I'm praying for all you ladies.

I have been going through what feels like the fight of my life for the past year and a half. It all started with my divorce last year and I feel like I have lost everything. I am requesting prayer for guidance as to what my next move should be, praying for a car, a place to live, and most of all, peace of mind and freedom from anxiety, guilt and depression.
I pray that God leads you and guide you through such a difficult time. I pray that he strenghtens and restores your spirit, and casts aside feelings of anxiety, guilt and depression. Keep the faith, don't give up no matter what. Continue to trust him, stay in his word, keeping praying and talking to him and he will definitely guide you and see you through. God Bless
Hello all. I have been lurking on this site for a while now, and I just joined a couple of weeks ago. I have always been too nervous to post anything, but right now I need you guys. I am supposed to close on my first home on or before the 20th and right now I'm running into a roadblock. My ex husband did'nt pay taxes that he owed, and they are trying to get the money from me! The lender was ready to get me closed by the 30th of this week, but the tax issue came up and they are not so sure about the loan. I have been trying to take care of this matter, but I am getting discouraged, and I need for you all to keep me in your prayers. TIA
Hello all. I have been lurking on this site for a while now, and I just joined a couple of weeks ago. I have always been too nervous to post anything, but right now I need you guys. I am supposed to close on my first home on or before the 20th and right now I'm running into a roadblock. My ex husband did'nt pay taxes that he owed, and they are trying to get the money from me! The lender was ready to get me closed by the 30th of this week, but the tax issue came up and they are not so sure about the loan. I have been trying to take care of this matter, but I am getting discouraged, and I need for you all to keep me in your prayers. TIA

Just said a prayer for you. Lay it at His feet!
I took my stand to rededicate myself to the Lord a few weeks ago...and the devil is attacking. Please pray for me.
Hello all. I have been lurking on this site for a while now, and I just joined a couple of weeks ago. I have always been too nervous to post anything, but right now I need you guys. I am supposed to close on my first home on or before the 20th and right now I'm running into a roadblock. My ex husband did'nt pay taxes that he owed, and they are trying to get the money from me! The lender was ready to get me closed by the 30th of this week, but the tax issue came up and they are not so sure about the loan. I have been trying to take care of this matter, but I am getting discouraged, and I need for you all to keep me in your prayers. TIA

MrsPudden, I am praying that no weapon formed against you shall prosper...that the Lord would intervene and protect your home, so that you will close with no hinderance or delay. Walk in faith that God sees all and that He will grant you your request. Stay strong Sis, I know homebuying is tough, I was coming in here to ask for prayer for my own home purchase, and I saw your post. Let us know when you get through closing and you are all settled in.
I took my stand to rededicate myself to the Lord a few weeks ago...and the devil is attacking. Please pray for me.


My prayer for you comes from Romans 8 (Amplified Translation):

35Who shall ever separate us from Christ's love? Shall suffering and affliction and tribulation? Or calamity and distress? Or persecution or hunger or destitution or peril or sword?

36Even as it is written, For Thy sake we are put to death all the day long; we are regarded and counted as sheep for the slaughter
37Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors [m]and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us.
38For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things [n]impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, 39Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Praise God that you re-dedicated your life. Rest in Christ's love Sis. You are more than a conquerer. You know Who your Redeemer is!
I am praying that the Lord would lead me to a good property to purchase. I had been in the market last year, but due to economic calamity in the mortgage sector and questions of whether I would stay in this area, I bowed out of the game. I really need to move out of the apartment that I am in, and I would love to parlay the amount of money I pay in rent (I live in an expensive city) into a mortgage.

Thank you in advance for your prayers.
I have said a prayer for all of you ladies!!!! :yep:

I'm asking that you pray for my husband. DH is struggling with the above issues and the thought of a baby on the way. He is extremely nervous and scared about being a new dad.

Can you wonderful ladies please keep myself and my son in prayer. I never needed God more than I do now and it hurts to feel like I am all alone . I wouldnt even know what to say to God, I feel like he dosent want to hear from me or he dosent see my struggles.

The wonderful thing about our God is that he listens to the prayers of ALL!!! Don't ever be afraid to go to him in prayer.

Please believe with me that my current financial and business ventures are successful so that I may be able to support my family. We have a need that must be met by December.

Please pray...

My friend just called...the 9-yr old son of an acquaintance just tried to kill himself. His father has been physically abusing him for sometime now and he tried to hang himself...then cut himself. They are taking him to a psychiatric hospital right now...

I'm praying for all you ladies.

I have been going through what feels like the fight of my life for the past year and a half. It all started with my divorce last year and I feel like I have lost everything. I am requesting prayer for guidance as to what my next move should be, praying for a car, a place to live, and most of all, peace of mind and freedom from anxiety, guilt and depression.

I'm asking that everyone prays for EJH, he is unsaved but I sense that the Lord is pulling on him and he's running.

Sorry for the ramble, I'm just trying to understand EJH purpose in being in my life.

EJH may not have a purpose in your life. You may be the purpose in HIS.

I need prayer for my uncle because I just found out a few minutes ago that he was in a bad car accident. I just pray to God that he's okay or my Aunt is gonna lose it.

I'm not certain how things turned out with your uncle, but I prayed for you, your uncle, your aunt, and your entire family.

The lender was ready to get me closed by the 30th of this week, but the tax issue came up and they are not so sure about the loan. I have been trying to take care of this matter, but I am getting discouraged, and I need for you all to keep me in your prayers. TIA

I'm not certain how things worked out with you and this house, but I did pray for you. If you did not get the house, it's only because our Lord God has something even BETTER for you. :yep:

I took my stand to rededicate myself to the Lord a few weeks ago...and the devil is attacking. Please pray for me.

Oh how quickly the devil shows up when he's afaid that he'll lose us. The devil attacking means you're doing right by God. So keep doing what your doing, girl. :yep:

I am praying that the Lord would lead me to a good property to purchase.
I am praying for you ladies.

Please pray for my family and I. We have been going through many financial struggles over the past 18 months and just when it seems we are about to catch a break, things fall apart. I am in fear of losing our home and having that throw our family into a tailspin. I have been looking for employment for several months now, but with no luck. Please sisters, pray that my husband's job takes a turn for the better and that I can find employment so that we can save our home and have our financial struggles come to an end.

Thank you.
I am praying for you ladies.

Please pray for my family and I. We have been going through many financial struggles over the past 18 months and just when it seems we are about to catch a break, things fall apart. I am in fear of losing our home and having that throw our family into a tailspin. I have been looking for employment for several months now, but with no luck. Please sisters, pray that my husband's job takes a turn for the better and that I can find employment so that we can save our home and have our financial struggles come to an end.

Thank you.

Done!!! :yep:
Thank you all for your prayers. I have until the 20th to close on my first home, but things don't look too good. Maybe you are right Ms Twana, he may have something better for me. Joy2day, I wish you the best of luck on your home purchase. I am leaving it all in God's hands, because he knows best.
Hi MrsPudden,

Thank you for your update, and thanks for your kind words...I hear in my spirit, "He is faithful Who promised..." Even in the midst of insurmountable odds and opposition, God is faithful. He is faithful to us as we keep our faith and trust firmly in Him.

God Bless Sis, stay encouraged...I am still believing with you.
Hi Everyone,

God has blessed me, despite my credit, to get a reasonable interest auto loan through Capital One Blank Check program. The PROBLEM is that capital one haven't/won't call my job to verify employment. My current car needs a new transmission and I really don't know how much longer I can continue to drive it.

So I'm asking that you ladies pray for two things:

1) That my CURRENT car continues to operate safely. I really don't want to be any acccidents or get stuck somewhere.

2) That Capital One will confirm my employment and finish my loan process so I can buy a new car THIS WEEK!!!

I'm believing God for all of this to happen this week so I can get a car this coming Saturday. I just need some powerful prayer warriors with me.

Thank you!
God has done it!!! THank you Jesus! and everyone for your prayers.

Hi Everyone,

God has blessed me, despite my credit, to get a reasonable interest auto loan through Capital One Blank Check program. The PROBLEM is that capital one haven't/won't call my job to verify employment. My current car needs a new transmission and I really don't know how much longer I can continue to drive it.

So I'm asking that you ladies pray for two things:

1) That my CURRENT car continues to operate safely. I really don't want to be any acccidents or get stuck somewhere.

2) That Capital One will confirm my employment and finish my loan process so I can buy a new car THIS WEEK!!!

I'm believing God for all of this to happen this week so I can get a car this coming Saturday. I just need some powerful prayer warriors with me.

Thank you!
:wave: all...I'm new to the forum, but part of my reason for joining was because I need all the fellowship--and accompanying prayer--I can get...didn't originally plan to "out" myself by making a prayer request so soon but felt moved to post, so here goes...

I am requesting prayer for my entire family, for starters. We are going through a difficult time, and I desire for the Lord to bind us together in His love that we might provide support for one another...I'm slowly coming to the realization that I personally need this more than anyone, since I'm the only one who doesn't have any refuge (at least in the carnal sense) from the situation...

Please pray for my emotional deliverance from loneliness, self-pity, hopelessness, and defeat...for motivation and determination to fulfill my calling...for strength in my own walk that I might rise above this situation so that I may be used for His purpose...there are other people around me who need prayer and I'm having difficulty relinquishing my own situation to rise to the occasion...and finally, for edifying associations with like-minded people who will offer genuine care and encouragement.

Sorry for the long post, and TIA...

lord bless you saint. I commit your spirit into GOD'S hand . remember GOD said worry not, lest the devil take advantage of your anxiety , and cause you to commit sin. GOD is with u and he knows all your desires and needs and he has promised us to take care of them all. see Matt 6:8; lord I commit your daughter into your sweet hands and I ask lord that you meet her need now , in jesus name, amen. saint is well, worry not , the lord have you in his hands , see Jeremiah 18:6.
Hello Everyone,

I'm so happy that I can also come to this forum for support as well.........My prayer request is to get a GREATA not just good but GREAT JOB!! I graduated in May 2009 and I am now living back at home after being away for 6 long years. I prayed and fasted for GOD to give me the strength to overcome my trials and tribulations with my education and he took my conflicts in his hand and in the name of Jesus I graduated.

Now i neeeeed to get a job to help out my family who supported me all those years while trying to graduate. Being the first person from my family to not only go to college and also graduate I cannot let this blessing go in vain and not get a job. In the future and with Gods will I will also go back to school for my Masters.

I ask that you pray for me, a sister in Christ, for a great job that will AID me in pursu9ing my education in the future. I have faith that I will get a job in my field of Information Technology in NY (specifically Management Information Systems) and by next year I will be given an opportunity to continue my education, This will show that though it was difficult God had a will and a way. He brought me this far and I know he has many more blessings for me on the way!!

Stay blessed everyone....thank you in advance as I praise him in advance!!

God will bless you. He sees your obedience to Him and your faith. Dont give up keep pressing. Lord, bless your child with a job that is far more than what she can expect. Lord, open doors for her and bless her life, In Jesus Name.
My prayer is small. But please pray that I pass this class with a B or better. I will admit that I slacked off the first few weeks; but I'm virgorously(?) back into the swing of things. I KNOW I can do it!

Please pray with me!
Would you all pray for my friend? Pray that his heart is receptive to the Lord. He is hurting from a tumultuous past, and only the Lord can heal him and make him whole again. I just want him to see the need for the Savior and experience the joy of knowing Jesus Christ. Please also pray for me that in every way, I will reflect Jesus...that he may see Jesus in me.

Thank you...and may God pour His blessings upon you all.
Would you all pray for my friend? Pray that his heart is receptive to the Lord. He is hurting from a tumultuous past, and only the Lord can heal him and make him whole again. I just want him to see the need for the Savior and experience the joy of knowing Jesus Christ. Please also pray for me that in every way, I will reflect Jesus...that he may see Jesus in me.

Thank you...and may God pour His blessings upon you all.

Jesus, please forgive divya's friend, by the mighty power of Thy Holy Spirit, please rebuke the demonic forces oppressing his mind, and bless his life with the sweet peace of thy Love.
Ladies I have 2 prayer requests.

1. Please pray for my friend. She is suffering from several mental issues and has/is planning to hurt herself. Some of us have been really trying to work with her and keep her spirits up thru prayer and activities. She is seeking more help but we are scared she may not make it to her appt. All of this has been very draining to those involved so please pray for them as well.

2. Please pray for me. I have been discouraged lately. My job hours are very draining and when I get home all I want to do or need to do is sleep before going in again. I find it hard to get into the Word or having time to pray. When I feel the urge to pray i get discouraged or feel silly since I haven't been consistent. I try to pray in the shower or on my way to work or read my Bible when I can even on my BB. So I'm just asking for prayer to desire God more and be obedient to him and seek him first.

TIA Ladies
Please pray for me to do well at this job interview & get this job working at the university I want to attend for grad school.
If I get this job, I can go to school for free.
I've ben unemployed due to a lay off for 3 months.
I just graduated college and I'm trying to get on my feet & gain independence.
This would be the perfect job for me.
Please pray for me to have strength, confidence, and a positive attitude & to thank God continually regardless of the outcome.
Hi Ladies,

I was in a car accident when I was in high school and after having an MRI it was discovered that I had a spinal problem that I was born with. It's something that can go undetected and not affect you at all unless something like a car accident triggers it. Once triggered it leaves you with severe headaches and backaches. I suffered with the headaches for a long time after the accident but about two years ago with a diet change and exercise all the pain went away. Now, unfortunately the pain has surfaced again leaving me very fatigued the past few weeks and the headaches seem to be worse than before. I know this is just the devil trying to attack me because I've been growing closer to God.

Please pray that God will touch my body. He has done it before and I know he can do it again. My knees, my back and my head are the most painful areas, especially when I'm sleeping. Also, please pray that I can stick to the strict diet and exercise that I was on before. My schedule has been preventing me from cooking and going to the gym but I believe it was God that showed me what diet to go on and what exercises to do so I need to be obedient to Him and get back to it. Thanks in advance for your prayers ladies!
I need prayer that all the progress God has made in my life since I got my job in July won't go up in smoke since I got notice I will be laid off on the 30th.I m trying my best to stay positive and hopefully but before this job I had been out of work for a year.I don't my grades to suffer because Im out of work as it did before.I know Im much more aware of things but that doesnt always make it easier.I m trying to plan budget wise and still stay pleasant at work.
Please pray that for my SO's spiritual growth.
Please pray for my grandmother's health. She is really sick.
Please pray that I pass my exam on monday it is extremely important.
'Alrighty' then..would you all..please pray for my partner to come into my life? I like my life for the most part but many days I pray for an intelligent, kind, connected to the Lord, man to come into my life who understands me, will grow to love me and has shared interests. Thank you, most sincerely:yep:.
My prayer request list:

1. Pray I get a job in San Diego, California so I can move there. God is leading my heart there, so please pray that while I'm in preparation that I use wisdom with my time, money, etc.

2. I'm going to do something that I've been avoiding for years. I'm going to take the LSAT in June 2010; please pray that I receive a high score.

3. I have an unsave male friend (he's my only male friend), please pray for him. I lifted him up to God and I believe that a quick miraculous work is going to done in his life and he is going to give his heart to Christ. Please touch and agree with me.
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I need a miracle to get into Grad School. I will take the GRE and I need a really high score. I know The Lord is leading me in this direction, so I'm pursuing it.

Thanks, and I'll give you all a praise report!!