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:amen: :amen:

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Traci thank you for being such an inspiration for other young women to follow. Think about it. In this world full of sin, you are a shining light showing women that they do not have to be in sin to win.

All they need is Jesus...

Ladies thank you so much for joining us in Prayer tonight. This is what God has called us to do, and we find much joy in joining our hearts with one another. :love2:

From Tonight's Prayer...

Health&hair shared:

Psalm 46

1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
3 Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.

4 There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.
5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.
6 The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. 7 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.
8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth.
9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire.
10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.


The Lord gave one word for each of you...


God is giving you rest from your 'enemies'..... :yep:


Therefore it shall be, when the LORD thy God hath given thee REST from all thine enemies round about

1 KINGS 5:4

But now the LORD my God hath given me REST on every side, so that there is neither adversary nor evil occurrent. ..

1 KINGS 8:56

Blessed be the LORD, that hath given REST unto his people Israel, according to all that he promised: there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant.

RUTH 1:9

The LORD grant you that ye may find REST, each of you in the house of her husband. ..

Thank you Dear Heavenly Father for giving each of us, 'your rest'.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen...

Thank you Ms. Shimmie for posting the scriptures from last night's prayer line. This is such an "on time" word and just what I needed to hear. Glory be to God!!!

Good morning all! I wanted to let you know that Jabez is feeling much better and is back at home. Thank you so much for your prayers! :kiss:
Good morning all! I wanted to let you know that Jabez is feeling much better and is back at home. Thank you so much for your prayers! :kiss:

Ohhhhh :yay:

Lord, you blessed him, INDEED!

Please give Jabez a :bighug: from all of us. We love him... :love3:
Thank you Ms. Shimmie for posting the scriptures from last night's prayer line. This is such an "on time" word and just what I needed to hear. Glory be to God!!!


God bless you, Darlin'.

Know what?

We have the very same name. My middle name is 'Maria'. :yep:
Wow just now finding this thread! I pray in agreement with all that has been asked for.

I ask for prayer to find the right job that's suitable for me at this time. I know that it will come. But my thinking has not been in line with my believing,if that makes sense. I feel like my faith is under attack,because I know God will provide but I get this feeling of hopelessness from time to time. And it makes me so very sad. Some days I just curl up in my bed and put the covers over my head.

God has blessed me beyond expectations these last two years! And I'm truly grateful and appreciative. My wonderful husband has held the house hold down with out uttering one complaint or making one off mark comment. While I attended school(haven't worked in over 2 years now) I finished school last Aug and have been looking for a LPN position. I really just want to be able to take some of the financial burden off his shoulders. He looks so beat when he comes home!
See that's why you're so SPECIAL and such a LOVING person because ALL 'Maria's' are!!! :)

God Bless,

Hey... High five to all 'Maria's' and our other sisters too. :lol:

The love comes from all of us as sisters. :love3: Love can't work alone.

I wish above all things that you are blessed beyond words with the love of your heart's desire. I truly mean this. :yep:
Lola28 I had to stop and comment on your post, just because even in your feeling of hopeless, your post gives me hope ... it is a blessing to read of your marriage and how blessed the relationship between you and your husband is! How beautiful it is that you as a wife, want to carry some of the burden for your husband. You see that he is tired, but he never complains, always the provider ... My God that is so beautiful to me, primarily because it reminds me so much of the relationship that my folks had. Do you know how many women out here would have run that man in the ground, not ever wanting to be a support to him, just because they could? You are truly a helpmeet. Be encouraged Sis, God is going to honor you as a Proverbs 31 woman, don't let the devil get you twisted!

I know that the ladies will lift you up in prayer for your desire to find the right employment for you. I will definitely keep you in my prayers too.:yep:

Wow just now finding this thread! I pray in agreement with all that has been asked for.

I ask for prayer to find the right job that's suitable for me at this time. I know that it will come. But my thinking has not been in line with my believing,if that makes sense. I feel like my faith is under attack,because I know God will provide but I get this feeling of hopelessness from time to time. And it makes me so very sad. Some days I just curl up in my bed and put the covers over my head.

God has blessed me beyond expectations these last two years! And I'm truly grateful and appreciative. My wonderful husband has held the house hold down with out uttering one complaint or making one off mark comment. While I attended school(haven't worked in over 2 years now) I finished school last Aug and have been looking for a LPN position. I really just want to be able to take some of the financial burden off his shoulders. He looks so beat when he comes home!
Awesome testimony... You're blessed with a wonderful hubby! God being our Provider, is therefore also our employer... (I tend to look at it this way when feeling helpless or hopeless.) Keeping you lifted up during those emotions as you wait.


Wow just now finding this thread! I pray in agreement with all that has been asked for.

I ask for prayer to find the right job that's suitable for me at this time. I know that it will come. But my thinking has not been in line with my believing,if that makes sense. I feel like my faith is under attack,because I know God will provide but I get this feeling of hopelessness from time to time. And it makes me so very sad. Some days I just curl up in my bed and put the covers over my head.

God has blessed me beyond expectations these last two years! And I'm truly grateful and appreciative. My wonderful husband has held the house hold down with out uttering one complaint or making one off mark comment. While I attended school(haven't worked in over 2 years now) I finished school last Aug and have been looking for a LPN position. I really just want to be able to take some of the financial burden off his shoulders. He looks so beat when he comes home!
Wow just now finding this thread! I pray in agreement with all that has been asked for.

I ask for prayer to find the right job that's suitable for me at this time. I know that it will come. But my thinking has not been in line with my believing,if that makes sense. I feel like my faith is under attack,because I know God will provide but I get this feeling of hopelessness from time to time. And it makes me so very sad. Some days I just curl up in my bed and put the covers over my head.

God has blessed me beyond expectations these last two years! And I'm truly grateful and appreciative. My wonderful husband has held the house hold down with out uttering one complaint or making one off mark comment. While I attended school(haven't worked in over 2 years now) I finished school last Aug and have been looking for a LPN position. I really just want to be able to take some of the financial burden off his shoulders. He looks so beat when he comes home!

Your hubbie loves you and I have to just stand up and applaud him for being the man that he is... taking care of his wife and home... especially even while feeling beat and tired.

:clap: :love3: :clap: :clap: :love3: :clap: :clap:


And look at you. You didn't settle for just any ole man, just to have a man. You 'waited' until God blessed you with the righteous man of God.

Whatever happens in this life, you will never be without the presence of God to lead and guide you and to protect both of you. God loves marriage and He loves to protect marriages. Why else did He say, "Whom He [God] hath joined together, let no man put assunder."

The blessings will come; the pressure will ease off of the two of you and your husband will be able to 'Rest' in God and with you along his side from whence you came (Adam's rib).

You are hubbie's bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. God is most certainly giving you His best.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
what a blessing to read your post, the Lord will provide a job for you soon enough ...If you haven't done so already thank God for the man the Lord has blessed you with, then tell him all that you are thinking and feeling letting him know how much you appreciate him and his support during the past two years ...It's a new season God has something great in store for you...

Wow just now finding this thread! I pray in agreement with all that has been asked for.

I ask for prayer to find the right job that's suitable for me at this time. I know that it will come. But my thinking has not been in line with my believing,if that makes sense. I feel like my faith is under attack,because I know God will provide but I get this feeling of hopelessness from time to time. And it makes me so very sad. Some days I just curl up in my bed and put the covers over my head.

God has blessed me beyond expectations these last two years! And I'm truly grateful and appreciative. My wonderful husband has held the house hold down with out uttering one complaint or making one off mark comment. While I attended school(haven't worked in over 2 years now) I finished school last Aug and have been looking for a LPN position. I really just want to be able to take some of the financial burden off his shoulders. He looks so beat when he comes home!
@joy2day I have tears in my eyes sitting here typing this!I really and truly appreciate the time you took out your day to acknowledge and respond to my post. May God give you peace and answer your prayers!

@Laela I truly thank you for standing in agreement with me. God Bless you my sister and may your prayers be answered as well!

@Shimmie You truly warm my heart every time I read one of your post! So for you to respond to one mine, and one that is asking for a prayer is a blessing in itself! May God continue to bless you.

Yes I thank God daily for my husband and family. I prayed for patience over a period of time and I feel this is my test and situation to exhibit it in. I also keep reminding myself God moves on his time and not mine! I just been feeling under attack for the last week. Like just breaking down and crying. I thank you ladies so much, you have no idea how much this means to me!
^^^I knew you were going to say you had tears, oh my, love please ... girl, I will be boohooing all over this desk! Sincerely from my heart, your post really moved me. You and your husband are an example of Godly marriage and I thank God for you today.
what a blessing to read your post, the Lord will provide a job for you soon enough ...If you haven't done so already thank God for the man the Lord has blessed you with, then tell him all that you are thinking and feeling letting him know how much you appreciate him and his support during the past two years ...It's a new season God has something great in store for you...

I do tell him, and it goes a little to the left. Because he feels that I shouldn't worry as much as I do about the financials. But I can't help it, I'm a worry wart. I know that if I was gainfully employed in my field, he wouldn't have to work as long and hard as he does. I joke with him and say when I finish and get my RN next year, that he's going to be kept man! He says that's not necessary and to just take him on a really nice and relaxing vacation lol
Hey... High five to all 'Maria's' and our other sisters too. :lol:

The love comes from all of us as sisters. :love3: Love can't work alone.

I wish above all things that you are blessed beyond words with the love of your heart's desire. I truly mean this. :yep:

AMEN to that!

I want you to know that prayer changes things. I have put my request here for you ladies to pray about my receiving employment. I just lost my online job and had NO INCOME!

God told me in January that I will be contacted by a company. I was and went on several interviews. I KNEW I had the job, but it hadn't manifested yet.

Well went back last week for ANOTHER INTERVIEW. I was told on the SPOT face to face by the manager "I want you. I don't want anyone else." I was floored.....FAVOR from GOD!

I've been trying to surpass a certain yearly salary amount. Going into this job, I already met the minimum amount, he offered me MORE than the minimum.


Thank you Jesus!!! No I'm off to tell family.

I want you to know that prayer changes things. I have put my request here for you ladies to pray about my receiving employment. I just lost my online job and had NO INCOME!

God told me in January that I will be contacted by a company. I was and went on several interviews. I KNEW I had the job, but it hadn't manifested yet.

Well went back last week for ANOTHER INTERVIEW. I was told on the SPOT face to face by the manager "I want you. I don't want anyone else." I was floored.....FAVOR from GOD!

I've been trying to surpass a certain yearly salary amount. Going into this job, I already met the minimum amount, he offered me MORE than the minimum.


Thank you Jesus!!! No I'm off to tell family.

So happy for you, Little one... so, so very happy. :congrats:

Praise God ! :notworthy:
we @Shimmie @TraciChanel will remember you in prayer tomorrow night that the Lord will bless you with a good job and will continue to bless your marriage.

I do tell him, and it goes a little to the left. Because he feels that I shouldn't worry as much as I do about the financials. But I can't help it, I'm a worry wart. I know that if I was gainfully employed in my field, he wouldn't have to work as long and hard as he does. I joke with him and say when I finish and get my RN next year, that he's going to be kept man! He says that's not necessary and to just take him on a really nice and relaxing vacation lol
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(Posted in Testimony Thread, too :grin:)

So, I had to take a break between my classes to congratulate you MarriageMaterial!!! I just thank God for hearing ALL of our prayers!! And everything you mentioned (favor, more money than you asked for, etc.) is EXACTLY what we all prayed in agreement for. I have tears of joy for you...I am SOOO happy for you.

God is GOOD :yep: :amen: and :amen:
To God be all the glory, great things He has done with all the praise reports up in here. Thank You Jesus!

Thank you ladies for all your encouraging praise reports. Keep on sharing them.

I myself is praying for my own building to work from, excellent employees and funds to build my own home. Please pray and believe with me that these come to pass this year. Thanks a million.
Thanks ladies, it most appreciated now to even be thought of. As well as tomorrow's request on my husband's and my behalf(hugs)

This has just put the biggest smile on my face!
To God be all the glory, great things He has done with all the praise reports up in here. Thank You Jesus!

Thank you ladies for all your encouraging praise reports. Keep on sharing them.

I myself is praying for my own building to work from, excellent employees and funds to build my own home. Please pray and believe with me that these come to pass this year. Thanks a million.

Aggie.... :wave: How are you? :bighug:

We will definitely hold you up in prayer tomorrow night.

Your curls are beautiful... :yep:
Thanks ladies, it most appreciated now to even be thought of. As well as tomorrow's request on my husband's and my behalf(hugs)

This has just put the biggest smile on my face!

You've placed smiles upon our hearts as well. :yep:

I want you to know that prayer changes things. I have put my request here for you ladies to pray about my receiving employment. I just lost my online job and had NO INCOME!

God told me in January that I will be contacted by a company. I was and went on several interviews. I KNEW I had the job, but it hadn't manifested yet.

Well went back last week for ANOTHER INTERVIEW. I was told on the SPOT face to face by the manager "I want you. I don't want anyone else." I was floored.....FAVOR from GOD!

I've been trying to surpass a certain yearly salary amount. Going into this job, I already met the minimum amount, he offered me MORE than the minimum.


Thank you Jesus!!! No I'm off to tell family.

Look at God!! So glad to hear this praise report.

I want you to know that prayer changes things. I have put my request here for you ladies to pray about my receiving employment. I just lost my online job and had NO INCOME!

God told me in January that I will be contacted by a company. I was and went on several interviews. I KNEW I had the job, but it hadn't manifested yet.

Well went back last week for ANOTHER INTERVIEW. I was told on the SPOT face to face by the manager "I want you. I don't want anyone else." I was floored.....FAVOR from GOD!

I've been trying to surpass a certain yearly salary amount. Going into this job, I already met the minimum amount, he offered me MORE than the minimum.


Thank you Jesus!!! No I'm off to tell family.

CONGRATULATIONS and Glory be to God!!!!! See that’s what I’m talking about an ‘Ephesians 3:20’ BLESSING & indeed that was Divine FAVOR!!!!! I’m so happy for you!!!!

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.
~ Ephesians 3:20

I reaaalllly don't want to offend anyone with this prayer request, but I just have to ask anyway:

Can we please pray against this spirit of homosexuality that seems to be heavily on the rise? I mean it's getting to the point where even people that I know are Christian are being duped into thinking that the only focus should be equality. Maybe they are right and I'm wrong, but either way I feel like this spirit is really running rampant.

I will understand however if you all don't want to touch this one. :lol: