Prayer Line Schedule: Updates Are Posted Here

I pray that I will be able to stay up and join the call tonight. Thanks to all the ladies that have prayed, and reached out to me. I'm trying to hold on but it's so hard....
I pray that I will be able to stay up and join the call tonight. Thanks to all the ladies that have prayed, and reached out to me. I'm trying to hold on but it's so hard....


Don't give up, Precious Sweetie. I've been where you are. God can't help but bless you into new beginnings. You are His daughter and He is not going to abandon you. Things are going to be better. It's already begun to change for the better for you.

Always praying and always believing in you. "Sweetie" you are not and never will you be a failure. The enemy is just trying to freeze your faith in God. However, it will always be alive and quick and ready to perform what you need to do. Don't give up. For God surely as not given up on you.

If you are able to join us, that's wonderful. However if not, remember that while you are sleeping, the angels of the Lord are watching over you and you are covered in God's unfailing love and with our prayers of love and support.

Sweetie, you will not fail, nor will God fail you. Not ever.
Shimmie... :love2:
I am will be staying up to call in tonight. Please add a couple prayers for me onto the list.

That every stumbling block set up by the enemy will be removed from my path.
That the strength and wisdom that God has put in me will prevail during these trying times of my life.
That every generational curse, soul tie, habit, hobby, and hang up will be removed from my life immediately! I've got so many things that God has given me to do and I feel so weighted in some areas of my life.

Thank you ladies.
Thanks for the tag Shimmie. This is good stuff. This thread is a reminder that I need to do better in terms of spending more time with Christ. I need prayer for direction in terms of my career. I'm thinking about making a dramatic change and possibly relocating to the east coast. Guidance and open doors would be appreciated.
I will be calling in again tonight and I'm asking you ladies to please pray for continue positive progress in my children and my life. Also, imrpove my S/O relationship with our children and myslef.
Daniel 9:18 "O my God, listen to me and hear my request. Open your eyes and see our wretchedness. See how your city lies in ruins--for everyone knows that it is yours. We do not ask because we deserve help, but because you are so merciful.
Thanks for the tag Shimmie. This is good stuff. This thread is a reminder that I need to do better in terms of spending more time with Christ. I need prayer for direction in terms of my career. I'm thinking about making a dramatic change and possibly relocating to the east coast. Guidance and open doors would be appreciated.

:wave: Hi Muse. You are most welcome for the 'tag', sweet lady.

I thank God for you and for your life. I thank Him also that He has an open door for you that no man can shut, neither can any man open to take away the blessings nor the Destiny fulfilled that God has for you. Wherever you go, God is leading and directing you. Your 'heart' and your ears will hear God saying, 'This the way, therefore walk ye in it. Whether you turn to the left or to the right."

MuseofTroy... You need not make this choice alone.

For You... God's Promise:

Isaiah 30:21

And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk you in it, when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Please pray that my child would be preserved from all EVIL and delivered from the powers of darkness and anger. I need prayer for peace.
Aww.. I missed this post...

CONGRATULATIONS, Dr. Sosa! How wonderful is this...

Update: I PASSED MY EXAM!!!!:drunk: I have a PhD now :grin:.

Thanks for your prayers ladies :grouphug3:. God has blessed me indeed:yep:...He is an AWESOME God!!!!

Please keep believing with me for Part 2 of my original request.

God bless you all!!!! :blowkiss:

I'll try to tune in later :yep:
Thanks for the thread tag Shimmie.

Yesterday, I realized how much negativity has taken over my mind over the past few years. Most of the negativity comes from my father. Growing up under him all these years has negativity affected my outlook on a lot of things. I have unnecessary doubts and fears that I would love to quash. Even my faith has been affected because of this.

Last night, I was looking at a few LOA threads about positive affirmations. I used to be totally against LOA some years back, but after listening to a few of those Joseph Murphy videos on youtube about "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind", I would like to apply the positivity aspect to my life. I want to think and feel more positive.

So please pray that I be a more positive thinker and that I can control my reactions to negative situations. Pray that I gain more faith and belief in God. I want joy and peace of mind. I want my mind to be flooded with nothing but positivity. Cast away all negative thoughts, doubts and fears, hurts and pains that haunt me from time to time.

Please pray for my family, boyfriend, and friends for they are all going through things. My sister needs a job. My mother needs happiness in her marriage. My brother wants a better job and to move out of my parents house. Pray that my father starts being more open minded and less negative and less forceful. Pray for deliverance from the troubles of this world for my boyfriend and friends.

I am just thankful for the strength God has provided for me to get through all the situations I have gone through over the years.
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Thanks for the thread tag Shimmie.

Yesterday, I realized how much negativity has taken over my mind over the past few years. Most of the negativity comes from my father. Growing up under him all these years has negativity affected my outlook on a lot of things. I have unnecessary doubts and fears that I would love to quash. Even my faith has been affected because of this.

Last night, I was looking at a few LOA threads about positive affirmations. I used to be totally against LOA some years back, but after listening to a few of those Joseph Murphy videos on youtube about "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind", I would like to apply the positivity aspect to my life. I want to think and feel more positive.

So please pray that I be a more positive thinker and that I can control my reactions to negative situations. Pray that I gain more faith and belief in God. I want joy and peace of mind. I want my mind to be flooded with nothing but positivity. Cast away all negative thoughts, doubts and fears, hurts and pains that haunt me from time to time.

Please pray for my family, boyfriend, and friends for they are all going through things. My sister needs a job. My mother needs happiness in her marriage. My brother wants a better job and to move out of my parents house. Pray that my father starts being more open minded and less negative and less forceful. Pray for deliverance from the troubles of this world for my boyfriend and friends.

I am just thankful for the strength God has provided for me to get through all the situations I have gone through over the years.


It's going to be okay... God is perfecting all that concerns you and He is also doing a new thing in your life.

I hope that you are able to dial in tonight, even if only to listen and be ministered to. If not, we will still have you covered with love and prayers.

Hi Shimmie and ladies, I too will be joining in tonight. My prayer request is for my 17 yr old ds who is graduating this year, but has no real direction as to where he wants to go next. I have been encouraging him to go to the Air Force because I feel he needs the structure, discipline, travel opportunities and the career options that the military offers. He is being very disrespectful, and giving alot of attitude when I broach this subject with him. Praying for Direction for his next move.
Hi Ladies Shimmie

Could you please add me to the prayer list?

I have the following things which I need help with
  1. I am struggling to give up smoking; I know it is totally wrong and at odds with what God wants for my life
  2. I have a difficult situation at work, I am not enjoying my job at this time and need Gods blessing on my work assignments
  3. I am having difficulty with an employee on my team and may have to discipline someone tomorrow. I know they are going through a terrible time and I'd rather help them than discipline them but it is out of my hands at present.
  4. Please pray for my a close friend of mine who I think may have an eating disorder
  5. Please pray for my development as a Christian - I love the Lord, but feel really weak at the moment. I feel as if God has been carrying me like I'm a baby for too long (I'm so weak), I want to mature in my faith, but I'm still holding onto things like the cigarette smoking and I want deliverance. Every time I get stressed instead of going to God I reach for a smoke.

I know these are late requests - I will be dialling in from the UK on my cell phone so won't stay on too long due to the expense of the call. Ladies it's my birthday today, thanks be to God for another year :yep:, but I want to see some progress in my Christian life next year. I feel like His coming is near and I'm just not ready and that frightens me.

I thank God for whoever started this thread - I was MEANT to find this today.
Let me get my last minute request in

1.That I am able to keep my job.It's not very comfy there and I'm trying to stay optimistic that I can be effective there but the place really messes with me mentally.I can't have a mental break over $16.00hr job.

2.I have been having alot of chest pains and no health insurance.I don't want to die but it would be freeing.

3.I pray that the calling or purpose if you will comes through for my life soon.I hate feeling as though Im spinning my wheels but I know all experiences can be built upon one another and therefore used in other situations.

4.I pray my brother will be able to find peace and be able to open to me to help me.

I pray my car doesn't give out its making a horrid noise but I know I can't afford another..
Ladies...i have been trying to get on with you for the last 20 minutes but a recording would come on and say I need a calling card to make the call....ughhh. This happened last week when I tried too but it said something different that time. Sorry, ladies.

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Thanks for the thread tag Shimmie.

Yesterday, I realized how much negativity has taken over my mind over the past few years. Most of the negativity comes from my father. Growing up under him all these years has negativity affected my outlook on a lot of things. I have unnecessary doubts and fears that I would love to quash. Even my faith has been affected because of this.

Last night, I was looking at a few LOA threads about positive affirmations. I used to be totally against LOA some years back, but after listening to a few of those Joseph Murphy videos on youtube about "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind", I would like to apply the positivity aspect to my life. I want to think and feel more positive.

So please pray that I be a more positive thinker and that I can control my reactions to negative situations. Pray that I gain more faith and belief in God. I want joy and peace of mind. I want my mind to be flooded with nothing but positivity. Cast away all negative thoughts, doubts and fears, hurts and pains that haunt me from time to time.

Please pray for my family, boyfriend, and friends for they are all going through things. My sister needs a job. My mother needs happiness in her marriage. My brother wants a better job and to move out of my parents house. Pray that my father starts being more open minded and less negative and less forceful. Pray for deliverance from the troubles of this world for my boyfriend and friends.

I am just thankful for the strength God has provided for me to get through all the situations I have gone through over the years.

I read your post and just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers. I have been where you are and I want you to know that with God all things are possible and everything will get better. Like you, I grew up with a mother and father who put negative thoughts in my head. I don't believe they did it to be malicious, I just think that people have a tendency to apply their past experiences to other people. Growing up I was told I would never get my drivers license because I would "cut corners" when I made left hand turns, I wouldn't graduate from high school with my grades and no college would ever accept me. Yet, I got my driver's license on the first try, I did graduate from high school with honors and not only did I get accepted into college, but I got accepted into every college I applied to...and I applied to some pretty good schools. I'm not telling you this to brag, but to tell you that with God ALL things are possible. Part of me grew up thinking the same way as my parents, but there was another part of me deep inside that knew that God had something awesome waiting for me. What helped me was putting ALL my trust in God and surrounding myself with people who had the same faith as I did/do. He removed some people from my life and yes, I spent some time alone, but it was necessary in order for Him to build my faith and for me to know without a shadow of a doubt that God is real, that He will supply my EVERY need and that EVEYRTHING comes from Him and Him alone. All you need is faith the size of a mustard seed. A mustard seed is soooo tiny. I know you have faith the size of a mustard seed. The fact that you reached out and requested prayer shows that you do have faith. Trust and believe. Everything will work out.
I joined the conference at the very last 5 minutes... who was it that was praying around that time (9:55pm)? :grin:

Eastern Standard Time

Praising God for all of His Goodness unto us ... Amen and Amen

Love and more love to each of you. Beyond words, more love. :love3:

Call in Number: 916-233-2999

Access Code: 523054

Important note:

Long Distance Rates may apply depending upon your phone's carrier service.

Ladies...i have been trying to get on with you for the last 20 minutes but a recording would come on and say I need a calling card to make the call....ughhh. This happened last week when I tried too but it said something different that time. Sorry, ladies.

Sent from my SCH-R720 using SCH-R720

Sis, I'll get this fixed for you... :love2: