Prayer Line Schedule: Updates Are Posted Here

TraciChanel I am in full agreement with you.

I am also asking for you ladies to pray for me in agreement with the following:

1) Promotion and increase for both me and my husband. We both plan on starting a business next year from our own resources. We want to glorify Him in every way.

2) My 11 year old daughter needs peace. She is so angry and hurt. There is a spirit of rejection and I am constantly battling with it.

3) I plan on studying to become a minister in the area of healing and deliverance. I pray for strength, faith, and perservance as I go through this area in my spiritual walk.

4)I pray for all of us as we go through our daily lives that we remain strong and we form a strong relationship with our Father.
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Eastern Standard Time

Praising God for all of His Goodness unto us ... Amen and Amen

Love and more love to each of you. Beyond words, more love. :love3:

Call in Number: 916-233-2999

Access Code: 523054

Note: Long Distance Rates may apply depending upon your phone's carrier service.


Prayer Requests:

For Anyone and Everyone:

Please feel free to post your prayer requests here in this thread.

ALL Prayer Requests are Welcome

You do not have to be a Christian to ask us to pray for you.

God Loves YOU.

Each request will be respected, embraced and covered in prayer.


Call in Notes:

Please make sure not to have any TVs, Radios or Cell Phones ringing or buzzing in the background. It has an effect on the reception and it is also a distraction.

Please be mindful not to share your personal information; using the same precaution as when posting online. The conference access numbers are posted publicly in this forum which means anyone can dial in anonymously and 'listen'.

Please do not allow this to discourage you from being blessed by our new and most fruitful way of sharing prayers and Jesus Christ Our Lord .
MarriageMaterial, Shimme, Things are a little better. I was not able to make it to the prayer. But Thank you for your prayers. I will keep you updated.
MarriageMaterial, Shimme, Things are a little better. I was not able to make it to the prayer. But Thank you for your prayers. I will keep you updated.

Praying for you and Mom... All is well in Jesus' Name.

Happy Christmas to you and your family. :giveheart:
guys I missed out was traveling on Thursday night to be with the family...

I'm doing the same, traveling to be with my family in Florida. I'll have my laptop with me to keep up with the prayer requests for Tuesday night.

Happy Christmas and Love to you and your family.... :love2:
It was a true blessing to be able to pray with you ladies and speak to you over the phone. Just as I thought, you ladies are such warriors for Christ and it shows in your prayers!

May the Lord continue to do what He has started in you with this Prayer Line and may more people come to know Him because of your faithfulness and loving hearts!

With love, always....

Nice & Wavy, I was truly blessed tonight by your beautiful prayer. It was good to hear your voice and the words in your prayer truly touched me. :yep:

I wish ALL the ladies on this forum a blessed and happy 2012.
It was a true blessing to be able to pray with you ladies and speak to you over the phone. Just as I thought, you ladies are such warriors for Christ and it shows in your prayers!

May the Lord continue to do what He has started in you with this Prayer Line and may more people come to know Him because of your faithfulness and loving hearts!

With love, always....


Thank you so much for the Love you have for God and for all of us here on this forum. There are no words... just love and appreciation.

Your 'Ministry' is rich and filled to overflowing with God's annointing. :love2:

:pray: :pray: :pray:


Eastern Standard Time

Praising God for all of His Goodness unto us ... Amen and Amen

Love and more love to each of you. Beyond words, more love. :love3:

Call in Number: 916-233-2999

Access Code: 523054

Note: Long Distance Rates may apply depending upon your phone's carrier service.


Prayer Requests:

For Anyone and Everyone:

Please feel free to post your prayer requests here in this thread.

ALL Prayer Requests are Welcome

You do not have to be a Christian to ask us to pray for you.

God Loves YOU.

Each request will be respected, embraced and covered in prayer.


Call in Notes:

Please make sure not to have any TVs, Radios or Cell Phones ringing or buzzing in the background. It has an effect on the reception and it is also a distraction.

Please be mindful not to share your personal information; using the same precaution as when posting online. The conference access numbers are posted publicly in this forum which means anyone can dial in anonymously and 'listen'.

Please do not allow this to discourage you from being blessed by our new and most fruitful way of sharing prayers and Jesus Christ Our Lord .

Prayer Schedules:

Please check this thread 'often'. This is where we will post the upcoming prayer dates and times.

Please check post #2 for any special announcements and/or additional information. This post space has been 'reserved' to serve as a place for information and updates as needed.

The date and time of the update can be confirmed by the 'edited by' footnote at the bottom of the post. The date will also be noted in the text of any updated messages.

We are trying our best to adjust the times and dates so that it gives everyone an opportunity to dial in for prayer.

Please do not hesitate to share suggestions for our future sessions and times that you are available. This is 'everyone's Prayer Line.

Love and blessings to all...
Our next 'Prayer Line' is scheduled for:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 9:30 p.m.

However, please continue to post your prayer requests and you are also free to send us a PM. We are still praying for everyone even when we are off of the 'Prayer Line'. The love and prayers never cease.
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@Nice & Wavy, I was truly blessed tonight by your beautiful prayer. It was good to hear your voice and the words in your prayer truly touched me. :yep:

I wish ALL the ladies on this forum a blessed and happy 2012.
TraciChanel, it was so good to hear your voice as well and to hear how God is doing a work in your life was so uplifting and encouraging. I love that you speak those things which be not, as though it already were!!! I pray that the Lord continue to pour out into you, as you share with the women on the forum His word!

Thank you so much for the Love you have for God and for all of us here on this forum. There are no words... just love and appreciation.

Your 'Ministry' is rich and filled to overflowing with God's annointing. :love2:
Shimmie....girl, thank you! Your heart of love pours out in your words and I so appreiate you for all you do for all the women here on the forum. I am so honored to know you and be along side in ministry with you...God is truly knitting hearts together here and He is truly using you to help us along here in this forum!

May the Lord bless you abundantly!!!

I love you, girl! :love3:

Prayers of Total Healing for Alicialynn86 's Mom.

Alicia, we love you and please let mom know that we are praying for her healing with all of our hearts. :grouphug2:
All I ask for as I lay on this e alter is peace,less worry and to be able to feel ok.My boss told me I need to stop rushing and I know he meant on so many levels.I ask that for those babies who are going through with kids are covered.
Is there prayer tonight?

Our next 'Prayer Line' is scheduled for:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 9:30 p.m.

However, please continue to post your prayer requests and you are also free to send us a PM. We are still praying for everyone even when we are off of the 'Prayer Line'. The love and prayers never cease.
Good evening, Ladies -

I need prayer in the following:

Peace of mind and a lightening of my DH's stress load. This has been a year of tremendous ups and downs for him....I like for him to experience a more restful spirit. I pray that he continues to rely on God for guidance in leading our family. He is our covering and I want him to be full of wisdom and joy.

I need His guidance on discovering and developing my purpose. I believe the spirits of depression, frustation, and anger, I have been overcoming recently is related to this lack in my life. I want to live a purposeful and meaningful life.

I have fibroids and have been given medical options for their removal. I'd like to be fully healed of those.

Ladies, thank you! This is such a wonderful, wonderful thing you are doing. God bless you all as you minister to others and receive his anointing on your lives.
Good evening, Ladies -

I need prayer in the following:

Peace of mind and a lightening of my DH's stress load. This has been a year of tremendous ups and downs for him....I like for him to experience a more restful spirit. I pray that he continues to rely on God for guidance in leading our family. He is our covering and I want him to be full of wisdom and joy.

I need His guidance on discovering and developing my purpose. I believe the spirits of depression, frustation, and anger, I have been overcoming recently is related to this lack in my life. I want to live a purposeful and meaningful life.

I have fibroids and have been given medical options for their removal. I'd like to be fully healed of those.

Ladies, thank you! This is such a wonderful, wonderful thing you are doing. God bless you all as you minister to others and receive his anointing on your lives.

lacreolegurl ... :love2:

For your husband ...

Dear Man of God: You are not a failure; you have not failed yourself, you have not failed your wife, you have not failed your business, you have not failed God.

Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works. (Eccl 9:7)

Man of God, none of your work, your hard labour, the sweat of your brow, your sleepless nights, days of worry, have been in vain neither away from God. You can be at peace now, knowing that God is leading and guiding you all the way. The fears and the cares... put it aside and let God guide. As God was with Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, so He is all the more with you.


Your body shall be healed. God always blesses the breasts and the womb with health and healing...

Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, BLESSINGS of the breasts and of the womb:

Genesis 49:25

As for your purpose... fret not for you are living the number one reason that God placed us here on earth. To love the Lord with all thine heart, give Him glory and to honour your husband; to be his "Help Meet", interceding for him and loving him, accepting him as God designed him to be.

Anything more will follow.... :yep:

All I ask for as I lay on this e alter is peace,less worry and to be able to feel ok.My boss told me I need to stop rushing and I know he meant on so many levels.I ask that for those babies who are going through with kids are covered.

Rest, Little One... Just rest. Rest and allow God to bless you with His best.

In Jesus' Name... :love2:
praying that we experience God like we never have before ...that we will see and hear and experience miracles

that we begin to walk in the power and authority that we have

that all strongholds will be loosed and we experience true freedom in Christ

that we will walk the walk and talk the talk

that we will not be ashamed of the Gospel
praying that we experience God like we never have before ...that we will see and hear and experience miracles

that we begin to walk in the power and authority that we have

that all strongholds will be loosed and we experience true freedom in Christ

that we will walk the walk and talk the talk

that we will not be ashamed of the Gospel

Yes!! ^^^This^^^!! I am in FULL agreement :yep:

:amen: and :amen:
praying that we experience God like we never have before ...that we will see and hear and experience miracles

that we begin to walk in the power and authority that we have

that all strongholds will be loosed and we experience true freedom in Christ

that we will walk the walk and talk the talk

that we will not be ashamed of the Gospel

Thank you for this prayer of power and it's the very desire of God's heart for us.
I missed you all last night...still have some prayer requests. Insurance has been reinstated. Thank G-d. However, there are some complications that I hope and pray can be corrected in time for my son. Please pray for us and for our continued faith that He surely supplies all our needs.
I missed you all last night...still have some prayer requests. Insurance has been reinstated. Thank G-d. However, there are some complications that I hope and pray can be corrected in time for my son. Please pray for us and for our continued faith that He surely supplies all our needs.

I thank God for you, Guitar :kiss:

Father God, in the Name of Jesus, thank for healing this precious life , Guitarhero's son. We thank you for making all of the high places low, all of the crooked places straight and for crushing into dust the gates of iron, meaning that you are removing and eliminating all of the blocks and walls hindering the flow of what her family needs.

Bless them and keep them and protect them, shielding them from stress and worry of their cares. Thank you Father for showing yourself strong and present in their lives. In Jesus Name, all honour and power and glory is given unto you.

We love you Lord, with all of our hearts and souls.

^^^Awwww, that was sweet of you. I'm sorry I'm just now seeing it. Thank you so very much.

Still praying for you and your precious family. Your children are so blessed to have you as their mom. Surely, they shall rise up and call you 'blessed.'

Happy New Year, Guitar Angel. :grouphug2:

Thanking God continuously for your son's total healing. :amen:
I know I may or may not be on the line Tuesday but what I need in prayer is accepting things.I find myself now accepting what is suppose to be.I'm fighting alot of things at once that are all spiritual.I find myself in half.Part of me is terrified about the future and not being successful in my own eyes and other is ready to take a bit of a leap on connecting with the world.I can't properly rest which hinders my ability to fight.Things must come together bc I can't go on like this.I find ppl who really don't know me trying to help and it annoys me.No one really knows me bc of my fear of being seen in such a bad light but it may not be that bad by others..I need to be ok so I can help others fully.
I know I may or may not be on the line Tuesday but what I need in prayer is accepting things.I find myself now accepting what is suppose to be.I'm fighting alot of things at once that are all spiritual.I find myself in half.Part of me is terrified about the future and not being successful in my own eyes and other is ready to take a bit of a leap on connecting with the world.I can't properly rest which hinders my ability to fight.Things must come together bc I can't go on like this.I find ppl who really don't know me trying to help and it annoys me.No one really knows me bc of my fear of being seen in such a bad light but it may not be that bad by others..

I need to be ok so I can help others fully.

Baby, you have to be 'okay' for you, not others but for you. AND YOU ARE WORTH IT ! ! !

There's a healing process that has to take place for your well being, alone. Let everything else go and allow God's focus to be on you. :kiss: