Prayer Line Schedule: Updates Are Posted Here

Shimmie Thanks for the thread tag...I hope that you are ok.

Ladies thank you for the prayer.

The call was wonderful.

May God cover you all in His love. :grouphug:

princesslocks, I'm so glad you made it tonight and that you were blessed by the prayers.

I'm so sorry that I missed each of you tonight. It was a huge error on my part. Please continue to join the prayer line. :love2:
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Thanks ladies. I allowed that to keep me from joining in (stupid I know, but I don't like praying in front of others). I will be on the next phone call, it's on my calendar.

Thanks Shimmie, for setting these calls up.
Thanks ladies. I allowed that to keep me from joining in (stupid I know, but I don't like praying in front of others). I will be on the next phone call, it's on my calendar.

Thanks Shimmie, for setting these calls up.

I can't take any thanks for this. [USER] Alicialynn, TraciChanel and Health&hair86 [/USER]and so many more of our members here have been keeping this prayer line alive.

i thank God for each of them and for you and everyone else who supports it.
Thanks ladies. I allowed that to keep me from joining in (stupid I know, but I don't like praying in front of others). I will be on the next phone call, it's on my calendar.

Thanks Shimmie, for setting these calls up.

I can't take any thanks for this. Alicialynn86, TraciChanel and Health&hair28 and so many more of our members here have been keeping this prayer line alive. These ladies are faithful and they take everyone's prayers to heart and hold down the fort of the prayer line. I am so honoured to be a part of the team.

i thank God for each of them and for you and everyone else who supports it.
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Really sorry but I slept through the alarm that I had set. I'm sitting on the train to work with tears in my eyes I'm that upset I couldn't make the call. Please pray for me - the devil is definitely trying his best to steal my seed. I'll pray silently right now.

God bless you,

Pooh, you made it. :yep: You were listening to either TraciChanel or Health&hair86. They lead the prayer team and are awesome.

Please keep coming back. No one is left out. :love2:

Thanks. Whoever it was, you have a nice voice and it was nice to hear one of you LHCF ladies pray.

I will try to make it earlier next time. I just lost track of time last night. The 30 minute time frame has a way of sneaking by without noticing sometimes. ;)
Poohbear, I actually set a reminder 15 mins earlier on my phone so I wouldn't forget. I know it was meant for me to be on the line last night because both my younger children were asleep and my oldest was still at work when the time came. So I was able to be on the line undistracted.

I too loved the opportunity to listen in and to have been able to pray, thank you ladies. I love prayer!
ebsalita, don't worry. We covered you in prayer last night about everything you requested. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers :yep: ...Sending you a PM...

Really sorry but I slept through the alarm that I had set. I'm sitting on the train to work with tears in my eyes I'm that upset I couldn't make the call. Please pray for me - the devil is definitely trying his best to steal my seed. I'll pray silently right now.

God bless you,


Really sorry but I slept through the alarm that I had set. I'm sitting on the train to work with tears in my eyes I'm that upset I couldn't make the call. Please pray for me - the devil is definitely trying his best to steal my seed. I'll pray silently right now.

God bless you,


You and I are probably going thru the same thing, my seed being my child the only one I have and NOPE Devil you can't have her!. I will pray for you.
Yay! I should be on thursday nite again too, God spare..last night was my first time..I was feeling left out all those other times too lol

Really sorry but I slept through the alarm that I had set. I'm sitting on the train to work with tears in my eyes I'm that upset I couldn't make the call. Please pray for me - the devil is definitely trying his best to steal my seed. I'll pray silently right now.

God bless you,



You are not alone in prayer nor in any area of your life.

Your seed cannot be taken nor can it be destroyed. God's love and His tender mercies 'hover' over you and all that is yours.

Fear not and be not dismayed, God will never leave you nor forsake you, neither will He forsake your seed. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Sashaa08 & Laela - thanks for the kind birthday wishes.

ebsalita, don't worry. We covered you in prayer last night about everything you requested. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers :yep: ...Sending you a PM...

TraciChanel Thank you for that message and for remembering me though I didn't make the call last night. I really appreciate you (all of you) for this. I feel much improved today.

You and I are probably going thru the same thing, my seed being my child the only one I have and NOPE Devil you can't have her!. I will pray for you.

gn1g :yep::yep::yep:I will pray for you, too gn1g - he will not have your only child. :nono:


You are not alone in prayer nor in any area of your life.

Your seed cannot be taken nor can it be destroyed. God's love and His tender mercies 'hover' over you and all that is yours.

Fear not and be not dismayed, God will never leave you nor forsake you, neither will He forsake your seed. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Shimmie Thank you, your message really lifted me; God has not given up on me. I could really feel the Spirit a month or so ago then all of a sudden, nothing and I got frightened and discouraged, but this really helped me.

Please lift up in prayer the Rev Billy Graham and his family, esp Franklin, who has been carrying the torch and running one of my favorite charities, Samaritan's Purse. Their prayer is that he spends Christmas with his family... but ya'll know to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord! Amein~
Please lift up in prayer the Rev Billy Graham and his family, esp Franklin, who has been carrying the torch and running one of my favorite charities, Samaritan's Purse. Their prayer is that he spends Christmas with his family... but ya'll know to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord! Amein~

Laela, thank you for sharing this. I will definitely keep Reverend Graham and his family esp. Franklin, in prayer.

My 'Auntie' is 101 years old. :yep: Yes...she is. And she's just as alert and active as I am. :lol: (This is me :sleep: ) :lol: ( TraciChanel and Health&hair28 will get this). :lol:

Anyway, it was she who 'introduced' me to Billy Graham when was a little thing. I remember sitting in her "Parlor" with the fancy furniture and they had this large Tv where the family would gather and watch him as he ministered. Prior to the program, there'd be excitement among my 'Auntie' and her family and then silence as the music started and when he began to speak.

Laela, some things we just never forget, I can still 'see' the room and the furniture of my Auntie's "Parlor". :yep: These are my memories of Reverend Graham. He played an important part n our family. More 'Seed' of God's Word that was being planted into the fertile ground of my heart. :love3:
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Sashaa08 & Laela - thanks for the kind birthday wishes.

TraciChanel Thank you for that message and for remembering me though I didn't make the call last night. I really appreciate you (all of you) for this. I feel much improved today.

gn1g :yep::yep::yep:I will pray for you, too gn1g - he will not have your only child. :nono:

Shimmie Thank you, your message really lifted me; God has not given up on me. I could really feel the Spirit a month or so ago then all of a sudden, nothing and I got frightened and discouraged, but this really helped me.


:grouphug2: You are more than welcome. Your 'seed' is well planted. Nothing can up root it.
I have a prayer request this evening. Please pray for my students-that they do well on their upcoming final exams and that they find favor in this job market for summer internships and post graduate employment.
Requesting prayer for a friend of mine and his cousin who are now doing time. There's a lot of pain and betrayal one expriences and the other has mental illness who lapsed in meds and got in trouble. Please pray also for their friend. They need help and guidance.
- Please pray for a friend, his daughter has cancer. She is very young, around 5. It is agressive and rare. But God is bigger than cancer.

- My husband's barber has a friend that is 25 and he has cancer. He is in the hospital now. He is having problems with his breathing. Thank God for the healing.

- I have a cousin, she is young with kids. She is headed down the wrong path. Pray that she will hear the voice of God and allow Him to save and change her.

Thanks ladies
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Please pray for my friend John whose Lymphoma Cancer is in remission but has just been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and his young adult daughter has recently been diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer as well.
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Eastern Standard Time

Praising God for all of His Goodness unto us ... Amen and Amen​

Love and more love to each of you. Beyond words, more love. :love3:

Call in Number: 916-233-2999

Access Code: 523054

Important note:

Long Distance Rates may apply depending upon your phone's carrier service.


Quoted to remind everyone of tonight's prayer session.