I have a prayer request for my father, who may be lsing his eyesight. I pray that he gains it back with a realization that is is nothing but God responsible.

I'm sorry to hear about your mother's loss. I pray she has the strength to endure this tremendous grieving she must be going through. I am praying for you to pass your test and I'm looking forward to hearing your testimony.
Thank you very much! Trust me one is coming....
I am asking for a pray request because, I think this would better my knowledge of my healthcare field and also may be a very good experience. I am a newly certified CNA (nursing aide) and I recently applied for a postion at one of Houstons major hospitals. I truely believe that I did well, as I asked God to put the needed words in my mouth. I interviewed with a total of 4 ppl; nursing recruiter, admin of department, nurse, and cna. It has been a week still with little update that i had to reach out for; nursing recruiter said that department havent made a decision yet (it was me and another person). But they should have a decision soon. Its not because of the pay or anything, i would just love the experience that i would get from there. Also its kinda needed b/c they are willing to pay for my nursing school in exchange for I think 2 years of nursing there. I dont come from a well off family and I am already close to $30k in debt for school loans and I just got done with my sophomore year, and they are killing me. I am asking God to help me with this....if its not for me then I understand. But pray doesnt hurt.
I'm here first of all asking for prayer for my mother. She's been having some health problems, and finally found out that the cause of her anemia is that her kidney is getting weak, functioning at only 45%. Please "touch" and agree with me for her absolute healing. The doctor told her that they can't make it better, but could only sustain. When she falls below 45%, she'll need dialysis or a kidney transplant. However, I know another Physician...His Name is Jesus. She's a 13+ year survivor (praise God) of cancer, she has diabetes, and now this, but Satan is defeated. I thank you in advance for your prayers.

My second request is that I am able to find a JOB! I recently graduated with an AAS in accounting, will be continuing to work on my BS this fall. But as a single mom looking to move, I need a job badly. Finding a job thus far has been a real struggle, but please pray for me that I find something that pays well. Also pray for my strength b/c I do get a little discouraged at times.

Thank you all
Please pray for my mothr who just left an abusive relationship as well as over our strength and my education.

thanks all
God Bless
For all of us on this request thread

Father you said you give abundantly..exceedingly more than we can ask,Father you said BEFORE we ask you said.. I will answer......I AM ..
Father you are the great I AM..and nothing is impossible for you....
We lay our heartfelt requests and our tears and sleepless nights before you at the foot of the cross.....you said do not worry...every hair on our head is counted

Father you promised where two or more are gathered..there your beloved son Jesus is in the midst who lives to make intercession for us. We are praying remembering your mercies that are new every morning..by your grace we are NOT consumed. IN the name of your precious SON who died for us ...rose from the dead we entreat you ...hear us
now turn it ALL round now...Father make haste to help us

Jehovah Jireh..God who provides..this is the day YOU have made let us rejoice and be glad in it ..O Father we beseech you send us now prosperity and every need we stand in heartfelt request of

"By HIS stripes we are healed"
"Beloved I wish that you be in health as your soul prospers"
"Fear not Little flock, it is your Father's good pleasure t ogive to you the kingdom"

in the name of Jesus
We praise you and bless you and thank you for divine answered prayer and miracles beyond human reasoning
For all of us on this request thread

Father you said you give abundantly..exceedingly more than we can ask,Father you said BEFORE we ask you said.. I will answer......I AM ..
Father you are the great I AM..and nothing is impossible for you....
We lay our heartfelt requests and our tears and sleepless nights before you at the foot of the cross.....you said do not worry...every hair on our head is counted

Father you promised where two or more are gathered..there your beloved son Jesus is in the midst who lives to make intercession for us. We are praying remembering your mercies that are new every morning..by your grace we are NOT consumed. IN the name of your precious SON who died for us ...rose from the dead we entreat you ...hear us
now turn it ALL round now...Father make haste to help us

Jehovah Jireh..God who provides..this is the day YOU have made let us rejoice and be glad in it ..O Father we beseech you send us now prosperity and every need we stand in heartfelt request of

"By HIS stripes we are healed"
"Beloved I wish that you be in health as your soul prospers"
"Fear not Little flock, it is your Father's good pleasure t ogive to you the kingdom"

in the name of Jesus
We praise you and bless you and thank you for divine answered prayer and miracles beyond human reasoning

Amen and amen.
For all of us on this request thread

Father you said you give abundantly..exceedingly more than we can ask,Father you said BEFORE we ask you said.. I will answer......I AM ..
Father you are the great I AM..and nothing is impossible for you....
We lay our heartfelt requests and our tears and sleepless nights before you at the foot of the cross.....you said do not worry...every hair on our head is counted

Father you promised where two or more are gathered..there your beloved son Jesus is in the midst who lives to make intercession for us. We are praying remembering your mercies that are new every morning..by your grace we are NOT consumed. IN the name of your precious SON who died for us ...rose from the dead we entreat you ...hear us
now turn it ALL round now...Father make haste to help us

Jehovah Jireh..God who provides..this is the day YOU have made let us rejoice and be glad in it ..O Father we beseech you send us now prosperity and every need we stand in heartfelt request of

"By HIS stripes we are healed"
"Beloved I wish that you be in health as your soul prospers"
"Fear not Little flock, it is your Father's good pleasure t ogive to you the kingdom"

in the name of Jesus
We praise you and bless you and thank you for divine answered prayer and miracles beyond human reasoning
In 100% agreement I say AMEN!
For all of us on this request thread

Father you said you give abundantly..exceedingly more than we can ask,Father you said BEFORE we ask you said.. I will answer......I AM ..
Father you are the great I AM..and nothing is impossible for you....
We lay our heartfelt requests and our tears and sleepless nights before you at the foot of the cross.....you said do not worry...every hair on our head is counted

Father you promised where two or more are gathered..there your beloved son Jesus is in the midst who lives to make intercession for us. We are praying remembering your mercies that are new every morning..by your grace we are NOT consumed. IN the name of your precious SON who died for us ...rose from the dead we entreat you ...hear us
now turn it ALL round now...Father make haste to help us

Jehovah Jireh..God who provides..this is the day YOU have made let us rejoice and be glad in it ..O Father we beseech you send us now prosperity and every need we stand in heartfelt request of

"By HIS stripes we are healed"
"Beloved I wish that you be in health as your soul prospers"
"Fear not Little flock, it is your Father's good pleasure t ogive to you the kingdom"

in the name of Jesus
We praise you and bless you and thank you for divine answered prayer and miracles beyond human reasoning

So be it...Amen!
I did post this on the "off topic board", so I am hoping it is okay to post it again. But I do have a prayer request:

Please pray for my nephew who is 8 months old and having open heart surgery on Monday. Before he was even born the doctors detected that his right and left arteries needed to be reversed leading to the heart. When he was born they performed open heart surgery on him the 2nd day. He did well and has since been home. They recently noticed his pulmonary artery was narrowing and that his heart was working too hard to pump the blood. So on Tuesday he went into surgery to open up the artery via cathetherization going up through his groin to his heart, well it was unsuccessful because the pulmonary artery was too narrow and his condition is worse then they had originally thought.

He is at NY Presbyterian where they have one of the best cardiology units for children. He is always smiling and laughing and charming all the nurses and doctors. He is a ray of sunshine ALL THE TIME! Children are amazing with how they can bring happiness into the lives of all.

Please keep him, my brother, sister-in-law, my 3 year old nephew (his big brother), and the fabulous surgeon in your prayers. Thank you.

Pamela (proud aunty)
I am requesting a prayer request. My husband and I need to move urgently due to a substantial rent increase. We are looking to rent a townhome that would be much less and much more space. Please send up a prayer request that we get this place. The last place we found last week-someone beat us to it.
I am still looking for a place of employment that I can go up in. I am a CNA at the moment in my 3rd year in college, still have a while to go. I applied to a major hospital in Houston, interviewed, just waiting on a decision at the moment. I am praying that it will be mine. Pray for me ladies, send them good vibes this way LOL. In Jesus name, Amen.
I dont usually pray for particular things but at church on Sunday the pastor helped me see the difference between being fatelistic (sp?) and what prayer can do.

So ladies I ask that you will also pray for me. On Thursday I have a job interview for a job that will really give me a good start in life, please pray that I am successful in the interview and getting this position

Thank You
I did post this on the "off topic board", so I am hoping it is okay to post it again. But I do have a prayer request:

Please pray for my nephew who is 8 months old and having open heart surgery on Monday. Before he was even born the doctors detected that his right and left arteries needed to be reversed leading to the heart. When he was born they performed open heart surgery on him the 2nd day. He did well and has since been home. They recently noticed his pulmonary artery was narrowing and that his heart was working too hard to pump the blood. So on Tuesday he went into surgery to open up the artery via cathetherization going up through his groin to his heart, well it was unsuccessful because the pulmonary artery was too narrow and his condition is worse then they had originally thought.

He is at NY Presbyterian where they have one of the best cardiology units for children. He is always smiling and laughing and charming all the nurses and doctors. He is a ray of sunshine ALL THE TIME! Children are amazing with how they can bring happiness into the lives of all.

Please keep him, my brother, sister-in-law, my 3 year old nephew (his big brother), and the fabulous surgeon in your prayers. Thank you.

Pamela (proud aunty)

I hope all went well??
I thought long and hard about posting this here.
My son is 10 and has been bullied and teased most of his life because of his health issues and a learning disability.
The other day in therapy with his social worker, he said he wanted to die because people think he is "ugly" and that he wouldn't do anything to himself because he knows that "mommy would be sad and cry".
Lord remove this spirit of depression from my baby and let him know that he is BEAUTIFUL and loved by so many people. Cover and protect him as we try to help him see the wonderful things about himself. Lord guide me as I make decisions about his health and well being.
Ladies please pray that the Lord will keep my baby safe.
If you could all pray that I am able to lose 50 pounds by December in order to be a kindey donor for my father it would be greatly appreciated!

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”- Philippians 1:6
I dont usually pray for particular things but at church on Sunday the pastor helped me see the difference between being fatelistic (sp?) and what prayer can do.

So ladies I ask that you will also pray for me. On Thursday I have a job interview for a job that will really give me a good start in life, please pray that I am successful in the interview and getting this position

Thank You

Your prayer has been lifted up! Please keep us posted on how it goes!!!
I don't post much, but I really feel the need to ask for your help in praying for me. You all have some really powerful prayers. I am recent graduate and have been looking for a job in my field. I ask that you pray that God will bless me with a school counseling position in a CPS high school. I have been supporting myself and two kids off of student loans since I had to do a year long internship and the money is running out. School will be starting in about six weeks and I am getting nervous about not having a position yet.

Your prayers are appreciated!
Please say a prayer for my 6 yr old son. he had open heart surgery to correct a hole in his heart and a narrowing of his aorta. he has been going to checkups every 2 yrs without any issues. he had a recent cardiologist appt in which they found the area behing the narrowing is enlarging. he has to have another checkup in dec to see if it has gotten worse. please keep him in his prayers and i pray he doesnt have to go through surgery again and if he does it is as just as successful as the first.
Ladies, please pray for me. I have a learning disability and they're saying because of it I can't pass the bar exam. I know that's not true. Through HIM all things are possible- or else I couldn't have gotten this far.
but some doubts are creeping in about my ability. I know it's not my ability but HIS that will get me through-- please pray for me everyone
Please pray for my daughter's marriage.Her and her husband have been married a year and they are living in Hawaii and are experiencing financial hardships and it is taking a toll on their relationship.Also I would like a prayer for my own financial situation. thank you and amen
I thought long and hard about posting this here.
My son is 10 and has been bullied and teased most of his life because of his health issues and a learning disability.
The other day in therapy with his social worker, he said he wanted to die because people think he is "ugly" and that he wouldn't do anything to himself because he knows that "mommy would be sad and cry".
Lord remove this spirit of depression from my baby and let him know that he is BEAUTIFUL and loved by so many people. Cover and protect him as we try to help him see the wonderful things about himself. Lord guide me as I make decisions about his health and well being.
Ladies please pray that the Lord will keep my baby safe.

I pray with you that God's will be done and that that spirit is removed from your baby in the name of Jesus.

Try having him learn/recite/ Psalm 27 or read it to him, it is about being confident in the Lord. I have my son go over it and post it on his wall for those times when his confidence falls. When I drop him off at school I tell him to have a 27 Psalm day and it seems to have helped him tremendously
Please just keep me in your prayers. I am going through a very tough time in my life right now and am bordering on depression.
I am in need of some prayer. I have been moved from a position here at work that I was thriving in. I"m still doing the same work but for a different group. I am in international sales and I do the paperwork for the government to approve the sale of the items. They have hired another lady to sit with my old group and SHE IS CLUELESS. I understand not knowing some of the programs but after sitting with her for 30 days and watching her not take one note, those folks from that group are now bringing me their paperwork, i'm DISGUSTED and DISTURBED that this is happening, I have been sending them back to her and she just breaks down and cries. Just pray the the foolishness behind these decisions be exposed and I'm promoted out of the group. Like my aunt says, we need to pray in specifics and I specifically need for GOD to DELIVER ME.
My husband and I are currently living overseas (US Air Force) and my husband has fallen quite ill. Because of this we are unable to move and I may have to leave him here alone due to prior obligations. I hate to be away from him during any recovery time. I pray that he would be healed and we would be reunited at some point, based on our next assignment. Thank you and God bless.
somebody pray for me please i am having alot of problems in school, and with my hair, and health
and please pray for my grandma who has breast cancer
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