Prayer Line Schedule: Updates Are Posted Here

Whoever prayed for me, thank you for that powerful prayer! Wow. I hope that this week goes well for you ladies. I'll be tuning in again on Thursday.
Whoever prayed for me, thank you for that powerful prayer! Wow. I hope that this week goes well for you ladies. I'll be tuning in again on Thursday.

It was Health&hair28 and TraciChanel two powerful prayer warriors. They take each prayer request to heart and prepare for prayer ahead of time.

Looking forward to 'seeing' you on Thursday evening at 10:00 p.m. :Rose:
For Thursday Night's Prayer Celebration:

Scripture to Soothe the Heart...

"When my life had almost gone,

I remembered the Lord.
I prayed to you, and you heard my prayers in your Holy Temple.

"People who worship useless idols give up their loyalty to you.
But I will praise and thank you while I give sacrifices to you,
and I will keep my promises to you.

Salvation comes from the Lord!"

Jonah 2:7-9 NCV

Loved Ones... It's not over...

Even Jonah, when he was in the very pit of the belly of the Whale...recognized that there was another direction for him...

He too, had God's North and South...
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I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.

Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.

This is good and pleases God our Savior, for he wants everyone to be saved and understand the truth.

– 1 Timothy 2:1-3
Last night was awesome ladies!!! As always it was great to tune in and hear your voices.

Thanks for that powerful prayer you prayed last night for my dad.



I'm so glad you were able to call in. Praying for you and your Dad is an honour. And with your permission, I have 'adopted' him as my Dad. :blush3:

The prayers continue even beyond the calls and requests.

Love and hugs to you, Precious 'NG' and please keep us posted. Give Dad a HUGE hug from his new daughter :love3: and from the rest of our Prayer Team.

I'm so glad you were able to call in. Praying for you and your Dad is an honour. And with your permission, I have 'adopted' him as my Dad. :blush3:

The prayers continue even beyond the calls and requests.

Love and hugs to you, Precious 'NG' and please keep us posted. Give Dad a HUGE hug from his new daughter :love3: and from the rest of our Prayer Team.


Aww Shimmie (my new "sis" lol). That's so sweet. I will be sure to tell him today when I stop by there after work. :love3:

That will make him smile.
Please pray that I receive spiritual guidance/direction and that financially DH and I will continue to meet our family's needs with extra money left over to increase our savings account. Thanks

He shall dwell on high:
his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks:
bread shall be given him;
his waters shall be sure.

Isaiah 33:16

God's promise of provision for you is 'Sure'. Your prayers and dreams will not wither and die. God is watering them anew with 'Sure Waters'.
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Hello ladies - sorry I haven't participated in the thread since New Year. I've had real trouble with the new internet connection - it's very temperamental. I hope to be back on the calls next week Tuesday, God willing. (The first 8 days of each month is bad for me as it's month end so I work long and hard and I need all the sleep I can get, so waking up at 3am to join is just too much for me. I wish I could join but I already sleep very little, any less and I start to feel crazy, lol!)

Thank God for bringing me through 2011 with my smile still intact despite the ups and downs :grin: I love God for that, He is the keeper of my sanity and my smile - when I think of that I just have to praise Him.

Just to let you know I haven't stopped praying for you or thinking about you and to wish you a happy and blessed 2012.
Hello Ladies,

This is my first time posting here. I will be joining the calls this coming week. I ask for prayer for my husband. I pray that he accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Hello Ladies,

This is my first time posting here. I will be joining the calls this coming week. I ask for prayer for my husband. I pray that he accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.


:welcome3: Indeed the prayers begin right now. :yep:
Hey all! I am in bed by this time as I have to get up at 4 AM. I get home from work about 6 and go to bed at 9 PM. Keep in prayer. I desire Favor. I had an interview for a job closer to home. I have had a desire to work for this company for years. I am believing God for this job. Please stand with me.
Hello ladies - sorry I haven't participated in the thread since New Year. I've had real trouble with the new internet connection - it's very temperamental. I hope to be back on the calls next week Tuesday, God willing. (The first 8 days of each month is bad for me as it's month end so I work long and hard and I need all the sleep I can get, so waking up at 3am to join is just too much for me. I wish I could join but I already sleep very little, any less and I start to feel crazy, lol!)

Thank God for bringing me through 2011 with my smile still intact despite the ups and downs :grin: I love God for that, He is the keeper of my sanity and my smile - when I think of that I just have to praise Him.

Just to let you know I haven't stopped praying for you or thinking about you and to wish you a happy and blessed 2012.

Continue to get your rest, sweetheart; for while you are sleeping, you are surrounded by the love of God and the loving prayers of your sisters here at LHCF...

Much love :love2: to you...
Hey all! I am in bed by this time as I have to get up at 4 AM. I get home from work about 6 and go to bed at 9 PM. Keep in prayer. I desire Favor. I had an interview for a job closer to home. I have had a desire to work for this company for years. I am believing God for this job. Please stand with me.

:wave: Hi Zeal, indeed we will keep you in prayer. Thanking God for much favour for you in all and every area of your heart and life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Love to Mom and family. Praying all is well with Mom and sisters. :love3:
ladies I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it on Tuesday or not but, I do want you to remember me in prayer, there is something that I would like to do job related in the next few weeks and need the favour of God ...I will reveal more at a later date
ebsalita glad so see you back on the board...I've been thinking about you and totally forgot about the 5 hour time difference... what a sacrifice you make, the Lord will honour you for it...
Ladies/Prayer Warriors,
Please pray in agreement with me that the Holy Spirit will be over this forum (Christian forum), and that anyone who visits can be uplifted, ministered and witnessed to in a loving manner (John 13:35). Pray for harmony, respect and love between each other regardless of denomination, or view points, etc. Pray that the Holy Spirit will govern our behavior, and our “speech”, and our words so that no one will be stumbled and that we in NO WAY misrepresent our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Let God’s glory shine through. Also pray that we would all see each other as God sees us; because God loves us before we love Him or come to know Him.

1 John 4:19, 20 (NLT): “We love each other because he loved us first. If someone says, “I love God,” but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar; for if we don’t love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see? “ :amen:
I will be listening in on the call tomorrow evening. I am asking special prayer on for all of my sisters under attack at work. Whether it is burn out, critical superiors, gossipy/hateful co-workers, stress/anxiety, whatever it is that God will provide grace and favor-that the works of their hands our blessed, they are blessed when they come in, blessed when they go out, that they will approach their work with new energy and vigor, that there will be increase and promotions, and that we will behave in such a way that we will draw people to Christ.
:Rose: Prayer Updates :Rose:

You are free to PM your prayer requests to us for Privacy.

Your name will not be mentioned on the Prayer Line only the 'areas' of concern.

Please feel free to PM the Prayer Team members:




God answers prayer; He loves you just that much and more.

God bless you... :love2:
Happy New Year's Ladies,

I pray the Lord blesses us all throughout this year abundantly! I won't be able to make the call tomorrow night. My church is in consecration so I'll be in the Lords house but please keep me n my daughter in prayer.
Happy New Year! I just wanted to ask you how is your co-worker doing? Any updates?

TraciChanel- Happy New Year, My co-worker Georgina is doing AWESOME praise God I actually spoke with her on last week and Georgina said she is getting stronger every day. She actually told me that she has been working from home a few hours a day. Since I work in Human Resources she just wanted to give me an update on her status. Recap: My co-worker Georgina had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor on her brain. All is can say is Glory be to God!!! Thank you TraciChanel for checking up on Georgina. I told Georgina that my "prayer family" was praying for her and she said Thanks.
Dearest Ones for Whom I Pray...

Let nothing move you...let nothing take your place. You own what God has given's yours for always... :love3:

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 (NIV)
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The prayer line was so good this evening! As always :yep:

Thanks to everyone on the line tonight. Lissa0821, I'm so glad you joined us tonight!

We had a real 'Sister Party' :woot: :happydance: :reddancer:

We love you

joy2day ( You are such a beautiful sister :love5: )

@Saasha08 (Happy Birthday to Dad :love2: )

Iwanthealthyhair67 (Precious and loved our sister and prayer warrior)

Lissa0821 (Have a wonderful lunch date tomorrow :love3: )

And to those who called in to listen ... We love you too. :bighug:
:heart2::heart2::heart2::2inlove::2inlove:You guys are AWESOME. Just absolutely awesome women of God. Shimmie, you gave me a good laugh!
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