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Our 'Secret' Hair Growth Herb... :sekret:

Saw Palmetto

Preventing and Managing Hair Loss

Intriguing research suggests that supplementation with saw palmetto may prove useful in preventing and managing hair loss.

It has been estimated that there are between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on the human scalp. On average, between 50 and 150 hairs may be lost each day. Baldness occurs when this hair loss occurs at an abnormally high rate or when hair replacement occurs at an abnormally slow rate. About 95% of all cases of hair loss are the result of androgenic alopecia, or male pattern hair loss.

Biochemically, one contributing factor to this disorder is the conversion of testosterone to DHT via the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme.7,16,17 Accordingly, agents that block the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme are attracting attention as treatments for androgenic alopecia.

Finasteride, marketed under the brand names Propecia® and Proscar®, is an FDA-approved treatment for men with androgenic alopecia. Clinical studies in balding men have demonstrated that finasteride reduces scalp DHT levels and improves hair growth, confirming DHT’s role in the pathophysiology of androgenic alopecia.17 Studies have shown that both finasteride and saw palmetto are effective inhibitors of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme.2-6,9,17 However, researchers have also discovered that finasteride is associated with a greater risk of erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory disorders, and decreased libido.18 Thus, many men are seeking effective solutions for hair loss that are free of these side effects.

One study sought to examine saw palmetto’s effects in treating androgenic alopecia. The study followed 19 healthy men, aged 23-64, with mild-to-moderate androgenic alopecia. The men were given either 200 mg of saw palmetto and 50 mg of beta-sitosterol twice a day or a matching placebo for an average of 4.6 months.

Overall hair assessment was determined using a standardized scale. The patients were asked to evaluate any changes with respect to their current satisfaction with their hair.

Assessments were performed at baseline and at the study’s completion.

Sixty percent of the study subjects were rated as improved at the final visit.

7 Larger, gender-specific clinical trials are needed to further elucidate these promising initial findings.

For over 200 years, saw palmetto has been used to prevent and improve the symptoms associated with benign prostatic hypertrophy in men.1 Growing evidence indicates that supplementing with saw palmetto may also positively modulate the complex system of hormone metabolism in men and women alike.

Saw palmetto’s effects on hormone metabolism may have important implications for hormone restoration programs as well as for supporting healthy hair growth and preventing hair loss.

Saw palmetto has no known drug interactions, and reported side effects are minor and rare.5,12,19,20 However, some health care practitioners have noted that high doses of saw palmetto may lead to a loss of libido in both men and women. 21 Life Extension suggests a daily dose of 160 mg of saw palmetto for women and 160-320 mg for men.


Ladies, as I shared last night, this is what I use, the 'dropper' bottle.

I add a few drops to either olive, coconut, argan or emu oil and apply to my scalp as a 'leave in'.


You can also add a few drops to a cup of warm tea. It's natural and it really works. :yep:

Love and blessings to each of you. :blowkiss:

Update to Post: Saturday, February 11, 2012

I have omitted the use of Neem oil and any type of Ayurveda oils due to nature of it's manufacturing of the products. I cannot take the position of encouraging anyone to use these products.

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Prayer Warriors:
  • Please remember to keep the family of Stacey English lifted as they come to terms with the reality of her death. I don't know this family but followed the case and I pray for their comfort through the Holy Spirit.
  • Please also agree with me in prayer for my nephew who is hospitalized because he refuses to take his meds; pray for healing for the young man he hit in the eye that caused so much damage they had to operate on his eye. God is the all knowing, all-seeing God!
  • My mom is seeking the right Words in preparation for her speaking engagement to a Catholic congregation on Sunday. Please pray that her message is pure opinions, no biases and that her message won't fall on deaf ears.
  • Also remember all the families in ALABAMA affected by last week's deadly tornadoes. Pray for restoration and healing. Thank you
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Just wanted to say thank you for your prayers. God gave me strength to make it through despite the surgery lasting 6 hours (they estimated 3 hours originally ). I just wanted to give praise and honor to my God. I'll continue to pray for others in this thread.
Just wanted to say thank you for your prayers. God gave me strength to make it through despite the surgery lasting 6 hours (they estimated 3 hours originally ). I just wanted to give praise and honor to my God. I'll continue to pray for others in this thread.

So happy that you came through. God was making sure that they performed their jobs right. He's taking care of you, His precious daughter. :love2:
Shimmie are you feeling better?

Shimmie, I pray you are doing well today. :Rose:

Thank you :kiss:

I've been feeling a little 'quezy' lately. Folks in my office have been coming in 'sick' with colds :cry4: and stomache bugs and Lord only knows what else.

They've been warned to stay away from me and to stay out of the office kitchen where I make my tea. :bat: or else. :fistshake:

I haven't been eating much, I've lost about 5 lbs, but that won't hurt, I have plenty of Shimmie on me. :giggle:

I'm still ready for Prayer tonight. :yep: :pray: :yep: :love3:

Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the LORD opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind.

The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land.

--– Exodus 14:21

Remember the saying, "God makes a 'Way' out of No Way"

Here it is. Right there at the Red Sea. God made a sure way out of no way. They had no boats, no rafts, no ships, no rowboats, no yachts, not even a life jacket to keep them afloat.

So God just 'removed' the obstacle, He removed the waters from out of their way, until every single one of them made it across the Red Sea. Now that was a whole lot of water.

Whenever we ask God for guidance, His direction, His wisdom, at the very moment that we ask, God begins to work. He begins to work on creating a path for us to journey upon, He begins it just for us.

We ask and we go about our day, still wondering how/when/where? We ask, and then we go to bed, wondering how / when will we ever get there?

Yet while we are sleeping, God is working all through the night turning our Red Seas, into dry land for us to walk upon; God makes .... He literally creates a path for us.

Tonight, as you are sleeping, if you think you hear wind and water moving outside of your window.

Hey... It really is... just that. God is opening up your Red Sea.

That sound that you hear .... God is working through the night...

He's made a way out of no way... Just like He always does. Just for you

I am so sorry I missed tonight's prayer...I had plans to be on and then when I came home from work, I had something in the mail regarding my taxes and had to take care of that online....that took 45 minutes.

I have to amend my return because the bank decides to send something late and I just did my return the other day...ughhhhh!

Anyway, God is good...all the time!
Sis...this message is so for me tonight!!!! Hallelujah!!! Thank you so much for sharing this message the Lord put on your heart! I am encouraged!!


Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the LORD opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind.

The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land.

--– Exodus 14:21

Remember the saying, "God makes a 'Way' out of No Way"

Here it is. Right there at the Red Sea. God made a sure way out of no way. They had no boats, no rafts, no ships, no rowboats, no yachts, not even a life jacket to keep them afloat.

So God just 'removed' the obstacle, He removed the waters from out of their way, until every single one of them made it across the Red Sea. Now that was a whole lot of water.

Whenever we ask God for guidance, His direction, His wisdom, at the very moment that we ask, God begins to work. He begins to work on creating a path for us to journey upon, He begins it just for us.

We ask and we go about our day, still wondering how/when/where? We ask, and then we go to bed, wondering how / when will we ever get there?

Yet while we are sleeping, God is working all through the night turning our Red Seas, into dry land for us to walk upon; God makes .... He literally creates a path for us.

Tonight, as you are sleeping, if you think you hear wind and water moving outside of your window.

Hey... It really is... just that. God is opening up your Red Sea.

That sound that you hear .... God is working through the night...

He's made a way out of no way... Just like He always does. Just for you

Sis...this message is so for me tonight!!!! Hallelujah!!! Thank you so much for sharing this message the Lord put on your heart! I am encouraged!!


Praise God, Sis. God is so awesome. Who da' thought this would come from Exodus. But then Exodus is ideal for it means to move out from the 'old' place and move onto the new path that God is preparing even while we are sleeping.

When you wake up hearing that wind, it's because God is moving. God is moving that Red Sea and opening a new path, a new way out of no way, where it seemed to be a path could never be open.


The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land.

Praise Jesus forever and ever.... Amen. Thank you Lord, thank you so much.

Why sit we here, tll we die... :nono: God always has a 'way' of escape for each of us... :yep: :yep: :yep:
Praise God, Sis. God is so awesome. Who da' thought this would come from Exodus. But then Exodus is ideal for it means to move out from the 'old' place and move onto the new path that God is preparing even while we are sleeping.

When you wake up hearing that wind, it's because God is moving. God is moving that Red Sea and opening a new path, a new way out of no way, where it seemed to be a path could never be open.


The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land.

Praise Jesus forever and ever.... Amen. Thank you Lord, thank you so much.

Why sit we here, tll we die... :nono: God always has a 'way' of escape for each of us... :yep: :yep: :yep:
Amen....keep speaking sis...I'm listening!

Please keep me lifted in prayer. I received a letter from my attorney today. The court dismissed my appeal. :crying3: :crying3: :crying3: The court stated my attorney didn't sign something and that made it filed outside of the time limit. My attorney says he did sign it. :perplexed

He is willing to appeal to the supreme court if I want him to do so. However, I've been dealing with this for years and I'm just beyond tired and I don't know how long I can hold on.

Please keep me lifted in prayer. I received a letter from my attorney today. The court dismissed my appeal. :crying3: :crying3: :crying3: The court stated my attorney didn't sign something and that made it filed outside of the time limit. My attorney says he did sign it. :perplexed

He is willing to appeal to the supreme court if I want him to do so. However, I've been dealing with this for years and I'm just beyond tired and I don't know how long I can hold on.


In Jesus' Name, Father we just worship you for being who you are in our lives, especially in the life and in the heart of it_comes_naturally...

Father she's our sister and even more she is your darling daughter. No matter what circumstance or situation in this life that may arise, you are there for her and not against her. Father when 'men' say no, it simply does not matter. For you have the ultimate 'yes' in every area of our lives. What appears to be a defeat is in reality a true victory for you continue to redeem us from the sins of others in this world.

In this court issue, and in every area of her life, please give our precious sister the peace that she needs to either let go and let it flow, or to stand firm and fight again. Only you know what is best in this situation. Whatever you lead her to do, she is not defeated; no matter how unfairly it may seem that she has been still have total victory and vindication for her.

Father it appears that this judge made a decision based upon a 'technicality', not based upon the truth of the issue, but simply upon a technicality. A lot of 'disjustice' has occurred due to that one issue 'technicality'. Father we ask that you reverse the decision in favour of our sister. If you are leading her to continue with this matter, we ask that you reverse the judges decision, override what he has proclaimed and let it be in her favour.

We do not have the answers and we don't always know the ways of 'system', however you do and it is unto you that we release this issue, allowing you to lead and guide all involved to flow with you, for with you, all things 'just come naturally'.

Father we thank you for hearing our prayers and for attending to our hearts. For you alone are God in every situation in our lives. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
This is such a powerful Word .. *speechless* ... I'm glad you're doing well !:yep:

Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the LORD opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind.

The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land.

--– Exodus 14:21

Remember the saying, "God makes a 'Way' out of No Way"

Here it is. Right there at the Red Sea. God made a sure way out of no way. They had no boats, no rafts, no ships, no rowboats, no yachts, not even a life jacket to keep them afloat.

So God just 'removed' the obstacle, He removed the waters from out of their way, until every single one of them made it across the Red Sea. Now that was a whole lot of water.

Whenever we ask God for guidance, His direction, His wisdom, at the very moment that we ask, God begins to work. He begins to work on creating a path for us to journey upon, He begins it just for us.

We ask and we go about our day, still wondering how/when/where? We ask, and then we go to bed, wondering how / when will we ever get there?

Yet while we are sleeping, God is working all through the night turning our Red Seas, into dry land for us to walk upon; God makes .... He literally creates a path for us.

Tonight, as you are sleeping, if you think you hear wind and water moving outside of your window.

Hey... It really is... just that. God is opening up your Red Sea.

That sound that you hear .... God is working through the night...

He's made a way out of no way... Just like He always does. Just for you

Amen....keep speaking sis...I'm listening!

Praise God...

I'm thinking of when God put Adam to 'Sleep' :sleep:

And when he woke up... God answered his prayer with a beautiful wife.

Bone of his bone; flesh of his flesh. :love2:

While Adam was sleeping, God was creating what Adam needed.

When we pray, God answers while we are sleeping for it is then that we are out of His way, allowing Him to do His perfect work, perfecting us in our faith to believe Him when we cry.

We no longer have to doubt, we pray and then just rest in faith. We go to sleep and allow God to do His mastership of creating all that we've asked for in Jesus' Name. Amen.
This is such a powerful Word .. *speechless* ... I'm glad you're doing well !:yep:

Thanks Laela Rose :love2: As long as I'm talking, I'm good. :lachen:

We can read a scripture hundreds of times and it will still have an impact in our spirits.

Who doesn't know the story of Moses and the Red Sea? :lol:

Yet God has a Word within His Word to bless us no matter how many times we've read the same verses over and over and over.

God's Word is more definitely alive, quick and sharper than a two edged sword.
Hi Ladies/Prayer Warriors. I heard on the radio today that a 13-month old baby boy was beaten into a coma by his father. Please join me in prayer for this innocent baby. Thank you ladies.

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Hi Ladies/Prayer Warriors. I heard on the radio today that a 13-month old baby boy was beaten into a coma by his father. Please join me in prayer for this innocent baby. Thank you ladies.

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Lord Jesus !

Oh Father, in the name of Jesus... literally from the very crown of this baby's head, his entire cranial and cerebral system, his precious little body, please heal him and restore him and protect him from further harm. Free him from the pain of the injuries, embrace him and comfort him, keep him safe in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen...
Shimmie said:
Lord Jesus !

Oh Father, in the name of Jesus... literally from the very crown of this baby's head, his entire cranial and cerebral system, his precious little body, please heal him and restore him and protect him from further harm. Free him from the pain of the injuries, embrace him and comfort him, keep him safe in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen...

Amen. Thank you, Shimmie.

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:cry2::cry2: I missed it. Ladies, please pray for me. I have been allowing myself to get caught up in a lot of distractions.
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Please remember in prayer this young woman, Lidiane Carmo (far right), who was seriously injured and lost her entire family in the wreck in Gainesville, FL early Sunday. Her father was the church's pastor...immigrants from Brazil. They won't deport her..she's been through enough. Please keep lifted up, all those other families who lost their loved ones in that nasty wreck.

:cry2::cry2: I missed it. Ladies, please pray for me. I have been allowing myself to get caught up in a lot of distractions.

I missed it too. I need to look out for the next one.

Shimmie please post the scriptures that you shared tonight - thank you!

Surely.... We will pray with you. Elnahna :bighug: and diadall :bighug:

Iwanthealthyhair67... 'Surely' I will post the scriptures from Tuesday night's prayer.

Exodus 13:19

Surely, God will take notice of you...

Psalm 23:6

Surely, Goodness and Mercy shall follow you all the days of your life.

Then you confirmed with this from Psalm 91:3

Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

Praise God who is most definitely 'Surely' to us. Praise and Bless His name.

Surely.... Amen and Amen.
Please remember in prayer this young woman, Lidiane Carmo (far right), who was seriously injured and lost her entire family in the wreck in Gainesville, FL early Sunday. Her father was the church's pastor...immigrants from Brazil. They won't deport her..she's been through enough. Please keep lifted up, all those other families who lost their loved ones in that nasty wreck.


Such a beautiful family. We will definitely pray for her. :yep:
Ladies thank you so much for joining us in Prayer tonight. This is what God has called us to do, and we find much joy in joining our hearts with one another. :love2:

From Tonight's Prayer...

Health&hair shared:

Psalm 46

1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
3 Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.

4 There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.
5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.
6 The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. 7 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.
8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth.
9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire.
10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.


The Lord gave one word for each of you...


God is giving you rest from your 'enemies'..... :yep:


Therefore it shall be, when the LORD thy God hath given thee REST from all thine enemies round about

1 KINGS 5:4

But now the LORD my God hath given me REST on every side, so that there is neither adversary nor evil occurrent. ..

1 KINGS 8:56

Blessed be the LORD, that hath given REST unto his people Israel, according to all that he promised: there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant.

RUTH 1:9

The LORD grant you that ye may find REST, each of you in the house of her husband. ..

Thank you Dear Heavenly Father for giving each of us, 'your rest'.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen...
Shimmie said:
Ladies thank you so much for joining us in Prayer tonight. This is what God has called us to do, and we find much joy in joining our hearts with one another. :love2:

From Tonight's Prayer...

Health&hair shared:

Psalm 46

1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
3 Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.

4 There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.
5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.
6 The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. 7 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.
8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth.
9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire.
10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.


The Lord gave one word for each of you...

God is giving you rest from your 'enemies'..... :yep:


Therefore it shall be, when the LORD thy God hath given thee REST from all thine enemies round about

1 KINGS 5:4

But now the LORD my God hath given me REST on every side, so that there is neither adversary nor evil occurrent. ..

1 KINGS 8:56

Blessed be the LORD, that hath given REST unto his people Israel, according to all that he promised: there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant.

RUTH 1:9

The LORD grant you that ye may find REST, each of you in the house of her husband. ..

Thank you Dear Heavenly Father for giving each of us, 'your rest'.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen...

:amen: :amen:

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