Dear Lord....Please fill me with your presence. I desire to be within your presence today. Please keep my focus on you and I continue to praise your Holy Name. For you are God; my healer, my comforter, my redeemer and all that I will ever need. I praise you, Father, for who you are and I pray that you make me the woman that I need to be to serve You according to Your will. I surrender all to You, Father and in Jesus' name, I pray, Amen
Dear Lord I humbly come to you and pray for you to fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I will be slow to anger, have patience and handle all situations with love.

In Jesus' name, I pray, AMEN!
Dear Lord, please make me slow to anger and handle EVERY situation with Love, Patience and Understanding.

May Your will be done in my life as I totally submit to you and only you and may all those who come into my presence be anointed with your spirit. Please lead in the path that You want me to go and for those who try to distract me away from the path which you have chosen for me, remove them from my life.

Father, God, I love, honor and worship you. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and where ever I am falling short, please correct me.

In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.
hi. so many of my prayers have been answered. i am out of debt and i'm reunited with my father's family after over 20 years of estrangement.

right now i feel horrible-- it even huts to type. my job makes me physically sick. I left work today after only being there for only 10 minutes-- i just started crying at my desk. the smell of the place makes me sick to my stomach. sometimes i can't eat because i am nervous/anxious. i don't believe in my company and i really need a way of escape. please keep me in prayer. thank you.
Dear Lord, please fill me with you Holy Spirit today so that whatever I do today will be according to your will. Please use me as a vessel so that I can be a blessing to others. Please work in me and purge my shortcomings such as my tendancy to be critical and help me to be slow to anger, and to respond to ALL situations with love, patience and understanding. Please help me stay strong when I am weak and to know that your Grace is ALWAYS sufficient.

In Jesus' name, Amen.
Those of you that know the word of prayer please pray for my in-laws. There was a death in the family and we are hurting right now.
Please pray for all the women in the "Single Christian Women's Support Thread". As Feb. 14th approaches, the spirit of loneliness will want to toy with us. Please pray for us to instead draw closer to God. Please pray for us to stand strong in faith that He will bring us our husbands in His time.
Lord, thank you for your undying, unconditional love. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit and keep me focused on doing your will and doing things that pleases you.
In Jesus's name, Amen
Please pray that I not only get motivated to study for the LSAT but that I actually do it. Please pray that I score over 170 on the LSAT in June.

I believe this is the path God wants me to go. But I'm so tired of studying (I was pursing my Masters Degree) that I'm in need of a break; but I don't have time to break, with the big test coming.
Dear Lord, comfort me with your Holy Spirit. Ease my mind of the troubles and help me to rely totally on you. Please keep near to me and help me get through these difficult times victoriously.

In Jesus' name...I pray, Amen
Lord please fix this situation with my son. I know that everything works for good according to your will for those who believe. I believe in you, Lord. Thank you for your grace.

Please continue to use me to be a blessing for others inspite of the difficulties I may be facing. Please help me stay focused on you and continue to please you EVERYDAY.

In Jesus' name, Amen.
I'm in need of prayer for guidance. I'm trying to apply for and attend graduate school in the fall of 2010. I'm having such as hard time gathering the resources i need, such as volunteer hours, letters of rec, money for the GRE exam ,etc. I don't know if this is a sign from God that this is not the path for me. Its something i've wanted for a long time. Please pray that if this not the path for me or the right time that it will be revealed to me. And if it is that all the things that are going wrong will turn around in ways i can't even imagine. Please pray that god takes away this feeling of deafeat that has overcome me. Thank you.
Father.....I ask that you continue to make a way out of NO way!!!! May THY will be done & that I will pass ALL of my classes/clinicals this semester & graduate on May 13,2010!!! In your name I pray...Amen!
Please pray that I get a job very soon. I am not sure if I even know if I am praying right because nothing is working. I have had too many hungry nights. I have not given up, but I need someone to pray for me.
God please bless all of the women who have experienced some kind of abuse or molestation in their life. Please help them to find healing and happiness.
Dear God, I am still praying for that PERFECT PEACE that can only come from you. Please continue to bless me and my son. Direct my paths Lord. Take me to the place that you want me to be. I completely surrender myself for you Lord! In Jesus Name, Amen!
Please pray for my friend's parents! Her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in January and now her father has been diagnosed with prostate cancer!! Please pray for her strength, their strength and comfort for all of them!
I need prayers as I feel that I am being taken advantage of at work and also my stress is increasing due to this. I feel very overwhelmed and saddened by this. Please pray for me...Thank you in advance!
I pray for the difficulties that my mom is facing and may she see the light of the Lord to understand that He is EVERYTHING that she needs. I pray for her health, both mental and physical and touch her at the very points of her needs. I want to continue to pray for my children that they become strong in Christ and for all of my friends who are facing difficulties. I pray that the Lord will minister through me to help others who are in need and that He continues to light my path and help me to become the woman in He wants me to be.

In Jesus' name, Amen
Please pray for me and my sister. Pray that God will cover her and give her favor on her job. (She does work hard and do everything expected of her; but they keep "overlooking" her).

Please pray for me, I need to find a great apartment for cheap. I'm a believer that God doesn't elevate your lifestyle; just to demote you.
Please pray for me. I am going through some really difficult time right now. And i dont feel like myself anymore. A day barely goes by dat i dont cry.
Hi you guys. I pray over this thread each time I get on LHCF. I wanted to tell you all thank you for your prayers. I feel more confident at work even though I can't stand it. Since I've been on the call center floor in December, I have won 4awards, 3 of which have been certificates with $25 gift cards attached.

I am asking for your prayers again. I know that my job has been physically making me sick. Right now I can't even speak because my throat hurts so bad. Of course I can't go to work at a call center if my voice is so bad. This is my third time in three weeks that I am asking for a day off-- they are so fickle at this job-- they'll fire anyone for any reason.

Please pray that God's will be done in that area, that the sickness be removed so that I can praise him in song again. Thank you in advance.
i'm never in here, but i have a prayer request:

my brother is having very complicated surgery on his spinal cord tomorrow. they are removing 3 vertebrae, and installing a cage around the cord to protect it. it sounds very risky and dangerous. not impossible. just a high risk to his future mobility.

he's already had 12 bolts installed into his spine to stabilize him in prep for tomorrow.

we're optimistic but obviously nervous for him.

so please, send prayers and positive vibes his way and to his doctors.

thank you.