The last thread we had was lost in the process of bringing it over to this thread, so we'll start a new one. Thanks Bev, for saving the orignal text of that thread. :)

There are a lot of our sisters on the LHCF that are in need of prayer. God laid upon my heart the desire to pray for my LHCF sisters on this year. I meant to post this earlier, but I got sidetracked. If I can find just one prayer warrior who will pray with me in agreement for God to change these circumstances, in the name of Jesus, I assure you that we can see miracles happen. If I find more than one willing sister, we can send the devil running away screaming in agony! Oh, how he HATES when we come together in agreement for God's promises!

We have sisters who are:
- suffering from depression,
-they need jobs
-their finances are a mess
-their husbands are acting up
-their children are acting up
-their bodies are afflicted with sickness and disease
-some of our sisters cannot conceive and desparately need God to move
-some of us will receive negative reports from the doctor on this year. Are we going to accept that it's over for us? Or will we take it to the Doctor of doctors for His final diagnosis?
-many of our sisters need to be married, but the men are nowhere to be found. I'm believing God that this year, many of our LHCF sisters will meet their life partners. If you thought there was no hope, I've got news for ya! I've been praying on it, and I KNOW it will come to pass. :yay:
-and the list of situations that need prayer goes on and on...

We can pray for God to change these situations. Those who pray faithfully know the POWER of prayer. Towards the end of last year, I saw God work some mighty miracles, and I know that He wants to bless those who believe that He can do the things we ask of Him.

So pray with me. All those who have prayer requests, just add on to this thread. I'll write down your request and take it to God in prayer. Those who are of a heart to do the same, please do! God will bless you for it. For as you raise others in prayer, God will handle your business for you too! That's how our Father works! He blesses us as we are a blessing to others around us.

I'll be patiently waiting for a praise report so that I can sing and shout about the goodness of God. :)

Please pray for my relationship with my husband. It seems these days that we can't find anything positive to say to each other and I think we've both given up. I want to pray for restoration but I am just tired of going through the motions. I believe that God ordains marriage, I just don't know what to do to fix mine.

God bless you for praying for me. I'll definitely keep you in my prayers.
please pray that i and my other loved ones can heal from the passing of my sister and forgive the person that caused it .
Please pray that I exercise good judgment. There are serious decisions that I must make in a coming weeks that will affect my life forever. Thank you.
Please pray for my cousin, Hervin Jones, Jr. He has cancer in his neck, the doctors were giving him chemo therapy and some of the medication caused bone marrow to settle in his lungs which affected his breathing. for the past few weeks he has not been sleeping for fearing he wouldn't wake up. He passed out over the weekend and was rushed to the hospital, he's now on a ventilator and they do not want to do surgery for fear of him passing. I'm so hurt right now, we grew up in the same house and now I feel like I'm losing a brother.
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Please pray for my DH. He has a lump on his shoulder that gives him alot of pain and we are going to the doctor to see what it is about. Hopefully nothing serious. Thank You.
Please pray for my job search. I am 6 months in...I got a HUGE interview for August 14/15. I have been so crushed by the many no's. It has really hurt my self esteem and caused me to sink into depression. I can barely sleep most nights.

I have become accustomed to asking God to give me what he thinks is right for me, but for this one, I just can't. I really want this job. So bad. I want so badly to believe in the master plan that brought me into this opportunity.
Please pray for my sister and I. Her company just reduced her hours and I'm unemployed. I only receive money from school and now my school is trying to dismiss me from school. It's my only income.
Please pray that I find a permanent job as I have not been able to obtain one since October 2007. I work contract jobs whenever I do find them. They are usually paying less than half of what I was making before, but I am very thankful when I do find them. I don't feel like I'm worried, but my body tells me different being I am physically tired each and every day, but half the time I can't sleep. At this point I don't even care about making the same money, but just having a permanent full-time job with benefits would be a complete blessing.
Please pray that I will not lose faith in my Lord. I've been going through a lot with my mind fixated on everything else but God, and I'm so weary. I believe I'm being tested big time- many times before it was easy for me to give up on Him, but I refuse to do it this time...I'm willing to go through whatever I need to go through in order to get God's blessing and to have that close relationship with him always. Please pray that I endure this struggle. Thanks.
Pray for my husband and myself, he has gone on quite a few management interviews, with no success. It seems the employers are racist. This last interview was 3 rounds, almost guaranteed a job, then, no call, no nothing. He was told he has excellent recommendations, experience, former colleagues even vouched for him at this company. He called to inquire and was told they hired someone else. We learned this while on vacation ;-[.

He is so hurt. He is feeling like less of a provider. We desperately need the financial increase and have been believing God for a position of this type for years. We kept hearing so many words from The Lord on this and it's hard to grasp that they hired someone else. Where did we miss it? We both felt physically ill from the shock and he is more than a little bit depressed.

I'm consoling him, but I am disappointed as well, I can't lie. Please send me your pms if you have insight on this. Thanks in advance for praying that another, better position opens up quickly - and that he is hired for it.
I usually don't come and ask for prayers, but I'm in a tough situation.

I've been living with my in-laws for nearly two years now because my husband and I are down on our luck with the recession and me getting a job.

Yesterday my in-laws made is really, crystal, super clear that they want us out as fast as possible. They've started shoving papers under our noses and are making us go to house viewings.

The problem is, I'm unemployed which is going to make it impossible for us to get a mortgage in England. Even if we do and borrow £110,000 for this house they want us to have, we'll be paying £600 a month plus fees. My husband makes about £1,000 a month. Utilities (not including initial instillation) would be about £200 a month, leaving us with £200 -- and we haven't eaten nor has my husband got to work (£75 monthly) yet!

Please, if you could spare some time, pray for us.

Pray for me that I do not lose my faith in God. I have stopped praying, reading my bible verses and I haven't gone to church since I moved to this city.

I feel that nothing is going right in my life(financially and relationship-wise) because of this lost feeling I have when it comes to the Lord. I pray that things change for me for the better. Please anyone PM me, I would surely appreciate the guidance into the right direction which is a new and greater connection to God.
I am not suicidal. But I wouldn't mind dying sometime soon. I am so tired of my life and its meaningless activities. Its gotten to the point where I just go to work and come home. I've been trying to avoid my family and friends but all I get is the cuss out when they finally reach me. I just want to hide under my bed for the rest of 2009. I hate my life. I'm poor, ugly, crazy and I'm tired of it all.
Please pray that I pass my qualifying exam in Sept. My mentor...*sigh*... please just pray for me. I've never had to endure verbal abuse before, she is really messing up my confidence in my abilities. She makes me feel dumb, incompetent and stupid, maybe I should report her or just quit her lab :sad:
Ladies, I have prayed for each of you in this thread. Please hold on. God is not going to forsake either of you. Please, please hold on.

I'm still praying for you even when I log out. Please know this. I'm keeping your prayers close to my heart. Even more they are in the heart of God our Father in Heaven. :love2:
I'm requesting that ya'll pray for me. I need a JOB!!! ASAP! I'm trusting and believing that God is going to make a way, but right now.....I need a JOB!

Also, I'm working on a secret project, please pray that God will open the doors of opportunities for me.


You're in my prayers as you seek out that position that God has waiting just for you:

I know this economy is supposed to be topsy-turvey, Lord, but we don't live according to the World System. We live according to your Kingdom. Because your dear Child Changed works for you Lord, and not man, I stand in agreement with her that you have supplied ALL her needs. We thank you, Lord, for that new employment. We believe and we receive your will today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Changed, when God opens that BIG DOOR for you no man can shut it and I look forward to your praise report!

If there's anything I can do to help you in the natural w/ your search for employment, feel free to IM me.... :yep:

God Bless,


I'm requesting that ya'll pray for me. I need a JOB!!! ASAP! I'm trusting and believing that God is going to make a way, but right now.....I need a JOB!

Also, I'm working on a secret project, please pray that God will open the doors of opportunities for me.

I stand in agreement... :yep: Amen!

I especially hold close to my heart those seeking work and have said a special prayer for them. Psalms 37 says his his Righteous will never be forsaken nor will his seed have to beg for bread. The devourer is on the prowl, looking for lambs to destroy but guess what? God tells us whatever condition we are in, there will always be contentment, in Him. I believe this to be true....

God bless you Prayer Warrrior!!

Ladies, I have prayed for each of you in this thread. Please hold on. God is not going to forsake either of you. Please, please hold on.

I'm still praying for you even when I log out. Please know this. I'm keeping your prayers close to my heart. Even more they are in the heart of God our Father in Heaven. :love2:


Please don't lose faith in God, because he'll never lose faith in you...

The enemy wants you to give up :yep: because he sees that blessing and doesn't want you to benefit from it. I pray that your faith is strengthened and that you endure to claim that blessing God wants to bestow upon you! AMEN!

When you have some time, I encourage you to read Psalms 124. It's a short Psalms packed with PUNCH. If you can read it each morning when you awake, for the rest of the week, I believe you will be encouraged:

“Had it not been the LORD who was on our side,” Let Israel now say,
“Had it not been the LORD who was on our side When men rose up against us,
Then they would have swallowed us alive, When their anger was kindled against us;
Then the waters would have engulfed us, The stream would have swept over our soul;
Then the raging waters would have swept over our soul.”
Blessed be the LORD, Who has not given us to be torn by their teeth.
Our soul has escaped as a bird out of the snare of the trapper; The snare is broken and we have escaped.
Our help is in the name of the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.

Please pray that I will not lose faith in my Lord. I've been going through a lot with my mind fixated on everything else but God, and I'm so weary. I believe I'm being tested big time- many times before it was easy for me to give up on Him, but I refuse to do it this time...I'm willing to go through whatever I need to go through in order to get God's blessing and to have that close relationship with him always. Please pray that I endure this struggle. Thanks.
Laela, I just want to thank you so much for your encouragement. It's so crazy that you posted this yesterday because yesterday I woke up, and decided that I didn't want to think about Him right now. My mind was tired and I felt like everything was so complicated. So I just didn't do anything (well at least anything productive). I'm gonna keep it simple in my own personal relationship with Him and trust that He knows that I'm trying, even though i may stumble quite a few times. Thanks for the suggestion to read Psalms 124, I will be reading that.
Please pray that I pass my qualifying exam in Sept. My mentor...*sigh*... please just pray for me. I've never had to endure verbal abuse before, she is really messing up my confidence in my abilities. She makes me feel dumb, incompetent and stupid, maybe I should report her or just quit her lab :sad:

One of God's names is Jehovah Shammah, which means, the God who is already there. Sosa, God is already 'there' in your lab classes and there with your Mentor and there with you all the way. He is already there to lead and guide you; to protect you and to never reject you. God is already there. Each moment of life that you enter into, God is already there, always with you. No matter who else, or where you have to be, He is...already there, just to comfort and protect you.

Enter into each moment from this moment on, knowing that God has already been there before you to smooth and prepare the way. And know that God is there to stay, never leading you astray.

You have Victories in your life, still yet untold. You have many blessings and miracles which are yet and about to unfold. Don't be afraid anymore, for God is with you and you will never ever fail, not in labs nor in life. You will never, ever fail. Your Mentor is no different than any other, a human being who is never to be feared; but respected for being there to teach you; who lives under God and not above Him.

Jehovah Shammah, The God Who Loves You and is Always there, just for you.

Blessings and please share your Victory come September! :Rose:
Hey you guys,
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask for this or not, but please pray that I get halfway to APL (my goal for this month) by the end of the month. For some reason my hair isn't growing as much as it used to though I'm doing everything I've always done for it to grow. My goal is to get past APL by December and if I don't get halfway to APL by the end of this month it'll throw everything off track. I know it seems trivial but my hair is important to me. I pray every night for it but pls pray for me too. thanks :grin:
That was very well said.. and ITA on keeping it simple. That's all God asked.. trusting him is simple but we sometimes try to make it so complicated. I know I have... I wish you well this week and that Psalms 124 was sown deep into your heart! It will bear fruit.. :yep:

Laela, I just want to thank you so much for your encouragement. It's so crazy that you posted this yesterday because yesterday I woke up, and decided that I didn't want to think about Him right now. My mind was tired and I felt like everything was so complicated. So I just didn't do anything (well at least anything productive). I'm gonna keep it simple in my own personal relationship with Him and trust that He knows that I'm trying, even though i may stumble quite a few times. Thanks for the suggestion to read Psalms 124, I will be reading that.
Hey you guys,
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask for this or not, but please pray that I get halfway to APL (my goal for this month) by the end of the month. For some reason my hair isn't growing as much as it used to though I'm doing everything I've always done for it to grow.

My goal is to get past APL by December and if I don't get halfway to APL by the end of this month it'll throw everything off track. I know it seems trivial but my hair is important to me. I pray every night for it but pls pray for me too. thanks :grin:
Father I ask that you take your precious daughter's hair, way below Bra Strap. Thank you for showing her what to add and what to take away. Give her perfect peace each inch of the way. Keep her healthy inside and out. Protect her hair from excess shedding and keep it from falling out.

I thank you Father that you will give to her all that she needs to maintain her healthy growth. I thank you Heavenly Father, that you give her inch by inch, measure by measure, your Crowing Glory that she will treasure.

We give you praise and only you will have all honour and glory for this we pray in your precious name, Jesus... Amen and Amen. :Rose:

For you RunwayDream.... Beautiful Healthy Runway Hair. :rocker:
Father I ask that you take your precious daughter's hair, way below Bra Strap. Thank you for showing her what to add and what to take away. Give her perfect peace each inch of the way. Keep her healthy inside and out. Protect her hair from excess shedding and keep it from falling out.

I thank you Father that you will give to her all that she needs to maintain her healthy growth. I thank you Heavenly Father, that you give her inch by inch, measure by measure, your Crowing Glory that she will treasure.

We give you praise and only you will have all honour and glory for this we pray in your precious name, Jesus... Amen and Amen. :Rose:

For you RunwayDream.... Beautiful Healthy Runway Hair. :rocker:

aww thanks so much!! i wish i knew how to pray that well
Hi Ladies,

I am asking for some prayer during my time of serious confusion and need of guidance. I ask that the Lord continues to hear my prayers and helps me to be more patient and learn to be a happy being rather than negative and sad at times. To wake up in the morning and not allow anything or anyone ruin my day. Prayer to be content with myself and to find the true me, and do what makes the Lord happy that will in turn make me happy. To be happy for others and to no longer hate or be jealous of anyone. To stop being to hard on myself and loving me for me for the self doubt to disappear and to be the best I can only be and to also be okay with being single for now and be patient enough to wait for God to send me the best person out there that will not only compliment me but makes me a better person in Christ.


Thank you ladies. !
God is no magician to grant us our wishes instantly; he wants us to meet him halfway, in faith...through prayer, he will provide you with the knowledge and skills to maintain and grow beautiful hair. He's already drawn you to LHCF, from which you can glean the knowledge to accomplish your goal..... this is Faith with Works at work.


Happy hair growing!
aww thanks so much!! i wish i knew how to pray that well