I have a business Law test tomorrow where I'm studying for it right now. I'm praying and I ask that everyone pray with me, that I know, understand, and can spit this info back out to my teacher, but that I retain it past this test, as I want to become a CPA.

Also I found what may be the job/internship of my dreams and I really pray that I get it...I just finished my resume and cover letter and I'm about to fax it to the office now.

Thank you. You all are in my prayers also.
I can't even begin to tell what's going on, but the enemy is attacking my babies. Please pray our strength as a FAMILY, and DEVIL, you WILL NOT GET YOUR HANDS ON MY CHILDREN! I rebuke you IN THE NAME OF JESUS!
I don't think this is bad idea, but if you're in this thread you probably agree with me- pray for Rhianna and Chris Brown. I'm making it a personal spiritual goal to pray for someone ELSE outside of my immediate family everyday. I think it would do them a lot of good and it will also help keep me togehter because I won't be so self absorbed with me me me....I can get that way sometimes...but pray for them and any other rich and famous image that is a person underneath. They need someone to petition for their souls since they may not be doing it for themselves. Know what I mean? be blessed everyone.
I very much need a job for this summer. I had an interview that would be the perfect position and I pray that the Lord would provide exactly what I need.
My mom is having surgery to remove fibroids next week. She is in Alabama (I'm in Houston). I ask that you pray for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.
Please pray for me. There is someone at my job that is making my life miserable. He has already threatened to do so and is going through with it. He has been feeding him with lies against me in order to get me fired. My boss has started turning against me.

I am in tears everyday about how miserable things are and i already have resignation letter typed up.

Please pray for me.
Good Morning Ladies:
My sister just called me and told me she lost her job. She has a 4 year old. Please pray that she gets another job soon and that I am able to help her in whatever way I can. She was persecuted on this job by an overbearing, mean, nasty boss. I know this is a way to open a door for her, but pray for her peace and strength and faith to know that God will see her through this.
Thank you!
I have a two fold prayer.

1.) Pray that I find a church home in Colorado; I haven't been to church in months and I miss going.

2.) Pray that God blesses me with a job that meets my desires.
Plese pray for me that I can get through this situation.. my ex and I have been broken up for 2 years but we still have feelings and talk often. On Valentine's Day, he tells me that he's having a baby by a woman 10 years older than him in 3 weeks and he still wants to be with me. Now that there is a baby involved, I don't know if I can do it. Dealing with his child's mother and that situation for the rest of my life is something that I am not looking forward to. I have been praying about this and I need some back up. We have received confirmation about our marriage when we were in high school but I'm having doubts. I'm hurt, angry, confused so please pray for me.
asking for prayer for healing health and power and strength
and for God's guidance and major breakthrough
to an astonshing level in career goals of the heart
Thy will be done
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praying for all our requests
standing in agreement
Lord do not tarry..as we come
boldly to the throne of grace saying thank you in advance
for your mercy,miracles and saving power that gives abundantly
supernaturally beyond what we ask for
right on time
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Please pray for my friend M. She was in a really bad car accident yesterday and her foot was crushed and severly damaged. She is ok, but she is going to have to have complete reconstructive surgery on her foot. The damage is so bad that she's in an air cast and they can't operate until all the swelling goes down.
Please lift up my nephew Mark, he is coming out of a coma and we are believing God for a speedy recovery. He is opening his eyes, blinking, squeezing our hand lightly, moving his limbs and we are believing for his mind to be renewed and restored and to be better than ever as well as his physical body, spirit and soul.

It is a joy to watch God's healing manifest in him. Mark is strong and really trying to come out of this. We are standing on this with violent faith and we are taking my nephew's life back with force!!! He is 31 and wants a new life with new purpose and I know God is giving it to him.

I need some hardcore prayer warriors on this. Storming the kingdom of darkness and fighting for my nephew with prayer, praise and faith commands!

Thank you guys so much and i'll update with a praise report.
I need a prayer request for a relationship that I just can't let go. It's been a few years and I guess I'm afraid of the unknown. It feels like I'm losing even though I'm trying to do what God says I'm supposed to do and I hate this feeling.
Hey everyone, I am in here posting again...:cry2:
Please pray for my finances. I am doing my best, but it seems as if there isn't ever enough to cover our basic needs. But GOD is my ultimate source and I believe by faith that he will see us through these rough times. Aman.
asking for prayer for a little boy name Erich. I don't know his situation but I want him covered in prayer and please help me. I pleade the blood of Jesus over this child and his life.
Please pray that I love the people who try to bring me down!! I have this whole in my heart for a few people in my life that have betrayed me and I just want to forgive and forget but it is so hard! Please pray for me b/c I have a bad habit of holding a grudge!
Prayer Request:
-Please pray that God leads me to find my church home.
-Please pray that my daughter find her way back to God.
-Please pray that God heal my broken heart.
-Please pray for all of those that are going through difficult times.
Please pray for one of the worship leaders at my church. She is a 22 year old Ithaca College student seemingly in excellent shape. She went into the hospital w week ago with mono that led to pneumonia, then a heart attack. She is unconscious and in a coma. They cannot detect any bain function. Her name is Andrea Morton. Thank you
Please pray for me. I am struggling trying to breath everyday. I have asthma but have been free for 10 years now I thought it was back but they think its my heart. I have a series of test on Monday.
Please pray for the family of Janey. They lost their mother from lung cancer a few months ago and the older daughter committed suicide this week. This leaves J. by herself because the father's business has him traveling abroad too often, plus, they don't have a good relationship. This child is broken and miserable and I fear she may be tempted to do the same. She's not talking, barely standing up straight. Please pray for G-d to protect her and her father.:cry:
Please pray:

I recently sprung my ankle, I don't have any medical insurance and I can't afford to go to the doctor. Please pray for a complete healing.

I've been unemployed for a long time please pray that God will open the doors of opportunities for me. I'm in desperate need, sometimes its so hard not to cry about my sad situation.
Please pray that God watches over me and my loved ones. we are all going through relationship trials and need his forgiveness and guidance and love. plz pray that God helps me find a decent job. plz pray that God helps me pass my classes and keeps me surrounded around love and positivity.
Please pray that God gives me focus to complete and pass my classes and gives me guidance what to do next.