peace that passes all understanding is ruling your heart today and that you're in a better state of mind, since the death of your loved one. May God bless and keep your family comforted!

Those of you that know the word of prayer please pray for my in-laws. There was a death in the family and we are hurting right now.
I lost my job today. Now I'm very scared; not because of the job loss. But the uncertanity of the future.

ETA on 3/21/10: I decided to listen to Father's voice and go back to Chicago. I'm at peace with it and I know it's the best method.

Please pray for me. I already have a temp job in the bag it's a 3-month assignment, I know God will provide a better job afterwards (He always does). Now, I'm concerned taht I won't find an apartment that meets my standard. Please pray with me.

Affordable rent no more than $825/mo
Garage or covered parking
At least 750 sq ft
Washer/Dryer in Unit
Safe neighborhood/building/area/neighbors
Friendly/efficient management company
Low security deposit
I would like to live in the western suburbs (Lombard, Oak Brook, Westmont)
April 1st move in date.

I guess you can tell I have a lot on my mind.
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Please pray for some kind of positive break in our situation. I am not even sure what to say. Both my DH and I are looking for work and some place to live (which we cant get until we have jobs), dealing with health issues (though thank God this is getting better for both of us), debt issues, tax issues. It seems like every time we turn around there is something else. Just please say a word of prayer for us.

Psalm 119:116
Sustain me according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed.

Please pray for some kind of positive break in our situation. I am not even sure what to say. Both my DH and I are looking for work and some place to live (which we cant get until we have jobs), dealing with health issues (though thank God this is getting better for both of us), debt issues, tax issues. It seems like every time we turn around there is something else. Just please say a word of prayer for us.
I feel like I'm coming to a breaking point in a situation that I've been dealing with for a very long time. Please pray for my strength, discernment, keen ear to the spirit and ability to be bold when necessary, quiet when necessary and lightening fast when necessary. Quell the spirit of fear or anxiety or worry that may hit as things begin to change and pray for my continued growth with God.

In need of some prayer fellow LHCFers. Ive been unemployed for over 2yrs now, and I have been asking God in prayer for the right position for me to come along. I applied for a position that I might not be totally qualified for, but it would be my dream job. I dont meet all the requirements for the position but I know God can make it happen. Im asking that anyone who believes in God to pray a prayer that doors will open for me to get this position, and let no man stand in the way of me getting it or close that door.
I have been struggling with being patient and this is too some I need prayer for. I appreciate your prayers in advance.
Lord, I know that you are ABLE to do what your word says you will do. You know what needs to be done in this situation that we are currently facing. I put my faith in you. I know your will is what's best for us. Guide us Lord. May our desires align with your will! Bless us Lord and keep us safe from the demons we face. I ask these things of you in Jesus name and I trust You. Amen
I would like to ask everyone to pray for one of my professors. He is a wonderful man with a giving heart. But he doesn't believe in and won't acknowledge God. He has a wall up in that respect and appears to be running from the issue.
Hey girls...today I am asking for everyone to say a prayer for my SO..he is on the hospital with heart problems..and I am asking that everyone please say a prayer for him for better health and to help heal his heart..so if you guys get a chance..plkease say a quick prayer for us..I am trying my best to keep it together...but its very hard..
Hello ladies. I have fallen off for a minute. I used to come in this thread and pray for you all everyday. I was starting to do daily devotional. I was reading a GREAT book called A Woman After God's Own Heart. And I was attending Bible Study every Wednesday. I have since been distracted by things that are not important. I have since allowed myself to be consumed by other tasks. I pray that the Lord will guide me back into the right direction. Lord reassign my focus so that I am serving YOU and not worldly things. Help me to remember what is important. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Hello ladies. I have fallen off for a minute. I used to come in this thread and pray for you all everyday. I was starting to do daily devotional. I was reading a GREAT book called A Woman After God's Own Heart. And I was attending Bible Study every Wednesday. I have since been distracted by things that are not important. I have since allowed myself to be consumed by other tasks. I pray that the Lord will guide me back into the right direction. Lord reassign my focus so that I am serving YOU and not worldly things. Help me to remember what is important. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Amen. I am in agreement with you.
Please say a prayer for my cousins baby girl Aaliyah. She was born a preemie and was rushed back to the hospital because she stopped breathing and is currently in intensive care. My cousin and the baby need all the prayer they can get right now. Thank you...and God Bless.
^^^^^^^Saying a prayer for all of you.

Please pray for me and this situation I am in. I made a decision a year and a half ago based on what the world would think is best for me and I have spent all this time unhappy. I resigned and I am now thinking of going back to school which I know would be financially draining on my parents. I want to go back to school and move states. But there are career oportunities here that I won't find elsewhere. I am confused and I don't know what to do, i don't want to make another mistake again. I am praying for guidance so that I do what is best for everyone, including me. If my place is here, I will get the Job i am interviewing for on Wednesday. But I guess that is not true as that is what i said about my last job and see how that worked out.

I'm so confused. But I'm also so happy that that heaviness has finally left me. I know that God has big plans for me, I'm just not sure what they are and what I can do to help these plans along.
Please say a prayer for my cousins baby girl Aaliyah. She was born a preemie and was rushed back to the hospital because she stopped breathing and is currently in intensive care. My cousin and the baby need all the prayer they can get right now. Thank you...and God Bless.

Just said a prayer for your cousins.

^^^^^^^Saying a prayer for all of you.

Please pray for me and this situation I am in. I made a decision a year and a half ago based on what the world would think is best for me and I have spent all this time unhappy. I resigned and I am now thinking of going back to school which I know would be financially draining on my parents. I want to go back to school and move states. But there are career oportunities here that I won't find elsewhere. I am confused and I don't know what to do, i don't want to make another mistake again. I am praying for guidance so that I do what is best for everyone, including me. If my place is here, I will get the Job i am interviewing for on Wednesday. But I guess that is not true as that is what i said about my last job and see how that worked out.

I'm so confused. But I'm also so happy that that heaviness has finally left me. I know that God has big plans for me, I'm just not sure what they are and what I can do to help these plans along.

Lord, please put ivyness in the position that you need her to be in. Please help her to put all faith in You and allow You to lead. Please give her the strength and the patience to endure all obstacles that she encounters while You are working behind the scenes. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Ivyness, I am right with you there. I'm not certain where I will be in my career some months ahead. I know where I want to be and a lot of people are telling me that I would need some experience that requires me to go back to school (although my current experience meets the requirements). I don't have the time nor money to go back to school. When I asked my pastor for advice, he told me to ask God to put me with the people that would help lead me to wear I want to be. So that's what I'm doing. But after today's sermon, I'm starting to wonder if my want align with God's plan for me. So I think now I will start asking God to help my wants match up with His plan.
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Ivyness, I am right with you there. I'm not certain where I will be in my career some months ahead. I know where I want to be and a lot of people are telling me that I would need some experience that requires me to go back to school (although my current experience meets the requirements). I don't have the time nor money to go back to school. When I asked my pastor for advice, he told me to ask God to put me with the people that would help lead me to wear I want to be. So that's what I'm doing. But after today's sermon, I'm starting to wonder if my want align with God's plan for me. So I think now I will start asking God to help my wants match up with His plan.

I completely agree with the bolded, I'm a long time believer that if God wants something for you He will put people or things in your path to help you along. You just need a discerning spirit to be able to recognise those opportunities for what they are. I think that is where my confusion sets in. Thanks for your prayer, I'll keep you in mine. Where two or three come together.....
Please pray that I pass the LSAT with a high score (over 170). I've been studying, but fell off and the test is in June.

Please keep me in your prayers.
I am in NEED of prayer...I have a final in a few hrs that is a deal breaker for me!! Thanx in advance....
I am in need of prayer for continued perseverance and strength. For removal of confusion. For Him to remove all desires in me that do not align with His will.

Please pray for me and my family and all people in Middle TN and surrounding areas. There are severe floods here and the rain has yet to let up. 40,000 plus people are without power, homes are being taken down, etc. Lakes and rivers are flooding major roads and fish are swimming in them. People are drowning and dying. Please please pray for us in this area.

There are some members here who are from this area of TN...we have a thread going about what is going on here:
Please pray that God removes the desire for my sister to drink alcohol. In the past year she has driven drunk 3 times. Not alot I know, but as we all know it only takes one time for something tragic to happen. Keep her in your prayers.
Pray for my safety, my work facility is on the taliban's hit list. they sent a memo out today. it must be close if they are finally letting us know we are in danger.