Pray that God contiune to keep my family safe from all danger and wrong doers. Pray that God have his way in my life and my relationship(s). That he open my heart to hear from him and to be obedient to his Words. Pray that 2010 is a good year for us all and that He'll take this worrying spirit that I have away from me!
Please pray that I receive a job in California PRIOR to moving there. I applied to several companies and I'm ready to leave Colorado. Pray the company is willing to pay for my move and anything else I need to get there the money is ALOT, its time for a financial increase.
Getting accepted to UNCC would mean the world to me. Although God already has his plan for me, I pray I get accepted.

I need prayer for patience as well.
I pray that God watches over all of my family and keep us safe and guard us from the devil. I pray that i stop being paranoid over the evil doings by the devil. I pray that i can follow all of his ten commandments without fail. I pray that i continue to stay as humble as i feel at the moment. I pray that the lord sends me someone who i can pray with and help to keep me on track with the lord whenever i lose focus. I pray for a healthy soul body and spirit that is only focused on God. I pray that i can stop being as greedy and naive as i am. I pray the lord gives me silence so that i can listen, understand, and think wisely before speaking. I also pray that I continue to get closer and closer to God and begin to understand the bible more without being decieved. Thank you....
Grieving heart

My aunt passed away on new years day. We didnt always get along, but she loved me so much and would do anything for me. My heart aches, and I miss her so much more than I could imagine. she really wanted so many things for me, and it just hurts my heart that she will not be around to witness me becoming the woman she always knew I would be. One of the things she really wanted to see me do was get into medical school and become a physician. Well I have an interview for another Medical school this friday. I know that she would want me to go and not cancel, so i am sticking it out. I really could use some or many prayers to just get through the day and do well in spite of my heavy heart. I want To show the school that I want to be a doctor now more than ever, and somehow have my situation lhelp me to show my passion rather than become a teary meltdown ( which is what I fear)

Also I just need prayers for peace. I know I cant bring my aunt back, but I cant help but question how SO MANY people all around the world could have been praying for her and yet still she didnt make it... I know God knows best, and HE is God, and it is not for me to choose... I just fear that this situation is gonna make me question the power of prayer. AND I DONT want that. I know where my hope is, I know I can call on God and he hears my crys, but in the mornings when the realization hits me all over again that my aunt is NEVER coming back, that I will NEVER hear her voice calling my name... that simply crying out to God doesnt seem to get all the way to that pain in my heart.

Praying for you. Death is a difficult thing to deal with, to accept. But remember the Lord's promise to us...

1 Thess 4:16 -18 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

My prayer is that you and your aunt are in that number...that you will see her again!
It may seem like a long time, but until then, keep pushing. The Lord has opened the doors for you to interview. He made it happen so rest assured that you can make it through!

Phil:4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Let us know what time your interview is so we can pray you through!
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Please pray for a co-worker of mine and his family. His sister is very ill with cancer and has been for quite a while. She also doesn't have insurance, so he is paying her medical bills out of pocket. He also has children and a wife to support, so this whole situation has been hard for them all. Please pray for his sister's healing. She's young and has a whole life ahead of her.

Thank you.
Please pray that I make it through this internship/program and that it makes me closer to God instead of taking me away from Him. I am really being tested right now and I need the strength to get through it.
I pray for healing for my family. I pray for myself too, I don't even know where to begin with the problems I am having mentally, physically, and financially. I need direction.
I need prayer for divine favor in my life and life of my family. For safe travels for my hubby and a speedy home sale with a huge return!
I need prayer to establish a habit of prayer with God so that I can develop a real relationship with God. So I can understand his word, defeat all attacks by the devil and to do what i need to do so God can use me in whatever way he needs me. Thanks
I stand in prayer with you ladies.

Please remember me as I humbly ask for prayers regarding my marriage and finances.

I need prayer that God gives me healing in my heart, as the previous year dealt me a few blows that almost ended our marriage. Please pray for our healing as a couple, and that God breathes new life in our union if it is His will. I also ask prayer that He will intervene in our finances and work in our favor regarding our home. We are in a difficult situation and awaiting news whether or not we will be able to keep it. May God bless each and everyone of you, and TIA.
Hi everyone.

There is a large, wooden cross at my church where everyone nails their prayers. I finally had the change to nail "Lord, please remove the spirit of loneliness in my heart." That prayer has been answered.

Can you all please pray about my job situation? I started a job in Nov. 2009 at a mail-order pharmacy. I had no idea that it would be so hard and stressful (the company has bit off more than it can chew). I always dread going to work. I cry at night because I am always dreaming about work (never happened before). My stomach hurts because of so much stress. I need a way of escape and I am willing to even take a pay cut. Please pray that God sustains my mind and renews my spirit as I walk in this place this morning.
Hi everyone.

There is a large, wooden cross at my church where everyone nails their prayers. I finally had the change to nail "Lord, please remove the spirit of loneliness in my heart." That prayer has been answered.

Can you all please pray about my job situation? I started a job in Nov. 2009 at a mail-order pharmacy. I had no idea that it would be so hard and stressful (the company has bit off more than it can chew). I always dread going to work. I cry at night because I am always dreaming about work (never happened before). My stomach hurts because of so much stress. I need a way of escape and I am willing to even take a pay cut. Please pray that God sustains my mind and renews my spirit as I walk in this place this morning.

Hey Angelicus. I have been there honey. I have fallen off on checking this thread, and for some reason, I decided to check it right now. When I saw your post, I realized why. I, too, have a stressful work environment. When my mean and rude bosses made me cry to my husband one Saturday night, I decided to take it to my church at alter prayer the next morning. And funny enough, everything that was discussed at church that day went directly along with what I as experiencing at the time.

That same week a co-worker of mine gave me a copy of The 30 Life Principles and two of them put EVERYTHING into perspective for me. Number 7 reads: "The dark moments of our life will last only so long as is necessary for God to accomplish His purpose in us." Number 8 reads: "Fight all your battles on your knees and you win every time."

Starting that week, my work environment improved SO MUCH MORE. Were my bosses still mean and rude...YES. Was more work still being put on me than I could handle in a work day....YES. All of those things stayed the same. It was the way that I REACTED to those things that changed. When things began to get crazy, I said a prayer and told the Lord that I was putting it all in His hands. And I trusted Him whole heartedly to take care of it. When I received mean and rude emails from my boss or others, I prayed about it and I responded to them the way a Christian would. The way Christ would.

Y'all, I'm sorry that my post is so long, but it is on my heart to give my testimony on how God has transformed my life. Do I want to work here any more...NO. But I know that the Lord has me here for a reason at this moment. And I am confident that once I have completed my task, He will move me on to bigger and better things. But for right now, I trust in Him. I don't pray for another job. I pray that God will continue to give me the strength to trust in Him and live according to His word while I am here. I pray that He will help me to see and fulfill my purpose here. Doing those things has worked WONDERS for me.

Angelicus, all I can say to you is pray, pray, and pray some more. And when you've gotten tired or praying, pray again. Pray that God gives you the strength to trust in Him. Pray that God gives you the strength to let Him lead your path. Pray that God helps you to live your life according to His word. Before you make any decisions at work, ask Him how you should proceed. Before you walk into work in the morning, ask Him to help you with all of these things. Ask Him to help you see your purpose. I promise you that God will make changes in you that you can't even imagine.

I will be praying these things for you as well. :yep: Stay Faithful!! :bighug:
I pray for direction from God. I pray for covering over my children. I pray for health for my mother and I pray for my relationship for it to be what God wants it to be. I pray that God makes me the women that brings honor and glory to his name.
I pray for all of my unsaved family members, friends, coworkers; that they will open the doors of their hearts and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior
Dear Lord, please fill me with your spirit so that I can handle the people of which I find difficult with love and peace. Again, cover my tongue and my actions so that all I do will bring honor to Your name.

In Jesus' name, I pray....Amen.
God's blessings to those in this thread who are seeking a new job or a way out of a job situation.... The Lord will Provide." Gen. 22:14 :yep:

I pray for my co-worker who is going through some difficult times that God keeps her encouraged. We know that all things come through God and his love is sufficient enough.

I uplift her in the name of Jesus that no matter what she's facing, she will have the understanding that God in the controller of ALL things and He has her life completely under control.

In Jesus' name, I pray...Amen
I am asking our father GOD to fill my brain with all the knowledge that I have learned over the course of me studying for my drug cal. I am asking that he let me be patient and careful with the test, so that I will receive a passing grade of 94% or above on 1/29.
In Jesus name, I pray. Amen!
I look forward to your Praise Report, MsTwana...

Keep holding His Hand. :yep:

God bless :Rose: