Ladies, I know you have all been praying for me to find work as I requested. I have a job interview tomorrow.

Though I am not excited at the prospects, I know God works in mysterious way and I know if this job is for me, He will reveal it to me.

I posted this in the praise thread but I also wanted to put it here because it has to do with my job search as well:

I now have one of those side hustles that I discovered here on the forum: Leapforce. This is the perfect temp job as I search for new full time job. I am on the computer all day and making money to pay the bills will really help ease the pressure.

God has really been good for me: the job search is slow, but He is also healing my body from the ravages of the last few years (my hair has finally stopped falling out), my mind, my marriage, my family.

Praise God for His everlasting love.

No mystery in God's ways..we just don't understand them. :yep:

Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

He is Jehovah-jireh, our Provider , and he will provide for you and your family. You're in my prayers for this interview tomorrow. I believe that God has opened that door of employment for you and will direct you to the right job and not just any old job. Only the best for his Children :yep:

Ladies, I know you have all been praying for me to find work as I requested. I have a job interview tomorrow.

Though I am not excited at the prospects, I know God works in mysterious way and I know if this job is for me, He will reveal it to me.

I posted this in the praise thread but I also wanted to put it here because it has to do with my job search as well:

I now have one of those side hustles that I discovered here on the forum: Leapforce. This is the perfect temp job as I search for new full time job. I am on the computer all day and making money to pay the bills will really help ease the pressure.

God has really been good for me: the job search is slow, but He is also healing my body from the ravages of the last few years (my hair has finally stopped falling out), my mind, my marriage, my family.

Praise God for His everlasting love.
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No mystery in God's ways..we just don't understand them. :yep:

Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

He is Jehovah-jireh, our Provider , and he will provide for you and your family. You're in my prayers for this interview tomorrow. I believe that God has opened that door of employment for you and will direct you to the right job and not just any old job. Only the best for his Children :yep:

lol . . . that's what I mean. Mysterious to me :grin:

I know I don't understand what is going on so I will trust Him.
Hi Ladies,

I wonder if you could pray for my sister I dont want to put her personal business out there but she has been going through a rough time and her life is very unstable for about 5 months now, she has an appointment on Wednesday which will decide her future for better or for worse.So please pray that this meeting will be a great success and will go in her favour and that she will be able to bounce back from this setback.

Thank you.
Hi, Spongie,

I pray that all goes well in your sister's life...and I believe it and receive it, in Jesus' name. I thank God and stand in agreement with you, that on Wednesday, her life has changed for the better and that God has granted her favor in all areas of her life, especially in her finances. :yep:

Stay blessed!

Hi Ladies,

I wonder if you could pray for my sister I dont want to put her personal business out there but she has been going through a rough time and her life is very unstable for about 5 months now, she has an appointment on Wednesday which will decide her future for better or for worse.So please pray that this meeting will be a great success and will go in her favour and that she will be able to bounce back from this setback.

Thank you.
my family is so dysfuntional. i have family members being so evil towards one another and i find myself in the middle of it. i am trying to be the mediator and its not working. the devil is stirring something up and im becoming overwhelmed. theres only so much i can do. please pray for my family and I. please
divya... I miss you on the CF! I hope things are going well for you and that those decisions were sound. God bless and keep you, chica!


Please pray that I exercise good judgment. There are serious decisions that I must make in a coming weeks that will affect my life forever. Thank you.
I'm requesting that ya'll pray for me. I need a JOB!!! ASAP! I'm trusting and believing that God is going to make a way, but right now.....I need a JOB!


UPDATE: I received a call for an interview. I'm praying that God will bless me with this job. Keep me in your prayers.

I have lifted your brother up in prayer, that God has opened a door for him that no man can close, that he has found favor on his job interviews, that those who come in contact with him obey the Spirit of God. Amen!

My brother lost his job back in June. He is 24 years old. Please pray that he finds a job soon.
Hi, LadyCee,

Try not to be disheartened over your is draining to be mediator to family. Your heart is in the right place, and I feel your pain because you are a peacmaker at heart. You yearn for all to be well and everyone to be on good terms. But I have learned from that. That there are times we must apply the wisdom of God because the battles we want/tend to fight are not our own -- even when family is involved. Sometimes we give the devil credit when he should get none. Your family members have to choose to be more loving toward one another.

I ask that you try your best to guard your heart from all this pain, because from it flows the issues of life. I have prayed that God will soften the hearts of your family members and that you will be at peace. Let the peace of God rule and reign in your heart

This is my prayer for you today,
I'll leave these Scriptures for you concerning your concerns:

Prov 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

Psalms 127:1
Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.

Isaiah 32:17-18
And the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

my family is so dysfuntional. i have family members being so evil towards one another and i find myself in the middle of it. i am trying to be the mediator and its not working. the devil is stirring something up and im becoming overwhelmed. theres only so much i can do. please pray for my family and I. please
Please pray for me that I will have true faith in the Lord and put Him FIRST in every aspect of my life.

Thank you ladies.
I'm requesting prayer for financial blessings, a job, a place to stay and peace of mind. I wake up nervous and on edge and worrying about what is going to happen to me next. I am tired of the depression that had come over me. I don't answer my phone for days at a time and no one sees me when I get into my down moods. Since my divorce, things have gotten so crazy and I never thought my life would come to this.

I know that God is in control but I need to live like I believe that! I am praying for you ladies also.
I'm requesting prayer for financial blessings, a job, a place to stay and peace of mind. I wake up nervous and on edge and worrying about what is going to happen to me next. I am tired of the depression that had come over me. I don't answer my phone for days at a time and no one sees me when I get into my down moods. Since my divorce, things have gotten so crazy and I never thought my life would come to this.

I know that God is in control but I need to live like I believe that! I am praying for you ladies also.

Here are some helpful scriptures: Psalm 94, Matthew 6:31-34, Phillippians 4:6, Isaiah 40:29, Proverbs 3:5-7, Romans 8:26,27, 38,39

Hope this helps.
Please help me, I need your prayers and thoughts for my relationship

Hi ladies,

I am new here. Thanks for having this wonderful thread. Candiel, I will pray for you. I am unemployed so I know how it is to have financial difficulties and how stressful that can be.

I have a favor to ask everyone, can I please ask you all for a prayer request? This has been weighing on me so heavily. I am in the most wonderful relationship of my life right now with a man I believe truly loves me. He is truly my best friend and I love him and his son. But sometimes I don't feel the passion (attraction) that I believe I should feel with him and I wonder if he is "the one".

It seems like I have always been drawn to abusive or neglectful relationships that lasted such a short time and were dramatic. I would always get obsessed with guys who treated me badly or didn't call me back, etc. If a guy did seem to like me I would get bored so easily and always go after those bad-boys who were disrespectful and cared nothing about me (I hope this doesn't sound familiar to others!)

I am 30 years old and this is the first time I feel truly loved, so why am I pushing him away? Sometimes I feel like I am afraid to be truly happy. We have been together for almost 2 years now and I hope to be together for a lot longer. This is definitely not the first time I have gotten bored in a "healthy" relationship. Am I trying to create drama or is God telling me something else? I just don't know. I feel like I can't trust my own "feelings" anymore because they seem to lead me to the wrong choices in relationships. I feel like I have not been close to God in the last few years, but I realized I need him in my life and need His guidance.

Please pray for me for God to enter my life and help me to appreciate what I have. I know God put this man in my life for a reason, I know deep down that I do love him, please don't let me be swayed by temptation and wanting to stir up drama in my life. And if he is the One, please help the Lord to make me know this and appreciate this, and if not then please pray for Jesus to let me know the right thing to do.

Ladies, thank you for reading this request, I am sorry to be selfish and ask for this being so new here but I am at my wits end today and driving myself crazy and I thought maybe with this wonderful group I could rely on the "kindness of strangers". Thank you so much!

PS, if anyone has any scriptures or devotions that would help me please pass them along, and send me your prayer requests too.
Please pray for me this week, I've been having issues at work. Well actually it's more like an issue with a co-worker I was beginning to consider a friend.

My co-worker is very sweet but she has this knack for being a know it all, can be very disruptive in the workplace by being a loud talker and just very obnoxious. When I told her about being loud, she gave me excuses and place blame elsewhere and takes offense easily. I'm not sure if she's a Christian b/c she brings up other religions a lot when Christianity is brought up in our conversations but she's also very dominering in the conversations as well.

I'm quiet and reserved by nature so it takes a lot for me to become talkative and outspoken in any group. So around my co-workers, I've known them long enough and feel comfortable enough to not be as quiet but I'll pull back if do feel uncomfortable in any though and right now around her I feel incredibly frustrated and not in the spirit when I get around her lately.

I don't want to hurt her in any way. However, yesterday at work I did snap at her a lot. She very smotherly, as well and a people pleaser and takes it personal if someone is in a bad mood. I didn't mean to snap, I reach my limit with her and everything exploded, especially when she told me she was going to work my case her way when she ask me a question about it.

I did feel bad, the Holy Spirit immediately convicted my heart and I apologized to her. I don't have the heart to tell her that I also find her annoying along with my co-workers but I'm also going through an illness right now and stress is the last thing I need right now. I'm diabetic and I have gastroparesis and my sugars went up when I exploded.

I pray that I would get over myself because I know that my attitude towards her is not of God and he wouldn't want me to be annoyed with her. I also pray that she will see things from our co-workers point of view and learn to listen. I also pray that I would learn from this situation and just stay out of it next time, because I was also stuck in the middle between her and my other co-workers.

Thanks in advance in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit for your prayers. I'm also sorry that this was so long.
Morning Ladies,

I'm asking that you pray for my husband. He is struggling to manage a work issue involving a co worker. His job has threatened to terminate him, co worker or both because of recent work conflicts. What upsets us is that the co worker is a homosexual (50yr old grown man ) and using that to his advantage to make the boss and HR feel sorry for him.

Adding to DH's stress is an upcoming court case involving a pedestrian kicking his car while driving through a predominantly white college campus.

DH is struggling with the above issues and the thought of a baby on the way. He is extremely nervous and scared about being a new dad.

I try to support him, but he just looks down like he's ashamed. I tell him everything will be okay, but he still walks around depressed.

Your prayers are greatly needed. Thank you.
Hello Ladies

Can you wonderful ladies please keep myself and my son in prayer. Everything is getting out of control in my life and I just want to know what to do because it is obvious what I am doing is not working. I never needed God more than I do now and it hurts to feel like I am all alone . I wouldnt even know what to say to God, I feel like he dosent want to hear from me or he dosent see my struggles.

Thank You

Hi, jamaicalovely,

I put a petition to the Most High for you and your DH.. I rebuke the spirits of fear and depression from your family life and that the peace of God will rule in your lives. Stand fast on God's Word that he will say what he says he will do and hold strong onto your faith for your dear husband. God always will take care of his own. I pray that your DH not be fearful of losing his job but instead pray against this attempt from the enemy! He needs your prayers during this test of his faith, and he is blessed to have a praying wife by his side.

I pray for your baby, for health and strength in your body... that all factors of stress and anxiety find no place in the Temple of the Holy Ghost!

This is my prayer for you today.

Amen. :rosebud:
Morning Ladies,

I'm asking that you pray for my husband. He is struggling to manage a work issue involving a co worker. His job has threatened to terminate him, co worker or both because of recent work conflicts. What upsets us is that the co worker is a homosexual (50yr old grown man ) and using that to his advantage to make the boss and HR feel sorry for him.

Adding to DH's stress is an upcoming court case involving a pedestrian kicking his car while driving through a predominantly white college campus.

DH is struggling with the above issues and the thought of a baby on the way. He is extremely nervous and scared about being a new dad.

I try to support him, but he just looks down like he's ashamed. I tell him everything will be okay, but he still walks around depressed.

Your prayers are greatly needed. Thank you.
Please believe with me that my current financial and business ventures are successful so that I may be able to support my family. We have a need that must be met by December.

Thank you ladies.

God Bless.

I ask for you wonderful ladies in christ to please pray for favor for me in a position I am seeking to apply to. I ask that all things would work out for the good and that I recieve positive results from this. In jesus name Amen.

Thank You all
Please pray...

My friend just called...the 9-yr old son of an acquaintance just tried to kill himself. His father has been physically abusing him for sometime now and he tried to hang himself...then cut himself. They are taking him to a psychiatric hospital right now...
I'm praying for all you ladies.

I have been going through what feels like the fight of my life for the past year and a half. It all started with my divorce last year and I feel like I have lost everything. I am requesting prayer for guidance as to what my next move should be, praying for a car, a place to live, and most of all, peace of mind and freedom from anxiety, guilt and depression.
I have known EJH since High School; once we graduated and went our separate paths we haven't spoken or seen each other in over 10 years. But over the years God will awaken me in the middle of the night and go forth in prayer for EJH and I will sense things that were currently going on with him at that time.

Now he's back into my life (as a friend) and I'm asking that everyone prays for EJH, he is unsaved but I sense that the Lord is pulling on him and he's running. He knows about the Lord and he says he talks to God sometimes. But he's torn between giving up his "good life" and LIVING a good life with Christ.

Sorry for the ramble, I'm just trying to understand EJH purpose in being in my life.

But please pray for him. Thx.
*Please Eveyone!*

I need prayer for my uncle because I just found out a few minutes ago that he was in a bad car accident. We're unsure if he's stable, if he's critical or what, but he was flown in the trauma hawk to the hospital.

I just pray to God that he's okay or my Aunt is gonna lose it.