Prayer Line Schedule: Updates Are Posted Here

Hi Ladies,

I'll be on tonight with you.

My prayer request is:

A job in Human Resources with matching pay to my skill/knowledge.

An ability to pay off my over $100k student loan without any negative effect on my credit report.

Thank you ladies.
I'm happy to come back and say that my mom finally came home after spending two months at the hospital and my lump was benign. Thank you for your prayers.
I will only ask that you pray for my FH's uncle who just passed away from colon cancer yesterday. FH's brother dreamt that same morning that an angel visited him and it was around the time he died. I'm convinced he is now sitting by His side. :yep:

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Mrs. S - I was looking through the threads this morning and I wondered how you and your mom were doing! Thanks for the update and I praise God that you have a clean bill of health and that your mom is doing better. :amen:

On another note, I am so sorry for you and your FH's loss. :bighug: God bless you both as well as your families.
I listened to the call on Tuesday night and was so happy I did! I felt so inspired and energized by listening to everyone's love for God, family, friends and each other. I plan to be on the call again tonight and ask that you all pray (1) for my friend Tonja whose 11 year old son, Khalil is in need of spiritual uplifting (2) that I have a closer relationship with God and learn to follow his guidance/direction instead of my own. God bless!!!
what an awesome testimony, God is still in the healing business

Wonderful prayer line tonight :yep: I felt the love... Thank you ladies. Hope to hear your voices on Tuesday!

I am still 'flushed' by the power of Elnahna's testimony. What a miracle woman of love she is. The power of God flowed all through her testimony. Praise God.
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Awesome prayers ladies, for the ones that lead the prayers, thank you for allowing God to use you.

I will keep you ladies in my prayers.

Eastern Standard Time

Praising God for all of His Goodness unto us ... Amen and Amen

Love and more love to each of you. Beyond words, more love. :love3:
My prayer is for everyone else to get their prayers answered soon. I ask nothing for myself because I know that "IT'S ALREADY DONE" In Jesus Name, AMEN!

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My prayer is for everyone else to get their prayers answered soon. I ask nothing for myself because I know that "IT'S ALREADY DONE" In Jesus Name, AMEN!

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Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the heart of this precious sister of ours in you, your daughter mst1908. She's asked for nothing for herself.

I ask you to bless her 1000-fold for all that she has given unto you, unto others, and unto us. Thank you that all of her needs are 'beyond' met and that she is healthy whole and strong. Thank you for the desires of her heart being fulfilled as only you can fulfill them to completion and beyond anything that she could ever ask or think. Let her know,

"Dearest Love", I have seen the desires of your heart, I have seen your tears, I have seen your gifts of love unto others, therefore I will bless you also and hold dear you as my daughter throughout eternity.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen...
Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the heart of this precious sister of ours in you, your daughter mst1908. She's asked for nothing for herself.

I ask you to bless her 1000-fold for all that she has given unto you, unto others, and unto us. Thank you that all of her needs are 'beyond' met and that she is healthy whole and strong. Thank you for the desires of her heart being fulfilled as only you can fulfill them to completion and beyond anything that she could ever ask or think. Let her know,

"Dearest Love", I have seen the desires of your heart, I have seen your tears, I have seen your gifts of love unto others, therefore I will bless you also and hold dear you as my daughter throughout eternity.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen...

Thank you so very much. You have a heart of GOLD! I stand in agreement with your prayer & pray the same for you in return. Especially the "1000 FOLD" now that's a POWERFUL declaration & our God is more than able to answer ALL the prayers & desires of our hearts. Thank you again :)


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I am still 'flushed' by the power of Elnahna's testimony. What a miracle woman of love she is. The power of God flowed all through her testimony. Praise God.

Same here. Elnahna, thank you so much for sharing your testimony. It helped me a lot. I will continue to encourage my friend. :yep: God bless you.

Shimmie, thank you for your insight on Zechariah 10:1. I'm going to meditate on it today. :yep:
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Same here. Elnahna, thank you so much for sharing your testimony. It helped me a lot. I will continue to encourage my friend. :yep: God bless you.

Shimmie, thank you for your insight on Zechariah 10:1. I'm going to meditate on it today. :yep:

Last night's prayer celebration was awesome and it just keeps getting better. Praise God.

What impresses me is the 4-year old (William) that we prayed for last night, whose leg was bothering him after he had treatment done at the doctors.

What impresses me is that this 'baby' knows his body. He knows that something is not right, something is different and out of the normal realm, and he didn't keep quiet about it. He told his 'Mommie', she shared with us, which then lead all of us to prayer.

I couldn't stop thinking about little William, last night and this morning. Here's what's been in my heart for there is a 'blessing' in this situation.

In like manner, this precious little 4-year old, who is taught of the Lord, will in like manner, also and always know when something is not right in his spirit.

He will know when the enemy is deceiving and when Jesus is speaking, this child will know the difference., he will 'know' God's voice, he will rightly discern the two and even that which is lukewarm.


I just looked up the meaning of his name, William. This baby's name means, desire, 'will', and Helmet and Protection. This speaks volumes. :yep:

Another source says: Vehement protector

So this is a child whose 'Desire' is towards God; who seeks the 'Will' of God, Willingly. He wears the full armour of God, glowing with the 'Helmet' of Salvation and he is a Protector, a Vehement Protector of his stand upon the Word of God.

I'd say that this 4-year old has quite a Destiny with the Lord. His legs are healed in Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen.
Last night's prayer celebration was awesome and it just keeps getting better. Praise God.

What impresses me is the 4-year old (William) that we prayed for last night, whose leg was bothering him after he had treatment done at the doctors.

What impresses me is that this 'baby' knows his body. He knows that something is not right, something is different and out of the normal realm, and he didn't keep quiet about it. He told his 'Mommie', she shared with us, which then lead all of us to prayer.

I couldn't stop thinking about little William, last night and this morning. Here's what's been in my heart for there is a 'blessing' in this situation.

In like manner, this precious little 4-year old, who is taught of the Lord, will in like manner, also and always know when something is not right in his spirit.

He will know when the enemy is deceiving and when Jesus is speaking, this child will know the difference., he will 'know' God's voice, he will rightly discern the two and even that which is lukewarm.


I just looked up the meaning of his name, William. This baby's name means, desire, 'will', and Helmet and Protection. This speaks volumes. :yep:

Another source says: Vehement protector

So this is a child whose 'Desire' is towards God; who seeks the 'Will' of God, Willingly. He wears the full armour of God, glowing with the 'Helmet' of Salvation and he is a Protector, a Vehement Protector of his stand upon the Word of God.

I'd say that this 4-year old has quite a Destiny with the Lord. His legs are healed in Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen.

Shimmie, i love this. Declaring life over William. God, your will and desire be done in and for William.

I enjoyed prayer last night. Elnahna's testimony was awesome. Trusting God inspite of all else.

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I enjoyed the prayer time spent with you all last night! I am def going to meditate on the passage Shimmie shared.:yep: I know everytime the Lord mentions rain it is symbolic of rebirth/renewal/ hope/ change:reddancer:... You get the point. I was especially moved by the loss of the twins and will keep that family lifted in my prayers as well as having the intercessors at my local church in prayer for the family. As many of you know it has been a little over a year since I lost my DGS to SIDS on the same day we were planning to celebrate his first month of life here:sad:. Looking forward to Tuesday's prayer time! Lives are being forever changed when we pray!
Deut 32:30(a)-
30 How could one man chase a thousand,
or two put ten thousand to flight...
Elnaha's testimony about her healing brought to tears to my eyes! You are a miracle-God IS a healer!

Prudent1 Thank you for the prayers for my friend and her husband over the loss of their twins.

I will also pray and meditate on Zechariah 10:1 today and throughout the weekend. I will speak it until it starts speaking back!
Shimmie, i love this. Declaring life over William. God, your will and desire be done in and for William.

I enjoyed prayer last night. Elnahna's testimony was awesome. Trusting God inspite of all else.

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I enjoyed the prayer time spent with you all last night! I am def going to meditate on the passage Shimmie shared.:yep: I know everytime the Lord mentions rain it is symbolic of rebirth/renewal/ hope/ change:reddancer:... You get the point. I was especially moved by the loss of the twins and will keep that family lifted in my prayers as well as having the intercessors at my local church in prayer for the family. As many of you know it has been a little over a year since I lost my DGS to SIDS on the same day we were planning to celebrate his first month of life here:sad:. Looking forward to Tuesday's prayer time! Lives are being forever changed when we pray!
Deut 32:30(a)-
30 How could one man chase a thousand,
or two put ten thousand to flight...

I thank God for each of you and our prayers do indeed 'availeth' much. :pray:

This is what God has placed Himself into us to do... speak His word and pray; to life up each other, sharpen one another's swords.

Health&hair28, I don't even know this precious little boy, William, yet he has my heart. He just 'stole' it :love2:, as I can't stop thinking about him. Bless his heart.

If I remember correctly, is it 'Traci' the name of our member? William's mom? There was a 'delay' in the phone line and I kept 'missing' the member's name. She also asked prayer for her friend's marriage.

I have to figure out how to 'fix' the voice delay that occurs in our conference calls. It appears to be 'voice activated', a function which does have a 'delay' of a few seconds once a person begins to speak.

Prudent1, you are so right about the rain. Earlier I had asked the Lord for a word, regarding the children / family members who have 'left' home with unknown whereabouts. I began reading Zechariah chapter 10, how God will 'hiss' for them and they will hear and answer as we are praising God. Verse 1 stood out as did the rest of the chapter, for God is re-strengthening those who have been weakened.

I still have a 'glow' from Elnahna 's testimony. She was right on time and filled with the glory of God flowing from her spirit.

For the precious family who lost their twins, and for you, Prudent1, for your 'Darling God (or is it) Grand Son" my heart is with you and the other family and my prayers. Jesus came to heal, soothe, comfort and embrace the broken hearted. Lord God, bless yours, your family's and the other family's dear hearts and allow each of you to conceive and give life again... In Jesus' Amen.
Shimmie, i love this. Declaring life over William. God, your will and desire be done in and for William.

I enjoyed prayer last night. Elnahna's testimony was awesome. Trusting God inspite of all else.

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Who is William's mom? What was the name of our member? There was a 'voice delay' and I missed her name. Praise God.

I'm still praying for her handsome little Prince, William. :love2:
Oh my, my, my... Elnahna has a powerful testimony. :yep: She is indeed a miracle.. and it was good to witness the on-timeness of God on this very call. Thank you Shimmie for the Word on Zacheriah 10 it this morning. Traci my heart and prayers are with your friend. Please continue to encourage her in the Lord. Elnahna said it right, doctors aren't God they only practice medicine! AMEN!!!
Oh my, my, my... Elnahna has a powerful testimony. :yep: She is indeed a miracle.. and it was good to witness the on-timeness of God on this very call. Thank you Shimmie for the Word on Zacheriah 10 it this morning. Traci my heart and prayers are with your friend. Please continue to encourage her in the Lord. Elnahna said it right, doctors aren't God they only practice medicine! AMEN!!!
^^^ Yes, I loved that and immediately picked up on that too Laela:yep:. Doctor's practice, our God perfects!
Thanks Shimmie,
Jeremiah was/is my DGS (grandson):heart2:. I look forward to completing my race and being able to see what a handsome being he is now:grin:. We miss him so! Oh how I thank God for keeping us through it all:worship2:.
^^^ Yes, I loved that and immediately picked up on that too Laela:yep:. Doctor's practice, our God perfects!
Thanks Shimmie,
Jeremiah was/is my DGS (grandson):heart2:. I look forward to completing my race and being able to see what a handsome being he is now:grin:. We miss him so! Oh how I thank God for keeping us through it all:worship2:.


:love3: For you...
Last night's prayer celebration was awesome and it just keeps getting better. Praise God.

What impresses me is the 4-year old (William) that we prayed for last night, whose leg was bothering him after he had treatment done at the doctors.

What impresses me is that this 'baby' knows his body. He knows that something is not right, something is different and out of the normal realm, and he didn't keep quiet about it. He told his 'Mommie', she shared with us, which then lead all of us to prayer.

I couldn't stop thinking about little William, last night and this morning. Here's what's been in my heart for there is a 'blessing' in this situation.

In like manner, this precious little 4-year old, who is taught of the Lord, will in like manner, also and always know when something is not right in his spirit.

He will know when the enemy is deceiving and when Jesus is speaking, this child will know the difference., he will 'know' God's voice, he will rightly discern the two and even that which is lukewarm.


I just looked up the meaning of his name, William. This baby's name means, desire, 'will', and Helmet and Protection. This speaks volumes. :yep:

Another source says: Vehement protector

So this is a child whose 'Desire' is towards God; who seeks the 'Will' of God, Willingly. He wears the full armour of God, glowing with the 'Helmet' of Salvation and he is a Protector, a Vehement Protector of his stand upon the Word of God.

I'd say that this 4-year old has quite a Destiny with the Lord. His legs are healed in Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen.

OMGoodness Shimmie , I THANK GOD FOR YOU AND THE WORD YOU DECLARED OVER MY BABY BOY!!! I write this with tears of joy, blessings, overwhelming greatness to GOD!!!!

Last night after the prayer line, my mom and step dad stopped by to check on William, he was asleep, but they covered his leg with olive oil and rubbed it and prayed over him as well. I felt so good from your prayer and that of my mom and step dad.

Woke up usual time to get ready for work (5am), Will woke up about 20 mins later. The first thing he said was "mommy my leg hurts, I can't walk". I sat down next to him and rubbed his thigh, he flinched. I could feel a firmness there that his right leg did not have. Right then and there I said "I'm not going in, I'm taking you to the ER"!

I called my mom and told her, she told me to keep her updated.

Now, I took him to the Childrens Hospital where he had the procedure done 12 days before, especially since I knew they'd be able to get any reports from the computer system.

Backstory...He is being evaluated for Precocious Puberty because he's showing signs of early puberty and they did some blood work on Monday Nov 21. They injected a hormone called "Depralupron (sp?) into his left thigh. Well that was 12 days ago and this is the same thigh that is hurting him and there is a little pimple where the needle when in.

Back to today....... I had to FIGHT for treatment today. The ER Dr was horrible! After telling him the backstory, he was like, "Well mom, it's a muscle issue and there's nothing we can do about it, it'll resolve on it's own, if he were running a fever, that would be different" I'm like, "NO, it's something more than that, I want an x-ray"!!! "OK, we'll do that!" He says.

X-ray comes back, nothing! Dr once again tries to convince me that it's nothing more than a sore muscle and will resolve itself. I then cross my arms and shake my head! "NO, I just don't feel right, there is something more going on, my son is not the same" He is limping slightly, and favoring the other leg. He couldn't get on my bed by himself nor could he get in the car by himself. William is VERY independent!! lol

I tell the Dr, feel his leg, you cannot tell me you don't feel this firmness, the other leg is not like this, he says he'll do blood work and call the specialist who ordered the initial test. A short while later the nurse comes in to say that they are taking him to have an ultrasound done! YES, this is going to be shed some light on the situation!

We're in the ultrasound room and with my own two eyes, I could see there there was a little mass of something there, the technician see's it too of course and points the little arrow to it and takes lots of pictures and says she's going to have the Dr come in and take a look!

We go back to the ER room and the Dr comes right in and says, in a totally different tone, more caring and humble "Ok...the blood test are negative, but we do see a small area of inflammation and it's seems like the beginnings of an infection, and we're going to put him on antibiotics and whenever there is an injection done to any area of the body, an infection is possible!"

Wait, where was this possibility 6hrs ago when I first got here, but then I remembered Shimmie's prayer and that overwhelming feeling of GOD's presence on the drive to the ER. The enemy wanted my son to not get the proper treatment, but GOD!!!!!!

God is so goooooooooooooooooood, so faithful, so AWESOME, so wonderful. The same way I stood my ground with this Dr, is the same way I will stand my ground against the enemy, who comes to steal, kill and destroy anything and everything GOD has declared over my life or that of my SEED!!!! NO devil, you can't have any of them, not Alexander, Cailynn or William!!!!! Amen and amen!!!

The discharge nurse was like, "make sure he takes all of the medicine, and at any sign of a fever, bring him right back because that would mean it's gone septic" Now I know that anything septic, aint good!

Thanks for your words of life, encouragement! William will live and declare the Glory of the LORD!!!!!
OMGoodness Shimmie , I THANK GOD FOR YOU AND THE WORD YOU DECLARED OVER MY BABY BOY!!! I write this with tears of joy, blessings, overwhelming greatness to GOD!!!!

Last night after the prayer line, my mom and step dad stopped by to check on William, he was asleep, but they covered his leg with olive oil and rubbed it and prayed over him as well. I felt so good from your prayer and that of my mom and step dad.

Woke up usual time to get ready for work (5am), Will woke up about 20 mins later. The first thing he said was "mommy my leg hurts, I can't walk". I sat down next to him and rubbed his thigh, he flinched. I could feel a firmness there that his right leg did not have. Right then and there I said "I'm not going in, I'm taking you to the ER"!

I called my mom and told her, she told me to keep her updated.

Now, I took him to the Childrens Hospital where he had the procedure done 12 days before, especially since I knew they'd be able to get any reports from the computer system.

Backstory...He is being evaluated for Precocious Puberty because he's showing signs of early puberty and they did some blood work on Monday Nov 21. They injected a hormone called "Depralupron (sp?) into his left thigh. Well that was 12 days ago and this is the same thigh that is hurting him and there is a little pimple where the needle when in.

Back to today....... I had to FIGHT for treatment today. The ER Dr was horrible! After telling him the backstory, he was like, "Well mom, it's a muscle issue and there's nothing we can do about it, it'll resolve on it's own, if he were running a fever, that would be different" I'm like, "NO, it's something more than that, I want an x-ray"!!! "OK, we'll do that!" He says.

X-ray comes back, nothing! Dr once again tries to convince me that it's nothing more than a sore muscle and will resolve itself. I then cross my arms and shake my head! "NO, I just don't feel right, there is something more going on, my son is not the same" He is limping slightly, and favoring the other leg. He couldn't get on my bed by himself nor could he get in the car by himself. William is VERY independent!! lol

I tell the Dr, feel his leg, you cannot tell me you don't feel this firmness, the other leg is not like this, he says he'll do blood work and call the specialist who ordered the initial test. A short while later the nurse comes in to say that they are taking him to have an ultrasound done! YES, this is going to be shed some light on the situation!

We're in the ultrasound room and with my own two eyes, I could see there there was a little mass of something there, the technician see's it too of course and points the little arrow to it and takes lots of pictures and says she's going to have the Dr come in and take a look!

We go back to the ER room and the Dr comes right in and says, in a totally different tone, more caring and humble "Ok...the blood test are negative, but we do see a small area of inflammation and it's seems like the beginnings of an infection, and we're going to put him on antibiotics and whenever there is an injection done to any area of the body, an infection is possible!"

Wait, where was this possibility 6hrs ago when I first got here, but then I remembered Shimmie's prayer and that overwhelming feeling of GOD's presence on the drive to the ER. The enemy wanted my son to not get the proper treatment, but GOD!!!!!!

God is so goooooooooooooooooood, so faithful, so AWESOME, so wonderful. The same way I stood my ground with this Dr, is the same way I will stand my ground against the enemy, who comes to steal, kill and destroy anything and everything GOD has declared over my life or that of my SEED!!!! NO devil, you can't have any of them, not Alexander, Cailynn or William!!!!! Amen and amen!!!

The discharge nurse was like, "make sure he takes all of the medicine, and at any sign of a fever, bring him right back because that would mean it's gone septic" Now I know that anything septic, aint good!

Thanks for your words of life, encouragement! William will live and declare the Glory of the LORD!!!!!

Sunny ! ! ! It was YOU! You're William's Mommie... :cry:

I have not been able to stop thinking and praying for William since last night's prayer. Your Darling 4-year old son has literally stolen my heart and I don't even know him, yet I feel as if I do. He has been on my heart and in my prayers non-stop since last night's prayer.

I can see him jumping and playing as never before and seeing him grow tall and strong and doing mighty things for God. God has assigned mighty angels over William and the Spirit of the Lord is upon him.

Last night I couldn't hear your name on the line, as there seems to be a 'delay' when someone first begins to speak when on the conference line. I've been asking for 'you' (i.e. William's Mommie) in this thread ever since, because I couldn't stop thinking about him and praying for your Prince William. I wanted to 'hold him' and tell him that he's okay.

God has angels surrounding Prince William. I sense the presence of God so strong around your son. Your prayers are powerful and they are 'bouncing towards me in the spirit'. In other words, the presence of God is just that strong in you and your family that I can't help but feel it.

William is definitely going to be okay. God wasn't giving up on him. From what you've shared in your post about what happen last night and this morning at the ER, it is no small wonder why I could not stop praying for him. I had no idea until you posted above. Lord Jesus, you are indeed a fighter and don't ever stop being as such.

God has a special plan for William. He is a walking living breathing testimony unto God and each of your children are under this Covenant of God's divine protection. "Vehement Protection", Praise God.

Give Prince William a big hug for me. Tell him, he has stolen my heart, completely. :love3:

sunnysmyler ... It is well, Precious Sister, it is well. Thank you for the honour of allowing me to pray for your son.
:kiss: Thank you so much Shimmie, you are truly a Awesome Woman of God! I so felt the presence of GOD in your words as you were sharing with us regarding the youth/ young ppl of today! I was the one that kept on saying "Amen, yes Amen" :yep: I had to fight to keep myself from going into a shout :lachen:

There is such an anointing on you, from knowing just the right words to share with someone to the comforting tone of your voice. God is all up in you Lady and it's evident because you are such a light on this "Hair Board", :lol:, and I appreciate you!!!:blowkiss::bighug::blowkiss::bighug:

I gave Prince William one big ole kiss, special delivery from his Auntie Shimmie :hug2::heart:

He's well on his way to feeling much better and ate about 6 chicken wings and a big slice of pizza to confirm it! :wiggle:

1st pic, the family at Alex's 16th b-day dinner
2nd pic, William the Vehement Protector Super Hero :lol:
3rd pic, William with one of his favorite Superhero's with the phony "cheese" smile.


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