Please pray for me ladies because just as I was trying to piece my lifeback together and jumpstart things, something else has come up and now I feel like I'll never get out this rut. I've been crying everyday for the past week and crying out to God but I just feel as though I will never see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm trying to wholeheartedly believe that God will answer my prayers but since I'm the reason i'm in this mess, I feel He doesn't want to help. Please just keep me in your prayers that everything will work out, I'll get out of this rut and can continue a happy healthy life.
My mane

While listening to the Yolanda Adams morning show---she said during these dark and turbulent times do two things...1. meditate on the goodness of God and 2. remember what he has done before when the enemy was after you as he is now.

I will pray a specific prayer for you tonight. See how God works in your life. Be inspired

Please keep me in your prayers. I will be taking my GMAT exam tomorrow that I've been studying so hard for and for such a long time. This is my fourth time taking this exam and I pray that I may get a competitive score of (630+) in order to be a competitive applicant as I apply to business school.

"I believe and receive it"...Amen
Heavenly Father I pray now in the name of Jesus for my friend Amy.
Lord I know you have her under your care and protection. Please Lord stop the bleeding and protect her and her baby. Send your spirit through the doctors and nurses that will be helping her. Calm her spirit and send comfort to her right now. I claim VICTORY over whatever is seeking to disturb her pregnancy. She WILL Deliver a healthy baby IN YOUR TIMING!
Love you Amy.

I PRAISE YOU LORD For helping my friend and her baby!!!! Hallelujah!!!!
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Those of you that know the words of prayer please pray for me. I am in a bad living situation and am trying my best to get out of it. I'm physically disabled (FM, CFS, CTS, and AKAmputee) and I am trying my best to dig myself out of this ditch. I'm due to graduate as a web designer in May of '09 near the top of my class (3.8) and the job market doesn't look good. I'm steadily holding on and keeping faith. I've just been through so much. Please keep me in prayer and I will do the same for you.
I have been working hard to get into nursing school and I am asking you ladies to pray for me. Letter of acceptance went out last week and I havent received anything yet, and I am kinda nervous in a way. I know its only been a week but I stay like 30 mins from the school, so at the moment I am just keeping myself calm and continuing to pray.
Please Pray for me. I want to get my life back in order. Pray that I get accepted to the university of my choice for sept 2009. I cant take it anymore. Too many problems at home and I'm tired. I gave 3 years of my life helping everyone in my family...I put my life on hold long... I barely have time to study.. Please help!!!! If possible that i move out into a new apartment soon. I need more time for me. HELP!
Jennifer Hudson and other surviving family members. They haven't officially confirmed whether or not the body of the little boy they found today was indeed her nephew's, but I have a gut feeling that it is :(

After losing both her mother and brother in such a brutal way, the thought of losing a nephew too nauseates me. My heart truly goes out to her, and I know that words could never do justice in providing solace to her, so I just ask that we all band together and continue to pray for her strength from God. That's the best I know to do.

Prayer request for Barack Obama and his family in their time of mourning for his grandmother, Toot.

Pray for his safety through this election process and for the safety of our country.
I ask for prayer from you regarding my living situation. I have been renting a house for about 9 years and it's falling apart. Leaky roof, etc. I have stayed here because rents in my area are upwards of 1300-1600 for a house. I can't afford that. I have drug dealers in my block, on my front at all hours of the night, cussing, drinking, and the police do nothing. I need to move to a safer place. I know God will make a way.
Heavenly Father:
I BELIEVE that you will move in my situation. Things have gotten worse, and only YOU could make a way out of this situation. I praise you right now for the miraculous fixing of this situation. I thank you for protecting my mother yesterday and keeping her alive. Praises be to the name of the Lord Jesus. You got us out of a really bad situation, but I know that things will still be hard. Lord give us the strength to support my mother as she recovers and please protect us from the evil that is trying to destroy us as a family. You said in your word that we are more than conquererors and that no weapon that's formed against us shall prosper. I BELIEVE!
Can you girls pray for me? I'm in-between right now and applying madly daily. I could take just any (which I might have to do, for the sake of $) but I reallly want a decent job with good pay. I'm looking for something in my field. Could you just pray that we make it financially? I'm a single mother. There are other family issues as well. So please just support us in your prayers and good thoughts. Thank you.
I would like to request a special prayer for all those who don't know where their next meal is coming from. While we prepare for to give Thanks to God for allowing us to see another year, I pray that we will remember to pray for those in need.
I have a prayer request over my health.

I received a letter from the doctor over the thanksgiving holidays saying that I need to come in immediately, I don't know what else can be wrong with me (I am already dealing with a situation now).

I'm praying that it is nothing else more than what I already know.

Can you ladies pray that I will be fine when I go to the doctor this week?

Thank y'all so much.
I need ya'll to pray for my health also. I've been praying and asking God for his deliverance from what I've been suffering. I feel like he's hearing me as things have been looking up. I'm just feeling a little discouraged right now and my faith in him is not what it should be. Please pray for me and my situation and that I'll start having more faith in him.
My husband is up for a promotion, please agree with us that he receives it with top pay.

Thanks in advance,

I'll post a Praise Report!
I beleive that all things are possible. Please pray for me to have a loving respectful romantic relationship with my "list guy". I'm prayaing for all of you as well. Praise God. TIA
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I am ready to move onto the next level in life as far as my education goes. I am a nursing major and it is time for me to go to NS, but I am still waiting on 2 major grades to come in. I have it in my heart to help ppl, this is my passion. My college experience has been a crazy one, not always good and trust me I am making up for it now. I am just asking for the last 2 grades to be on my side, I have worked really hard this semester. I want to be a nurse and I will be a nurse, in Jesus name. I am claiming it, for it is mine. Ladies pray for me as well, if you like.
Please pray for me I haven't been such a good christian lately. also pray for my relationship I love this guy with all my heart but he is not a christian pray that I can lead him in the right direction. Also for my health I've been sick since last friday. I kno god will work evrything out but plz remember me in ur prayers
My husband and I would like to have children. My husband and I saved ourselves for marriage and we are trusting God for children (we've been married for 3 yrs).
Praying regarding my living situation on campus...
I have requested a single room and I am on a wait list that has not moved since October.My living situation is terrible and I am praying for favor in this situation and peace of mind.
Matthew 7:7-8 (New International Version)

Ask, Seek, Knock

7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

God knows I have asked, seek, and knock so hard, I think I broke God's door down:yawn:. I have fasted and prayed; but still nothing. God is telling me to "Wait, wait, Its coming". I can feel it coming, but I am so slow and a fool.

I ask for prayer for a job, FINANCIAL FREEDOM......I NEED A BREAKTHROUGH...I need something. I am holding on, but I feel like I am slipping off of what ever I am holding on too. But God would never let me go.

P.S. I have been single my whole life.(I am 26, soon to be 27 in 1 month) I just want to get my life in order before someone comes into my life. I know I may not meet mr. right when I assume my life is in order, I just feel like I am missing something, a part of me is lost some where and I need to find it on my own. I feel like I am slowly dying. I need a BREAKTHROUGH.

Thank You For your Prayers.
Had an interview with a heathcare job that I can grow with. I havent worked in a year+, I am claiming it, for it is mines.
I am reading this post I AM SO MOVED thank you Tanica g for reaching out to me in my time of need i will pray for EVERY ONE ON THIS THREAD AND ALSO FOR THE ONES WHO ARE NOT. 2008 was a trying year for my marriage,finances and health BUT i trust that if GOD will pull you to it he will see you through it. Please pray for me as well
I touch and agree with all those prayers presented here. Please keep me and my family in your prayers too. We need them right now. We need God to show up in a mighty way.