Prayer Line Schedule: Updates Are Posted Here

For those being troubled, harrassed, bullied, annoyed, pestered, agitated....

From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

Galatians 6:17

Did anyone just read the first two words of this scripture.... ?

God said.....

From Henceforth....

Ummmm, from this moment on... LET NO MAN trouble me, for I bear in my body, the marks of the Lord Jesus.

You've already endured the persecution that comes from the enemy satan who was mad when you chose Jesus over him. You've been picked on long enough. Family and friends, calling you out; not supporting your life in Christ, making you out to be an outcast... dragging you through the mud of false slander and ridicule..

We won't talk about the co-workers who side eye you for reading your Bible during YOUR lunch break... and then some.

Nevertheless, it all stops here...

From Henceforth... let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

In Jesus' Name, Amen...

Sweet sleep everyone :sleep2: You've paid your dues.

In Jesus' name AMEN!!!!
MarriageMaterial, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. Here's a scripture I read the other day in Isaiah chapter 43:2, 13 (NLT):

"When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you...From eternity to eternity I am God. No one can snatch anyone out of my hand. No one can undo what I have done."

Marriagematerial, I know in my heart God is with you through all of this. He will see you through. We will keep you lifted up in prayer for sure. :bighug:
Sending you a PM too...
I missed the call; but thank you ladies for praying for this young woman and her family... this 'friend' of hers sounds suspect and when I first heard the news I asked God to protect her wherever she is. what I love about her parents when I saw their interview was that they seemed to be in such peace and confident about finding her.

Such a beautiful young woman.. .


Hi Ladies/prayer warriors,
Please pray for Stacy English in Atlanta. She's been missing since 12/26. Her car was found today, but still no trace of her. Please pray for her family as well. I look forward to the prayer line tonight. God bless...
I missed the call; but thank you ladies for praying for this young woman and her family... this 'friend' of hers sounds suspect and when I first heard the news I asked God to protect her wherever she is. what I love about her parents when I saw their interview was that they seemed to be in such peace and confident about finding her.

Such a beautiful young woman.. .


There is no 'mystery' in God who knows all things.

Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you for bringing the answers swiftly and peacefully; revealing the answers of where this precious girl is. Father God, she who was once lost is now found and only you get the honour and the glory and the praise, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
I enjoyed listening in on the call (as always). I am meditating on 2 John but I missed the chapter for the passage in Proverbs that was also read last night. Can anyone share it? Thanks!!
I enjoyed listening in on the call (as always). I am meditating on 2 John but I missed the chapter for the passage in Proverbs that was also read last night. Can anyone share it? Thanks!!

Sure Darlin' :grouphug2:

Prov 18:17

”The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward & questions him” See both sides before u agree r disagree.

Sometimes when we've prayed, standing upon God's Word, believing for answered prayer, we may 'hear' a discouraging voice that says, it's not going to occur because 'so and so' or such and such. And because of the delay the 'voice' sounds like the truth.

But what does God's Word have to say about it? God is the other voice who says that He will answer our prayers in spite of the circumstances or other 'voices' that say no.

Before deciding compare the two for the truth.

I can remember how my family chided and harrassed me because I was tithing. There were financial challenges all around me yet I still tithed. The harrassment was the first voice and it seemed 'right'.

However, the voice of God spoke and continued to confirm His promises to me. The second voice.

I stayed with God and He never failed me.

Our faith will many times not seem plausible nor make sense, however the Word doesn't have to make sense, all we have to do is trust and obey what God says. He never pulls out of the fight we're enduring. God always proves us strong.
:kiss: Thank you, Shimmie! I appreciate it!!

It was such a good word and I know that it can help many. Sometimes, a thought or voice may sound "logical" or "reasonable" but we must always refer to God and His word as the ultimate and final measure of what is true and what is false. A lot of things sound good and seem to "make sense" until you start comparing them to the Word. I've also encountered the opposite-where God is telling you something and you don't think it is Him because to a human it sounds irrational, illogical; again, measure it against His Word.

I am definitely going to take this scripture to heart and meditate on it.
:kiss: Thank you, Shimmie! I appreciate it!!

It was such a good word and I know that it can help many. Sometimes, a thought or voice may sound "logical" or "reasonable" but we must always refer to God and His word as the ultimate and final measure of what is true and what is false. A lot of things sound good and seem to "make sense" until you start comparing them to the Word. I've also encountered the opposite-where God is telling you something and you don't think it is Him because to a human it sounds irrational, illogical; again, measure it against His Word.

I am definitely going to take this scripture to heart and meditate on it.

:amen: Sashaa08 ...

Now you know God was 'reminding' me of this same lesson big time... :yep: :blush3:
I will be tuning in on Tuesday. I am praying for:

- Spiritual growth and to be a better person.
- My mom to find a better job this year.
- That God helps me figure out the next step in my life academically and professionally.
- Close lasting friendships
- Peace with myself and happiness.
I will be tuning in on Tuesday. I am praying for:

- Spiritual growth and to be a better person.
- My mom to find a better job this year.
- That God helps me figure out the next step in my life academically and professionally.
- Close lasting friendships
- Peace with myself and happiness.

ellebelle88 ...

Looking forward to having you join us. :yep: Your prayers will definitely be lifted up. :love2:

What kind of work does your mom have a gift for? What does she want to do? What kind of job will make her happy and look forward to?
ellebelle88 ...

Looking forward to having you join us. :yep: Your prayers will definitely be lifted up. :love2:

What kind of work does your mom have a gift for? What does she want to do? What kind of job will make her happy and look forward to?

Thank you Shimmie. I'm looking forward to it as well. My mom just got her Masters +30 in counseling. She wants to work in the public schools as a guidance counselor but very few school districts are hiring, especially counselors. And those who are retired, are coming back TARYing (I think that's what its called) which is when retired people continue to work within the school district receiving their same pay.
Thank you Shimmie. I'm looking forward to it as well. My mom just got her Masters +30 in counseling. She wants to work in the public schools as a guidance counselor but very few school districts are hiring, especially counselors. And those who are retired, are coming back TARYing (I think that's what its called) which is when retired people continue to work within the school district receiving their same pay.

Okay, now we have more information for 'directly' addressing her job requests.

Thanks Love. "See" you tomorrow night. Also remember that you are always free to add (or edit) your prayer requests. :yep:
Scripture for Tomorrow's Prayer Celebration...

The skies and the earth belong to you.
You made the world and everything in it.

You created the north and the south.

Your arm has great power.
Your hand is strong; your right hand is lifted up.
Your kingdom is built on what is right and fair.
Love and truth are in all you do.

Just meditate on this whenever you can... Make notes on what God is speaking to your heart. It's saying volumes.

The Word is from Psalm 89 ...
Hi Ladies,
I would like to pray in thanksgiving for my Nana who turns 86 tomorrow! She is the best grandma in the WORLD. :yep: I would like to pray that God will continue to bless her with longevity - I love her soooo much. Btw, a lady at my church celebrated her 103rd b-day this past Sunday. Wow... Looking forward to tonight ladies...

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Hi Ladies,
I would like to pray in thanksgiving for my Nana who turns 86 tomorrow! She is the best grandma in the WORLD. :yep: I would like to pray that God will continue to bless her with longevity - I love her soooo much. Btw, a lady at my church celebrated her 103rd b-day this past Sunday. Wow... Looking forward to tonight ladies...

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Wow! 86 and counting. "Happy Loving Birthday" to 'Nana'. :love5: :love3:

My Auntie is 102 and has more energy than I do... :lol: Her memory is sharp and she is just as 'fiesty' as ever and all for the Lord.

Praise God for longevity and the love of His grace and mercies over us.

Thank you, Shimmie! God bless your auntie. What a blessing to live to that age - with ALL your mental faculties intact :yep:

Wow! 86 and counting. "Happy Loving Birthday" to 'Nana'. :love5: :love3:

My Auntie is 102 and has more energy than I do... :lol: Her memory is sharp and she is just as 'fiesty' as ever and all for the Lord.

Praise God for longevity and the love of His grace and mercies over us.

Hi ladies,

Looking forward to the call tonight ...

I would like to lift up two dear friends that are currently unemployed,

Serena and Marc. Both have been unemployed for well over a year.

I would also like to pray for peace in my neighborhood. On Sunday morning a very young man, 19, was shot and killed in a robbery near my home. The perpetrator wanted this young man's Nike's. It is so dreadfully sad, there are days when I wonder what is going to become of some of our people if they don't turn it around ... Mentality is all screwed up.

See y'all later.
Please pray for the families of Stacey English and Phoenix Coldon

I can only imagine the pain of a missing loved one.
-Pray for a friend who feels like she is in a dry place spiritually and desires to be close to God.

-Pray for church leaders. That they would lead by the Spirit of God and not their flesh. They would lead the people to Christ and not themselves.
Prayer for my dad. He's been sick and miserable since 2002 although he's only been in serious decline since 2009. He misses my mom and hates not being able to get around. He told his hospice nurse that he is ready to die and doesn't understand why it's taking so long. He just kind of sits there staring off into space like he's in pain.

I'll be dialing in tonight.
Prayer for my dad. He's been sick and miserable since 2002 although he's only been in serious decline since 2009. He misses my mom and hates not being able to get around. He told his hospice nurse that he is ready to die and doesn't understand why it's taking so long. He just kind of sits there staring off into space like he's in pain.

I'll be dialing in tonight.

Surrounding your Dad with love... :love2:
Father God, thank you in Jesus' Name

for the Gift of Your


to us.

You have given us a clear direction

The skies and the earth belong to you.
You made the world and everything in it.
You created the north and the south.

Your arm has great power.
Your hand is strong; your right hand is lifted up.
Your kingdom is built on what is right and fair.
Love and truth are in all you do.

Psalm 89:11-13

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Remember the Prodigal Son? Who was lost and then was found? (Luke 16)

The Prodigal Son's father who loved him so, was deeply broken hearted to see him go...

He gave his son the riches of which he asked and unknown to the Son, he gave him something else, miles and miles of love and prayers and the gift of . . .

For his father knew that one day, his son would wake up and find his way back home.

No matter what, we are never lost and never in the dark. We are never going to fall off of the edge, no matter how close it seems. Our Destiny is always sure, in God our Father forevermore.

In Jesus' Name.... Amen.

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With the Lord's GPS, we'll never get lost ...

Thanks for the insight Shimmie.

:amen: Lovely Joy...

God's GPS is "Guaranteed Placement Secured"

We're not just roaming in existance with no where to go.

We each have a Plan, Purpose, Destiny all in God here on earth.