Prayer Line Schedule: Updates Are Posted Here

@ sunnysmyler I'm so happy that William is better. :yay:

:kiss: Thank you so much Shimmie, you are truly a Awesome Woman of God! I so felt the presence of GOD in your words as you were sharing with us regarding the youth/ young ppl of today! I was the one that kept on saying "Amen, yes Amen" :yep: I had to fight to keep myself from going into a shout :lachen:

There is such an anointing on you, from knowing just the right words to share with someone to the comforting tone of your voice. God is all up in you Lady and it's evident because you are such a light on this "Hair Board", :lol:, and I appreciate you!!!:blowkiss::bighug::blowkiss::bighug:

I gave Prince William one big ole kiss, special delivery from his Auntie Shimmie :hug2::heart:

He's well on his way to feeling much better and ate about 6 chicken wings and a big slice of pizza to confirm it! :wiggle:

1st pic, the family at Alex's 16th b-day dinner
2nd pic, William the Vehement Protector Super Hero :lol:
3rd pic, William with one of his favorite Superhero's with the phony "cheese" smile.

Ohhhhhh Prince William is soooooo cute and handsome. I'm really in love now. :love3: :lol:

sunnysmyler, I just woke up from a nap :sleep2: (:lol:) (Ummm, Pssst, please don't tell TraciChanel and Health&hair28 :sekret: ).

Sometime between 7:30 and 8:00 p.m. I fell asleep on my 'Chaise Lounge' (yes I'm UE :look:) , yet still praying :pray: for Prince William. I knelt before God still asking and thanking God for your baby's healing. God is something else, He obviously has special plans indeed for 'Prince William'.

:wave: Hi Prince William. I love you and you are indeed healed and your leg is going to feel much better handsome man. Soon you'll be able to run and play and have fun again.

You are such a big boy and I am so proud of you. You knew what to tell 'Mommie' and she took care of it, because she loves you so much. You will always be your Mommie's sweetheart and you will grow up big and strong and be a mighty warrior, a Vehement Protector for the Lord.

Still praying for you... for you little man. God has planted you into my heart and that makes me very happy. :yep:

Love always, 'Auntie Shimmie'
. :love2:
@ sunnysmyler I'm so happy that William is better. :yay:


:amen: Elnahna, :amen: I thank God for you and your powerful testimony. When you shared that you couldn't 'remember' the Words of Psalm 23 and the Name of Jesus... Immediately it was obvious that it was satan's intention to stop your words from giving God glory, yet in YOUR SPIRIT, where the Holy Spirit reside and abides, the very presence of God who never left you, nor did He forsake was alive and well within you.

Your 'Spirit' knows God. Your Spirit is so intuned and one with God that you knew where to go and there you went once discharged from the hospital, you went straight to retrieve your Bible where the words of God have always come to life within your heart. The Word of God cannot leave you, for it has ''become' you deep within and it cannot be aborted.

Elnahna, you are literally Psalm 1, verses 1-3 and verse 6. You are a pure and living example of ...

And he [she] shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalm 1:3

Precious Elnahna, your leaf shall not wither and all that you do shall prosper...

Your Precious Son, is verse one... :kiss:

In Jesus Name, Amen :giveheart:
Mrs. S - I was looking through the threads this morning and I wondered how you and your mom were doing! Thanks for the update and I praise God that you have a clean bill of health and that your mom is doing better. :amen:

On another note, I am so sorry for you and your FH's loss. :bighug: God bless you both as well as your families.

Thank you! If it wasn't for your prayers I may not be here typing this. Although the loss of FH's uncle is painful, it also feels good to know that he will suffer no more.

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I'm thankful for what God is doing with the prayer line. God is moving. I was praying this morning asking God to continue to use the prayer line for His glory. We are not in this by chance. It was ordained by God. :yep:
I have an online/phone family now. Even though we are miles apart, we are impacting one another for the glory of God.


Shimmie, I so glad you are getting your rest. :lol:
I love how God is using you. God is using your life and experiences to minister to His people and the fact that you love Him. I am glad that God has connected us.

Please pray for my co-worker Georgina she is having surgery on Monday to remove a cancerous tumor on her brain.

Thank you

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Please pray for my co-worker Georgina she is having surgery on Monday to remove a cancerous tumor on her brain.

Thank you

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Please give us an update on Georgina. She is definitely in our hearts and prayers.

Thanks mst1908. :love2:
Will do. Her surgery was this morning but I haven't heard anything yet. Thanks for your prayers!

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I want to request prayer for myself that I will continue to have favor in my practice. God has blessed me because the wonderful seeds my parents sowed so many years ago paved the way for me to be well received by the judges and other lawyers in the area where I practice.

I'd also like to ask for prayer for a friend who really wants to be blessed with a loving relationship but continues to be involved with men who drain her and use her.

Finally I have a prayer request for a young man whose new kidney seems to be rejecting. He's been having problems with it for a few weeks.

Thanks ladies.

The little 5 year old girl that I posted with the rare and aggressive cancer, tests have come back negative. The cancer is no longer there. :yay:
Her father is so thankful for all who prayed for His daugther.

God is so good to us. Praise His Holy Name!!

Prayer Request:

-Pray for safe travel for my husband.

- Pray for my neighbor's baby. The baby has to have surgery in the area of his soft spot.

- Pray for me. God has opened a door for me to lead a bible study with some wonderful ladies and I want God to have His way in our studies.

Please keep in your prayers my nephew who is struggling with being a child in a man's body, also agree with me in prayer that he is accepted to the military school he wants to attend. He wants to be successful in life and he doesn't believe when I tell him that he already is, in Christ. That is where true success is! Please pray he comes to this knowledge and understanding.
Don't know why this news teared me up but I'm so happy for the parents and for this blessed child. :clap:

Five is God's number for Grace, and little brother Benjamin came to mind when I read this. When he and his brothers were reunited w/ Joseph, and how Joseph made sure Benjamin got five times as much as the other brothers. God's favor is beyond what we can imagine. Glory to God....!


The little 5 year old girl that I posted with the rare and aggressive cancer, tests have come back negative. The cancer is no longer there. :yay:
Her father is so thankful for all who prayed for His daugther.

God is so good to us. Praise His Holy Name!!
Look at that... this really is a blessing! :yep: Amein~

I want to request prayer for myself that I will continue to have favor in my practice. God has blessed me because the wonderful seeds my parents sowed so many years ago paved the way for me to be well received by the judges and other lawyers in the area where I practice.
I want to request prayer for myself that I will continue to have favor in my practice. God has blessed me because the wonderful seeds my parents sowed so many years ago paved the way for me to be well received by the judges and other lawyers in the area where I practice.

I'd also like to ask for prayer for a friend who really wants to be blessed with a loving relationship but continues to be involved with men who drain her and use her.

Finally I have a prayer request for a young man whose new kidney seems to be rejecting. He's been having problems with it for a few weeks.

Thanks ladies.

Precious nathansgirl1908, you have a gift, unique and unpatterned which no one can 'copy'. It is in this respect that 'Your gift' shall make room for you, it shall place you before important men', they will see the 'difference' in you which is God given and uncompromised. You will also be rewarded for all of your hard comtributions earnestly.

Nathansgirl, you have something that the 'others' around you do not have. You have Jesus as your Counselor and in every situation that 'present's its self, Jesus is right there speaking to you heart, speaking... 'choose this, not that, speak now, speak not, move still... and wait until I move this for you.

All of this to say, you have favour without end.

For your dear friend who has yet to allow true love to find her, I ask and praise our Lord to remove each of her hurts and insecurities and to strengthen her spirit to receive love when God brings the right man into her life to 'find her'.

Your precious friend with the kidney challenges. Father I ask you to cover this dear child of yours with your healing presence and that he receives the healing that was paid in full for him, in Jesus' name. Father I thank you for easing the pain and that you will renew his organs, whole again, bring back his energies, heal and protect him from all manners of infections, viruses, harmful bacteria. Protect him from further 'rejections' of the new kidney, please allow him to accept his healed body as you have surely accepted him as your beloved.

In Jesus' name. Amen and Amen.

nathansgirl1908, we will continue to pray during tonights call in and beyond that as well. Each of our prayers are perpetual, they bare no expiration.

Love and blessings to you, "Lady Counselor" . :love2:
i will be available tonight. my request is that for God to guide me and to help me to surrender to know His will
Precious nathansgirl1908, you have a gift, unique and unpatterned which no one can 'copy'. It is in this respect that 'Your gift' shall make room for you, it shall place you before important men', they will see the 'difference' in you which is God given and uncompromised. You will also be rewarded for all of your hard comtributions earnestly.

Nathansgirl, you have something that the 'others' around you do not have. You have Jesus as your Counselor and in every situation that 'present's its self, Jesus is right there speaking to you heart, speaking... 'choose this, not that, speak now, speak not, move still... and wait until I move this for you.

All of this to say, you have favour without end.

For your dear friend who has yet to allow true love to find her, I ask and praise our Lord to remove each of her hurts and insecurities and to strengthen her spirit to receive love when God brings the right man into her life to 'find her'.

Your precious friend with the kidney challenges. Father I ask you to cover this dear child of yours with your healing presence and that he receives the healing that was paid in full for him, in Jesus' name. Father I thank you for easing the pain and that you will renew his organs, whole again, bring back his energies, heal and protect him from all manners of infections, viruses, harmful bacteria. Protect him from further 'rejections' of the new kidney, please allow him to accept his healed body as you have surely accepted him as your beloved.

In Jesus' name. Amen and Amen.

nathansgirl1908, we will continue to pray during tonights call in and beyond that as well. Each of our prayers are perpetual, they bare no expiration.

Love and blessings to you, "Lady Counselor" . :love2:

Thanks so much, Shimmie. :yep: As always your words bring comfort. Love and blessings to you as well. :rosebud::rosebud::love2:
Good afternoon ladies:

I have a couple of prayer request that are heavy on my heart:

1. My financial - I pray that a way will be made to get ends to meet each month. That I have enough to meet everyone of my needs. It is so stressful each month to worry about wish bill to pay and how all of them are going to be paid

2. I know that God is restoring my family. I just ask that all obstucles be removed and that all that Gods has in strong be manfriest for me, my son and his father. I know that God is doing a good thing in our lives. I need directions as to NOT messing up what God has planned.

Thank you
Urgent Prayer Request:

My good friend's grandaugther was just rushed to the hospital. She is 3 years old and is having seizures back to back. She has had 3 so far. Please lift this baby up in prayer. Her name is Shania.

Urgent Prayer Request:

My good friend's grandaugther was just rushed to the hospital. She is 3 years old and is having seizures back to back. She has had 3 so far. Please lift this baby up in prayer. Her name is Shania.


Father in Jesus' Name, we life up Shania to you for your intervention to heal and protect her. Father thank you for 'calming' the seizures, calm the fears in her little heart and in the hearts of her parents and family. Calm the doctors to follow your lead and not their own.

Father, come to the rescue and set this baby girl free from danger and death. Let her live and be a child of joy and a glorious testimony unto you.

Father thank you. You are honoured in this situation and we allow you to take care and be exactly who you are, God the Healer and Protector.

In Jesus Name, to you be all the glory and honour, Amen and Amen.
Good afternoon ladies:

I have a couple of prayer request that are heavy on my heart:

1. My financial - I pray that a way will be made to get ends to meet each month. That I have enough to meet everyone of my needs. It is so stressful each month to worry about wish bill to pay and how all of them are going to be paid

2. I know that God is restoring my family. I just ask that all obstucles be removed and that all that Gods has in strong be manfriest for me, my son and his father. I know that God is doing a good thing in our lives. I need directions as to NOT messing up what God has planned.

Thank you

:kiss: Babygirl, you won't mess up and in every area where financial help is needed, God is there. He is even there to give you favour ... much favour with things that money can't buy.

We will continue to pray for you tonight. :giveheart:
I LOVE praise reports!! Praise God that this sweet baby girl has a clean bill of health!!!! Thank You, Father...:clapping: :amen: :clapping:


The little 5 year old girl that I posted with the rare and aggressive cancer, tests have come back negative. The cancer is no longer there. :yay:
Her father is so thankful for all who prayed for His daugther.

God is so good to us. Praise His Holy Name!!

Prayer Request:

-Pray for safe travel for my husband.

- Pray for my neighbor's baby. The baby has to have surgery in the area of his soft spot.

- Pray for me. God has opened a door for me to lead a bible study with some wonderful ladies and I want God to have His way in our studies.

Hi Ladies,
Please pray in agreement with me for the following:

1. Today is my mom’s birthday! Please pray in agreement with me in thanking God for another year of life for her and I pray that He will continue to bless her and keep her safe and healthy. :amen: I thank God for blessing me with her in my life.

2. Please pray in agreement with me that our Heavenly Father will give me and my sister the wisdom to excel on our final exams next week.

3. Prayer for a classmate (Carol) who is an older lady working full-time and in medical school full-time. She has to work to support herself, but as a result, her grades are suffering. She is in danger of being removed from the program. BUT…God is greater.

4. Please pray in agreement with me that our Heavenly Father will soon materialize the vision He has put in my spirit. I want it so bad, and I don’t understand why it’s taking so long. I find myself growing weary and I’m trying very hard not to tire out. But, I’m getting exhausted. Please pray that He will give me strength as well while I’m waiting.

Thanks, Ladies. I’m looking forward to praying with you all tonight. :grouphug:
Hi Ladies,
Please pray in agreement with me for the following:

1. Today is my mom’s birthday! Please pray in agreement with me in thanking God for another year of life for her and I pray that He will continue to bless her and keep her safe and healthy. :amen: I thank God for blessing me with her in my life.

2. Please pray in agreement with me that our Heavenly Father will give me and my sister the wisdom to excel on our final exams next week.

3. Prayer for a classmate (Carol) who is an older lady working full-time and in medical school full-time. She has to work to support herself, but as a result, her grades are suffering. She is in danger of being removed from the program. BUT…God is greater.

4. Please pray in agreement with me that our Heavenly Father will soon materialize the vision He has put in my spirit. I want it so bad, and I don’t understand why it’s taking so long. I find myself growing weary and I’m trying very hard not to tire out. But, I’m getting exhausted. Please pray that He will give me strength as well while I’m waiting.

Thanks, Ladies. I’m looking forward to praying with you all tonight. :grouphug:

Preparing the prayers for this, in Jesus' Name... :pray:
Hi Ladies,
Please pray in agreement with me for the following:

4. Please pray in agreement with me that our Heavenly Father will soon materialize the vision He has put in my spirit. I want it so bad, and I don’t understand why it’s taking so long. I find myself growing weary and I’m trying very hard not to tire out. But, I’m getting exhausted. Please pray that He will give me strength as well while I’m waiting.

Thanks, Ladies. I’m looking forward to praying with you all tonight. :grouphug:
I am standing in agreement for all of your requests but I had to share this with you immediately (couldn't hold it 'til tonight) b/c this is where I am in some areas right now. Last week this was what God revealed through his word.
Rom 15:5-
5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had,
God is a God of comfort and patience! He wants to give those things to you and me while we are waiting. Hang in there sis, hang in there! He has already worked it out for our good.:yep:

Thank you so much for sharing that scripture. I really appreciate it :yep:
I am standing in agreement for all of your requests but I had to share this with you immediately (couldn't hold it 'til tonight) b/c this is where I am in some areas right now. Last week this was what God revealed through his word.
Rom 15:5-
5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had,
God is a God of comfort and patience! He wants to give those things to you and me while we are waiting. Hang in there sis, hang in there! He has already worked it out for our good.:yep:
Pray that I can loose my weight and realize my health and fitness goals.

Pray for my nephews that they will be healthy and well adjusted kids.

Pray that my oldest nephew becomes able to talk and have a conversation with others. Just like any regular kids his age.

Pray that everyone in this forum reaches their hair lenght goals.

Pray for all the single ladies in this forum who wish to find a man and marry.

Pray that the man of my dream meets me and I have wonderful and healthy kids.

Pray that the man of my dreams and I remain happy married for life.

Pray that I obtain 3 excellent reference and get accepted at Harvard business school .

Pray for all the ladies in this forum who are looking for a job. Pray they get one.

Pray that I'm able to change my home phone so that can get a part time job from home.

Pray that I can pay my income tax and pray that I can have 6000$ by January 2012.

Pray that I get a permanent deal where I am currently working.Pray that my status changes to permanent at my current job.

Pray that I obtain 2 loyal, trustful male friends that will encourage me in my goal and in my journey.